Re: auth-allow index

2008-05-09 Thread Sam Sherlock
see admins and properties indexes for both I thought there was a simple way to do this but I guess not =( On May 9, 5:02 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: so that is the beoreFilter of the Admins controller and you have Auth set in your app_controller - post your auth set

Re: Is the documentation at open source?

2008-05-07 Thread Sam Sherlock
If there are docs all over the place then either its needless duplication or merely serves to cloud already existing (or in progress doc) keeping central and support formats of docs that all (of all levels) can contribubte to is better for all concerned I am sure that the docs will expand into

Re: Component with it's own table

2008-05-07 Thread Sam Sherlock
make models that your comp loads via app::import 2008/5/7 Kyle Decot [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I want to make a banner ad component to randomly pick banner ads out of my table. How do I allow the component to use it's own table? Thank you as always for the help.

Re: ARGHH - why is geneateList deprecated

2008-05-07 Thread Sam Sherlock
try hth - S 2008/5/7 MikeK [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Talk about frustrating -- tried moving from 5875 to 6311 code today and was quite frustrated by this. I only have like 50 different calls to generateList across 10 files that

Re: Weird 404 error

2008-05-06 Thread Sam Sherlock
try (an adaption) of this AddType x-mapp-php5 .php IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule /v6$ /v6/ [L] RewriteRule^$/v6/webroot/[L] RewriteRule(.*) /v6/webroot/$1[L] /IfModule the cake app is in this v6 dir hth - S 2008/5/7 Tallbrick [EMAIL

Re: Paginate custom SQL queries

2008-05-05 Thread Sam Sherlock
have you read hth - S 2008/5/5 Louie Miranda [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Greetings, I wanted to paginate my custom SQL queries. Is this possible on Cake 1.2? function search($keywords = null) {

Re: Beginner Question

2008-05-05 Thread Sam Sherlock
try,-last-modified-td15197880.html hth - S 2008/5/5 baal32 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I have a Request model which hasMany DatesTime model (each request has one or more associated dates - its for a scheduling piece of my work's website). When adding or editing

Re: Sessions Weirdness

2008-05-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
have you emptied the files (leaving folders) in the tmp dir? 2008/5/4 MikeK [EMAIL PROTECTED]: We used to have our cake app running in a subdir off our public_html called foo. So all cake paths were We moved the app to the root directory and

Re: newbie cake1.2 and swfupload parameter question

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
what about post_prams of swfupload 2008/4/28 . [EMAIL PROTECTED]: in cake1.2 and swfupload, I want to save a variable passed from the cake controller to the files - upload function. How do I do this? In my default.ctp file, I have this: window.onload = function() { var settings = {

Re: Blog Example in Cake 1.2

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
try $this-BlogPost-read(null, $BlogPostId) in place of $this-BlogPost-read() hth - S 2008/4/28 djspark [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hello, I've decided to take a stab at developing with CakePHP instead of re- inventing the wheel every time I develop a site. So far I've been very impressed with

Re: Blog Example in Cake 1.2

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
also I believe your missing out on some autmagic benefits by using date_created and date_modified 2008/4/28 Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED]: try $this-BlogPost-read(null, $BlogPostId) in place of $this-BlogPost-read() hth - S 2008/4/28 djspark [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hello, I've

Re: Blog Example in Cake 1.2

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
/created-modified-or-updated 2008/4/28 djspark [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Would you suggest these be instead named: modified created ? On Apr 28, 2:43 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: also I believe your missing out on some autmagic benefits by using date_created and date_modified

Re: Blog Example in Cake 1.2

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
problem, where I think CakePHP assumes my PK field is auto increment where that is not the case. Is it possible to have it create a 12 digit random INT and check if it's unique or not before using it as the PK? Guess I'll have to keep reading :-D On Apr 28, 3:04 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL

Re: Blog Example in Cake 1.2

2008-04-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
I am no mysql expert, I most often have index auto increment id fields such as the example from the tutorial CREATE TABLE posts ( id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, title VARCHAR(50), body TEXT, created DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, modified DATETIME

Re: Components, how many is too many?

