Re: I guess it was bound to happen

2012-08-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I set the appropriate meta tags and robots.txt to tell the search engines to not spyder the site. Only well behaving bot will follow the robot.txt recommandations. There are also bad bots which don't care reading the file, and very bad bots which do read the file in the only purpose to

Re: Looking for Homesite+

2012-08-16 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It would be nice if Adobe would opensource Homesite+ Even better if they continued supporting it. No other CF editor ever reached it's level of versatility (except fot things we don't need of course, ie: Eclipse) ~| Order

Re: Looking for Homesite+

2012-08-16 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I just need to update the tag definitions to the latest version of CFM. However, what is the last supported CF version and where are the updates available ? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Installing Railo on IIS7.5

2012-08-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
if your not using any CF specific features there is a good chance your site will work with no changes at all. Well, the problem is to know what is CF specific, furthermore, I would prefer the term Railo not CF compatible, since CF is the genuine CFML after all. I tried Railo once, and the

Re: Query with no results is not defined

2012-08-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
second it does make the app run faster, as when you don't provide the explicit scope May be 1 msec faster on the server, but at least 1 sec longer for me to write the code, neither my server neither myself are paid on a hourly rate ;-)

Re: Query with no results is not defined

2012-08-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
IT ERRORS RIGHT HERE! Waht is the error message ? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: credit card fraud

2012-08-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Captcha was in place Everytime I see a capcha in a site I'm tempted to run away. It is so user unfriendly, it is insulting. I don't know how CFFormProtect works, but it is so easy to have an onsubmit Javascript procedure that will add some hidden field in the form which the action template

Re: credit card fraud

2012-08-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
cfformproetct uses several techniques to detect human input, not captcha Are they invisible to the human ? Some forms ask me how much is 2+2, this is insulting as well ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: credit card fraud

2012-08-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Why don't you just download the project and give it a try Because I've been using my own system since years ago. foaming at the mouth about how it insults you. You're insulting me ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology

Re: credit card fraud

2012-08-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
why does the CFTALK list let anyone post with no name and no email address? Probably because the CF_talk list system does not recognize ISO-8859 encoded addresses. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF DDos update released

2012-09-11 Thread Claude Schnéegans
i already read tha adobe bulletin, it doesn't really say much. I doubt you will ever see details and description about any possible attack. It would be too easy for those looking for ideas... ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: What does +no+post+sending+forms+are+found do?

2012-09-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It looks like a search engine which is clumsily redirecting search result to some of your pages. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

multi sessions in one

2012-10-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I've noticed that one of my users was causing errors in my application because he opens several windows to work in different areas of the system in the same time. This causes conflicts in the session scope, since all of his windows are having the same cookie, therefore the same session.

Re: multi sessions in one

2012-10-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You can prevent session-based race conditions by using CFLOCK around any code that reads or writes session variables, It is not an issue of session race and I don't see how CFLOCK could help. Imagine you have a big system designed to manage big events like annual conferences wirh inscription,

Re: Flushing cache

2012-11-07 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is there anyway to ensure that a user starts with a new or fresh template that is loaded from the website and not from their computer's cache. It is supposed to be handled automatically by CF with appropriate HTTP headers.

Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, When I dbl-click on a CF template in Windows Explorer, it automatically opens the template in CF Studio. Now, suppose I have a list of local files in an HTML page, is it possible to create the same action in an HTML link like: A href=open the file in CF Studio#fullPath#/A

Re: Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
if you want to open those in cfstudio, you can right click Open With... and choose cfstudio. No, this is when you are in Windows Explorer. What I need is open the file in CF Studio from Internet Explorer in a page generated with CF. I'm trying to use CFEXECUTE, but nothing happens. Ex: A

Re: Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
ColdFusion code runs on the server. Nothing you write in CF is ever processed by a client or web browser. Your cfexecute is attempting to run cfstudio45.exe on the server. I'm on my development server, of course. ~| Order

Re: Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
That's not going to work unless (a) all components (CF, CFStudio, browser, web server) are on the same machine, and (b) the service logs on as SYSTEM and is allowed to interact with the desktop. All these conditions are met. And I already use CFEXECUTE with other applications to run

Where is information used by the Scheduler?

