Re: [CentOS] Can expect do this?

2008-11-11 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi all, I'm trying to scp some files from machine1 to machine2. But, I'm in an environment where PubKeyAuthentication is not allowed in ssh :( So, I'm confused how to automate it as cronjob. However, I read somewhere that we can write a little bash script that will utilize 'expect' to answer for

Re: [CentOS] Gigabit Lan doesn't work

2008-11-16 Thread Barry Brimer
I have installed Centos completely. However, the LAN doesn't work. Below is the message after I issue. How can I make it work? 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection What does ethtool eth0 tell you? ___

Re: [CentOS] Gigabit Lan doesn't work

2008-11-16 Thread Barry Brimer
settings: No such device Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: No such device Cannot get message level: No such device Cannot get link status: No such device No data available On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 10:54 AM, Barry Brimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have installed Centos completely. However, the LAN

Re: [CentOS] how can I stress a server?

2008-11-18 Thread Barry Brimer
So, apart from memtest86 how else can I stress test the server to find out what the problem is? Have you looked at Inquisitor? There is a nice article about it which includes a download link at Hope this helps. Barry

Re: [CentOS] iptables questionson CentOS

2008-12-04 Thread Barry Brimer
I want to add a SNAT rule for one user in LAN to access one particular destination on the internet. Let's say I added the below rule. But . it does NOT work Pls assume is the real ip of the firewall. ip address is the client PC iptables -t nat -A

Re: [CentOS] New to Centos and have question about updating packages

2008-12-07 Thread Barry Brimer
Now my question is what are the commands for Centos to fetch ,update and install, all the packages installed on the server. I would like to use Yum. Any help would be great. Welcome Darrell. Here is the summary version: To install a specific package, such as postfix from a repository that

Re: [CentOS] telnet isssue

2008-12-07 Thread Barry Brimer
We are runnig a system on CentOS 4.5 where we use a testing ERP system. Users have to login to it with telnet. When it reches about 60 telnet users, the remaing users will NOT be able to login. Hardware is , HP Pentium 4 Server with 4 Gb RAM . Pls Note we used the same system on a lower

Re: [CentOS] yum-updatesd or similar for CentOS 4

2008-12-11 Thread Barry Brimer
snip However we have few machines running CentOS 4.7 which we can't upgrade to 5 (because of Oracle 9 etc.) Is there some similar service available? Or has anybody experience in putting yum -y update into crontab for CentOS 4? Any good advices? chkconfig yum on service yum start

Re: [CentOS] secure file not updating

2008-12-12 Thread Barry Brimer
On my Centos 5 server, the secure file has not updated since Dec 10. This despite the fact that I run an sshd server that I access many times per day. Most peculiar is the fact that a swatch monitor that I run on the secure file catches plenty of lines. It is as if when swatch catches a

Re: [CentOS] secure file not updating

2008-12-13 Thread Barry Brimer
On my Centos 5 server, the secure file has not updated since Dec 10. This despite the fact that I run an sshd server that I access many times per day. Most peculiar is the fact that a swatch monitor that I run on the secure file catches plenty of lines. It is as if when swatch catches a

Re: [CentOS] network interface

2008-12-23 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi all How can I bring up eth0:2 only ifconfig eth0:2 up is not working I have to use service network restart But it restarts all network interfaces that I don't want I believe you have to have eth0 up for that to work. You can add ONPARENT=no to the other virtual interfaces to keep

Re: [CentOS] Please share some RHCE/RHCT learning material

2008-12-24 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi all, will anyone please share me some material on RHCE/RHCT, I am fighting for the Quality Engineer in RedHat, and that may help a lot in the coming written exam. The RHCT/RHCE exams are not written, they are performance-based. The best guide to study from is the one provided by Red Hat

Re: [CentOS] Alternative to audacity

2008-12-24 Thread Barry Brimer
On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, MHR wrote: What's a good, gui-based sound editor as an alternative to audacity (since that is not working right now due to conflicts in the gtk libraries in rpmforge)? Or is there another place whence one may retrieve audacity? I tried sourceforge, but the links there

Re: [CentOS] 2 internet connections and one for backup

2008-12-25 Thread Barry Brimer
I've got 2 internet connections but unfortunately not the same - 6mbit and 1 mbit. My default is 6mbit and I want to create backup connection (1mbit). How can do it? Has anybody done it? My perfect scenario is that my network uses 1mbit if (only) 6mbit fails and it switches automatically.

