my domain on shared host justhost is not displaying flash messages

2012-01-24 Thread varai
My domain on the shared host is not displaying any flash messages. It is displaying fine on my local server. I have the following in the students_controller: function add(){ $this-Session-setFlash('Your child\'s admission has been received. We will send you an email shortly.'); } I

Re: cakephp: $this-redirect is not passing $student_info parameter from one controller to another controller action

2011-11-20 Thread varai
Yes, you are right, when I just pass to the view, it is working fine. However, I couldn't pass through redirect as in $this-redirect('controller'='MotorDevelopments','action'='view', $student_id) because it is giving the undefined variable error. So, i did that through

mongodb cakephp driver installation

2011-11-20 Thread varai
i'm trying to get mongodb to work with cakephp. I'm not sure on where to place ichikaway's mongodb driver for cakephp. The following is my directory structure: under c:/websites/ I have cakephp folder and my project merry_flowers folder. am i supposed to place the mongodb driver in

cakephp: $this-redirect is not passing $student_info parameter from one controller to another controller action

2011-11-16 Thread varai
i'm getting the following errors: Notice 8: Undefined variable: student_info [APP\controllers \motor_developments_controller.php, line 7] i'm getting the same notice in \motor_developments\search.ctp as well. The student_info data in $this-redirect is not getting passed from

Re: Cakephp Ajax: city select box not being populated when state is selected

2011-08-07 Thread varai
On 2 Aug 2011, at 10:56, varai wrote: Finally I managed to solve the prob after 2 weeks of research and reading up. The problem was Cakephp's security component was blackholing Ajax's observeField request. So, the security component has to be disabled for the observeField to work. Added

Re: Cakephp Ajax: city select box not being populated when state is selected

2011-08-07 Thread varai On 2 Aug 2011, at 10:56, varai wrote: Finally I managed to solve the prob after 2 weeks of research and reading up. The problem was Cakephp's security component was blackholing Ajax's observeField request. So, the security component has to be disabled

Re: submitting empty form gives HTTP 404 page not found error

2011-08-05 Thread varai
'){ $this-Security-enabled = false; } } but i don't think that is causing any prob coz' i already tried testing my webiste by commenting the beforeFilter. On Aug 4, 3:49 pm, varai wrote: Hi, How do I prevent my user from submitting

Re: submitting empty form gives HTTP 404 page not found error

2011-08-05 Thread varai
!' ) );//closing bracket for $validate array } ? thank you. On Aug 5, 11:10 am, varai wrote: By the way, I also have a beforeFilter in my StudentsController: function beforeFilter()//executed before any controller action logic

submitting empty form gives HTTP 404 page not found error

2011-08-04 Thread varai
Hi, How do I prevent my user from submitting an empty form? When I do that, I'm getting a HTTP 404 not found error in IE and a blank page in Firefox. None of the validation errors are showing up. I even tried putting an else stmt in the StudentsController's add function and that too is not

Re: submitting empty form gives HTTP 404 page not found error

2011-08-04 Thread varai
javascript to prevent submission unless the form is filled out.  The javascript event is onsubmit().  Are you using a javascript framework or will you only have bare javascript? M On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 6:49 AM, varai wrote: Hi, How do I prevent my user from submitting

Re: submitting empty form gives HTTP 404 page not found error

2011-08-04 Thread varai
if the form is blank, it should stay on the same page and display an error message. Otherwise, if everthing is filled correctly, it will redirect to the home page and display a success message. On Aug 4, 4:32 pm, euromark wrote: that sounds weird shoudnt happen at all

Re: Cakephp Ajax: city select box not being populated when state is selected

2011-08-02 Thread varai
30, 3:39 pm, varai wrote: I'm trying to populate the city select box based on the selected state (which is also a select box) using Ajax. When i select state, the city select box is not being populated. There are 5 models below: Student, MerryParent, MerryClass, State, City