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, When I open the Scheduler in the CF administrator (CF 9), I get the error: 11/26/2012 1:58:00 PM is an invalid date format. Fist I don't see why it is ivalid. But I'd like to see if I can modify it. I suppose all the information about scheduled tasks is stocked in some XML file, but where?

Re: Where is information used by the Scheduler?

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Try neo-cron.xml (should be in the \lib folder under your ColdFusion installation). Thanks, I found it. But my assumption was wrong. The date is not contained in this file, it is simple the date-time at the moment I open the scheduler. How could this date be wrong?

Re: Where is information used by the Scheduler?

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I would suggest you just delete the task from neo-cron.xml and start again and see if the issue persists Finaly, the trouble seems not to be with the sceduled tasked. The date-time which is declared invalid is actualy rhe time I open the administrator Scheduler page. This time must be used to

Re: Where is information used by the Scheduler?

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I notice that this invalid date is in american format (mm/dd/), though My system local is set for French, thus the date format should be dd/mm/ I think I will have to wait until dec 1st, the the date will be valid in both formats, and hopefuly I'll see where it is used.

Re: Where is information used by the Scheduler?

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I eventually fixed the problem by forcing a locale fro the JVM in the ColdFusion Administrator by adding the following JVM arguments: -Duser.language=en Hey! How about that! It solved my problem. I added -Duser.language=fr and now it works. Thanks a lot!

Re: Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Are you sure you've checked the interact with the desktop option? It's not checked by default. I'm sure I haven't check it. Where is that option? When you run PKZIP, is it running as a console application or as a GUI? Yes a console application, that' why it works.

Re: Opening a template in CF Studio from an HTML link

2012-11-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I'm sure I haven't check it. Where is that option? Ok, got it! in the CF service. I checked it, and now it does call CF Studio, although it looks like it creates another desktop instance especialy for the application, opens plenty of windows and asks many questions before I can access the

CF application ends prematurely in CFHTTP

2012-11-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I have an application that reads pages in a loop using CFHTTP. It works well, but when the number of pages read reaches some variable threshold, the application seems to abort from inside the CFHTTP command. Roughly, the code looks like this: CFLOOP QUERY=getAddresses CFTRY

Re: CF application ends prematurely in CFHTTP

2012-11-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
it is because your dumping the cfcatch which actually does contain the error that occurred. I don't understand what you mean. The dump never occurs, thus the error is not catched. Anyway the problem was simply a time limit of 60 sec by default. This is weird because exception type is Any by

Re: CF application ends prematurely in CFHTTP

2012-11-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Then that indicates that there is no error... There was an error, a timeout error. A far as I can remember, timeout errors were thrown, even while executing a CFHTTP request. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CF application ends prematurely in CFHTTP

2012-11-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I would be guessing this is a page time out, only because there seems to be a number of cfhttp calls going on. Right, the time required for the HTTP calls represents a high percentage of the total time in the loop, so chances the time limit occurs during the HTTP are high. But I still don't

Re: CF application ends prematurely in CFHTTP

2012-11-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Actually there is a setting in the cfadmin for a pagetodisplay on timeouts. Thanks. Didn't know that. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Weird problem with IFRAME

2012-12-13 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, One of my customers is having a very weird problem with an IFRAME in my site. Here is the code in file mondossier.cfm: IFRAME SRC=monDossierEdit.cfm?type=#type# WIDTH=950 HEIGHT=650 FRAMEBORDER=0 STYLE=position:relative; NAME=admin/IFRAME type is blank With all

Re: Weird problem with IFRAME

2012-12-13 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Try ./file.cfm Ok, I tried, but it makes no difference. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: Weird problem with IFRAME

2012-12-14 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is it possible the IFrame src is getting redirected to the root It would be if the file is not found, but the file exists and it works with all other browsers, including IE8. Only IE9 seems to have trouble. And if it was redirectected, there would be a trace of it in the HTTP logs For instance