Re: [CentOS] 2 default gateway?

2008-12-29 Thread Barry Brimer
I've got 2 internet connection, one is direct connected to my server and the second i use by default gateway. How can I create 2 default gateway? Look for the word equalize ___

Re: [CentOS] system config report

2008-12-29 Thread Barry Brimer
On Mon, 29 Dec 2008, David Miller wrote: Long ago when I was an AIX admin we had a script we ran every 6 months or so and it created what we called the System Book. It had every possible configuration option. While acknowledging that on a whole it was overkill documentation, if we ever had to

Re: [CentOS] Obtaining a newer Broadcomm (bcm43xx) driver for CentOS 5

2009-01-07 Thread Barry Brimer
I'm using CentOS 5 (w/all latest updates as of 2008-01-06) on an HP laptop -- in fact, the exact laptop described here: Ever since I switched from SHARED to OPEN authentication (and hence from using ndiswrapper to the bcm43xx

Re: [CentOS] Starting slapd: /bin/bash: /tmp/start-slapd.K12378: Permission denied

2009-01-18 Thread Barry Brimer
I'm running Centos 5, with openldap Version: 2.3.27 Release: 8.el5_2.4. When I run: $ sudo /etc/init.d/ldap start I get the following error: Starting slapd: /bin/bash: /tmp/start-slapd.l14891: Permission denied snip Any chance that /tmp is mounted noexec? What is the output of the

Re: [CentOS] Old Small Box

2009-01-21 Thread Barry Brimer
I have an old 400mHz Dell with a 20G hard drive and 125M ram. Can I install and run CentOS on it? Thanks, Mike. My firewall is a Pentium 75 with 48 MB of RAM running CentOS 4.7 + current. I did a text based install, and the install took a very long time, but it works very well ..despite

Re: [CentOS] Completeley disabling SELinux?

2009-01-23 Thread Barry Brimer
So it looks like SELinux is still operating. Can anyone tell me how to turn it off completely? It's my development server under my desk so I reallly don't care about security. Add the text selinux=0 without the quotes to the kernel line in your /etc/grub.conf and reboot.

Re: [CentOS] Upgrade to 5.3?

2009-01-26 Thread Barry Brimer
I'm not that up on CentOS so I'd be curious to know if it is possible to upgrade CentOS 5.2 to 5.3 without reinstalling? Perhaps via Yum? Or can you get update RPMs? Once CentOS 5.3 is released, you can just type yum upgrade and you will be upgraded from CentOS 5.2 to CentOS 5.3.

Re: [CentOS] Permission problem

2009-07-07 Thread Barry Brimer
1) Members of the administrators group have unlimited read/write access to /home/pub and below. 2) Members of the agents group have read-only access to /home/pub and below. 3) All the others (that is, members of neither administrators and agents) have no access at all to /home/pub, not

Re: [CentOS] how to mount a remote directory on linux

2009-07-19 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello, i'd like to mount a remote directory that exists on a CENTOS 5 machine to a similar but local machine. i've made a local cron job that executes a script on the data provided in that folder hence the request above. if any help could be provided i'd appreciate it.. ps: sshfs seems

Re: [CentOS] how to calculate how many semaphores already use on server?

2009-07-23 Thread Barry Brimer
we have following setup on sysctl.conf: kernel.sem = 256 32000 128 142 I tried to startup database and have error happen. I knew problem come from SEMMNS (32000) is not enough. Does anyone know how to calculate how many semaphores already use on system? Have you tried ipcs -u ?