2008-04-27 Thread Sam Sherlock
you have the option of importing them when you need and keeping generall required (heavily used comps in the controllers) *App::import*('*Component*'.$name) same goes for models etc at least thats as I understand. 2008/4/27 mixersoft [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I am really wrestling with this one

Re: Register page troubles

2008-04-27 Thread Sam Sherlock
have a field called active initially save users with active set to zero only let users with active 1 login when a user signs up (or when they forget password) send them a lik to let them activate account. Forget password word deactivates the account and resets the password, sending a

Re: Register page troubles

2008-04-27 Thread Sam Sherlock
$this-*Auth*-*userScope* = array('*User*.active' = 1); 2008/4/28 Kyle Decot [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thanks for the response. I already have an active field which is set to 0 when the user registers. I was asking how to check this when doing my login.

Re: Share auth?

2008-04-26 Thread Sam Sherlock
check the session for User in your file manager. Thats what I have been planning on when I get round to checking auth in ajaxfilemanager within tiny mce HTH - S 2008/4/26 Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Is there a way to share cakephp auth, with other scripts? im using a 3rd party filemanger and

Re: Share auth?

2008-04-26 Thread Sam Sherlock
if it were possible, perhaps being able to select and insert links to model data and media related to model data. 2008/4/26 Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Hmm yes well i was planning on the same thing.. just the session rendered empty with me with TinyMCE + AFM :( On Apr 26, 7:40 pm, Sam Sherlock

Re: Sharing Codebase

2008-04-25 Thread Sam Sherlock
in bootstrap.php you can add additional paths - each project has its own config settings also with paths to centrall models vendors and controllers defined there hth - S On 25/04/2008, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to get JSON Response with AJAX link

2008-04-25 Thread Sam Sherlock
here is a simplification of how I make json requests I am using jquery views/layouts/ajax.ctp header('Content-Type: text/x-json'); e(json_encode(Array('title' = $title_for_layout, 'content' = $content_for_layout))); webroot/js/common.js in a function that I attach to all links

Re: Cake 1.2 Undefined Variable: paginator

2008-04-25 Thread Sam Sherlock
$this-set('data', $this-Message-findAll('Message.user_id = ' . $this-Auth-user('id') . ' AND Message.message_status_id IN (1, 2)', null, 'Message.message_status_id, Message.importance, Message.created DESC')); should be something like $this-paginate['Message']['conditions']['Message.user_id'] =

Re: Error Cakephp (Failed opening required 'config\core.php' )

2008-04-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have the following in virtual hosts VirtualHost *:80 ServerAlias cake2.localhost DocumentRoot D:/Apache2.2.4/vhosts/cake2/html ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED] DirectoryIndex index.php index.html ErrorLog logs/error.log CustomLog logs/access.log combined directory

Re: Are sessions and cookies needed for public pages without user data?

2008-04-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
I'm looking for a way to set the cookie and session for admin routes only 1. // called before every single action 2. function beforeFilter() { 3. // if admin pages are being requested 4. if(isset($this-params['admin'])) { 5. // check the admin is logged in

Re: Are sessions and cookies needed for public pages without user data?

2008-04-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
routes only Thanks Sam, that article does shed light on how to create and delete sessions manually. I was hoping to use CakePHP's built-in session handling but limit it to only admin routes. As far as admin routes

Re: Combine and compress js / css..

2008-04-23 Thread Sam Sherlock
Also there is this built on top of the packer On 23/04/2008, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks i fouind this one seems quite good.. the one from bradleyboy looks ok too.. except it did not work with latest version of cake.

Re: Paginate Custom URL

2008-04-22 Thread Sam Sherlock
try $paginator-options( array( 'url'=array('controller'='Browse', 'action'=''), )); or $paginator-options( array( 'url'='/browse/', )); On 23/04/2008, Kyle Decot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SWFUpload and CakePHP 1.2

2008-04-21 Thread Sam Sherlock
This is the one that done it for me also using the flash 9 version of swfupload helped and the latest swfupload 2.1 (i think) after using adams tutorial I was uploading multiple image and automatically creating thumbs

Re: Passing variables to the layout.

