Accessing FilesOwner fm controller

2009-11-16 Thread Harry Plate
I am writing a plugin to another application, and I must manage my own NIBs. I have been successful loading them and getting some of the basic UI elements working. But, what I am having trouble with is communicating with File's Owner. When I instantiate the NIB, I pass my class as owner - then

NSOpenPanel accessoryView and new windows...

2009-11-16 Thread Harry Plate
I am successful creating/defining an accessoryView for an NSOpenPanel. However, I find that some secondary windows that are displayed as a result of a button in that accessory view, do not get displayed properly, nor am I able to get keyboard focus to that window. When I say properly, the new

Re: NSTableView behavior changes

2009-03-18 Thread Harry Plate
Matt, snip 1) I defined my controller class: @interface MCController : NSResponder 2) I then defined (void)deleteBackward:(id) 3) in -awakeFromNib, I set my controller as 1st responder: [sourceTableView setNextResponder:self] Instead of 2, define keyDown and check to see if

Re: NSTableView behavior changes

2009-03-18 Thread Harry Plate
Raleigh, Ahhh. Certainly I was suspecting that the some other class wanted to deal with the key equivelant. That's because Cmd-A is a key equivalent. The Select All Edit menu item gets triggered for you. I don't understand what you mean by uneditable table view. Editable and selectable are 2

Re: NSTableView behavior changes

2009-03-17 Thread Harry Plate
Graham, Finally getting back to this problem. 2) I would like my user to be able to select a table entry, and be able to respond to the 'delete' key - by discarding the selected entry. Currently that does not work at all. You have to make this happen yourself. The controller that is

Re: NSTableView crash when selected.

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Plate
Shawn, Corbin, Thanks for the suggestions! [Corbin] 1. break on objc_exception_throw : akpoint-in-cocoa/ 2. Use Instruments to find the over release:

Re: NSTableView crash when selected.

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Plate
Andy, You don't know and it doesn't matter. Don't think in terms of retain counts. Think about whether you own an object, i.e., whether you are responsible for releasing it. snip Good stuff! Thank you. That mmObjectOwnership doc is good. Had not seen that before I am sure that I will

NSTableView behavior changes

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Plate
I am new to NSTableView (and to Cocoa for that matter) so excuse my lame questions. I have an NSTableView doing what I want (kinda), but I want to modify its behavior, and I am at a loss as where to begin. What I want is this: 1) to disable any possible editing of the strings in the table.

Re: NSTableView behavior changes

2009-02-17 Thread Harry Plate
Graham, Thanks for the insights! In IB, select the table column, and uncheck 'editable'. This will prevent the item getting into the editable state at all. IB is kinda tricky here; one must drill down into the table view until one can see the column properties. But I got there! The

NSTableView crash when selected.

2009-02-13 Thread Harry Plate
I am struggling w/ a crash in my first Cocoa app that is using a TableView. Some history: my app and its table view was working just fine when I was simply adding NSString objects to the table. Then I started using NSAttributedString instead so I could get the display ellipses. Now after

Re: NSTextView and front/middle/back ellipses

2009-01-23 Thread Harry Plate
Randall, snip How can I tell NSTextView to use a front or middle ellipses for viewing purposes? You'll have to set a (mutable) paragraph style, and specify NSLineBreakByTruncatingHead or NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle for the NSLineBreakMode using -setLineBreakMode:. Thanks a bunch! The

NSTextView and front/middle/back ellipses

2009-01-22 Thread Harry Plate
I have a simple text view that will display its text information with an ellipses on the right (end) if the string is too long for the view. Nice, but... How can I tell NSTextView to use a front or middle ellipses for viewing purposes? -h ___

Re: Trying to display a simple sheet

2009-01-20 Thread Harry Plate
Scott, NSApp beginSheet is the correct method, without any runModalForWindow. Thanks. I did finally find the crux of my problems; I had been trying to do all this prototyping within the -awakeFromNib method. Apparently that is too soon - as everything worked just fine when I moved the code

Trying to display a simple sheet

2009-01-19 Thread Harry Plate
This is a newbie question I am certain. I am experimenting with sheets with a simple application (1st cocoa app) and want to display a simple alert message as a sheet. 1) So my first mistake was to use NSRunAlertPanel(). Did its thing but gave me an independent window. 2) Further reading