Re: Which NoSQL?

2013-11-05 Thread Kris Sisk
The biggest reason for breaking the existing convention is that it makes the thing a nightmare to maintain right now and has a lot of overhead. It's not an unacceptable level of overhead, but I feel changing its structure will improve it significantly. Though the point Maureen makes is a good

Which NoSQL?

2013-11-01 Thread Kris Sisk
I realize I'm a little behind the curve on this. In my defense this is the first time since becoming a full time developer that I've dealt with data that didn't come from spreadsheets, so I've not really had a reason to look very far into NoSQL other than just far enough to understand what it

Getting a datasource list

2013-05-20 Thread Kris Sisk
I have a small app I've been using for a number of years on my local machine's developer CF install to interface with my databases without having to remote to the SQL server. You wouldn't believe how much time it's saved me. Last week I upgraded this installation to CF10 to match what's on my

cfqueryparam problem

2011-10-07 Thread Kris Sisk
I have this query in a remote accessible cfc: cfquery datasource=staff name=rq SELECT * FROM intervention WHERE studentId = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_integer AND year=cfqueryparam value=#arguments.year# cfsqltype=cf_sql_integer /cfquery At issue is the second

Re: cfqueryparam problem

2011-10-07 Thread Kris Sisk
That got it. Thanks, I was going nuts trying to figure it out. Try this. cfm?mode=entryentry=7D417738-DF64-B270-3056B422E2F6FCAB Wil Genovese Sr. Web Application Developer/ Systems Administrator CF Webtools

CFSpreadsheet and formulas

2010-06-11 Thread Kris Sisk
I have a workbook that I read with CFSpreadsheet, update some of the data, and then write out to a new file. The problem that I'm running into is that there are several formulas on the spreadsheet that don't recalculate when the new file is saved. Even when the file is opened the formulas

Wierd error from bots

2010-06-03 Thread Kris Sisk
I just switched over from an old Application.cfm to a new Application.cfc a couple weeks ago. Ever since I did I keep getting an error that says An exception occured while invoking an event handler method from Application.cfc. The method name is: onRequestStart. I only get this error when bots

Re: HTML 5, has anyone done anything more than played with it

2010-06-01 Thread Kris Sisk
I've seen a couple of Javascript libraries that create support for the semantic tags (header, footer etc), but support for canvas, video and audio won't be mainstream unitl IE9 comes out (I'm not a M$ fanboy, but it is the most widely used browser). It won't even be mainstream then. There's

Re: cflayout accordion collapsed initially

2010-05-27 Thread Kris Sisk
Hi I am using cflayout accordion with only one item which I want collapsed on page load. I've eventually put this code in: body onload=ColdFusion.Layout.collapseAccordion('accordionLayout', 'panel01') This works in FF and Chrome but NOT in IE8, which 1) does NOT open collapsed and 2)

Re: cflayout accordion collapsed initially

2010-05-27 Thread Kris Sisk
cfset ajaxonload=ColdFusion.Layout. collapseAccordion('accordionLayout','panel01') Geh, must be early. Make that: cfset ajaxonload(ColdFusion.Layout.collapseAccordion('accordionLayout','panel01') ~| Order the Adobe

Re: Coldfusion 9 Windows vs Linux

2010-05-24 Thread Kris Sisk
As others have said the big difference is that Linux is case sensative. I have a friend who switched her web server over to Debian from Windows several years back. Her husband is a massive Linux geek and handled setting it up for her so she had no learning curve with the switch but she did a

CFMenu Woes

2010-05-18 Thread Kris Sisk
I just launched a new website that uses a cfmenu. The layout is designed for at least a 1024x768 resolution. What we're running into is that the cfmenu javascript doesn't always function correctly in IE7 at resolutions of 800x600 or below. When the user sets their resolution to 1024x768 and

Re: Web Programming Cert

2010-05-05 Thread Kris Sisk
I'm thinking that this might be a good deal It mostly looks good, but there's a Perl class in there. Don't get me wrong, I know Perl, I like Perl, and I write a whole lot of scripts for my own personal use in Perl. I even cut

What's wrong with this QoQ?

2010-04-29 Thread Kris Sisk
This is driving me batty. Every time I try to run this code I get a QoQ syntax error and I'm not seeing where the error is. cfloop from=1 to=3 index=i cfquery name=section dbtype=query SELECT * FROM questions WHERE section = #i# /cfquery /cfloop In case it's not immediately obvious, section is

Re: What's wrong with this QoQ?

2010-04-29 Thread Kris Sisk
It appears section is a reserved word. Your WHERE clause should work if you use: WHERE [section] = #i# On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Kris Sisk wrote: Thanks. I didn't think to check for reserved words. That was the problem

Re: coldfusion.ajax.submitform

2010-04-07 Thread Kris Sisk
You're passing an undefined variable rather than the form's id with your link. Try this: a href=javascript:submitForm('myform'); ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House

Re: ColdFusion Builder Released!

2010-03-22 Thread Kris Sisk
You guys are a bunch of whiners. I don't know if I'll buy ColdFusion Builder yet, but if I do...$300 is cheap, for any software. What do you guys want?! Free? How much work do you do for free? Don't buy it...fine, but don't whine about $300. $300 cheap for any software? What kind of Kool

CFScript query service problem

2010-03-09 Thread Kris Sisk
I'm trying to use the query service and I'm running into the issue that no matter what I put into the object it throws an error when I try to execute it. The specific error I'm seeing is Attribute validation error for tag CFQUERY. It does not allow the attribute 1. The code I'm feeding into it

Set session variable via AJAX

2010-02-22 Thread Kris Sisk
I have a dropdown with an onchange that calls a CFC via cfajaxproxy and I'm trying to set a session variable in that CFC. For some reason this session variable isn't taking. Here's the code I'm working with (excess code removed): cfajaxproxy cfc=components.Translate jsclassname=translate/

Re: ColdFusion and Linux

2009-12-04 Thread Kris Sisk
Does anyone know the solution of this? Also, what would be the recommended chmod to use? seems like 777 is the only one that will allow me to write to the folder I'm not sure about your accents and whatnot. Being embarrassingly unilingual I don't use them very much. But your chmod should

Flash forms problem

2009-07-07 Thread Kris Sisk
I just upgrade to CF 8 and the upgrade did not go well. I ended up having to configure the connectors in IIS6 manually. I've gotten everything working again except for flash forms. They start to load fine, but some things don't. Notably, any text or html cfformitems don't load at all and any

Reading xls with Java HSSFWorkbook object

2009-02-20 Thread Kris Sisk
I'm trying to read a spreadsheet using the HSSFWorkbook object. First off, I know that it would probably be better to save it to a csv first, but some of the people this is going to be used by would probably loose their minds if they tried to save into anything other than an xls from Excel.

Re: Reading xls with Java HSSFWorkbook object

2009-02-20 Thread Kris Sisk
Ok, now I feel silly. After hours of fighting this, I did this: row=sheet.getRow(JavaCast('int',#i#); instead of this: row=sheet.getRow(JavaCast('int',i); And the same on the cell definition and presto. It's working. ~|