Re: [CentOS] traceenable for httpd

2009-08-06 Thread Barry Brimer
On centos 5.3 x86_64 I can add traceenable off to httpd.conf and that works well. however this doesnt seem to work for centos 4.7 i686. Is there a similiar named option on 4.7? Jerry TraceEnable off is in apache 2.2 which is included in CentOS 5, and it may be in later versions of apache

Re: [CentOS] Integrate shell scripts into Nautilus ?

2009-08-10 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Niki Kovacs Hi, I'd like to integrate a handful of shell scripts into my Nautilus file browser, for example to be able to resize a selection of images with one click via ImageMagick, or convert videos easily. After a bit of Googling, I found out that folks

Re: [CentOS] Noob Question: Uninstalling Firefox rpm's

2009-08-16 Thread Barry Brimer
I want to uninstall the default version of firefox, however there appears to be 2 of the same rpm's installed and its complaining.. I've been in Solaris land for the last 5 years and my rpm skills aren't the most current; how is this achieved? [r...@canthus ~]# rpm -q -a firefox

Re: [CentOS] Running UML on CentOS?

2009-08-21 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello, I've got a CentOS 5.3 machine that i'd like to virtualize some services on. Currently a reinstall for virtualization isn't doable so i thought about user-mode-linux, UML. Has anyone run this on Centos5? If so, feedback prose and cons appreciated. Thanks. Dave. I have not run

Re: [CentOS] Firewall and nfs mounts

2009-08-24 Thread Barry Brimer
Which ports need to be open on a nfs mount server? And does the client need anything opening? Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Tomcat 6 and Java 1.6

2009-08-25 Thread Barry Brimer
I did a yum -y install tomcat5 and tomcat got installed with openjdk. But somehow if I goto http://localhost:8080 I am unable to get to the tomcat default site. Any insight? Does netstat show anything listening on 8080? Do you have a firewall that hasn't been adjusted to allow access to

Re: [CentOS] Configuring the firewall on CentOS

2009-08-31 Thread Barry Brimer
Is there a CentOS equivalent to config-system-firewall in Fedora, allowing specified services to pass through? I don't know if it is the same as in Fedora, but there is firewall configuration available in system-config-securitylevel Barry ___ CentOS

Re: [CentOS] Investigate the root cause of server reboot

2009-09-06 Thread Barry Brimer
My CentOS will reboot every several days. There's nothing in /var/log/messages. I want to find out why it reboots automatically. Is there any log I can look at? Or any suggestions to monitor the server activity? You might try setting up remote syslogging to see if you catch anything extra

Re: [CentOS] Persisting iproute2 routes and rules

2009-09-12 Thread Barry Brimer
I have defined a few routes and rules with: ip route add ... ip rule add ... but how do you add ip rule ... /etc/syscontfig/network-scripts/rule-ethX /etc/syscontfig/network-scripts/route-ethX Check out /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes to see exactly how things are

Re: [CentOS] Can't get forwarding to work

2009-10-04 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello all: I am having trouble getting port forwarding with iptables to work. I have this configuration: Internet --- Linux machine --- Windows machine The windows machine is set up to listen on IP address I am able to use lynx to connect to on the linux

Re: [CentOS] Can't get forwarding to work

2009-10-04 Thread Barry Brimer
I changed my rules to these: /sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $WIN_EXTERNAL_IP -j DNAT --to $WIN_INTERNAL_IP /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $WIN_INTERNAL_IP -j SNAT --to $WIN_EXTERNAL_IP And I am still not seeing anything log on the firewall log and the connection is not

Re: [CentOS] selinux...

2009-10-07 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Have I mentioned that I am less than enthralled with selinux? My latest issue is continuing messages in the /var/log/messages, which complain, for example, that siteminder can't write to smagent log (well, it can, since we've got selinux in permissive mode, and no,

Re: [CentOS] resolv.conf rewritten every reboot. How to figure out who and why?