2008-04-16 Thread Sam Sherlock hth - S On 16/04/2008, Ithaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this problem. I am currently running cakephp 1.2 and i

Re: Passing variables to the layout.

2008-04-16 Thread Sam Sherlock
. Still trying to fix my problem. On Apr 16, 1:58 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hth - S On 16/04/2008, Ithaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey

Re: CakePHP console and ACL issue.

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
check the sql folder inside config cake acl initdb (did it for me ealier; and has for a while) more help from the console cake acl help grant cake acl help create - S On 15/04/2008, Haris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, The console absolute paths doesn't work for me. The console is

Re: CakePHP 1.2

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
there a few listed as 1.2 this question has been ask before (and before that too :)) the general response is

Re: N00b layout question

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
yea only the php worked :/ perhaps you have cake in a subdirectory? in which case /subdir/css/cake.generic.css - different if your not using mod-rewrite what's the class you would use for the favorite icon? $ is for anchor tags Html Helper ?php echo

Re: CakePHP 1.2

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
kinda is a vague word, completly devoid of certitude. and tickets has more information There are a few critical bug exploits at the mo when exactly is it expected to launch 1.2 as a stable version for this great framework? Is a question thats been

Re: APP/views/logs/index.ctp, ... to link to the file?

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
I use an editor that I can open with multiple instances (editplus, intype most editor do this anyway) open all views (that you are currently working on) in one instance controllers in another and models in another (only the ones your currently working on though) Also I use WinMerge to compare

Re: paginate related model's data

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
Hi Rajesh, you link leads to a page saying: 'We're sorry, but we were unable to find the topic you were looking for. Perhaps the URL you clicked on is out of date or broken?' I am interested to see this crazy piece of AutoMajic On 15/04/2008, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: Newbie question

2008-04-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
try this in your .htaccess IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (phpmyadmin)/(.*) - [L] RewriteRule^$webroot/[L] RewriteRule(.*) webroot/$1[L] /IfModule On 16/04/2008, José Selesán [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi there! I'm starting to use

Re: id = 0 or id ='0' not allowed in cakephp?

2008-04-14 Thread Sam DeVore
My guess is that it is related to the fact that php is loosely typed and the ambiguity in something like '0' === Sent from my ATT Rotary Phone On Apr 14, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Defranco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 14 abr, 18:48, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: id = 0 or id ='0' not allowed in cakephp?

2008-04-14 Thread Sam DeVore
=== Sent from my ATT Rotary Phone On Apr 14, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Defranco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On 14 abr, 18:48, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: MySQL specifically disallows an ID of 0. I've tested this manually by inserting a test row with an ID of 0

Re: Newbie theming question

2008-04-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
app_controller var $view = null; var $theme = null; beforeRender // also add a check for Auth.User later if(in_array('admin', $this-params)){ $this-view = 'Theme'; $this-theme = 'admin'; } then I have

Re: JS and CSS selectors - WAS: How can I user jQuery insted of prototype?

2008-04-03 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have been using jQuery and cake for sometime. I never did make headway with proto etc for example $(document).ready(function() { // fired when document is ready $(.edit).editable(/post/update/); // attaches editable to all edit class elements }); You don't need a cake helper

Re: JS and CSS selectors - WAS: How can I user jQuery insted of prototype?

2008-04-03 Thread Sam Sherlock
Have you tried asking the jquery list for help? Once cake have rendered code to the view. jquery can take over from there, then you just need to adapt any jquery code you learning from to work with cake (change urls to controller/action/view) mail me off list if you want some more indepth info

beforeSave behaviours

2008-04-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have and Event Model that hasMany Photos I am using an upload behaviour and wish to save photos in a directory by the event Slug the below code is in the photo model the actsAs infor is updated but the new information is ignored function beforeSave() {

Re: beforeSave behaviours

2008-04-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
the Model's beforeSave() callback. On Apr 2, 12:43 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have and Event Model that hasMany Photos I am using an upload behaviour and wish to save photos in a directory by the event Slug the below code is in the photo model the actsAs infor is updated

