Re: [iPhone] Sample code for live camera stream?

2009-12-15 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
They place UI elements over the video feed provided on screen by the built in video capture window, but they don't have access to the actual video data. So, how do they do this: ? Or this: ? Erm, Ustream

Double-clicking a screensaver

2009-10-31 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I think I've seen screen savers that copy themselves to ~/Library/ Screensavers by double-clicking on the .saver file (that is still in the DMG). Could someone tell me how I can make my screensaver have this capability as well? Thanks a lot in advance. Best regards, Gabriel. smime.p7s

Re: Double-clicking a screensaver

2009-10-31 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
The system's screen saver app registered .saver as a document type, so that behavior happens automagically. You don't need to do anything besides create a normal .saver plugin from the standard template. I think, I'm doing that, but when I double click the .saver file, System Preferences

Re: Double-clicking a screensaver

2009-10-31 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
How old is old? Have you updated the project to create a universal binary? Snow Leopard is Intel-only, so its screen saver app isn't Sorry, about not writing more details. Well, the project is about 3-4 years old, and I have upgraded it with new XCode versions. Currently, I am compiling

Re: Double-clicking a screensaver

2009-10-31 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Can you post the project settings and all of the configurations? Even better, can you open the source and post the code to your favorite open source hosting site (if you haven't already done so)? Sure, you can download the complete source here:

loading images from external disk

2009-10-30 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am loading images from an external disk, about one image per second. My code looks like this: filename_ = [list_ objectAtIndex: index_]; NSLog( @orig filename = %@, filename_ ); NSURL * url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: filename_ isDirectory: NO]; // this escapes any characters that

Slider with tag?

2009-10-14 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Could someone please explain to me how I can present a little tag to the user that moves along with a slider's handle (above or below), in which I can give some feedback to the user about the current value of the slider? I'm afraid I couldn't find an example, but I think I have seen such a

Re: How to ease the burden on the Garbage Collector?

2009-10-10 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Thanks for the response. So, is 20% CPU time for the GC thread normal? Yup, that shows about 20% (of a core) being spent in GC. Best regards, Gabriel. smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature ___ Cocoa-dev mailing list

Re: How to ease the burden on the Garbage Collector?

2009-10-09 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
It seems that about 20% of the time is spent in the Garbage Collector thread! Which is a bit surprising to me, since I don't allocate a large number of objects (I think) -- just a small number of large objects (the images). The collector only chews CPU when there are lots of allocation

dealloc and finalize

2009-10-09 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
If my screensaver must be able to run both in the reference-counted and in the garbage collecting environment, should I then implement both the dealloc and the finalize method? Regards, Gabriel. smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Problem using filewrappers under snow leopard

2009-10-08 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
And it is maddening because the error occurs outside my code. My document class implements Maybe I missed it, but ... are you compiling with Garbage Collection = Supported (or Required) under Snow Leopard? Regards, Gabriel. smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

How to ease the burden on the Garbage Collector?

2009-10-08 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I'm writing a simple screensaver that is basically kind of a slide show screensaver. (So it loads many images over time, but needs to keep only 2-3 in memory at any given time.) I am using Core Animation for some animations on the images. I've just profiled the screensaver under 10.6 using

Migrating screensaver to 10.6 (Snow Leopard) produces erratic behavior

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am trying to migrate my screenaver to Snow Leopard. Everything is working fine under 10.5, of course. So I just moved the project over to a machine with 10.6, and made the following settings in the project settings: Architectures = Standard (32/64 bit Universal) Base SDK = Current

Memory corruption when moving from 10.5 to 10.6

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Dear list, I am trying to make my screensaver work under 10.6. However, it seems to me that under 10.6 there is memory corruption going on somewhere somehow. I've set the garbage collection flag in XCode's project settings to supported. Otherwise, I haven't changed anything in my code. I

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when -fobjc-gc is on (Was: Memory corruption ...)