Re: Weird problem with IFRAME

2012-12-14 Thread Claude Schnéegans
it looks like you need a space between mondossier.cfm and type=#type# No, type here is a parameter in the url, not an attribute for IFRAME IFRAME has no TYPE attribute anyway, only SRC and NAME. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: Weird problem with IFRAME

2012-12-18 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I found this somewhat related article. Well, no it is not the same. This one seems to deal with an error when setting the SRC attribute by Javascript, which is not what I'm doing. Whet I have is a page like myPage.cfm which has an IFRAME SRC=myPageEdit.cfm... When it works normally I do see

Re: CF 9 Scheduled Task Not Sending Emails

2012-12-20 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You could also check in the logs, if something wrong happens, it should be tracable in the mail log. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
When I first loaded the page I received an error, after I refreshed the error went away. This method won't work either, because the Ajax function will be executed after the output of the page is already on client side. This is why you get an error at the first call. So you have to call the

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It seems there's no way to avoid the 2nd step either redirect or form post. The problem is not with using POST or GET, the problem is using Ajax. Ajax is good for many things, but not for this one. Just as you first attempt did, the Ajax call will be performed from client side, AFTER the

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-24 Thread Claude Schnéegans
But you cannot get these values ntil after he page loads The page loads but reloads immediately sending the values in the same time. It is still a two steps process, but in this case, the first step is automatic and transparent to the user. so using ajax is perfectly valid way to send dom

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-24 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Its a workable solution for getting Now, the trick I gave was only to deal with the specific problem as you defined it, but there would be an even better solution. I suppose the user has to go through some other page before he gets images. So why not simply transmit the screen size before with

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-24 Thread Claude Schnéegans
This is the point in ajax, to client side to server side. May be, but the point is still that when Ajax does it, the page that needed the data is already at client side, so it is too late. For sending data to the server, there is still good old FORMs. Ajax is more useful to get

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-24 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I think your still not understanding the power of AJAX. I think you still don't understand the point that Ajax is simply not the best solurion in this instance. You can use AJAX to completely build a page on the fly, Yes, of course you can, but when you can do better and simpler not using

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi Claude, perhaps the only way to do it with ajax in a 1 step process is to send the screen size vars to the cfc, then based on the results from the cfc have js append something to the image source path so a different set of image files loads. Probably, if you absolutely want to use

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-25 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is there then a way to save the vars that came back to the client from the server cfc into cf session scope, The best would be to save it while still on the server from the cfc. But you must make sure the session Id is transmitted to the cfc, otherwise it will define a new session.

Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-27 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It seems however that it went from talking about using Javascript with Coldfusion to using Javascript by itself.. So what ? This forum is for CF users. Are you a CF user who does not use Javascript? ~| Order the Adobe

Re: cfcontent changing name of file

2012-12-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You need two tags: one to set the file name, one to send return the document cfheader name=Content-Disposition value=attachment; filename=myFile.pdf cfcontent type = application/pdf file=#handoutFile# DELETEFILE=no RESET=yes

Re: cfcontent changing name of file

2012-12-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
cfheader name=Content-disposition value=inline;filename=#handout# / cfcontent type=application/pdf file=#handoutfile# deleteFile = no / This works great for viewing the file, but the name of the file is classroom.pdf since there is multiple handouts the user is likely to overwrite

Re: cfcontent changing name of file

2012-12-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Well, I see. Then it definitely looks like a Firefox issue. Have you try with Explorer? I don't see what you can do from CF. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: New Security Issue with CF

2013-01-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
but i think the way this one works quite ingenious. I'm not sure if it is as much ingenious as the breach is gross, frankly. Have you seen how the schedule task could have been set? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology

Re: New Security Issue with CF

2013-01-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I downloaded and reviewed the h.cfm file -- yeah, it is pretty clever. The file itself is some tool designed to be used by developers, probably not developed by rhe hacker himself. He just found a way to store it on servers. but how did that hacker place the h.cfm file in /CFIDE/ to begin

Re: cfquery results--memory resident?

