Re: [css-d] Print stylesheet/alt text

2006-07-01 Thread Design Groups
Thanks Andrew :) I need something more cross-browser compatible though :( I did do something that's a bit ugly but it works great - thought I would share in case anyone else needed the idea for future reference (or can improve upon it!) Basically, I created a print class in my stylesheet - in

[css-d] Print stylesheet/alt text

2006-06-30 Thread Design Groups
I've seen a lot of requests (in my searches for this answer) for people who want to display background images with CSS. It seems I want something different, and I can't seem to find the answer to this. I'm hoping you all can help :) What I want to do is display the alt text for my images,

Re: [css-d] Opera 8 and position:fixed

2006-05-21 Thread Design Groups
Andrew Gregory wrote: Using Opera 8(.54), it's not literally centered - resize the window to see. It has an amusing repaint glitch too. Well, at least it's amusing ;) My Firefox ( did not need that margin. Removing that margin changed nothing in the display of my Firefox, Opera or

[css-d] Opera 8 and position:fixed

2006-05-19 Thread Design Groups
I was wondering...I've been Googling for the answer to this, and I can't seem to find it. Basically, here's the problem: I have a #wrapper container that's 700px wide and centered with margin:0 auto. I want a sidebar that is position:fixed and flush left and top to the container - not the

Re: [css-d] Pseudo class links

2006-05-19 Thread Design Groups
How about the fact that you're using font tags that are overriding the CSS calls? a title=Another Vietnam, from National Geographic Books href=http://short Link target=_blank font face=Arial color=#d8d8d8 size=2Another Vietnam/font/a You need to get rid of those font tags. ~Shelly

Re: [css-d] CSS onclick event?

2006-05-18 Thread Design Groups
Wow - a lot of you responded :) Thanks so much! Let me see what I can say about this... 1) I'm trying to avoid javascript solutions at all costs - I'd love for this to work in CSS-only. I've been playing with the idea for a lng time and I've partially gotten it to work (got it to work

[css-d] CSS onclick event?

2006-05-17 Thread Design Groups
Here's an odd one...and this is purely for theoretical purposes. I was just wondering if there was any possible way to have a link remain one color until another one is clicked upon, using *only* CSS. For example, if you had a UL list comprised of 5 links, would it be possible to hover over

Re: [css-d] CSS onclick event?

2006-05-17 Thread Design Groups
Christian Montoya wrote: a:active { color:whatever; } Yes, but that only works when you click the button (or mouse down). When you unclick and move away, the color doesn't remain behind, it reverts to the visited color. What I'm looking for is the active state to stay, until another link

Re: [css-d] Fun and interesting border issue no issue more for modern browsers!

2006-05-06 Thread Design Groups
Thanks so much for this - I'll be picking it apart very soon - what fun! ~Shelly __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] IE7b2 testing hub --

[css-d] Fun and interesting border issue

2006-05-05 Thread Design Groups
Hey all - I'm hoping you can help me out with this. I just got a brand spankin' new site to work on today - again this is someone else designing, and I code the layout from the image they send me. I haven't started yet, so I'm clean as a whistle and prepared to take on any suggestions or

Re: [css-d] Fun and interesting border issue

2006-05-05 Thread Design Groups
Interesting! But difficult to say ( for me, though) if there is no concrete code: lack of data. Does it need to be horizontally liquid? Right now, I'm going to say no. I'm planning to code this out with a fixed-width site that gets centered - that's *typically* what my boss wants. But the

Re: [css-d] IE5 Mac displaying table cells *very* weirdly

2006-05-01 Thread Design Groups
And I don't see *why* the need for floating the caption. OMG - Duh. I guess sometimes all you need is a fresh pair of eyes! I had it floated from something I was trying about a week ago - I guess I forgot to remove that! Thanks so much - that totally fixed the problem :) ~Shelly

[css-d] IE5 Mac displaying table cells *very* weirdly

2006-04-30 Thread Design Groups
I was hoping someone could tell me why IE5 Mac is displaying table cells so very weirdly on this site: There are two tables on the site - one for the header stuff (and it's displaying just fine), the other for the tabular data on the right of the screen

Re: [css-d] .swf file in background-image?

