sendmail y fetchmail

1999-11-16 Thread Pablo Vazquez
hola a todos!!!111 tengo una preguntita como hago para descargar los mensajes de un dominio que me llegan atraves de una cuenta pop3 dentro de sendmail para que los reparta, supongo que con el fetchmail,pero no se como cualquier ayuda sera bienvenida un gran abrazo a todos

RE: ¿Me atacan?

1999-11-16 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
-Mensaje original- De: Juan Leseduarte [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: lunes 15 de noviembre de 1999 22:58 Para: Asunto: ¿Me atacan? Hola: Me he conectado a para bajarme un paquete .deb y me veo esto en

Re: sendmail y fetchmail

1999-11-16 Thread Ricard
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 09:06:32PM -0500, Pablo Vazquez wrote: hola a todos!!!111 tengo una preguntita como hago para descargar los mensajes de un dominio que me llegan atraves de una cuenta pop3 dentro de sendmail para que los reparta, supongo que con el fetchmail,pero no se

Re: Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El domingo 14 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 16:20:56 +0100, SKaVen contaba: El dia Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 03:22:59PM +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE escribió: Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos paquetes: el emacs, el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc. curioso, yo no utilizo ninguno

RE: ¿poner el reloj en hora?

1999-11-16 Thread jarregui
Bueno, te aseguro que no ha caído en saco roto. Tu mensaje va a la carpeta de 'Interesantes'. Se agradece. Javi -Mensaje original- De: Conrado Badenas [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: lunes 15 de noviembre de 1999 23:49 Para: Usuario Debian Asunto: Re: ¿poner el reloj

StarOffice 5.1a

1999-11-16 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Hay alguien que este en Potato y que tenga el StarOffice Instalado ? A mi me ha dejado de funcionar y simplemente me dice que se ha producido un error irrecuperable. Alguien tiene alguna idea de que esta sucediendo en mi ordenador Muchas gracias a todos --

Re: StarOffice 5.1a

1999-11-16 Thread dfm
Con tan pocos datos puede ser podría ser cualquier cosa, por favor intenta ser más explicito, yo lo tengo y nunca me ha dado ese error. En cualquier caso comprueba con qué usuario lo ejecutas, accesos, etc. Saludos Daniel. con fecha 16/11/99 11:40:17

Re: Problemas de ajuste de mutt

1999-11-16 Thread Juan Leseduarte
Hola: On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 08:49:35PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola La verdad es que mola bastante, os lo reconozco, es la tipica herramienta que cuando la gente te la ve utilizar alucina y lo mejor de todo es que edita en vi (ahora mismito lo estoy haciendo!) jejeje Ah y

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 20:24:45 +0100, Andres Herrera contaba: En Guin, hasta mi sobrinilla de 2 años sabría hacerlo, sin sudar tinta X-DD En Guin no podrias evitar que te cerrase el sistema hasta tu sobrinilla de dos años, aunque quisieras ;-) Pido un aplauso para

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On lun, nov 15, 1999 at 02:59:04 +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote: A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía. ¿Puede ser porque estas personas usen un 386 con 1 Mega de RAM? ¿Puede ser

Grabaci?n de CD's mixtos

1999-11-16 Thread dfm
Hola Me gustaría saber si alguien de la lista sabe como y ha conseguido grabar CD's que tengan datos y audio, estoy intentando grabar un cd mixto con el xcdroast y me dice que para copiar cd's con datos y audio que vaya al menú de copia de audio, pero cuando intenta leer la pista de datos no

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On lun, nov 15, 1999 at 03:47:17 +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote: Pues yo sí que trabajaría en mejorar la instalación. Hay que admitir que otras distribuciones cuesta instalarlas una quinta parte de lo que cuesta Debian. Y eso si controlas un poco, que yo conozco a mucha gente de los que

Re: /etc/group (tribulaciones varias)

1999-11-16 Thread Roberto Suarez Soto
On vie, nov 12, 1999 at 05:19:51 +0100, Barbwired wrote: Además las fotos se bajan con nombres horrorosos: DSC3.JPG DSC4.JPGDSC7.JPGDSC00010.JPGDSC00014.JPG etc... y me gustaría saber si alguno tenéis un script de bash o similar para cambiar los nombres a minúsculas

RE: Conflicto entre tarjeta de red y modem

1999-11-16 Thread Tejada Lacaci, Antonio
-Mensaje original- De: Alvaro Alea [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: lunes 15 de noviembre de 1999 18:02 Para: Lista de usuarios debian Asunto: Conflicto entre tarjeta de red y modem BUENOS DIAS!! Por motivos que no vienen al caso he tenido que reinstalar debian de

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Jaime E. Villate
J. Carlos Muro: Bueno, aprovecho para hacer una pregunta ¿cómo puedo apagar el sistema como usuario sin 'sudar tinta'? Porque actualmente, lo que hago es: // abro consola $ su - $ passwd: * $ init 0 En Guin, hasta mi sobrinilla de 2 años sabría hacerlo, sin sudar tinta X-DD

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread J. Carlos Muro
Roberto Suarez Soto escribió: On lun, nov 15, 1999 at 02:59:04 +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote: A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía. ¿Puede ser porque estas personas usen un 386 con 1