Cakephp Ajax: city select box not being populated when state is selected

2011-07-30 Thread varai
I'm trying to populate the city select box based on the selected state (which is also a select box) using Ajax. When i select state, the city select box is not being populated. There are 5 models below: Student, MerryParent, MerryClass, State, City. All of them are related to one another. Can

Re: 2 related models in 1 form but validation is working for only 1 model

2011-07-07 Thread varai
in the model relation. So suppose there is a model called Parent and Child, then you should write the following code in the Parent model $hasMany = array('Child'); and in the Child model $belongsTo = array('Parent'); On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:26 PM, varai wrote: hi

Re: 2 related models in 1 form but validation is working for only 1 model

2011-07-06 Thread varai
relationships: Student hasOne MerryParent          (Correct) MerryParent hasMany Student        (Wrong) it should be MerryParent belongsTo Student because In your case Student is the parent table and MerryParent is the child table. Regards, Chaitanya. On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 10:28 AM, varai

error when trying to populate state combo box from states table

2011-07-06 Thread varai
Hi, I'm trying to populate the state combo box from the states table in db and i'm getting the following error: Notice (8): Undefined property: AppModel::$State [APP\controllers \students_controller.php, line 7]Code}*/ function add(){

relationship between Sate and City

2011-07-06 Thread varai
Hi, I am trying to define relationship between state and city. State hasMany City -- foreign key state_id in City City belongsTo State State fields: id, state_name City fields: id, city_name, state_id but for City belongsTo State, it seems illogically to set a foreign key in State coz' then

Re: relationship between Sate and City

2011-07-06 Thread varai
, 8:49 pm, varai wrote: Hi, I am trying to define relationship betweenstateandcity. StatehasManyCity-- foreign key state_id inCity CitybelongsToState Statefields: id, state_name Cityfields: id, city_name, state_id but forCitybelongsToState, it seems illogically

Re: error when trying to populate state combo box from states table

2011-07-06 Thread varai
I wasn't able to populate the state combo box due to incorrect relationships between models. Now everything is working fine. It is so impt to make sure all models are linked to one another correctly. Otherwise nothing works. On Jul 6, 12:02 pm, varai wrote: Hi, I'm trying

2 related models in 1 form but validation is working for only 1 model

2011-07-04 Thread varai
Hi, I'm having 2 related models in 1 form (add.ctp) but validation is working only for 1 model. ie. validation is working fine for Student model but not MerryParent model. Can anyone tell me on what i'm doing wrong? thank you. relationships: Student hasOne MerryParent MerryParent hasMany

Re: controller's save method is not working

2011-06-29 Thread varai
yES, die(debug($this-Student-ValidationErrors)) managed to solve my problem. Now, i'm able to save the form data. Thanks a lot. die(debug($this-Student-ValidationErrors)) is a good time saver. On Jun 29, 5:28 am, varai wrote: Hi Jeremy, The following is what i'm getting

how to get date select box to display a year range

2011-06-29 Thread varai
Hi I have a date selection box for DOB field(the default one provided by cakephp) which has 3 combo boxes for date, month and year respectively. How do I get the year combo box to display a year range ie. I want it to display the years between (current year - 2)and (current year - 5). since i'm

Re: how to get date select box to display a year range

2011-06-29 Thread varai
,                 'timeFormat' = '',                 'minYear' = (                         date('Y') - 5                 ),                 'maxYear' = (                         date('Y') - 3                 )         ) ); Jeremy Burns Class Outfit On 29 Jun 2011, at 11:59, varai

controller's save method is not working

2011-06-28 Thread varai
Hi my following students_controller.php is not saving the student info in the form. I have no idea on what is the prob. I have already checked the data to be saved using var_dump($this-data) students_controller.php ?php class StudentsController extends AppController{ function add(){ if

Re: controller's save method is not working

2011-06-28 Thread varai
Hi Jeremy, The following is what i'm getting if I added die(debug($this-Student- ValidationErrors)) to the else stmt merry_flowers\controllers\students_controller.php (line 12) Array ( ) thanks varai On Jun 28, 4:35 pm, Jeremy Burns | Class Outfit wrote: Add

Re: how to embed swf animation in home.ctp of my cakephp project

2011-05-13 Thread varai
Hi I finally got my flash animation working. :) I referred to I created the flashHelper from page 2 of the above link I added flash to var $helpers= array('Html') in merry_flowers/

Re: parse error in Html-link onclick statement.