2013-01-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
2. Only query the primary keys, and then loop over that list grabbing x records at a time and doing a new query to get all rows for those keys. This is a pretty good method. I tested it on a database containing about 45 records with a seach template. I give a very loose criterion on

Re: Hijacked Session

2013-01-12 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It appears that a google bot somehow hijacks the user session, It is not a good idea to associate the IP to a session. Some providers assign a new IP to each HTTP requst, AOL for example. Google Bot also can request your site from many different IPs.

Running Coldfusion on a SSD server

2013-01-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I'm considering installing my applications on a new dedicated server and in particular on a SSD server. Has any one any experience with this configuration? How good is it? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Running Coldfusion on a SSD server

2013-01-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Ssd makes the most difference to rdbms like mysql or mssql which involves lots of iops This is what I was mostly thinking of, and for any database system. Thanks. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Running Coldfusion on a SSD server

2013-01-19 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I'm considering installing my applications on a new dedicated server and in particular on a SSD server. Has any one any experience with this configuration? How good is it? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Difficulty in creating a dynamic query

2013-01-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You need to use the preserveSingleQuotes () pseudo function ie: cfquery name=foo #preserveSingleQuotes(sqlStatement)# /cfquery ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Difficulty in creating a dynamic query

2013-01-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
you might even go to prison over it. ;-)) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: Check out my profile on LinkedIn

2013-01-28 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Find out why I use LinkedIn. Who cares? ;-) ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: Query of Query problem: Merging and sorting two query results

2013-01-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Is there a way around this? Just create empty columns when they are missing, ie: *SELECT* first_name, last_name, off1_name, off2_name, off3_name, atty_id, email FROM newstuff UNION SELECT first_name, last_name,

Problem using Solr

2013-01-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I'm trying to install solr collections for my sites unde CF9, so I installed Solr Server, but when I try to create a collection in the administrator, I get this error : « fr_FR. must be one of the ColdFusion supported locales ». But fr_FR is the Java Default Locale in the CF

Dealing with HIGH secuity on a W2008 server

2013-02-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I'm installing CF9 on a new W2008 dedicated server. This server has a level of security which is driving me crazy. I log as Administrator and I cannot modify any xml file even with bloc-notes : access denied, even when the CF service is stopped. When I try to set bloc-note to run as

Re: Dealing with HIGH secuity on a W2008 server

2013-02-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
If so, you should be able to open any program from that prompt and have it use Administrator privileges. I can run any program as administrator if I right click on the progam exe file in Windows Explorer, But I cannot set its privilege level in its properties. This is annoying, because if I

Re: Dealing with HIGH secuity on a W2008 server

2013-02-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Right click the program used to edit, and choose run as administrator, then open the file from within the application. Thanks, I know I can do that, my question is how to bypass this hassle? You can't get admin rights that I know of by right clicking a file and choosing edit. But how

Re: Dealing with HIGH secuity on a W2008 server

2013-02-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
It tells you how to add Open With Notepad as Administrator Very good! It works! Thanks a lot, very clever solution. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Dealing with HIGH secuity on a W2008 server

2013-02-05 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You can disable UAC. This is probably not a good idea, though, especially if it's not your server. It is a dedicated server, but it is certainly not a good idea indeed. it's very easy to just open a single command prompt as Administrator and use that to launch any specific actions that

Escaping regexp control characters

2013-02-07 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, CF10 provides a new function: reEscape() which as it says escapes regexp control characters in a string. I would need such a function but I'm uder CF9. Has any one heard of a function that would do the same thing? Thanks.

Re: Escaping regexp control characters

2013-02-07 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Um, did you search CFLib? Hmmm I searched for something else one hour ago, didn't find it so I decided to make it myself, needed this reEscape() function and forgot to search again :-( Thanks. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: Problem with Hackers on Donation form through

2013-02-12 Thread Claude Schnéegans
If so, this won't work because I don't use an actual button with a type of submit. The submit button for my form is just a regular button that triggers an AJAX function that sends the data to a CFC for further processing and then submission in the CFC to From this you can

Re: Hosting A to Z

2013-02-14 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Has anyone found a replacement for client side validation that is even close to CFform in terms of comprehensiveness of data types it validates against? Yeap, I've developped my own client side validation system. At thet time CFFORM did not allow for messages other than in English. I use a

Re: Hosting A to Z

2013-02-14 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Care to share? To share no, but to document, yes. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

SOT, but... what the heck is MS FrontPage?

