[CTRL] Ice Age star map discovered

2000-08-10 Thread J Taylor
BBC ONLINE Wednesday, 9 August, 2000, 01:00 GMT 02:00 UK Ice Age star map discovered By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse A prehistoric map of the night sky has been discovered painted on the walls of the famous Lascaux caves in central France. The map, painted 16,500 years

[CTRL] Ancient Coins May Map New Understandings of Antiquity

2000-08-08 Thread J Taylor
http://www.mtholyoke.edu/offices/comm/vista/9606/4.html Ancient Coins May Map New Understandings of Antiquity BY KEVIN McCAFFREY IF MOUNT HOLYOKE geologist Mark McMenamin is right, neither Columbus nor the Vikings were the first non-natives to set foot on the Americas. McMenamin's

[CTRL] The Coming Breakdown of the Academic Cartel

2000-08-08 Thread J Taylor
At 03:52 PM 08/06/2000 -0400, you wrote: http://www.lewrockwell.com/north/north8.html The Coming Breakdown of the Academic Cartel by Gary North Higher education in the United States is a cartel. It is rarely discussed in these terms, but


2000-08-05 Thread J Taylor
GUN CONTROL AND BUSING -- BOTH ARE MEANS TO TEACH CHILDREN THAT THEIR PARENTS ARE POWERLESS June 2, 2000 One of the major effects of busing was to show the children that their parents could not protect them. In Louisville, a child would have to show up at the school bus stop at 5 AM, ride

[CTRL] Russia's Demographic Decline Grows

2000-08-01 Thread J Taylor
Subject: Russia's Demographic Decline Grows Russia's Demographic Decline Grows by ANGELA CHARLTON Associated Press Writer MOSCOW (AP) -- Over the past six years, Dr. Irina Budnikova has examined thousands of Russian women who want to give birth but can't -- women who have had six

[CTRL] more Darwinism in the 30's

2000-08-01 Thread J Taylor
From Culture of critique- MacDonald Chapter 2 2 The Boasian School of Anthropology and the Decline of Darwinism in the Social Sciences If . . . we were to treat Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa as uto-pia, not as ethnography, then we would understand it better and save a lot of pointless


2000-08-01 Thread J Taylor
from www.freebooks.com Crossed fingers 7 DARWINISM, DEMOCRACY, AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Christians do not object to freedom of speech; they believe that Biblical truth can hold its own in a fair field. They concede the right of ministers to pass from belief to agnosticism or atheism, but they

[CTRL] South African Farms

2000-07-29 Thread J Taylor
South African Farms -- The MailGuardian, July 19 2000. More than 4 000 agricultural jobs have been lost in KwaZulu-Natal following recent farm invasions in the province. KwaZulu-Natal has been hit by a wave of farm invasions in which thousands of squatters have stormed

Re: [CTRL] Just As Many Blacks Want To Leave South Africa As Whites

2000-07-28 Thread J Taylor
Firstly why do whites stay even though we have legislation that is anti white, ant white crime is increasing, the government blames you for everything, when The HIV level is about 20% of the sexualy active, when they want remove any trace of the whites in terms of town names, where the music is

Re: [CTRL] Affirmative Action and Civil Rights

2000-07-25 Thread J Taylor
Also the premise of the system is that there should be equality of outcome. so people whose earnings and sat is less than white male average need help(ie blacks and hispanics). The sytem assumes that they score lower because they are oppressed. Peoples who score higher and earn

[CTRL] Fw: Why Yonaton Can't Read

2000-07-20 Thread J Taylor
1. Why Yonaton Can't Read? Israel is currently in the process of transforming the "People of the Book" into the People who can't read a book. A few days ago we reported to you the findings of a study that found that 35% of Israeli seventh graders cannot read properly, up from 19% in 1991.

[CTRL] homophobia a disease

2000-07-18 Thread J Taylor
http://www.thewandererpress.com/ CDC declares "homophobia" a "disease": Nationally syndicated Los Angeles KLTX radio talk show host Jane Chastain revealed that the U.S. government's Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta has declared homophobia a "health risk." The world's most popular


2000-07-16 Thread J Taylor

[CTRL] More Conservative Establishment mush about Mexico

2000-07-16 Thread J Taylor
More Conservative Establishment mush about Mexico By Steve Sailer "The stunning victory of Mexico's president-elect Vincente Fox … opens the door to a period of sustained economic prosperity that could carry Mexico into the front-ranks of the information-age global economy,” supply side

[CTRL] The Plunder of Russia[ and coming to the USA shortly?)

