Re: Client asked me: Why you use coldfusion?

2007-01-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
For the price I'm quoting, I'll code in whatever the damn hell I please! And I would even add: and for that price, I won't even answer stupid questions ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Client asked me: Why you use coldfusion?

2007-01-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
The price I suggested in the proforma invoice was about 3500$. Is the price fair? Per week? If you have the whole system already done and operational, I'd say it's a fair price. But if you have to start from scratch, then your customer is really making a good deal! --

Re: Disregard: Testing...

2007-01-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
trying to make sure my email Ha? I thought you were upgrading from CF 4.5... ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: sliding on image

2007-01-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
i would like to know how i can add scroll bars for the users to scroll around the image Look at overflow style. Probably add some style=overflow: scroll to the TD in your table, or may be to some DIV inside the TD. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: RFC: CFMX Runtime Server

2007-01-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
and Adobe would still get to sell licenses. No so sure about that, since the run time must be produced by some developer, and the developer version is free. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: RFC: CFMX Runtime Server

2007-01-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
I guess the free/trail developer edition should not be able to produce the package that can be deployed to the runtime version. Oh, your idea is that Adobe would develop this tool? I thought you had this idea for yourself ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom

Re: CFLocaleDateFormatException... WTF?

2006-12-31 Thread Claude Schneegans
How about cfqueryparam value=#createODBCDate(now())# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_DATE -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: CF 7.02 won't install ond Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Service Pack

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Did you find the problem ? I just tried to install 7.02 on a Windows XP Pro machine on which I already had CF5, CF6 and CF7.0.0 running fine. I used directory CFMX702 to make sure. After install, the directory only contains about 5 files, among them is the install log file. According to the

Problem with latin characters in CFFTP version 5 7

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I'm having a problem with CFFTP with higher characters in ISO-8859-1 like éè, etc. in file names. It happens with CF 5 and CF7, but not with CF6. I use CFFTP to get a list of files in a server. This list is then converted to XML in some AJAX process. When there is an accented letter in the

Re: Problem with latin characters in CFFTP version 5 at least

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Well, I think I have found the problem, at least with CF 5: I added an alert in the JS to show the HTTP headers returned by my CF template. This template starts with: CFHEADER NAME=Content-type VALUE=text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1 ?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'? With CF 6, the header

Re: Problem with latin characters in CFFTP SOLVED!

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ok, I replaced the CFHEADER tag by CFCONTENT, and now it works! I don't know why, but I thought that CFCONTENT was new with CFMX :-( Even If I found the problem by myself, this community really helps! Would it be just by taking the time to describe what the problem is ;-) --

Re: Problem with latin characters in CFFTP version 5 SOLVED!

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ok, I replaced the CFHEADER tag by CFCONTENT, and now it works! I don't know why, but I thought that CFCONTENT was new with CFMX :-( Even If I found the problem by myself, this community really helps! Would it be just by taking the time to describe what the problem is ;-) --

Installation of CF 7 fails

2006-12-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, Something weird is happening here: I'm trying to install CFMX 702. Everything seems to go well, I can see the CFMX7 directory being populated with CFIDE etc. But at the end, poof! Everything but 5 files, all disappear, no error message, Install seceeded bye bye :-(. One the the files left

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
when the user logs into what? Well, there must be some repository manager on the server, no? users have to go and fetch the latest versions. Its really simple in Eclipse, right-click Team Update...done! Ok, but what if they don't? They can create a new version from an absolete copy?

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
You have all of the previous versions available to you so you can easily fix things, Well, I may be wrong, but my vision of a source control system is to manage things so that they don't need to be fixed.;-) If it is to create problems and then fix them, I don't really need any tool for

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yes. But why would would you want to automatically download code from there? To make sure that a programmer will get the last version before he starts working on a file. At least, this should be checked by the system when a user request a lock on a file. --

Getting file status with CFFTP

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, CF docs about CFFTP says: If |action = listDir|, a |mode| column is returned. The column contains an octal string representation of UNIX permissions; for example, |777|. What if the server is under Window? Will CFFTP still return file status à la Unix?, or no status at all? --

Re: Getting file status with CFFTP

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ok, I found somewhere else that this applies only to Unix. I have another question then: Is it possible to know if a file is read-only using CFFTP? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send

Re: Getting file status with CFFTP

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
As I know all current ftp servers support *nix like features and queries. Actually, I'm using FTP Voyager on a Windows FTP server, and I can get and set all those file attributes. The way I could do the same thing with CFFTP is not quite clear however. --