2009-10-08 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Dave On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Craig White wrote: On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 11:19 -1000, Dave wrote: [r...@lee1 ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 [snip] PEERDNS=yes - ^^^ change to PEERDNS=no What

Re: [CentOS] resolv.conf rewritten every reboot. How to figure out who and why?

2009-10-09 Thread Barry Brimer
I haven't been following this thread very closely since my last post, but if you want to know who is doing what ... use auditctl. Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] iptables - Forwarding with port translation thru an OpenVPN tunnel

2009-10-18 Thread Barry Brimer
I have a CentOS-5.3 main server with a static public IP address running Apache, OpenVPN, and a bunch of other services. The primary IP address for the only NIC in this box is used by Apache on standard ports 80 and 443. I have a secondary static public IP address assigned to this same NIC

Re: [CentOS] rpm --freshen issue (was: Re: Caught between a Red Hat and a CentOS)

2009-10-21 Thread Barry Brimer
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, ken wrote: On 10/20/2009 12:15 PM Benjamin Franz wrote: ken wrote: Okay, here's one. Maybe someone here can figure it out. Upgrading from 4.5 to 4.5. From a 4.6 ISO I copied all the RPMs into a directory... let's call it c:/install :). Now the oracle dba has

Re: [CentOS] Not able to FTP since 5.4

2009-10-28 Thread Barry Brimer
I do not use ftp much lately, but my bro did and noticed we cannot ftp to the server since the upgrade. Using VSFTP. Tried rebooting but nothing. Looks like it goes through the whole process and then 'bam'. Could not find an error log that listed the error anywhere. Worked great before

Re: [CentOS] How Can I change CentOS CLI Screen Resolution to smaller text (without GUI)?

2009-11-08 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi, I'd like to view the Screen resolution in smaller text on my server terminal. The server is not installed with any GUI so it's in plain text mode. Google for linux vga modes Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] Inquiry:How to enable NAT on CentOS 5 ?

2009-11-22 Thread Barry Brimer
Dear All On my CentOS 5 , I installed the Asterisk 1.4.13 and DECT application software and then when I want to try for NAT I issue as the followings : #iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE But it didn't get through . So I checked if the NAT is enabled on my

Re: [CentOS] OT RHEL

2009-01-30 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Per Qvindesland Hello List I am just wondering if anyone knows if RedHat did realease a power pc version of rhel 4, I have looked around and I see some packages that says that it is for rhel 4 ppc but I am a bit unsure since our suppliers says no there is only for

Re: [CentOS] reading sar data

2009-02-17 Thread Barry Brimer
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, muhammad panji wrote: Hi, I have a problem reading sar data. I have some server but no monitoring tools like cacti or nagios on it. every end of month I got the sar log manually and have to generate report for it but I have no idea how to read it. on this page

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Barry Brimer
On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 wrote: Hi, I have two servers in the same subnet, one has this arrangement: BOX A [3 ips, one real two vips] BOX B [1 ip] I need to redirect input from one of the vips ( on BOX A to BOX B ( and I'm

Re: [CentOS] iptables question

2009-02-19 Thread Barry Brimer
are not telnetting from Box A .. as that will most likely not work. Are there any additional firewall rules on Box A? Barry -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Barry Brimer Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 5:38 PM To: CentOS

Re: [CentOS] Mail from domain problem

2009-02-23 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi, I installed a CentOS 4.7 server, the system information is: # cat /etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes # hostname #echo test | mail -s test mail I would like to receive mail is, but I

Re: [CentOS] Checking for changes

2009-02-24 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Joseph L. Casale Is there anything I can use to take an inventory of the filesystem before and after some process to see what's changed? Thanks! jlc I believe the audit subsystem can do this for you .. check out

Re: [CentOS] Nfs v4 only - how to disable nfs v3?