2011-05-12 Thread varai
Yes, ur right. It works fine now after changing 'class'='question_link,' to 'class'='question_link', What a silly mistake huh :) By the way, do you know on what is the difference between $this-Html- link and $html-link? thank you. On May 12, 12:28 am, Ryan Schmidt

Re: parse error in Html-link onclick statement.

2011-05-12 Thread varai
Ok, I got it. Thanks. On May 12, 11:02 pm, Ryan Schmidt wrote: On May 12, 2011, at 02:22,varaiwrote: By the way, do you know on what is the difference between $this-Html-link and $html-link? $html-link() was used in CakePHP 1.2 and earlier. As of CakePHP 1.3

Re: javascript function toogle not working

2011-05-11 Thread varai
Hi, Yes, I understand dreamingmind's point. I am in the process of changing it to question1/answer1, etc thanks. On May 11, 2:00 am, dreamingmind wrote: Ryan, I'm not SURE what the problem is, but I see your id's are pretty generic. If there's more than one

parse error in Html-link onclick statement.

2011-05-11 Thread varai
Hi the onclick statement in the following code is giving an error: Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in C:\wamp\www\merry_flowers \views\pages\faq.ctp on line 13 div id=questionDiv?php echo $this-Html-link('Q.Are admissions to Merry Flowers program open throughout the

javascript function toogle not working

2011-05-10 Thread varai
Hi The following is a very simple view that should display the answer to question when the question is clicked. Otherwise the answer should not display. ie. the question is a toogle key. html head meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 titleOur Program - Preschool/title

Re: how to embed swf animation in home.ctp of my cakephp project

2011-05-09 Thread varai
Hi cricket, I apologize for the big delayi was stuck with another big problem to be resolved. I am able to access main_ani.swf throught browser but not using cakephp. If I place main_ani.swf in a html file (not within cakephp), main_ani.swf is displaying fine in the browser. the

Re: how to embed swf animation in home.ctp of my cakephp project

2011-05-06 Thread varai
Hi cricket, I apologize for the big delayi was stuck with another big problem to be resolved. I am able to access main_ani.swf throught browser but not using cakephp. If I place main_ani.swf in a html file (not within cakephp), main_ani.swf is displaying fine in the browser. the flash file

Re: do i need to create a controller for all pages in \views\pages\ folder

2011-04-29 Thread varai
how it could be confusing. varai, if you want to include static, full HTML pages put them under app/webroot. You can even have a deep directory structure, eg app/webroot/ You would access this with: Take a close look at the rewrite rules

Re: do i need to create a controller for all pages in \views\pages\ folder

2011-04-28 Thread varai
Burns Class Outfit jeremybu...@classoutfit.com On 27 Apr 2011, at 08:21, varai wrote: Hi, Is it necessary to create a controller for each page in \views\pages\ folder? I have this static page Preschool.html. And I'm getting the following error message

Re: how to embed swf animation in home.ctp of my cakephp project

2011-04-28 Thread varai
Hi Not working means no flash animation is displaying. Can you access main_ani.swf directly in your web browser? Yes, I can. I haven't read that tutorial, but I just skimmed it, and it doesn't say to call $this-renderSwf; it says to call $flash-renderSwf. Yes, I had tried $flash-renderSwf

do i need to create a controller for all pages in \views\pages\ folder

2011-04-27 Thread varai
Hi, Is it necessary to create a controller for each page in \views\pages\ folder? I have this static page Preschool.html. And I'm getting the following error message: Missing Controller Error: Preschool.htmlController could not be found. Error: Create the class Preschool.htmlController below in

how to embed swf animation in home.ctp of my cakephp project

2011-04-26 Thread varai
Hi, Does anyone know on how to embed an swf file in myfolder/views/pages/ home.ctp? I tried the following embed stmt and it is not working: div id=content1 object classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-44455354 codebase=

Re: how to link css files?