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I think I have constructed a minimal example which shows at least one instance of the memory corruption under 10.6 I am struggling with at the moment. It is a stand-alone Cocoa app with just an NSView and one CALayer and an animation on it, that gets replaced every few seconds. The

Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS when -fobjc-gc is on (Was: Memory corruption ...)

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Thanks for the quick response. I am still a bit confused ... and, besides, I still get a core dump ;-( I think this is your problem right here. In a GC environment CALayer isn't going to retain its content, it stores a strong reference instead. First of all, how can I know that? (I'm asking

Understanding CFMakeCollectable (was: EXC_BAD_ACCESS when -fobjc-gc)

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Thanks for your response. No. CFRetain CFRelease continue to work the same regardless of GC. That is, the reference count field still exists, but Obj-C objects in GC start life with a 0 retain count and -retain/-release/- retainCount/-autorelease are no-op'd. CF objects still start life

Re: EXC_BAD_ACCESS when -fobjc-gc is on (Was: Memory corruption ...)

2009-10-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Well, I did some more experimenting. Now I've got 2 issues ... First of all, I guess I should apologize, because my minimal example was not quite minimal. There was one other layer, which I have removed now. Now the code sort of works in the GC world, *except* the memory footprint keeps

Re: ScreenSaverView gets instantiated several times

2009-10-05 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
When the user clicks 'Test' in System Preferences, it just creates a new instance of your subclass of ScreenSaverView! Do you really find that fact to be shocking? Yes, I do. In particular, because it has a major impact on the way one has to design the code. For instance, if changing the

How to prevent the user from clicking 'Test' in Screen Savers (Was: ScreenSaverView gets instantiated several times)

2009-10-05 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Thanks a lot for all the responses, and sorry for bothering you again with this. The problem I'm having is the following: is there an elegant way to prevent the user from clicking the 'Test' button in the Screen Savers panel in System Preferences? The reason why I'm asking: when the user

Screen saver for Snow Leopard and previous OS (Was: ScreenSaverView gets instantiated several times)

2009-10-05 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
As Uli pointed out previously, calling -initWithFrame: (or any init method) multiple times on one object is not a pattern you find in other classes/frameworks. You might have assumed a call to -setFrame:, Sorry, that was what I meant, of course (setFrameSize is the name, I think). if

ScreenSaverView gets instantiated several times

2009-10-04 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I've been hunting a bug in my screen saver for several hours, until I've found out the following shocking fact (I think). When the user clicks 'Test' in System Preferences, it just creates a new instance of your subclass of ScreenSaverView! (This can have a major impact on your system

Order of CALayer's

2009-10-01 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Dear list, I think I'm going crazy! I've got one root layer and two sublayers. The content of one of them is an image, the other's content is drawn by a delegate's drawLayer:inContext:. I want the image layer *always* be rendered *behind* the other's content. But no matter what I do,

CoreAnimation: image is too large

2009-10-01 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am using Core Animation to display some images. Is there an easy way to find out the following information? 1. Query the properties GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE and GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB from the current OpenGL context that Core Animation must have acquired somewhere. Well, it would

Displaying a string with Core Animation

2009-09-30 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am at a loss at how to display a single string at the bottom left in a view with core animation. The view is actually a ScreensaverView, and the string is a status message that should be always in front of the other layer(s). The other layer contains just an image; the layer gets removed at

NSTimer and modal panels

2009-09-30 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Sorry for asking again about NSTimers. My question is: I've got a modal panel (a config sheet in a screensaver) with a text field, and when I enter some text there one of my methods, -changeSomething: say, gets called. Is changeSomething executed in a different thread than my main code? I

Timer and RunLoop question

2009-09-29 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I've got an app that handles keyboard input (-keyDown:) and has a repeating timer that causes the runloop to call repeatedly a method in my app (called timerFireMethod:). Could it happen that keyDown: and timerFireMethod: are running at the same time? In other words: does the runloop

One-liner to check existence of image

2009-09-28 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I seem to remember having seem some code that checked with a one-liner whether a file path is an image that could be loaded by NSImage's initWithContentsOfFile:, before actually going ahead and doing the initWithContentsOfFile: Now, I can't remember that one-liner, and I don't see why I

Meaning of explicit transactions

2009-09-28 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am trying to learn about the Core Animation framework. One thing I am still a bit unclear about is the exact meaning of explicit transactions. For instance, assume I've got the following code: [CATransaction begin]; [CATransaction setValue: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 2.0f]

Quartz 2D or Core Animation?

