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> Supported by ev
same. I don't see losing the ability to shrink visited links to a
microscopic font or replace their backgrounds with biohazard warnings to
be any big loss. Certainly not a big enough loss to warrant knowingly
choosing a default behavior which is known to put users
thorization levels (even
just "guest" vs. "logged in"), or simply having an application in the
first place does require server-side programming, though, like you said.
Good point on the SSL also. Sending passwords across the net in
plaintext isn't exactly the hei
ixels and
find the idea of trying to size things on-screen based on inches or any
other physical measurement to be silly, at best. For someone coming
from a background in print design, I can certainly understand why there
would be a tendency to think in te
unit, so em-sizing
should work regardless of whether the DPI setting is accurate or not.
Dave Sherohman
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- htt
screen are the same size regardless - remember
that their size is purely a factor of the physical screen size and the
active display resolution, not of the DPI setting - so the (supposedly)
1" line becomes 24 pixels longer when you change from 96DPI to 120DPI.
(And note that 24 is 25% of 9
Add some headers and
metadata, and 399.3k sounds about right as a final uncompressed file
"Save for Web and Devices" applied jpeg compression to the image,
producing a file size smaller than the actual uncompressed image size,
aps making
the type=text inputs 100% width and letting them be 725px wide is a bad
idea in the first place, but that's a design discussion and I asked a
technical question, not a design question.)
Dave Sherohman
pt dependency - if the user has javascript
disabled and selects a file, it will look like nothing happened, which
is not my idea of graceful degradation.
Are there any other options for creating the equivalent of ""?
Dave Sherohman
browser window to
constrain the content to a more usable width.
Dave Sherohman
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-discuss.incutio.com/
som stylesheets to
override your CSS, use a screen reader, etc. - so any "control over the
ultimate appearance" that a fixed width may provide is little more than
an illusion anyhow.
Dave Sherohman
css-discuss [cs...
ow:hidden; }
> would probably 'fix' the issue.
Indeed it did. Thanks!
Dave Sherohman
css-discuss [cs...@lists.css-discuss.org]
List wiki/FAQ -- http://css-d
alt="Dave Sherohman's picture" title="Dave Sherohman's picture" />
Submitted by Dave Sherohman on April 29, 2009 - 22:10
Unknown wrot
and only if any portion of it is beside the image and
a right margin of 10px if it is not beside the image.
e.g. (b = blockquote, t = non-blockquote text, i = image):
tt iii
on of text adjacent to the image results in the
extending right for the full width of the container, going
behind the image.
What can be done to get the to size itself such that it
does not overlap the image?
Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 06:50:38PM +0200, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
> May be a bit difficult to comprehend, but 'background-position : 0 50%;'
> will "automagically" place the image's vertical center exactly at the
> link's vertical center, and that will show.
Interesting... I was sure that it set th
On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:33:11PM +0200, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > http://kuno.sherohman.org/~esper/nomadnetinc.com/
> > The navigation menu is, however, proving problematic.
> > Is it possible to get that to line up properly in all
I am in the process of converting
http://kuno.sherohman.org/~esper/nomadnetinc.com/ from its original
nested-table-hell formatting so something css-based and a bit cleaner.
The navigation menu is, however, proving problematic. I have
successfully managed to get the background to highlight with an
On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 10:53:11AM +0900, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
> Step 1: wrap all the content of the page in a div
> Step 2: style that div as follows
> div {float:left;}
> don't specify a width on that div.
OK, that worked. Thanks!
Now for the bonus question... *Why* did that work?
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 01:41:15PM -0400, Larry Tait wrote:
> I would sugguest getting rid of tables and using proper css styling,
Tables are proper when used to display tabular data, such as game
schedules or team standings. When there are 20 columns (say, if you're
showing the game times on 20
I am working on a (partial) CSS conversion of an existing site and have
run into an issue with pages where the content is wider than the window
in which it is viewed.
The page is set up with a banner graphic, which is defined as a div
background (so it will cut itself off based on page width), and
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 06:03:57PM -0400, David Laakso wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> > The test page I've been using to work this out is at
> > http://kuno.sherohman.org/~esper/linktree/menutest.html
> >
> > What do I need to do to get this to render properly in
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:26:37PM +0200, Ingo Chao wrote:
> >> The generic approach to fix that problem is to set position:relative on
> >> li:hover only. By doing this, the subsequent will not be placed
> >> above the hovered in question, because only this li is positioined
> >> and gets a h
(Sorry about the double copy, Ingo. I accidentally replied to sender
the first time instead of to list.)
On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:07:57PM +0200, Ingo Chao wrote:
> All subsequent will be placed above the submenu, since these
> are coming later in the source.
> The generic approach
I'm currently in the midst of reinventing the CSS cascading popup menu
(with just a hint of javascript to do the show/hide, thanks to IE6's
lack of li:hover) and have got it pretty well worked out in Firefox and
Safari, but IE6 is killing me with its insistence on hiding bits of the
popup behind th
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 08:52:27AM -0500, David Laakso wrote:
> Dave Sherohman wrote:
> >Both questions relate to my site at http://seethefnews.com/ and can be
> >seen on the page http://seethefnews.com/index.cgi?action=topwords
> >
> >1) Is there a way to get column si
Both questions relate to my site at http://seethefnews.com/ and can be
seen on the page http://seethefnews.com/index.cgi?action=topwords
1) Is there a way to get column sizing in pixels and percents to play
nice together? My base layout is set up with two columns in divs .main
and .nav, defined
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