2009-03-02 Thread Barry Brimer
I have nfs version 4 running on a CentOS 5.2 server to export /home. That works great so for, but clients can mount /home with nfs version 3 too. How can I disable nfs v3 on the server? Check out /etc/sysconfig/nfs .. make your changes and restart nfs

Re: [CentOS] Monitoring IP masquerading on LVS load-balancing

2009-03-25 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting David Dyer-Bennet I've got small numbers of connections moving through a load balancer configured in NAT mode. So I've got an iptables table called nat, which has in it a line -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE (lan connect is eth0, private lan inside the cluster is

Re: [CentOS] command line programs for ldap

2009-03-28 Thread Barry Brimer
Hi all. I am looking for some command line programs (pre made) that will connect to an ldap server and list out the users in question provided by the search argument given. I found some mention of it from oracle but I did not see where they can be downloaded. Is something like this

Re: [CentOS] Shadow passwords NOT md5'ed ?

2009-04-02 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello, I have a very weird problem on a CentOS 5.2 system. A few months ago, encrypted passwords in the shadow file were MD5'ed - allowing for long passwords, rather than only 8 characters max. Today, passwords are 3DES'ed only. No way to find how the system reverted to DES-encrypting.

Re: [CentOS] kernel update doesn't update grub.conf

2009-04-07 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting JohnS On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 18:35 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote: Just updated another machine to 5.3, everything fine, but grub.conf wasn't updated to the 128 kernel. It got a new modified date and the kernel is there, but the content wasn't changed.

Re: [CentOS] kernel update doesn't update grub.conf

2009-04-07 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Robert William L. Maltby wrote: On Tue, 2009-04-07 at 21:31 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote: Barry Brimer wrote on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 10:29:31 -0500: /etc/grub.conf should be a symlink to /boot/grub/grub.conf. If for some reason it is not, correct

Re: [CentOS] httpd with SNI

2009-04-12 Thread Barry Brimer
I am currently publishing some web services on a Centos 5.3 server on my office using the included apache httpd. They are available from the Internet, and they require validation (username/password). I would like to publish them all under https, so the passwords won't travel unencrypted, but

Re: [CentOS] Can not get IP address

2009-04-14 Thread Barry Brimer
Anand Vaddarapu wrote: Hi, while installing centos 5.2 i enabled dhcp. centos machine did not get IP address and can not get to internet. What does ethtool eth0 show? what happens if you run dhclient eth0? Can you configure an IP address statically? What is the output of dmesg | grep eth0?

Re: [CentOS] One for the Cisco experts...

2009-04-21 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Sean Carolan I have a Cisco 6509 switch that I'm monitoring with SNMP from a CentOS5 machine. SNMP polls are the only access I have to this device, we are not allowed to log on via telnet. How can I find out which port on the switch a particular server is

Re: [CentOS] Certificate system

2009-04-24 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Hi all, Can anybody inform me wether the RedHat Certificate System or actually a CentOS equivalent is available for CentOS. Just skimmed on a download site through the RPM's for 5.3 and I couldn't find it. According to their pressrelease, it the code should

Re: [CentOS] Reset audio controller w/o rebooting?

2009-04-27 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Bart Schaefer As I mentioned on a thread about flash-plugin a few days ago, I'm having trouble with my sound device getting stuck and thereby causing problems for anything that accesses it, like video playback. Rebooting the machine fixes it for a while,

Re: [CentOS] Port Forwarding woes

2009-04-27 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Bo Lynch On Mon, April 27, 2009 12:50 pm, D Tucny wrote: 2009/4/28 Bo Lynch On Mon, April 27, 2009 12:01 pm, Dan Carl wrote: Bo Lynch wrote: I'm having some port forwarding issues issues with iptables. We are using

Re: [CentOS] Program to ban sniffers

2009-06-20 Thread Barry Brimer
I doubt there is a program like this, but I would love to have a program that listens at common ports that I do not use at all...and only allow that program to listen to it, especially the usual ssh port (using a different one for real ssh)... That program would then, upon receiving a

Re: [CentOS] 2TB partition limitation on X86_64 version??