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Thanks to everyone for your feedback on that subject. I appreciate all your comments, even if I'm aware that most of them came from people working on fairly large applications, with tens of developers, which is definitely not what I am involved in. But thanks anyway. --

Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I've followed about all threads in the list about source control tools, and I'm still wondering if there exists some tool SIMPLE to use and that would do some elementary task and ONLY those. Assuming we have some application on some CF server somewhere, and a team of developers working

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
I would say get SVN and follow standard process for it. Well, I'd like to give it a try, but I've never been able to find a link to download it in their site. Even when one clicks on Download, there is nothing to download, except source code. If I have to compile it, this is not what I call

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
3. They work with their local files as normal, and when they have changes that are ready to go back into the repository, they commit them. Ok, but what happens if two developers have modified the same file? Isn't there any way they can lock files so that no other developer can open it for

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
What happens is when developer A commits a file changed by developer B, he is told there is a conflict, and is prompted to compare the two versions, generally using diff or some variant of it. But this is ridiculous! So programmer B has to read and check all what programer A has done, and

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
This sounds like a job for Dreamweaver. I read somewhere that this feature what buggy in DW, and I'd rather have an editor independent tool. If the tool could just mark local files as read-only, any editor opening the file will tell its user he cannot modify it. Then he could use the client

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Sure, lock the files, but this defeats the purpose of 'concurrent versions' who commits first wins, concurrent versions, merged IF there is a conflict. are PRECISELY the things I want to avoid. So I guess I didn't use the correct term ;-) But what would be the correct term then? --

Re: Calling a ColdFusion Function with Javascript

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Do you know how can I actually call a Coldfusion funsction with a javascript function. Yes I know: you can't. Javasript is run on your client's PC, AFTER any CF code has been executed on the server. You may use some AJAX too, to make your client browser talk to the server, but this is kind of

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
If I have the file checked out and someone else attempts to download the file, So you mean one has to download every file he wants to work on? What if he opens a copy of the file he already has on his disk? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
the newest versions of SVN support locking of a file. The tortoiseSVN (explorer integration) even has a right click option to lock the file. That looks more what I'm looking for. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
This page covers the different models (locking vs. merging) better than I could. Thanks, this is quite clear indeed. Lets say I don't agree AT ALL with neither the cons of the locking solution, neither the pros of the merging. IMO

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
It's only ridiculous if you routinely have developers working on the same part of the same files at the same time. This happen evry day with some files, ie: files that contain strings in any language used in the system. But these files are quickly modified, so locking them for a short period

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Developer B is still going to have to frequently at least review what changes where made to the file so that (s)he understands them and how them may or may not affect the task they are about to use the file for. If I had to develop such a tool, this would be done automatically, either when

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
So tell me, how do you currently cope with multiple developers wanting to make changes to the same file? I am just moving from a ONE developer environment to a COUPLE OF developers team, this is why I used the term Simple. ;-) Do they download the file from a central server and then make

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
1. Lock the file (noted on the server) 2. Download the HEAD revision - the latest copy of the code - in case someone else has changed it since their last download 3. Start working on their job Then once they are finished with their files, they commit them. This does two things... 1.

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
If you need more detailed assistance, email me offline and I'll do what I can. Thanks, I downloaded it and I'm presently reading the F*** manual ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please

Re: Simple source control

2006-12-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm not sure if this is a feature that you see as a con, but since the procedure takes about 2 seconds to complete, it's not something to be concerned about. The only thing is I wonder why this is not automatic when the user logs in. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use

CFMX CFMAIL and message-ID

2006-12-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have an application which sends messages. I use CFMAILPARAM to set a message-ID header in the message, ie: Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Under CF5 it works fine. Under CF7, the message-ID header seems to be set by the Java Mailer, whwtev I put in CFMAIPARAM, ie: Message-id: [EMAIL

Re: CFMX CFMAIL and message-ID

2006-12-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
you're going to have to bypass CFMail entirely G, another reason I hate Java and CFMX :-( I think I can live using the Java header however, and use the mailerID as well to set more information in the message. This one is not broken by Java. Thanks. --

Re: CFMX CFMAIL and message-ID

2006-12-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Can't you create your own custom header value? I'm talking the kind like X-[something]. Not really, because the tree structure is constructed from the message-ID header in conjunction with the References: headers by most mail readers. The References : header lists message-ID from previous

Re: CFMX CFMAIL and message-ID

2006-12-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
You don't need to set your own message ID to create a tree structure, just compare the reply-to against a past message ID. Right, I just figured this out. I was also using this header to identify the application, but now I use the Xmailer header instead. I just put the application name in it.


