Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-18 Thread Kludge
Thanks Martin, I still am trying to wrap my head around the workflow... so now that I have my database running and the cake folder in htdocs... what do I do now? Is the app folder where I do my development? Do I have to create a folder for my project? Where do I bake? In the app folder or

Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-08 Thread Martin Westin
I have been developing in folders like project_name for years and I like it. I only need to keep and manage one Cake installation and it keeps my clutter of files to a minimum :) The way I host that locally is with one virtual host for each project. I point the Apache root folder for each one to

Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-07 Thread Martin Westin
A few points for installing Cake to run in Mamp. Simplest way is to drop the whole Cake folder (containing cake,app,vendors...) into Mamp's htdocs folder. Should be: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs That should have Cake running but you probably need / want the database too, right. You need to rename

Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-07 Thread Kludge
Thanks, that's really helpful. I now have CakePHP using MAMP MySQL and PHP5. Another question... what is the usual workflow. Do I create a copy of the Cake/app folder for my project (project_name)? Do I bake in another directory or directly into my Cake/project_name folder? I notice in the

Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-07 Thread Frederick D.
That's where ModelBaker comes in to be handy. You can make separate project files and have separate project folders each using separate databases. You may want to pick up a copy of VirtualHost in order to be able to test multiple sites (aka multiple projects) at the same time. You can

Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-06 Thread Kludge
Anyone have any idea on how to do this? I have MAMP and Eclipse installed correctly and have been doing PHP development for a while now and everything works fine. I now want to jump into CakePHP but can't wrap my head around setting it up. Any insight and or steps on getting there would be great.

Re: Setting Up CakePHP on MAC with MAMP and Eclipse

2009-09-06 Thread FrederickD
Hey Kludge! Try going to and checking out ModelBaker. It is a Mac front-end to CakePHP so that you never have to use the CLI. The product has a graphical representation of the database model you are creating for the project. ModelBaker is not an end-all solution. It is