2009-06-26 Thread Barry Brimer
Does there has other tool can partition disk size large than 2TB? (I don't like use LVM) Use parted with gpt disk labels. Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] OT: Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editors

2009-06-28 Thread Barry Brimer
I have KomPozer installed, but after using M$ FrontPage for years, KomPozer looks like it is going to have a learning curve and I want to get away from FrontPage and Windows. I know Mark (MHR) uses SeaMonkey. Wondering if there is anything else I can use on Linux that is easier on a

Re: [CentOS] server is always getting hacked

2009-06-30 Thread Barry Brimer
I don't know if you can disable su - Sure: usermod -L root. Before you do that, you need to have a user in /etc/sudoers that has root equivalence. Ubuntu does this by default. I believe putting 'root' into /etc/pam.d/su will make it so that no one can su to root. Barry

Re: [CentOS] cents 5.6 ..... futur

2011-04-15 Thread Barry Brimer
Will it be the same from 5.6 to 6.0 or a full install will be better. Full installs are always recommended between major versions. ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] What is someone trying to do?

2011-06-11 Thread Barry Brimer
My Logwatch was very long today with 404 requests to the Apache server. I dont understand what the person was trying to do by what they were attempting to access. Can anyone explain a method to their madness? The whole things seems weird... Requests with error response codes 404 Not

Re: [CentOS] What is someone trying to do?

2011-06-12 Thread Barry Brimer
So my guess is they're fuzzing/scanning for potential weaknesses in jQuery... For those managing web sites it would be good to acquire such scripts and run them in pre-production as system tests. So where do we get scripts such as the one run against Jason's site? I don't know if this is

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6 x86_64 DVD doesn't boot

2011-07-14 Thread Barry Brimer
I downloaded the CentOS 6 x86_64 DVD ISOs and burned the first image to a rewritable DVD. When I tried to boot my new home server off it, it didn't, and then this was printed to the screen: ETCDisolinux: Found something at drive = EF No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found! boot:

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6 x86_64 DVD doesn't boot

2011-07-14 Thread Barry Brimer
By any chance is the drive that does not work *NOT* a CDRW drive? Sometimes CD-ROM drives do not like reading rewriteable media. The drive in my little server is a DVD/CD burner, too. So, that's not the problem. Can you read other discs burned by that burner in the server machine? I

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6 driver support

2011-07-31 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello all, This is the laptop I own: HP Pavilion dv6t Quad Edition Spec: Intel Core i7-2630QM 2.0GHz, 6GB RAM, 750GB HDD, VGA ATI Radeon HD 6490M You can also check the spec here:

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 6 kernel update and grub.conf...

2011-08-08 Thread Barry Brimer
Whenever there's a kernel update on my system, the new kernel packages are installed, and the grub.conf file does not get updated. Which is THE WAY I want it to be. I never did like the way grub.conf got updated behind my back, so to speak, after a kernel update. Now I don't need to worry

Re: [CentOS] proftpd can't login locally

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
I am trying to setup very simple authentication for proftpd under centos 5.6. But for some reason it isn't working and I was hoping to get some advice into how to resolve the issue. snip What about SELinux? Is it enabled? If so, are there any messages in /var/log/audit/audit.log What do

Re: [CentOS] java permission denied

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
I just tried installing jdk 1.0.7 on my centos 5.6 box and I am getting a permission denied error when I try to display the java version. What are your SELinux settings? Are there any messages in /var/log/audit/audit.log Barry ___ CentOS mailing

Re: [CentOS] java permission denied

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
On Sat, 13 Aug 2011, Tim Dunphy wrote: actually i replied to the wrong thread. D'OH! But it seems that SELinux was behind each problem.. setenforce 0 on that machine allowed it to work. Tho I readily admit that I wish I was more familiar with SELinux. :) You can use audit2allow to create

Re: [CentOS] java permission denied

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
Hey Barry, That's good to know. Thank you again! tim You're welcome. ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] can't list directories in ftp