2013-02-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, My sites are hit on a regular basis by this agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MS FrontPage 14.0) - it makes requests with methods OPTIONS or HEAD which are forbiden in my sites; - it makes requests for pages that does not exist, like - /_vti_inf.html - /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc

Re: SOT, but... what the heck is MS FrontPage?

2013-02-22 Thread Claude Schnéegans
FrontPage is an HTML authoring tool from Microsoft. So, do I suppose well if I suppose the user is trying to see if he can edit my site if it is accessible to FrontPage and is not protected? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: SOT, but... what the heck is MS FrontPage?

2013-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I think if you have FP installed and you use IE and you have things configured a certain way, FP will just try to see if the site supports FP Extensions. Ok, but then, if he is using IE, shouldn't MSIE appear somewhere in the user agent ? IF the user agent is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MS

Re: SOT, but... what the heck is MS FrontPage?

2013-02-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Why on earth would you forbid HEAD? I thought it was, because the response was not 200, but it is not. The response is actaully 206, which is normal. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: 32 vs 64 bit CF and DSNs

2013-03-09 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You cannot natively run msaccess on 64bit windows as there is no 64bit jet driver, Actually you can. Look for C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe This is a 32bit ODBC Data source Administrator. Use it to define your System DSN first, then in the CF Administrator define your datasource with the

Re: 32 vs 64 bit CF and DSNs

2013-03-12 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I finally pulled the plug on the 64 but and installed the 32 bit CF version. I'm also using CF 32bit, but it is because of some 32bit CFXs, but I did have the 64bit running with Access datasources. I have Access 2003 installed on the server, may be you need it to bring the correct 32bit

Re: CF running out of steam

2013-03-13 Thread Claude Schnéegans
but it does seem like Adobe marketing, and to some point Adobe development, is asleep at the wheel. I can hear them snoring from here. They could start by giving CF the place it deserves on ther Web site. How many steps do we have to go through before we find a single page about CF in their

Re: CF running out of steam

2013-03-13 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Maybe they would just Google it. Google is a good tool but not an excuse for having a poor home page. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Curmudgeon painted in a corner

2013-03-17 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Problem: new ones all come with Windows 8 so it looks like I'll be buying (unless I can find freebies) some new development tools. I'm usint CF Studio (identical to Homesite) and it runs perfectly under Windows 7 64bits. Just make sure it runs in compatibility Windows XP mode.

Re: CF running out of steam

2013-03-18 Thread Claude Schnéegans
what company in the business of selling stuff, isn't interested in selling stuff? For instance a company who bought the company who baught Macromedia because they where intersted in former Macromedia products like Flash, but not really in other stuff like CF.

Re: CFMail alternative

2013-04-04 Thread Claude Schnéegans
but there is no record on the mail server Are you sure the mesages are not in the undelivered folder? I was having the same issue until I realized that my mail server had a limit of 1000 messages sent per hour. So after this limit was reached, messages were simply refused and stored by CF in

Re: Standard w3c tags

2013-04-23 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I have been asked to add standard meta tags to the web pages. If they were talking about Key word meta tags, just tell them they are ignored by Google. Google will only index real text content. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion

Re: Geargian Dates??

2013-05-17 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I am interfacing with a webservice and the dates returned are in Gregorian format. There is no gregorian format as such, but dates in the gregorian calendar. All dates nowadays are in the gregorian calendar, since end of XVI century.

Re: Geargian Dates??