2000-07-16 Thread J Taylor
The Plunder of Russia ( "Gore, who was raised to be President, has impeccable Russian connections. His father, of course, was Lenin financier Armand Hammer's pocket senator, and it was Hammer who paid for Al Jr.'s expensive St. Alban's Prep schooling; and, as Williamson reports, Al Jr.'s

Re: [CTRL] Fw: IMF: The Present Danger in South Africa

2000-07-14 Thread J Taylor
The Sowetan July 12, 2000 The IMF can only bring misery to South Africa By Trevor Ngwane and George Dor Last Friday, Horst Koehler, newly-appointed head of the International Monetary Fund, received a hostile response from the anti-privatisation forum, Jubilee 2000, the campaign against

[CTRL] Dubya’s Yeltsin? Vincente Fox and Mexico’s Stealth Invasion

2000-07-14 Thread J Taylor
Dubya’s Yeltsin? Vincente Fox and Mexico’s Stealth Invasion… By Steve Sailer Vincente Fox's July 2 victory over the luridly corrupt Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) that had ruled Mexico for 71 years has been universally hailed [notably by the Wall Street Journal] as a sign of profound

[CTRL] The Jeff Jacoby Affair(http://www.frontpagemag.com/notepad/hn07-10-00.htm)

2000-07-12 Thread J Taylor
Title: Horowitz's Noetpad: An Unfree Press: The Jeff Jacoby Affair Subject: The Jeff Jacoby Affair(http://www.frontpagemag.com/notepad/hn07-10-00.htm) Horowitz's Notepad The Patriot Restores Our National Legend Clinton Lackey Horowitz's Notepad Archive An Unfree Press: The Jeff

[CTRL] Refugees in America/Israel (and presumably also Britain)

2000-07-12 Thread J Taylor
At 05:18 PM 7/10/00 -0700, Robert wrote: WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton has authorized legal entry into the United States for 80,000 refugees in fiscal 2001, including some from the former Yugoslavia and Soviet Union. Most Russian "refugees" are Jews. Unlike the other INS categories,

[CTRL] Russian Refugees - and Drugs

2000-07-12 Thread J Taylor
The American Immigration Control Foundation (AICF) commissioned a study by Don Barnett, and one of its conclusions was that "According to the FBI, about half of the 4,000 'Russian' mobsters operating in the United States arrived as refugees under the Lautenberg Amendment." The article states

[CTRL] Rebellion: Two kinds

2000-07-11 Thread J Taylor
Title: Rebellion: Two kinds

[CTRL] Fw: Janet Reno - Cults

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
From http://www.gerryreid.com/viruses.htm#reno http://www.gerryreid.com/viruses.htm#reno Janet Reno "Cult" Quote Hoax I received the following which was quoted in an e-mail from well-meaning friend: "A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ;

[CTRL] report from a democracy

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
Today it was reported in the Swedish media that the highly educated female teacher Karolina Matti have been sentenced also by the Supreme Court to pay a fine for inviting the anti-immigration activist Dan Berner to the University (she lost her job too). He gets 2 months in jail. The ONLY thing

[CTRL] C. WRIGHT MILLS: Letters and Autobiographical Writings.

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
New York Times Book Review July 9, 2000 The Spiritual Wobbly __ The sociologist C. Wright Mills did not fit in with either Marxists or liberals. By JOHN B. JUDIS C. WRIGHT MILLS: Letters and Autobiographical

[CTRL] Aids-Death Watch in Three Parts

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
Here are all three parts of a Washington Post series on AIDS in Africa. DEATH WATCH: The Global Response to AIDS in Africa By Barton Gellman Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, July 5, 2000 ; A01P First of three articlesP From a seventh-floor office in Langley some 13 years ago, Katherine

[CTRL] Isaiah's Digital Job-Gary North (Some interesting things about the Rockerfellers)

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
On-demand publishing also has the enormously important (I think) effect of taking the censorship of New York out of publishing. You can publish a book for $99 I think it is at www.iuniverse.com and similar sites, promote it on the web, and have it fly or die according to whether the public, as

[CTRL] North American Blacks face African Levels of AIDS

2000-07-10 Thread J Taylor
"U.S. Blacks Face African Levels of AIDS" "North American Blacks are on the brink of an AIDS epidemic," warned Dr. J. Philippe Rushton, a Guggenheim Fellow and professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario. "Right now, about 2% of U.S. Blacks are living with HIV/AIDS as are