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
Sorry for all the questions today. But I am trying to wrap up this ftp business and still having some issues. I appreciate your input. SELinux is temporarily disabled (until I can work this all out) and I am now able to log into the FTP server. snip This is what my proftpd config is

Re: [CentOS] can't list directories in ftp

2011-08-13 Thread Barry Brimer
Hello again, Barry Yes interestingly enough that seemed to do it for the local test. This is odd, because I remember setting up another ProFTPd server with this directive and never ran into this issue. Nevertheless, once I commented out the MasqueradeAddress directive it works locally.

Re: [CentOS] Apache Changing IPtables C 5.6 via Apache

2011-08-20 Thread Barry Brimer
When a web site is attacked, so far by unsuccessful hackers, my error routine adds the attackers IP address, prefixed by 'deny', to that web site's .htaccess file. It works and the attacker, on second and subsequent attacks, gets a 403 error response. Have you looked at mod_evasive?

Re: [CentOS] Not receiving root mail

2011-08-22 Thread Barry Brimer host[] said: 550-Verification failed for a...@xxx.lan 550-Unrouteable address 550 Envelope Sender: Domain must resolve in DNS! (in reply to RCPT TO command) It looks like your outgoing mail from your local user(s) needs to be masqueraded or

Re: [CentOS] New wireless controller

2011-09-01 Thread Barry Brimer
I just installed an Asus PCE-n13 wireless card into one of my CentOS 5.6 systems. It uses the RaLink 2680 chip set and I was able to get the driver loaded using modprobe rt2x00pci.ko. I saw no error and now see that the module is loaded along with mac80211 and other dependencies. Now I

Re: [CentOS] College student printer for CentOS 5.4 x86_64?

2009-12-18 Thread Barry Brimer
What would the community recommend? His needs are simple...mostly BW papers. On rare occasions he needs to print a paper with color photos/graphs embedded. Not looking to spend a lot, just enough to satisfy the requirement. Install cups-pdf and have pdfs created by any application that can

Re: [CentOS] Inquiry:yum?

2009-12-23 Thread Barry Brimer
I tried for the other engaged rpm packages one-by-one . But at last , only the following one remained as unresolved : [r...@mss-1 tmp]# rpm -Uvh yum-fastestmirror-1.1.16-13.el5.centos.noarch.rpm warning: yum-fastestmirror-1.1.16-13.el5.centos.noarch.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID

Re: [CentOS] ip range cidr calculator

2009-12-25 Thread Barry Brimer
I found a command-line program that did this once before, used it for a while and then forgot about it until right now and I'll be damned if I can find it again. A command line IP calculator that takes an address range and give it back in cidr format. I found an online one that does this

Re: [CentOS] upgrade adivce

2009-12-30 Thread Barry Brimer
I have a new client that is running a fedora 4 system. Can i upgrade that box to centos 5 with a reasonable expectation of success or should i just back it up and do it from scratch? Also will the samba version in centos 5 natively support windows 7 clients? I would strongly suggest backing

Re: [CentOS] need to free space on a root partition.

2010-01-01 Thread Barry Brimer
On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Yan Yu wrote: Hello, there, Happy new year everyone! I am puzzled here. Could some expert help me shed some light on this? this may not be a centos specific Q.. i have a linux machine. and the root partition (/) is full.. so I moved a dir from /data to /var (/var

Re: [CentOS] Problems with IPTABLES recent module.

2010-01-08 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting James B. Byrne I went to reload (iptables-restore) my iptables configuration and obtained an error at the COMMIT statement. No further details were provided even when I ran restore with the -v option. I determined that none of my backed up configuration files

Re: [CentOS] Get Me Outta Here! Web site security issue

2010-01-12 Thread Barry Brimer
How do I stop this from happing? Do I need to buy an SSL cert? Aren't these really expensive per server and I have 5 servers I would need to do this too. Yes. You need one SSL certificate per site. Although I've never bought an SSL certificate, I have looked at ..