Re: beforeSave behaviours

2008-04-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
:// On Apr 2, 1:30 pm, Sam Sherlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: yep just seen that. Guess that means no then can't be done. Unless customise the behaviour. I guess there is a reason for behaviors beforeSave being called before the models beforeSave On 02/04/2008

Re: beforeSave behaviours

2008-04-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
but from where do I call the attach detach? here is what I am planning to try - read the setting of Upload behavior to an array - update the dir setting - detach the set behaviour - attach the modified one where do I use the attach / detach behaviour calls?? On 02/04/2008, grigri

Re: beforeSave behaviours

2008-04-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
']) ) ) ); // Detach behavior $this-Behaviors-detach('Upload'); // Re-attach with new params $this-Behaviors-attach('Upload', $config); // Continue saving normally return parent::save($data, $validate, $fieldList); } } On Apr 2, 3:32 pm, Sam Sherlock

Re: Is cakePHP alive?

2008-03-31 Thread Sam Sherlock
Is there any unofficial newer releases of 1.2 or approximate date of 1.2 RC1? frequent svn updates; some might say your brave asking about release dates. p.s.Recently i found out even how to 'kill' apache with cake (model bug?) did you submit a ticket to trac? Or it may be an issue with

Re: Is cakePHP alive?

2008-03-31 Thread Sam Sherlock
is the prize a ltd edition release of cake? Signed merchandise... ;) On 01/04/2008, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Often I have tracked the issue down to my own damned foul ups - things I can't blame on cake. ding! ding! ding! Johnny, tell the man what he's won ;)

Re: Problems with Acl/Auth

2008-03-31 Thread Sam Sherlock
AFAIK login and login are special functions, that don't require acl branches (is it fair to call them that, part of a tree) it won't solve the issue, are other controlers working with acl? On 31/03/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I have spent hours and hours struggling

Re: Files folder?

2008-03-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (_taste|files|phpmyadmin)/(.*) - [L] RewriteRule^$webroot/[L] RewriteRule(.*) webroot/$1[L] /IfModule On 28/03/2008, Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Kyle

Re: Image Upload Behavior - The Bakery

2008-03-25 Thread Sam Sherlock
$this-log('image upload behaviorbeforeSave' . json_encode($model-data[$model-name][$field]), 'image-upload'); $this-log('image upload behaviorfield ' . $field, 'image-upload'); $this-log('image upload behavior -name ' . $model-name,

counterfile dataspource

2008-03-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have written a (very) simple datasource that uses a text file as a counter I am interested to know what other (more experienced) bakers think of it. Is it usable? Any suggestions? - S --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received

Re: counterfile dataspource

2008-03-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
it seems like overkill... What do you need a counter for? I don't but I wanted a simple excercise in creating datasources, a client also asked about this so today I thought about trying this. Clients tend to be interested in odd things sometimes On 24/03/2008, jonknee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Propagating query string with paginator?

2008-03-06 Thread sam
Hello, I am new to CakePHP and trying the following: I have a search controller that redirects to the Model to be searched, passing the search term a query string: /cake/media/search?term=foo Then from the search() method in the controller, I call $this-set('media', $this-paginate(Medium,

Re: What does __ mean?

2008-03-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
internationalization __('translate me') would look in the localizatiion file and output the corresponding translation On 02/03/2008, peterhf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just Baked my first Cake and I am looking at the code produced. What does the __ mean in the following contexts: ?php

Thought I found a bug and a solution for it

2008-02-22 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have a few apps installed that I am working on locally I have cakephp set up to bake and all was fine. Yesterday I updated from svn. and Then all my apps rendered blank screen or displayed an error message. I managed to solve the issue. I put the following in cakes pages controller

Re: Thought I found a bug and a solution for it

2008-02-22 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have updated to the latest SVN. All is well. thanks Nate :) On 23/02/2008, nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Sam, two things: (1) I just fixed a bug in Object::dispatchMethod() that may have been causing your issue. Update to the latest SVN and see if that fixes it. (2

Re: User management, authentication and ACL plugin/component/helper

2008-02-21 Thread Sam Sherlock
I downloaded this package a while back; not using it not apt for my pursposes I can email it to you off list if you like. confusingly I have to authake-app.tar.gz On 21/02/2008, lucaspirola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i cannot too, any news?! if someone can send me, i host !