[CTRL] Goussinsky

2000-07-02 Thread J Taylor
Jerusalem Post. Goussinsky: My arrest was a slap at Clinton By Elli Wohlgelernter MOSCOW (June 30) - The arrest of media tycoon Vladimir Goussinsky was intended to send a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin to US President


2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor
HERE IS WHY `PRESIDENT' CLINTON IS TAKING AMERICAN LAND http://www.ashevilletribune.com/hage1.htm First published in The Asheville Tribune on October 29, 1999. The revealing story of a rancher and the national debt Special Report By David Morgan, The Asheville Tribune

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Paradigm Shift - Robert Anton Wilson Interview

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor
I personally think a number of factors are leading to increased conspiracy theories. -The fracturing of culture. As a country beomes more diverse, whether racially of otherwise, and the lines of communication break down, then it is easier for real conspiracies to spring up and imagined ones to

[CTRL] OBE a complete success

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor
Another report on the same study. By the way, Patrick Henry never said, "Give me liberty or give me death!" No attendee at his speech remembered his saying this highly memorable lines. The attribution first appeared in a biography written much later. Also, the "conservatives" who passed out a

Re: [CTRL] homosexuals commit, 80 % of child molestations

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor
Crafting “Gay” Children AN INQUIRY INTO THE ABUSE OF VULNERABLE CHILDREN VIA ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA THE SCHOOLROOM Judith Reisman Gay liberationists in general, and boy-lovers in particular, should know Kinsey’s work and hold it dear…. implicit in Kinsey is the struggle we fight today. North

[CTRL] re homosexuals commit 80% of--

2000-07-01 Thread J Taylor
Crafting “Gay” Children From Judith Reismans Law and The Social Sciences. Westlaw journal articles cite Kinsey positively roughly 650 times (1982-2000) from hate crimes and homosexual marriage to child custody and rape. The Social Science and Science Citation Indices reference Kinsey roughly

[CTRL] The Return of Ancient Times

2000-06-30 Thread J Taylor
The Altantic, 2000 June The Return of Ancient Times Illustration by Tavis Coburn Why the warrior politics of the twenty-first century will demand a pagan ethos by Robert D. Kaplan IN 1988, during the

[CTRL] Fw: UN warns slave trade growing

2000-06-26 Thread J Taylor
U.N. Warns That Trafficking in Human Beings Is Growing By BARBARA CROSSETTE New York Times, 0.6.25 UNITED NATIONS, June 23 -- Trafficking in people is now the fastest-growing business of organized crime, and it is being run by new, barely understood networks that have sidelined

[CTRL] why napoleon should have won

2000-06-24 Thread J Taylor
USEFUL ENGLISH SYSTEM CONVERSIONS/UNITS Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi 2.4 status miles of intravenous surgical tubing at Yale Univer-sity Hosptial - 1. I.V. League 2000 pounds of Chinese soup

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-23 Thread J Taylor
A personal comment. Having seen all the flurry about the Talmud I decided to go and try and read (some of) it myself. I can not claim to be a scholar of the Talmud...but I have a couple of comments. Firstly trying to make sense of the Talmud is like trying to understand the common theme of

[CTRL] The War Against Boys

2000-06-17 Thread J Taylor
WAll Street Journal, June 13, 2000 Teaching Those Little Protosexists How to Behave By FRED BARNES A few years ago, a teacher in a fourth-grade class in Maryland asked her students to imagine themselves as advice columnists for the local newspaper. Their task was to answer a distraught mother

[CTRL] Network Snooze

2000-06-17 Thread J Taylor
- Network Snooze By Michael Kelly Wednesday, June 14, 2000; Page A39 This week, the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released one of its periodic reports on the state of things in the land of the establishment media, and as usual, the state was wretched.

[CTRL] Microsoft GM

2000-06-14 Thread J Taylor
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon." In response to Bill's

[CTRL] How crime promotes the police

2000-06-14 Thread J Taylor
From: J. W. Edser [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a true story televised by the ABC (Aust) prog "Australian Story". In Australia, in a tiny outback town called Wagga Wagga, a lone police sergeant had a great idea. He wanted an effective system to _prevent_ crime. Being a "people person" Terry

[CTRL] Fw: Feminism's Dirty Secret

2000-06-13 Thread J Taylor
http://www.frontpagemag.com/dh/2000/david06-09-00.htm Feminism's Dirty Secret David Horowitz FrontPageMag.com | June 9, 2000 get a printer-friendly version of this article The prophetess of women's liberation has been revealed as a liar and spouse abuser. If the personal is political – as

[CTRL] have some more children?