Re: [CentOS] IO Schedulers

2010-01-12 Thread Barry Brimer
I'm on a quest to do some serious tuning to some of my production systems. All are on CentOS 5.x ranging from 5.0 to 5.4. I've been reading up on the various IO schedulers available in the kernel and I'm hoping some of you can lend some insightful suggestions. I typically have three classes

Re: [CentOS] Backup server

2010-01-13 Thread Barry Brimer
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Sorin Srbu wrote: snip The way we currently do backups is to use rsync from the clients to two folders on an older server that rolls over every other week. This worked fine for a while, but the rsync is cumulative and the users

Re: [CentOS] routing multiple network cards on a single subnet

2010-01-20 Thread Barry Brimer
Incidentally, it is my current understanding that anything that I do with an ip route command will go away on a reboot, therefore if I somehow screw up the routing on this box completely all I have to do is reboot it and I'll be back to what I had before.  Which is not a bad thing at the moment.  

Re: [CentOS] recover data on usb drive

2010-02-21 Thread Barry Brimer
I did fdisk and removed the ext3 partition on my 500GB external USB drive, thinking I was working on a usb stick instead. ugh. then I did 'mkdosfs' on it. ugh ugh. Before messing with it any more at all, what good ideas can you all suggest for trying to get my data back? Please don't tell

Re: [CentOS] emergency! linux kickstart pxe boot needed

2010-02-28 Thread Barry Brimer
Is PXE kickstart easy to set up? I have a laptop here with DHCP already going. I google and a bunch of stuff comes up but it does not look simple. system-config-netboot should be able to take care of almost everything for you .. although you will need to add a statement like the following

Re: [CentOS] copy source of ftp

2010-04-02 Thread Barry Brimer
how could i copy all content of a ftp directory from ftp via console to cent os 5.4 lftp (which is a part of CentOS) can do this with the mirror option and -R. man lftp for more info. Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] CentOS 5.x and Fedora

2010-04-14 Thread Barry Brimer
Quoting Matt Which Fedora release is the CentOS 5.x kernel based on? I am wanting to know which Fedora rpm's I would have the best luck installing on CentOS 5.x 64 bit. Fedora Core 6. Please understand that FC6 is no longer supported by Fedora, and hasn't been for a couple

Re: [CentOS] ssh slow

2010-05-05 Thread Barry Brimer
How I can configure sshd_config to improve the ssh faster? It is slow to prompt the login That usually indicates a DNS problem. sshd tries to do a reverse DNS resolution to lookup the connecting client. Barry ___ CentOS mailing list

Re: [CentOS] [CentOS-announce] Release for CentOS-5.5 i386 and x86_64

2010-05-14 Thread Barry Brimer
Now, what about the post-release updates. Any idea when those are coming? Perhaps you missed the following section in the announcements: +++ Pending Updates: Since upstream released their 5.5 media, a series of updates have been issued. These updates are currently syncing

Re: [CentOS] apache redirection

2010-05-19 Thread Barry Brimer
I think that I am going to push at management that this is a non-issue and not worth wasting any more time and see what they might say. I'd like to point out that the following sites don't work with https://domain.tld/ They all present certs for

Re: [CentOS] apache redirection

2010-05-21 Thread Barry Brimer
On 21 May 2010 22:04, Ski Dawg wrote: On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Barry Brimer wrote: As for the redirection, I would handle it with mod_rewrite as follows: VirtualHost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:443 ServerName domain.tld RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}   !^www\.domain

Re: [CentOS] Problems getting my wireles connection to work

2010-07-14 Thread Barry Brimer
[r...@marktop mark]# iwconfig wlan0 essid hrfamnet-101 [r...@marktop mark]# iwconfig wlan0 enc XX [not really...] [r...@marktop mark]# iwconfig wlan0 wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:hrfamnet-101 Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Tx-Power=0 dBm RTS thr:off

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