2009-09-25 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am still confused as to whether I should use Core Animation or Quartz 2D. Basically, the task I would like to do is this: - draw two images with alpha blending in a window (actually, a screen saver window) - grow and shrink the images at 30 frames/sec - use as little CPU as possible!

Re: Exit screen saver programmatically?

2009-09-24 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Post a mouse down event and the sceensaver engine will remove it for you. That is a good idea -- except I have no idea how to do that. Could you give me a hint how to achieve that? (class / method names?) (Sorry, for asking shuch a dumbquestion.) BTW: just a mouse move event would suffice, is

Re: Exit screen saver programmatically?

2009-09-24 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
In that case, then you should pass the unwanted event to the superclass, which will handle the event in that case. Ah, you mean like this, I suppose? [super keyDown: theEvent]; That seems to work like a charm. Thanks a million! (For the record, I thought that user code is

Reduce CPU usage in screensaver?

2009-09-24 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I wrote a screen saver that basically zooms images at a frame rate of 10 frames/sec. When running, it uses about 60% CPU ! This could be a bit annoying sometimes, if there are other compute intensive processes running, such as video conversions. Is there anything I could do to reduce the

CFBundleShortVersionString mystery

2009-09-23 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I am puzzled at where my CFBundleShortVersionString comes from. Right now, I try to obtain the current version number (to display it in a configure sheet) using this code: NSBundle * bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString * version; version = [[bundle

Re: CFBundleShortVersionString mystery

2009-09-23 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Can anybody explain to me where that funny version string might come from? Have you done a clean build? Yes, I did a clean all targets, removed the build/ directory, and emptied the trash, and searched in spotlight whether there are any executables somewhere else ... to no avail. In

CFBundleShortVersionString mystery solved

2009-09-23 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
For the record. I have to use, of course, NSBundle * bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; because a screen saver is a bundle that is loaded by other applications, such as System Preferences. Hence, the mainBundle is not the bundle of the screen saver ... Best regards,

Exit screen saver programmatically?

2009-09-23 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Does anyone know whether it is possible to exit a screensaver programmatically, i.e., from within the screensaver code, but *without* exiting the System Preferences, if the screensaver was run from System Preferences? I tried [NSApp terminate: self] but that also makes System

Re: Push-on push-off buttons doesn't show state

2009-09-20 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Do you have an alternate image as well? I believe it's both or nothing. No ... but 1. all the other buttons in my GUI with push-on / push-off work just fine without an alternate image, and 2. the doc says A button’s image is displayed when the button is in its normal state, or all the

Thank you

2009-09-20 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I have been asking quite a few questions on this mailing list and have gotten lots of helpful answers. I wanted to thank you, because without your help, I would not have been able to complete my little project. Should you be curious what I have been working on, here is the application:

Push-on push-off buttons doesn't show state

2009-09-19 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I made a button (in my case it's the bevel button) with mode set to push on push off. The funny thing now is that the buttons does not show it's state. However, the state I get from [sender state] is alright: first time I push the button it's true, second time it's false, etc. Even more

iPhone: read and reset cellular network data

2009-09-15 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Does anybody know if/how I can, in my iPhone app, read the data that you can find in the iPhone's settings under General / Usage / Cellular Network Data? I would like to read those values. In addition, I would also like to reset the statistics at the beginning of every month. Any hints,

Scripting Bridge and Powerpoint, how to make new slide?