2000-06-13 Thread J Taylor
Tuesday June 13, 2000 First-Born Children Not Always the Smartest NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Contrary to popular belief, first-born children have no particular lock on the family brains, according to a new report. There is no direct link between birth order and intelligence, researchers

[CTRL] The titanic---the continued sinking of western culture as promoted by hollywood

2000-06-11 Thread J Taylor
Here's a Florence King article from the 12/96 National Review, in which she compared several versions of The Titanic. Judging from Richard Grenier's comments about the latest movie version (below), the downward trend she described is continuing. MOB "The Titanic is one of the two things that


2000-06-10 Thread J Taylor
http://www.nypost.com/commentary/5563.htm CLINTON'S 'TALK' PALS DO HIS DIRTY WORK By ROD DREHER WE'VE long known that the White House employs private investigators to look for dirt in the private lives of

[CTRL] Mexican/ American conflict in California

2000-05-21 Thread J Taylor
I have been sending a few posts on the conflict occuring in california . The conflict I find interesting because I can study it dispassionately, unlike that in my beloved country. This is the last of this series. John Subject: Reconquistas Attack American Patrol Date: 20 May 2000 22:22:20

[CTRL] Canadian CHRISTIAN ban

2000-05-18 Thread J Taylor
When the ADL-written internet censorship software CyberPatrol was released and added to all LEARNING COMPANY (now owned by Mattel, Inc. toys) children's educational software, Christian websites were being blocked. By this time, the media were blacking out ADL's link to CyberPatrol, but the

[CTRL] Marketing bloopers(or why even conspiracies cant be perfect)

2000-05-18 Thread J Taylor
These are the nominees for the "Chevy Nova" award. This is given out in honour of the GM's fiasco in trying to market this car in Central and South America. Of course "No Va" in Spanish means "It doesn't go"..read on: 1. Scandinavian vacuum manufacturer Electrolux used the following in

[CTRL] Fw: Depleted uranium: A tale of poisonous denial!

2000-05-17 Thread J Taylor
Subject: Depleted uranium: A tale of poisonous denial! THE SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, Monday, May 1, 2000 'Depleted uranium': A tale of poisonous denial By Robert James Parsons GENEVA - When a United Nations agency announced that NATO had officially confirmed using depleted-uranium munitions

[CTRL] Mexico the pattern for the USA? pt 2

2000-05-15 Thread J Taylor
Importing Mexico's Worsening Racial Inequality Part 2 of a Series on the Mexican racial hierarchy and its implications for America By Steve Sailer A HREF="http://www.VDare.com"www.VDare.com/A Will immigration end America's racial divides? Will interracial marriage convert our descendents into a

[CTRL] Gay Sweep:

2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor
Gay Sweep: In its March 28 issue the nation's most prominent homosexual magazine, the Advocate, boasted that homosexuals control Hollywood and the engines of the entire American entertainment industry; film and television, music and theater. The impression left by the Advocate is that


2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor
LINCOLN VERSUS THE CONSTITUTION By Dennis Raitt The potentate of stupiditude has struck again! In his column in the Tallahassee Democrat of May 7th, Gerald Ensley said: "There are some things I just don’t understand. It seems curious that the same people who defend the Confederacy are also the

[CTRL] Re: [CTRL] [CTRL]America’s First MarxistPresident

2000-05-13 Thread J Taylor
Actually there is little difference between a communist and a fascist , at least in personality type. Both tend to be authoritarian, and be unable to accept ambivelence. This was pointed out by Hans Eysenk(who fled the fascists,but because of his research ended introuble with thePC crowd) The

[CTRL] mexico/usa relationship

2000-05-07 Thread J Taylor
http://www.vdare.com/sailer_mexico.htm-- Shackled to an [ungrateful] corpse The U.S. government has chosen to increasingly intertwine America's fate with that of Mexico - and thus with Mexico's corrupt white power elite. The U.S. Treasury bails them out whenever their economic bubbles

Re: [CTRL] South Africa has 4.2 million people with HIV

2000-04-29 Thread J Taylor
no conspiracy, just lots of wild sex, dry sex, rape etc and the population if you please notice is not decreasing. John -Original Message- From: Marilyn Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Saturday, April 29, 2000 5:35 AM Subject: Re: [CTRL] South