2006-04-27 Thread Design Groups
You can't use the swf in the css background property. But you could place an object with absolute positioning and z-index under a div. You have to add background transparency to the flash (and pray...). Actually, this will not work. Flash uses a plugin which occupies a z-index outside the

Re: [css-d] Firefox on the Mac

2006-04-27 Thread Design Groups
not rendering well in Firefox on the Mac, could someone please be so kind as to send me a screen shot or some feedback Actually, you can see the problems if you're running Firefox on a PC. (I have it on a Mac, too, and both look

Re: [css-d] style sheet not linking

2006-04-26 Thread Design Groups
When the page initially loaded, I didn't see a stylesheet. So I pulled up your stylesheet and it looked fine. Both the HTML and CSS validate. What's funny is, when I clicked the back button in my browser, suddenly the stylesheet was applied. The only thing I could think of that *might* be

[css-d] Jumping header in IE

2006-04-24 Thread Design Groups That's the site in question. I got it to look like it should in everything I've got to check it in. However, for some reason, the header - in IE only - is jumping. When you load up the page, it is pushed up against the left dotted side thingy, but if you

Re: [css-d] IE4 and CS?

2006-04-21 Thread Design Groups
LOL - Nothing like a good giggle in the morning, thanks all. I just wanted to address this quickly, since the point is moot now. No, this was *not* for a local intranet - it was for their actual website for the public. These guys seriously believe that the majority of their clients use IE4.

[css-d] IE4 and CS?

2006-04-20 Thread Design Groups
I've just been told that the site I'm working on - the target browser is *IE4*. I'm like, you've got to be kidding me. Would anyone here have good links or information on what happens with a pure CSS layout when using IE4? Is it like Netscape 4 when it comes to CSS? I haven't even seen one

Re: [css-d] dropping divs on text resize?

2006-04-19 Thread Design Groups
Just for the record, this can be seen as a feature. Wrapping ensures that all the text is still visible and readable without scrolling. I *s* agree with this. I was just saying this *exact* same thing to someone else today. But I understand how clients generally don't like it. Why can't

Re: [css-d] I think I need some hacks for IE...?

2006-04-19 Thread Design Groups
Use conditional comments instead of hacks, They save you a lot of time/headaches. :) ~Shelly __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] IE7b2 testing hub --

Re: [css-d] Enlarging Text with a Link

2006-04-17 Thread Design Groups
Thanks all - for all of this info. I really appreciate it. Now, my issue is I'm told that the client is using a Windows server, with no PHP Agh! Can this be any more fun for me? Anyway, they're verifying this, but I swear I hope they're wrong. Criminy. Anyway, thanks a bunch - it's been

[css-d] dropping divs on text resize?

2006-04-17 Thread Design Groups
Now I have a new question :) I'm trying to make this site completely CSS-based. This is something I can usually accomplish without an issue. Most times, I can create a site with the problem I have now, and when the text is resized, if certain divs drop, it's no one's issue. Things are still

[css-d] Enlarging Text with a Link

2006-04-14 Thread Design Groups
This is an interesting one posed by a new client site. They would like to have a small link at the top of the website that says Enlarge Text. Basically, they want the end user to be able to simply click on this link and have the text on the entire site resize (for elderly clients who don't

[css-d] Dropdown menu issue

2006-04-10 Thread Design Groups
I was hoping someone here might be able to give me an alternate idea for this situation. I'm using the Son of Suckerfish dropdowns on a client's site (I can't post the link, as I'm a subcontractor, and I have an NDA - so I'll do my best to describe the issue at hand!). The issue is this:

Re: [css-d] Dropdown menu issue

2006-04-10 Thread Design Groups
When drodown or flyout menus have more than 6 or 7 items, it is probably time to rethink the navigation design. This seems less of a CSS issue and much more of a design/IA issue. Although, normally, I'd agree with both of you, for the question I posed these comments don't follow through :(

Re: [css-d] Dropdown menu issue

2006-04-10 Thread Design Groups
Well, I thank you all for your help on this :) I love it when clients ask the impossible and get all pissy when you can't deliver. Now they don't want the expandable one because you have to give an extra mouse click to see all the stuff - they want it to hover LOL (No, please - make it

[css-d] Disjointed Rollovers and IE for Mac

2006-04-04 Thread Design Groups
Now, I'm usually not concerned at all with IE 5 for Mac. This question is completely because I want to know why it doesn't work. Whether it does or not isn't really important - I'm just obsessed with trying to find a way to make it work, for no other reason than to do it :) So, I'm trying to

Re: [css-d] Site Check - Beginners Site

2006-03-21 Thread Design Groups
I like it (from a design perspective) :) As a former WW player myself, this is a very nice gaming site. I'm curious - the division of the two content areas? Will that eventually be a scrollbar? Very nice layout. ~Shelly

Re: [css-d] Horizontal list, IE 5

2006-03-19 Thread Design Groups
Julie - I don't know how much I can help with this, but I'm going to take a chance and step out there with what little I know :) First of all, I checked the site on my PC in IE 6, IE 5.5 and IE 5.1, and it looks the same in all three browsers (which also looks the same on Mozilla Firefox, by

Re: [css-d] RH column flickers in IE/Win (repost)

2006-03-11 Thread Design Groups
Something I have found - and I don't know why this is - but if you remove the background-position from your #wrapper div in your stylesheet, the flicker will stop. For some reason - even if your page is set to reload every visit, in IE, if you have the background position set, it'll make the

[css-d] XML and CSS

2006-02-07 Thread Design Groups
I have a project coming up in the very near future. It's for a company that is some kind of investment firm, and they have a *ton* of data that is tabular in form. They want to use tables *only* for the tabular data, and that's it - the rest is supposed to be in XHTML. Now, I've been told my

[css-d] Opera 8 (!) Issue

2006-02-02 Thread Design Groups
No, really...I have one. I can't believe it, but I do. Usually, I have no issues with Opera at *all* - but here it is. You can see the working comp here: If you look at it in Opera 8, the navigational buttons at the top are *whacked*. I imagine it's

Re: [css-d] Using the CSS Validator

2006-01-30 Thread Design Groups
It's because you have invalid characters on your page. Most likely, you got the content from a Microsoft Word document, instead of a plain text file? And you just copied and pasted it? Microsoft Word (and other formattable writing programs) use different characters for things like and - and

Re: [css-d] Does CSS really suck for multi-column layout?

2006-01-26 Thread Design Groups
A problem I see with some of these so far is the use of floats. I have seen and know of problems with printing floats. Yes, but when printing your pages, it's easy to fix that issue - just put float:none; in the print stylesheet. Usually, that's all it takes. You might have to mess with

Re: [css-d] IE bullet rendering issue

2006-01-12 Thread Design Groups
Francky, Ingo - thanks so very much! I was trying to avoid the use of setting my bullets as background images (although it had *really* crossed my mind more than once) for one simple reason - this is the first website I've ever created where I only made *one* stylesheet, and it's hack-freee

Re: [css-d] Printing Stylesheet?

2006-01-09 Thread Design Groups
Brett - thanks! That works absolutely great! If so, then you can use the ZOOM property for that browser without affecting the others. style type=text/css media=print body { zoom: .8; } /style ~Shelly __ css-discuss [EMAIL

[css-d] Printing Stylesheet?

2006-01-08 Thread Design Groups
Normally, I don't have a problem creating a print stylesheet. It's rather easy to just remove the images and display:none to stuff that's not important so you just get the text. I'm also aware that, under normal circumstances, you should really try to avoid putting in images and such so you