2011-04-20 Thread varai
19, 2011 at 11:33 AM, varai wrote: Hi, I have #navbar {        margin: 0;        padding: 0;        height: 1em;        width:100%; } in nav_bar.css #navbar div comes under #header div from cake.generic.css, so #navbar div should inherit the properties

Re: Internal server error on my browser

2011-04-19 Thread varai
Thanks a lot for your guidance. After reading up about htaccess files from the net, I deleted the htaccess file under \wamp\www and now all the links to other folders in \wamp\www works fine. ie. http:\ \localhost\bookstore works fine. Varai On Apr 19, 8:59 am, Ryan Schmidt google-2

how to link css files?

2011-04-19 Thread varai
Hi, I have #navbar { margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 1em; width:100%; } in nav_bar.css #navbar div comes under #header div from cake.generic.css, so #navbar div should inherit the properties of #header div. #header{ width:100%; } So, how do I link

Re: Internal server error on my browser

2011-04-18 Thread varai
: On Apr 16, 2011, at 11:24, varai wrote: On Apr 16, 4:20 pm, Ryan Schmidt wrote: On Apr 16, 2011, at 02:57, varai wrote: I'm getting InternalServerError on my browser when i try to access http://localhost/otherfolders. My localhost is only working when i try to accesshttp://localhost

Internal server error on my browser

2011-04-16 Thread varai
Hi, I'm getting Internal Server Error on my browser when i try to access http://localhost/otherfolders. My localhost is only working when i try to access http://localhost/cakephp or http://localhost/merry_flowers (which is also a cakephp project). Does anyone know on what is the problem? thank

what is $this-Html-meta('icon') and AppHelper not working

2011-04-15 Thread varai
Hi, Can someone tell me what is the use of? $this-Html-meta('icon'); Referring to the cakephp cookbook, page 274, in order to get rid of the many ? ? and many echo() calls, i added the following code to app_helper.php under class AppHelper extends Helper: function output($str){

Re: placing logo in layout.ctp

2011-04-12 Thread varai
', $options = array());? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of varai Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 8:22 AM To: CakePHP Subject: placinglogoin layout.ctp Hi I'm new to cakephp and I'm trying to create my first project

placing logo in layout.ctp

2011-04-11 Thread varai
Hi I'm new to cakephp and I'm trying to create my first project with cakephp. I have already tried out the blog sample project. Does anyone know on where and how to place the logo image in layout.ctp? I have already put logo.png in /webroot/img. Any help is much appreciated. -- Our newest


2011-03-27 Thread varai
Hi, I'm new to cakePHP and OOP. The code below is from!/view/977/Controller-Methods. Can someone please explain the postConditons below? I don't understand how can num_items key contain '=' and referrer key contain 'LIKE'. What does the word

i'm not understanding the 2nd parameter in postConditions

2011-03-24 Thread varai
Hi, I'm new to cakePHP and OOP. The code below is from!/view/977/Controller-Methods. Can someone please explain the postConditons below? I don't understand how can num_items key contain '=' and referrer key contain 'LIKE'. What does the word

Understanding Models

2011-03-18 Thread varai
Hi I'm new to cakePHP and OOP. I'm not understanding 1)what find('all') in the following code means 2) what is the purpose of $this-set('ingredients', $ingredients); I got this from ?php class IngredientsController extends AppController { function index() {

how to make /app/tmp folder web writable

2011-03-16 Thread varai
I tried the following, The final task is to make the app/tmp directory web-writable. The best way to do this is to find out what user your webserver runs as (?php echo `whoami`; ?) and change the ownership of the app/tmp directory to that user. The final command you run (in *nix) might look