[CTRL] RACE WAR in zim

2000-04-27 Thread J Taylor
http://www.canoe.ca/Columnists/margolis.html Toronto Sun April 23, 2000 Whites targeted in Mugabe's race war By ERIC MARGOLIS Contributing Foreign Editor NEW YORK -- The murder of another white farmer in Zimbabwe last week is emblematic of a tragic, but little known story - the relentless

[CTRL] Fw: Dumbed down lost generation #1

2000-04-27 Thread J Taylor
NEW YORK TIMES April 27, 2000 FUZZY ANSWERS / A SPECIAL REPORT The New, Flexible Math Meets Parental Rebellion By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS Three years ago, one of New York City's most adventurous school districts set out to tackle a nagging problem: the math phobia that afflicts many students,

[CTRL] Fw: Dumbed down lost generation #2

2000-04-27 Thread J Taylor
From a denizen of Silicon Valley: I think the "New, Flexible Math" is misunderstood. It's not an answer to how to give "disadvantaged" students a "deep understanding" of mathematics. A very small fraction of our total student population will ever have such no matter what we do. Rather, this

[CTRL] The Anointed

2000-04-27 Thread J Taylor
Reviewed by Ken Von Kohorn Liberal Zealots and their plan for America The liberal elite - despite the obvious and pervasive failures of their philosophy - have consolidated influential positions in America. Ensconced in schools and universities, in the

Re: [CTRL] Correct - ing Easter

2000-04-27 Thread J Taylor
If you to see a very adequite explanation of the events over easter(pro christaian) read "The Easter Enigma" by John Wenham. -Original Message- From: Alamaine [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Friday, April 28, 2000 12:02 AM Subject: Re: [CTRL] "Correct" -

[CTRL] FW Mass Murder; as part of wstern policy

2000-04-26 Thread J Taylor
Terrorism is the response of the weak to the terrorism of the US collective oligarchy. On 29 Jan. 1999, Mrs. Albright met with Messrs. Berger and Cohen, and decided to offer the president of Yugoslavia an ultimatum. Give up sovereignty and accept NATO/American forces on your territory or be

[CTRL] Rhodes- S G Millin 2

2000-04-22 Thread J Taylor
CHAPTER III FROM KIMBERLEY TO OXFORD I THERE is a photograph of Rhodes which shows him at the age of about twenty. In this photograph the face is thin and delicate, it is a face very different from the big, ruthless, powerful face of the later Rhodes. They say (it sounds well) that Rhodes

[CTRL] Rhodes- S G Millin 1

2000-04-22 Thread J Taylor
RHODES CHAPTER I THE MATOPPOS AND BISHOP STORTFORD I You worship Rhodes ? George Meredith wrote to a lady. I would crown him and then scourge him with his crown still on him. He wrote on April 2nd, 1902. The Boer War had a month to go. Rhodes was dead a month. He died at the age of

[CTRL] Rhodes- S G Millin 0

2000-04-22 Thread J Taylor
This is an except from the book Rhodes by Sarah Gertrude Millin and relays the start of the Rhodes dream of a new world order based on British principles. The book is available from anti albion. site (This conspiracy has been superseded by that based on multiculturalism and alienation

Re: [CTRL] Fidel talks of Worldwide Apartheid

2000-04-21 Thread J Taylor
Fidel castro is one of the richest men on earth just beating the David Rockerfeller $4.5bn. I suppose he wants to compete with bill gates. John (Source was forbes magazine) -Original Message- From: David Sutherland [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Friday,


2000-04-21 Thread J Taylor
THE JEW OF LINZ This is by no means a figure of speech. The history of mathematics has known many cases when a discovery made by one scientist remains unknown until it is later reproduced by another with striking precision. In the letter written on the eve of his fatal duel, Galois made

[CTRL] The Jew of Linz -0

2000-04-09 Thread J Taylor
Attached is an excertp from the book The Jew of Linz-Kimberly Cornish the book relates that Hitler and Ludwig Wittgenstein went to the same school at the same time, had the same musical interest and read the same philosphers. Both devloped int highly political people, had strange sexual


2000-04-09 Thread J Taylor
SIX Schopenhauer, Rosenberg and Race Theory In his Biographical Sketch of Wittgenstein, Von Wright states bluntly that Wittgenstein appears to have had no historical predecessors in philosophy. This is certainly a tribute to Wittgensteins originality, but by now the reader ought to have


2000-04-09 Thread J Taylor
SEVEN Magic, Sorcery and Hitler (Picture of hitler weaving a spell) The Magus of Bayer To many, Cambridge and Oxford universities come paired with images of something distinctively and gloriously English: dreaming spires and reflective civilization. To others come thoughts of

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