2013-05-17 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Not gregorian date. Gregorian is a kind of calendar. Yes, but a date in the gregorian calendar is a gregorian date. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Efflare and ImageCR

2013-07-31 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I love using it. It is super-fast It used to be THE solution for managing images some times ago, but with CF 10, I think CFIMAGE is about as good as ImageCR. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Efflare and ImageCR

2013-07-31 Thread Claude Schnéegans
and it's just a CFX DLL, you shouldn't really need an installer. Copy the DLL to the new server, then register it within the CF Administrator. Yeah, but there is also another DLL to be stored under Windows/system32 if I remember well.

CSV ODBC driver under Windows 2008

2013-08-29 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, since I moved my applications from a 2003 server to Windows 2008, I have a problem reading a database defined on a .CSV file through the ODBC socket driver. The problem seems to be with the ODBC driver. I have the 32 bit version of CF installed an I use the odbcad32.exe 32 bit ODBC

Re: CSV ODBC driver under Windows 2008 (finaly)

2013-08-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
I finaly found the problem: When you open the ODBC Administrator, you first select the database you want to update, you click on configure, you see the name of your datasource, fine, then you click Options, you still see the name of the datasource you are configuring, then you click Define

Re: CSV ODBC driver under Windows 2008

2013-08-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
You might try passing delimiter=';' as an additional dsn parameter. BINGO! The problem is that the file Schema.ini is not properly updated by the 32 bit ODBC Administrator. In my W 7 file I see Format=Delimited(;) which is correct, but in the W 2008 file I have Format=CSVDelimited I set

Re: CSV ODBC driver under Windows 2008

2013-08-30 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Ok, I have more information about this problem. In the CSV file, if I replace all semicolons by commas, it works perfectly. The problem is that, either under W 7 or W 2008, it seems that one can set the delimiter and some other format parameters in odbcad32.exe, but they are not saved anywere,

database driven mail server

2013-09-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I'm presently using MailEnable on my server. It's a good program, but I need to build a system to follow up messages. My customers (associations) send messages to their members and some messages do not go through for many reasons. They need to have confirmations and reasons of failures.

Re: database driven mail server

2013-09-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
For our marketing messages, we use Marketo. We don't send marketing messages and I'm not looking for a third party solution. We offer a complete Content management and email system, with SMTP and POP servers. I want to be able to control both of them more precisely. When I get a call like I've

Re: database driven mail server

2013-09-02 Thread Claude Schnéegans
If you just want better reporting for SMTP to track bounces, rejections, failures etc, Yes, this is mostly what I'm looking for. but the anti-spam is basic content filtering, DNSBL etc, there is no Bayesian engine , Anti-spam is not a problem, I'm fondamentally opposed to anti-spam systems on

Re: database driven mail server

2013-09-03 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Pretty nice idea indeed; I'll give a try. Thanks. ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

Re: CreateODBCDate()

2013-09-06 Thread Claude Schnéegans
In the query: DuesExpire = cfif len(FORM.DuesExpire) EQ 0NULLcfelse#CreateODBCDate(FORM.DuesExpire)#/cfif, So I suppose you're using the variable DuesExpire in the SQL code. In that case, since the ODBCDate contains single quotes, the pseudo function Preserve single quotes should be used,

Re: Best way to use LESS CSS with CF?

2013-09-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Apparently, this looks like a CSS prepocessor. But I do not see anything that cannot be done with CF. So what is the advantage of using yet another technology? ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Best way to use LESS CSS with CF?

2013-09-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
But why rewrite the wheel when documented frameworks already exist Learning another language to do what can be done as easily by the language I've been using for years looks like reinventing the wheel to me. ~| Order the

Re: Best way to use LESS CSS with CF?

2013-09-10 Thread Claude Schnéegans
How would you perform CSS pre-processing with CF? Well, if the job is just to create dynamic CSS, CF can do the same way it can create dynamic HTML. It can either create static .CSS files whenever styles muste be changed. For instance, in my CMS I have a styles editor with all parameters

Problem with IExplorer's history

2013-09-26 Thread Claude Schnéegans
Hi, I recently discover a problem with IE 10, may be previous versions as well, and although it is not directly related to CF, I thought I could share. Here is the problem: I get sometimes weird errors on my sites and the logs show that the user got directly to an update template without

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