2009-09-09 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I know how to make a new slide in an active presentation in Powerpoint. It works like this: tell application Microsoft PowerPoint set newSlideC to make new slide at before slide 2 of active presentation ¬ with properties {layout:slide layout media clip and text} end tell

XCode's debugger won't stop at any breakpoint

2009-09-09 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I suppose this is a FAQ and this mailing list is not quite the right place to ask, but XCode's debugger is driving me crazy. It happens to me quite often, that it just won't stop at any breakpoint I set! Neither on a function breakpoint nor on a line breakpoint. When I click in the gutter

Re: completion handlers?

2009-09-07 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
As mentioned before, the new feature is called Blocks, and is available only for Snow Leopard for the moment (probably being ported to the iPhone too). I've written an introductory guide on what they are and how they work, specifically intended for people who have experience with Objective-

Re: Minimum alpha value for transparent windows

2009-09-05 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
If you are interested in mouse events in your entire window area, then you can use [NSWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO] and not have to worry about faint paint issues. Thanks for your response, but I don't see how that would help me. Maybe that's just because I am a newbie, maybe I didn’t

Minimum alpha value for transparent windows

2009-09-04 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I've got a window that is not opaque ( [self setOpaque: NO] ). It contains basically just one view. I fill the view with a semi-transparent gray, like this: semiTransparentGray_ = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.1 green:0.1 blue: 0.1 alpha: 0.05]; [semiTransparentGray_ set]; NSRectFill( [self

Fonts that are always there

2009-09-03 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Does anyone know which fonts are always there on every Mac OS X 10.5 system? (besides the base 14 fonts from Adobe) Or is there somewhere a list? (Of course, I should always have a second alternative.) Best regards, Gabriel. smime.p7s Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Larger round button in Interface Builder?

2009-09-02 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
In my GUI, I am arranging a row of the so-called bevel buttons of Interface Builder at the bottom of the window. Because the right one will be a very special one, I would like to make it visually very different; so I would like to use the round button for it, but this is much smaller than

Re: Larger round button in Interface Builder?

2009-09-02 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
In my GUI, I am arranging a row of the so-called bevel buttons of Interface Builder at the bottom of the window. Bevel buttons have fallen out of favor, and the HIG recommends you consider alternatives: Thanks a lot for your response and for the hint! The main reason why I chose the bevel

Re: background-only apps (was: Alert dialog in agent app?)

2009-08-30 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
According to LSBackgroundOnly apps are not intended to be visible to users, and later it suggests that you use LSUIElement if your app has a UI. Thanks a

Notification when display resolution changes?

2009-08-30 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Is there a way to have my Cocoa app get notified when the display resolution changes? (while my app is running) The reason is that I am trying to make the window of my app always as large as the screen. Currently I do that in the init method of my window with NSRect visibleFrame =

Re: Alert dialog in agent app?

2009-08-28 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
Now I would like to display an alert dialog. Unfortunately, this does not work; it even seems it makes the application hang LSBackgroundOnly apps can connect to the window server, but can't display a UI, IIRC. Thanks a lot for your response, but I don't quite understand: what do you mean

ScriptingBridge error message

2009-08-27 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
When my code executes this line ppt_ = [[SBApplication] retain]; then I get the following output on the console: MyApp: unknown type name constant. MyApp: unknown type name null. Does anyone have an idea, what might

Alert dialog in agent app?

2009-08-27 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
My Cocoa application has the plist flag application is background only set. (I believe, this is the former LSUIElement property.) Now I would like to display an alert dialog. Unfortunately, this does not work; it even seems it makes the application hang. The code for the alert box looks

How to draw over all other windows

2009-08-26 Thread Gabriel Zachmann
I would like to replicate the behavior of this little application: With it, you can draw over all other windows, like on a transparent canvas. What mystifies me is that this even works with Powerpoint being in presentation mode! I have already

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