2006-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
How about this: CFPARAM name=ARGUMENTS.asking1 DEFAULT= CFPARAM name=ARGUMENTS.asking2 DEFAULT= CFSET price = listFirst(#ARGUMENTS.asking1#,#ARGUMENTS.asking1#,0) This way (and since CF ignores empty elements in lists), price will take the first non empty value, and 0 if both are empty. --

Re: SQL Injection Script

2006-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
I've tried all different types of variations to ensure that the passed data is preserved but its being truncated somehow. How do you know it is truncated? If you just output it without using HTMLEditFormat(), the script ... tag wont be displayed. -- ___

Re: SQL Injection Script

2006-12-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
I used HTMLEditFormat() and it finally pulled out I SWEAR I didn't read your last message when I answered the first ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: time/date format in Access

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
He needed to check for entries in the database that occurred between midnight yesterday (00:00:00) and 23:59:59 of today. now()-1 doesn't give that sort of control. Then use CreateODBCDate instead of CreateODBCDateTime. CreateODBCDate(now()) is equivalent to CreateODBCDateTime (now() at time

Re: upload excel to update database

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
What about Excel? Just create a datasource on the Excel file and read it. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: upload excel to update database

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
In the server administrator? I don't see a datatype of excel? Aaaah this is the pleasure of working with JDBC! :-( I suppose you're under CFMX, under CF 5 all ODBC drivers were available, including Excel. With CFMX, you need to first create an ODBC datasource on your Excel file from Windows.

Re: upload excel to update database

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
In MS Access do an external link to an Excel file. This could work also, but the problem is that the link is an absolute path to the file on your disk. At least, I've never found a way to make it relative to the main database, then it will not work when you transfer the database on your

Re: upload excel to update database

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Actually if I make a system dsn in windows linking to the Excel file then hook this into CF administrator. What is the table name of the worksheet? I may be wrong, but I think that the datasource points to a directory in which every .xls file is considered as a table. Then the query goes

Re: OT: harvesting email addresses

2006-12-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
an email addresses be harvested off .cfm and .php pages, Sure they can, when they receive the page, it is not CF or php code anymore, it is plain vanilla HTML. If there is an address in it, they'll find it. My client says they are receiving a lot of spam Tell them to send their sexy jokes in

Re: Who fixed it so ya can't set a var inside cfswitch?

2006-12-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
You can't use any tags other than cfcase and cfdefaultcase inside a cfswitch. What is meant here really is right after the CFSWITCH tag But inside a CFCASE... you're still inside the cfswitch and you can have any tag, so the message is justified, but incorrect. --

Re: time/date format in Access

2006-12-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
Gee, why not simply use this: where timereceived between #createODBCDate(now()-1)# and #createODBCDate(now())# -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL

Re: ColdFusion Picture Framing Sites.

2006-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does anyone know of any already built Picture Framing Software packages that are ColdFusion based? Sure, have a look at CF_PictureFrame: You can see one site using it here: Select a year in the Mosaïque

Re: ColdFusion Picture Framing Sites.

2006-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Is it a cfm or cfx (java, c++) tag? It is a plain vanilla CF5.0 compatible code. No Java, no Javascript, no hassle. Can it be placed in my working folder, and therefore not need to be registered with cf? Absolutely. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;

Re: ColdFusion Picture Framing Sites.

2006-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
Claude, I'd buy this tonight if I could get it installed and running at CrystalTech on a shared hosting plan. However, the names appearing in popups on the pictures is not part of the tag. The tag only adds the frames. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags;

Re: ColdFusion Picture Framing Sites.

2006-12-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
t is a plain vanilla CF5.0 compatible code and CFMX also, of course. ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Why datediff

2006-12-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
dateDiff doesn't particularly care what format a date's in. Yes it does. It expects date values, not formated strings. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: Why datediff

2006-12-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
CreateODBCDateTime(dateformat(12/12/2006 1:36:51 PM, MM/DD/)) should be a valid date/time object. No more: CreateODBCDateTime expects a date/time object, not a formated string. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Dynamic Map of U.S.

2006-12-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
I am looking to create a map of the US where states are assigned different colors based on database data. The result would be similar to those blue-red political maps. Does anyone have any suggestions? Sure. Have look at CFX_MapData:

Re: OT: SPAM filters and this list

2006-12-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
thoughts? complaints? bitches? moans? I'll second this. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: SPAM filters and this list

2006-12-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
I suspect that most list members don't directly administer their own spam filters (and/or mail server). Then the least they could do is reedit the subject of the message when they reply to it. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Struggling with math!

