Hello Gerrit,
I looked at the plug-ins, I didn't install them yet so I don't really
know about.
But about motion analysis i think some one already on the list talked about.
Anyway good luck
Le 15/02/2011 00:37, Gerrit de Jong a écrit :
> Hallo Haldun
> >Thank you for the adresses. I have cine
Subject: Re: [CinCV] can not download or get
From: ger...@gyas.nl
To: cinelerra@skolelinux.no
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 00:37:37 +0100
Hallo Haldun
quot; button
5. type:
6. Click add source. Reload the archives.
7. In synaptic, search for cinelerra, select for installation and install.
8. Enjoy.
Please let me know if you have any other question.
Subject: Re: [CinCV] can not download or get cinelerra
Hallo Haldun
>Thank you for the adresses. I have cinelerra downloaded now. There are
another 5 packages on the repo. Which ones are >necessary/recommended and
which ones can I neglect?
>>There is only one for 10,04 the ppa one. for V 2,1,5 and on megaupload 4-2
version WORK FOR 10,04 ALSO.
The o
There is only one for 10,04 the ppa one. for V 2,1,5 and on
megaupload 4−2 version WORK FOR 10,04 ALSO.
Le 13/02/2011 22:51, Gerrit de Jong a écrit :
Hallo Haldun
Thank you for the adresses. I have cinelerra downloaded now. There
are another 5 package
Hallo Haldun
Thank you for the adresses. I have cinelerra downloaded now. There are
another 5 packages on the repo. Which ones are necessary/recommended and
which ones can I neglect?
Best regards, Gerrit
2011/2/13 Haldun ALTAN
> You can get it from the adresse below. I also use 10,04. It's pp
You can get it from the adresse below. I also use 10,04. It's ppa
installation that wor very well.
There are explanations if you don't know how.
There is also
I have tryed to get cinelerra from synaptics but is not there to install
what can I do or check to get it
thank you.
I am using ubuntu licid linx (10.04)
"Somos existencia atrapados en apariencia, y acostumbrados a vivir y apensar
estimulados vanamente por la masiva conciencia que nos ahoga,