Re: Helper to generate a UID

2008-02-18 Thread Sam DeVore
Php has uniqid Cake. API look in string class === Http:// On Feb 18, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Novice Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there any helper/component in Cake which can help me get a UID based on some algo(such as date time etc)? -- Thanks Regards,

Re: Class Integration

2008-02-18 Thread Sam DeVore
Look in the manual for vendors and bootstrap.PNP === Http:// On Feb 18, 2008, at 8:53 PM, Salam Fall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there a generic way to load a custom or external class into Cakephp and be able to create an object from it and manipulate it with it's

Re: cakephp test suite 1.1

2008-02-17 Thread Sam DeVore
Look in === Http:// On Feb 17, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, Can any body provide me cakephp 1.1 with integrated test suite 1.1. Your help will highly appreciated. Thank you. Regards, Jahangir

Re: Logic on Site Index

2008-02-17 Thread Sam Sherlock
I think you want to have a look at the app_controller On 17/02/2008, UberK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, CakePHP noob here. What is the best way to put logic into the site index, ie., without redirecting? Is there an index controller or something? The default

Re: How do I make the Folder class visible to a controller?

2008-02-16 Thread Sam Sherlock
uses ('folder'); $folder = new Folder(); - s On 16/02/2008, Carl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I need to instantiate a folder object. How do I make the class visible? --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are

Re: 500 errors with Dreamhost?

2008-02-13 Thread Sam Sherlock
although this is not for dreamhost (this works for 1and1) without these .htaccess adjusments I get a 500 error AddType x-mapp-php5 .php IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine on RewriteRule /v6$ /v6/ [L] RewriteRule^$/v6/webroot/[L] RewriteRule(.*) /v6/webroot/$1

Re: Reading A File

2008-02-10 Thread Sam Sherlock
here a link to multiplefileuploads with cakephp hopefully you'll be able to extrapolate the info you need On 10/02/2008, Darren884 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I am trying to upload a file through my form but its not

Re: Auth Problems

2008-02-08 Thread Sam Sherlock
I think you'll need to post you app_controller code (as pertains to auth) you may have some info in the debug file On 09/02/2008, Neil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: this is the error I am getting: The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the

Re: newbie how to add javascript to just one view

2008-02-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
the views (in which case, i can just use $javascript-link() and html-css() in the view/layout/default.ctp). how would i do this without having to use another layout? On Feb 4, 2008 2:29 PM, Joel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks, my bad. Sam Sherlock wrote: $html-css for stylesheets

Re: newbie how to add javascript to just one view

2008-02-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
$html-css for stylesheets On 04/02/2008, Joel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Use the $javascript-link() and $css-link() helpers, respectively. bob wrote: similarly, for css files? On Feb 4, 2008 12:37 PM, bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i have a javascript .js file that i want to add to

Re: using components.

2008-02-03 Thread Sam Sherlock
try var $components = array('Conf', 'Javascript'); On 03/02/2008, Novice Programmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This would be a very silly question.. but i am stuck so posting it.. my layout works well but when i add teh following line to use some component in the controller... var

Re: ACL Table Creation

2008-02-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
check inside the config/sql/ for db_acl.sql run that through phpmyadmin On 02/02/2008, david_setwise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi bakers, I do not have access to the console because I am working in a shared environment. I am sure others have this issue. Can someone please post the SQL

Re: Saving Related Model Data (I am confused)

2008-01-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
The first save is the Post the second the comment the post is save to return the post id required to save the linked comment as I understand anyway; someone with more cake knowledge may have something to add On 28/01/2008, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: function add() { if

Re: How multiple cakephp Apps??