2006-12-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Try this (not tested) : CFSET stringNumber = 255,0,0,255 CFSET number = 0 CFLOOP INDEX=n LIST=#stringNumber# CFSET number = BitSHLN(number, 8) + n /CFLOOP -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Struggling with math!

2006-12-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
the obvious choice would be to use four separate 8-bit integers. My understanding was that Java needs a 32 bit value, then Rick seems to have no choice. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please

Changing the topic

2006-12-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
There is a system in place already that will bounce any message Good idea. In the same kind of issue, could you also automatically remove the References: header from any message that does not use the same subject as the message it is refering? (just like I just did ;-) This way, a new thread

Re: Is Inside Tag

2006-12-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
This would be pretty easy with CF_REExtract (see: ) For instance, the code below reads a file in which I have a bunch of LI ... /LI tags. First call CF_RE_Extract to read the file and get a query tags in which all

Re: Fun with CF CSS Files.

2006-12-06 Thread Claude Schneegans
Has anybody every tried this? There are two situations: 1º what you need is simply a CSS file generated once in a while from CF (say you have a style editor for instance in your CMS). In that case, you do not want the CF code to be run at every request, then the best is to use the CF code code

Re: Images and Watermarks?

2006-12-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
I am curious as how you can add a watermark to an image without having to create a new image. See CFX_StampImage here : -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Strange (non consistent) behaviour in CF

2006-11-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
On one of our servers, we are getting a page stopping rendering half- way down the page, has anyone seen this happen before? Another reason for this could be an error deep in the HTML code so that one cannot see it on the page. In that case, viewing the source will help. --

Re: OT: Hiding email addresses

2006-11-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
They have asked me if there is a way to hide the email address better...does anyone have any ideas? 1. put this in your application.cfm: CFSCRIPT function encodeAddress(a) { return replace(replace(a, @, $), ., ;, all); } /CFSCRIPT SCRIPT function decodeAddress(a) { a.href

Re: SOT: Plot points on the circumference of a circle.

2006-11-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
How would one calculate/plot the points of the circumference of a circle given its center coordinates and radius? Given that R is the radius, X and Y the coordinates of the center, you can do a loop on the angle A, say by increments of 10deg from 0 to 360, then each point (px, py) is given by

Re: FCKEditor (Things to watch out for?)

2006-11-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
you can't ask them to save it You don't even ask them. The editor does the cleaning automatically when something is either pasted in or drag'n dropped. When CF gets the content back, it is already clean. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: FCKEditor (Things to watch out for?)

2006-11-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
I was referring to the suggested use of the UDF of that does word cleaning. Well, yes, this is why I said this function shouldn't be used: the cleaning should be done on client side. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: FCKEditor (Things to watch out for?)

2006-11-23 Thread Claude Schneegans
And I was agreeing with you =) Aaaah oky ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Wrong error message under CF5

2006-11-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have an application on a CF5 server which traps and logs errors with some CFERROR template. I have noticed that when an error occurs in a template which has some function definition in a CFSCRIPT tag, say myFunction (), whatever the error is, even a syntax error, the error message is

Re: Wrong error message under CF5

2006-11-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
Are you sure you don't have the function defined twice? Definitely sure. This was the first thing I verified. And it happens with any template that has a function defined in it. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: FCKEditor (Things to watch out for?)

2006-11-22 Thread Claude Schneegans
check CFLIB they have better functions for cleaning that up. Thanks, I also have my own Editor and my own clean function, and it is not optional, it is included in the standard paste. Also, IMO the cleanup should be done on client side, during the paste, not on the server, otherwise, the

Re: Other simple but powerful editors out there like CF Studio? Dreamweaver 8 nope!

2006-11-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Got so used to it that It never crossed my mind to swap it for something else until I started to play with eclipse. Same thing here, except that when I tried Eclipse, I came back to CF Studio faster than light! ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Dreamweaver is a total dog!!

2006-11-19 Thread Claude Schneegans
I suppose I will go back to HS+ and be happy once again. Like many others ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
But when my boss came and asked a non-German name which we need to use as is and could not figure out with same encoding in same page, The other headache was converting our old CF5 database to send another company via XML. These all all good reasons to switch for Unicode, and you made

Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I have a site on a CF5 server that imports some page by CFHTTP from another site under CFMX (not under my control). Unfortunately, this site sends its content in UTF-8 format. Is there any tool somewhere, usable under CF5, to convert UTF-8 text to ISO-8859-1? --

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
8859-1 is a character set not an encoding (like UTF-8). I know pretty well about UTF-8, iso-8859 and the difference between a charset and an encoding. But neither HTTP headers, neither META tags, neither MIME make the distinction: they all call it charset. Anyway, what I need is to convert