2008-01-26 Thread Sam Sherlock
see the screencasts for setting up cake on windows/*nix On 26/01/2008, hydra12 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Put your cake folder in your root web folder (ex. http://localhost/). Now put your apps in the cake folder (same folder that the default app is). You can

Re: Beginning CakePHP book with Apress

2008-01-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
Please oh please tell me the book will be about Cake 1.2 well; from what I can tell this short intro seems to be about 1.2 (screen shots; .ctp) in fact proof on page 17 Running CakePHP #e localhost is now ready to run Cake. Download the latest stable release of Cake from

Re: Cake without a SQL database

2008-01-24 Thread sam
Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter? On Jan 21, 9:21 pm, sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am working on porting my current web site over to a MVC framework. Right now I am evaluating Cake PHP. I have gone through the blog tutorial and it all makes sense when the back end is a standard

Re: create dynamic site map from routes?

2008-01-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
I am sure I have seen a cakephp googlesitemap thingie (either a components or a tutorial on making them; I bookmarked it but can't find the bookmark anymore) I am not certain if routes can be used for this; perhaps theres a better way? but info on route is here

Re: 15 minute blog tutorial

2008-01-23 Thread Sam Sherlock
Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'pages', 'action' = 'display', 'home')); On 24/01/2008, justradar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i've successfully worked thru the blog tutorial. great. now i'm altering it ... and having a little trouble ... instead of having this blog be on the

Re: 15 minute blog tutorial

2008-01-23 Thread Sam Sherlock
multiple roots defined yep. There are all manor of things you can do with routes :) On 24/01/2008, justradar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: so is it normal to have multiple router::connect... statements if you want to insert it (what your connecting) in different pages? thanks for the help

Re: 15 minute blog tutorial

2008-01-23 Thread Sam Sherlock
I think the answer to that would be no. Perhaps a more experienced baker may pitch in if I get this wrong:- routes define how the url is transposed into controller and action pairs; possibly with params too. I have seen examples of date based routes. see section Section 3 of the following

Re: The bakery is borked...

2008-01-22 Thread Sam Sherlock
The Article could not be found By aka is all that article says to me. I have found some content is borked and some not. I thought perhaps someone is tweaking a few things - S On 22/01/2008, JP [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: works for me.., maybe a temporary problem? On Jan 22, 1:43pm, Mech7

Cake without a SQL database

2008-01-21 Thread sam
on the hard drive). How would I go about implementing a model that is powered by these types of sources? Sam --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group. To post to this group, send email to cake

Re: nested models

2008-01-16 Thread Sam Sherlock
As I recall from a recording of a cakeshow that 1.2 automagically handles this is you create a camelized var from the model name and pass that findall eg in post controller (in this example I have changed categories to post_categories) $postCategories = $this-postCategories-findAll(...)

Re: What variable can I modify so that links, css, and jss don't have index.php in them?

2008-01-04 Thread Sam Sherlock
I have copied this from a freshly baked app default.ctp link rel=shortcut icon href=?php e($this-webroot); ?favicon.ico type=image/x-icon / when not using mod write you get link rel=shortcut icon href=/app/webroot/favicon.ico type=image/x-icon / On 04/01/2008, loki_mdog [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Is there a cache in cakephp?

2008-01-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
Hi though this might have changed in 1.2, that part of the tempdocs for 1.2 has yet to be added (afaik) - S On 02/01/2008, Alfredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I know cake uses caching for the DB, but is there a cache I can use like: if

bake function, Fatal Error, Call to undefined function mysql_connect()...

2007-11-26 Thread Sam Luo
I tried the nightly release, I replaced all componenets: doc, vendor, cake, but app. All my webs work properly, but the baking function, when I use php bake.php in windows command line, I got Fatal error. Call to undefined function mysql_connect(). And I can use phpmyadmin, which means my

Re: bake function, Fatal Error, Call to undefined function mysql_connect()...

2007-11-26 Thread Sam Luo
Problem got solved!!! Happy! 1. Add line PHPIniDir C:/Sserver/PHP at the bottom of httpd.conf file( the configure file of apache). 2, Move php.ini to the PHP installation folder. 3. restart apache server. 4. Check tag Loaded Configuration File in phpinfo() to make sure the proper

Re: Flash message is not showing

2007-11-01 Thread Sam DeVore
May be show some code or ask an answerable question === Http:// On Nov 1, 2007, at 7:48 PM, williamn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, Can somebody tell me what to do, if flash message is not showing? Thank you. --William

Re: How to render a view into a layout

2007-10-24 Thread Sam Sherlock
but I really need a guide right now ^_^ $this-layout = ajax; try putting that in your action of the controller On 25/10/2007, David Coll [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello again! I'm absolutely newbie for sure... How can I render a

Re: Unclear as to Path Settings on Cake Install

2007-09-28 Thread Sam Sherlock
__FILE__ is a php constant Have you read - S On 28/09/2007, CakeONaut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi! I am using a Linux host and I'm putting a plain vanilla install of the latest stable Cake here:

Re: create subdomain.

2007-09-27 Thread Sam Sherlock
I am not sure of the viability of this suggestion, I am no DNS expert but you'll be 'dynamically create subdomain dns with php' search results come up in google then you'd need to have you script run and bake the app (templated with identifiers substituted) and may be then some On 28/09/2007,

Re: CakePHP hosting service

2007-09-06 Thread Sam Sherlock
media temple Grid Server. On 06/09/07, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am using dreamhost and it works well. no lighting fast though. On Sep 6, 6:44 pm, kionae [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I use Bluehost ( I haven't had any trouble using cakephp with them, and

Re: problems with midphase hosting

2007-09-02 Thread Sam Sherlock
have you tried cake with internal rewrite? I had a few troubles with 1and1 and cake's default htaccess see config/core.php I was able to make a slight modification to the htaccess files and get it working fine. Its worth turning this off as a trial. though you issue does sound different from

Re: cms for static pages

2007-08-06 Thread Sam Sherlock
but static is not dynamic I thought pages were for static pages with content updated infrequently and therefore the most apt method for such content is a page; not requiring db table, model controller On 06/08/2007, murtada [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I would like my client to be able to

Re: CakePHP installed, but i only get text - no colors or fonts

2007-08-03 Thread Sam Sherlock
You can try using cakes internal rewrite (shared hosts often impose restrictions) in the config/core.php /* * To configure CakePHP *not* to use mod_rewrite and to * use CakePHP pretty URLs, remove these .htaccess * files: * * /.htaccess * /app/.htaccess * /app/webroot/.htaccess * * And

Re: Did I break my Router or find a bug?

2007-07-28 Thread Sam
that is finding an edge case that should be avoided. Still, it sounds like Fred is doing something as mundane as I, so perhaps it isn't an obscure edge case. Yes, nothing to add and no help to provide, just another voice with this problem. -Sam --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You

Re: symfony

2007-07-16 Thread Sam Sherlock
cake installed and working in seconds flat symfony waded through documentation for a couple of hours with not much to show for it Now, now. Let's look at the competition fairly. I think the only place where Symfony has CakePHP beat is the humungous amounts of documentation they have vomited

Re: Flash mp3 player problems

2007-06-15 Thread Sam Sherlock
What you describe does not sounds like a specific cake issue. The link you click is loaded when you click on it, that how HTML Links work, to over come this you can use a Javascript library with AJAX see you could still use

Re: Help with GDLib and PHP

2007-05-21 Thread Sam Sherlock
have a look at and join the php list On 21/05/07, Flash [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hello, I am trying to make an image that will update automatically based on information on a website I do not run. I am a total

Re: Title in Subject (default)

2007-05-18 Thread Sam Sherlock
yes but you can just filter all mail sent to as 'cake' On 18/05/07, Rodrigo Castilho Galvão Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sorry, I did not specify where... Subject in Googlegroups CakePHP. Examples: [jQuery] Lorem ipsum dolor [Rails-spinoffs] Suspendisse

Re: Cake 1.1 vs 1.2

2007-05-13 Thread Sam Sherlock
This has come up a few times on the list, I am paraphrasing from memory. You'll get more help and guidance for cake 1.1 , your advised to use cake 1.1 for now unless you really need to make use of the new features of 1.2 If you use cake 1.2 you'll need to make a few changes as it evolves since

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