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
CF_CharsetConvert (Converts iso-8859-1 (latin-1) characters to utf-8 and back.) Thanks, I will give it a try. But in general I wonder what is your problem? The problem is that the whole site is under CF5 and using iso-88569-1 The text I want to import will be embedded inside a page in

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
There is a custom tag that you can check out. CF_CharsetConvert With just some little tune up, this tag has solved my problem. Thanks for the hint. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yep. So, this is the wrong name for the attribute. There should be an encoding attribute and a charset attribute. Who cares? As far as Internet is concerned, there is no difference. The only problem will be when (and if) UTF-8 is used to represent something else that Unicode, which is not

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
if you're using CFMX. I'M NOT using CFMX. This issue is with CF5. CF-5 rendered in UTF-7 by default. We deal in 22 languages I deal with only ONE European language, and I only need 8bit extended ASCII: iso-8859-1 I have no problem with iso-8859-1 and there is no reason I need Unicode.

Re: Convert UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 under CF5

2006-11-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
claude's a long standing shoe thrower when it comes to unicode On the contrary, I have a full respect fof Unicode, when it is necessary. But I find simply ridiculous to have all French characters using 2 or 3 bytes in UTF-8 when 8859 can do the job with only one byte. I do not argue that a

Re: Search Engine Friendly URLS

2006-11-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
To Search Engine Friendly URL such as Is it really more Search Engine Friendly? Why? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: Search Engine Friendly URLS

2006-11-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Because search engines favor sites that have real words in their URL I know that even Google claims it won't search pages with something like ?id=1234 in the URL, but it is simply not true. I have all my sites with such url, and they all get searched every day, in particular by Google. I think

Re: Stupid Field Names

2006-11-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
While processing Amazon report files I notice that they have labelled most of their fields with - in. For example order-id and payments-date. Probably the same moron who designed the CSS style names ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Search Engine Friendly URLS

2006-11-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
but the ranking algorithms place SES urls higher than the ugly IDs. It doesn't make much sense to me, particularly when you look at all the fake search result pages that are filled with text ads, but that get high ranks because of their SES URLs. Yeah, those sites are really a plague. But not

Re: link manager

2006-11-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have done some remedial searching and not found anything like this: Like what? What would do a link manager for you? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: How to strip a #

2006-11-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
how about this... cfset foo = replace(bar, #Chr(35)#, , all/ Or even more simply: cfset foo = replace(bar, Chr(35), , all ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address:

Re: How to strip a #

2006-11-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yeah...that's what someone else suggested, but it didn't work... Ahhh..., may be not under CF 4.0 ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: ColdFusion Time Out Error....HELP!!!!!

2006-11-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Timed out trying to establish connection Do you have the Maintain Connections parameter checked for this datasource in the CF administrator? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any

Re: Group-level security theory

2006-11-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm building a content management application targeted at small-businesses. I quite agree with Barney's description. What you describe here would be role based security. However, for small business, a permission based security would probably be more appropriate. Depends how small is you small

Re: Never seen this one...

2006-11-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Well, the file was there. I was just uploading a fresh one. Is this normal? It was there, but temporarily locked by the transfer program (FTP?) while it was writing it. The message could not OPEN the included file would be more appropriate in that case. --

Custom 404 error page

2006-11-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, I' publishing a new web site for a customer which was html only before, hosted somewhere else. I want old links to any old page to be redirected to /index.cfm I managed to set up the redirection in IIS to /index.cfm The problem is that index.cfm is called relatively to the old address. For

Re: Custom 404 error page

2006-11-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ok, I got it. I replaced the 404 error handler in IIS to redirect to /404/index.cfm. In /404, you need also an empty application.cfm, Then in 404/index.cfm, just these two lines: cfheader statuscode=301 statustext=Moved permanently cfheader name=Location value=; --

Re: Finding the CFINCLUDE path

2006-11-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
I don't remember if it contains path information. No, it doesn't, it just repeats the file name given in the template ATTRIBUTE. The problem is that the way it is documented is not clear: ColdFusion searches for included files in the following locations: 1. In the directory of the current

Re: Finding the CFINCLUDE path

2006-11-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
The current page refers to the currently processing template. In other words, the included template that is currently processing. Yes, this sounds logical; the problem is when there is another include inside the first include. Logically, the included code is executed like if it was inside the

Finding the CFINCLUDE path

2006-11-06 Thread Claude Schneegans
Hi, When an include fails, the only thing we get is being lectured with this stupid massage: Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (e.g. TEMPLATE=/mypath/index.cfm) with CFINCLUDE then you must create a mapping for the path ... blah blah blah... What would really help would be

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