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 18:45:41 +0100, 31 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [...] Y definitivamente, Actually, I Love Debian, ademas, creo que empiezo a comprender el significado del matrimonio... ... esta frase es para que la ponga Barb en sus taglines X Cheers! Antonio Tejada Lacaci [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Grabaci?n de CD's mixtos

1999-11-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 16 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 11:40:55 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba: Me gustaría saber si alguien de la lista sabe como y ha conseguido grabar CD's que tengan datos y audio, estoy intentando grabar un cd mixto con el xcdroast y me dice que para copiar cd's con datos y audio que

Error con apt a través de proxy

1999-11-16 Thread jarregui
Hola a todos. Estoy tratando de actualizar a potato con apt. Tengo acceso a internet a través de un servidor proxy. Y me estoy volviendo loco, porque más del 50% de los paquetes que voy bajando, cuando me los he traído enteros, me dan el siguiente error: Error reading from server - read (104

Re: Freeze de Potato

Barbwired wrote: AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE deca: > Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos paquetes: el emacs, > el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc. Te equivocas. Cada uno somos de nuestro padre y madre respectivos y no se puede generalizar respecto a nuestras necesidades. Ya, pero seguro

Re: Freeze de Potato

Andres Seco Hernandez wrote: > Si, pero si no tienes una conexion a internet, pues no te vale de nada. Lo suyo es > un CD con los paquetes. Existen opciones: imagenes de CDs con lo ultimo de unstable, o bajarte lo que realmente quieras (que rara vez sobre un sistema en marcha suele pasar de

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 05:59:52PM +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE wrote: Barbwired tiene razón. Cada uno usa lo que le da la gana. Desde luego, el que usa RedHat o Suse solo usa lo que la distribución le incluye, salvo los que se buscan la vida por otro lado.

Re: Freeze de Potato

SKaVen wrote: > No, porque puede haber una distribucion mas dinamica con menos paquetes y pillarte > un CD con los demas paquetes. Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos paquetes: el emacs, > el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc. curioso, yo no utilizo ninguno de los paquetes que has dicho

Re: Freeze de Potato

Hue-Bond wrote: Por otro lado, no pienso depender de la tarjeta de vdeo para poder poner MP3s. Pero es que a nadie le gusta el modo grfico -- - * - E.T.S.I. INFORMATICA Linux Booting Nuevo E-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Freeze de Potato

Miquel wrote: > Es muy dificil que 4000 paquetes funcionen todos bien. Por no decir > utopico. qu mal suena eso. Hasta hace poco ms de un ao, todava se oa decir que GNU/Linux y el modelo de software libre era utpico. Ahora es debian la utpica por empearse en mantener un modelo de desarrollo

Re: Freeze de Potato

Andres Herrera wrote: >Vamos a ver: se trata de hacer Linux mas sencillo de usar y mas dinamico. No >se trata de usar Linux porque es mas dificil y por eso me creo mejor. Windows >lo tiene todo el mundo porque su interfaz con el usuario esta muy cuidada. >Mas que lo de dentro, pero

Re: Freeze de Potato

J. Carlos Muro wrote: > > No, porque puede haber una distribucion mas dinamica con menos paquetes y pillarte > > un CD con los demas paquetes. Ademas siempre la gente usa los mismos paquetes: el emacs, > > el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome, el XMMS, etc. > > curioso, yo no utilizo ninguno de los paquetes

Re: Freeze de Potato

Roberto Suarez Soto wrote: Aparte, me gustara saber cmo (es decir, para qu) usas WM, KDE y Gnome al mismo tiempo :-m Slo por curiosidad :-m No los uso a la vez, sino que conozco a gente que usa esos tres. Te cuento mi experiencia ms reciente con todo este asunto de los wm: tengo un K6-300, con

Re: Freeze de Potato

Ricard wrote: He utilizado durante mucho tiempo GNOME, KDE y Enlightenment y a decir verdad los tres son fantasticos. Pero cuando trabajas 8 horas al dia (con suerte) delante con estos sistemas empiezas a exigir mas productividad que no vistosidad o facilidad de manejo (tengo tiempo para

Teclas de Guindow

1999-11-16 Thread cygar
Buenas, quisiera saber como hacer para poder usar esas teclas de guin del teclado yanqui como por ej.,una para meter acentos y otra para la famosa enie. Estube mirando y parece que hay que hacerlo con xmodmap mapeando seas teclas. pero la verdad es q' no entendi bien en manual. si alguien me

Re: Freeze de Potato

Jordi wrote: Vaya, estoy radicalmente en desacuerdo contigo en estas afirmaciones. Tan buena es la interfaz de Windoze? A mi no me lo parece. Es agradable de usar? Para sentirme un poco ms "agradable", necesitaba abrir una ventana de shell en windows. Imagnate. El modo texto as como las tarjetas

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Andres Herrera
Guenas On Nov 15, 1999 at 02:59:04PM +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote: A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía. ¿Puede ser porque estas personas usen un 386 con 1 Mega de RAM? No creo, pero

Sobre el spam (y van n)

1999-11-16 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
No tengo ni idea de como se administra una lista de correo sin moderar, pero ¿habría alguna forma de evitar el spam? El último ya era genial: cómprese un libro y haga como Bill Gates. Por otra parte, ¿hay alguna razón para que casi todo el spam que nos llega proceda de Argentina?

Re: Grabaci?n de CD's mixtos

1999-11-16 Thread Daniel Payno
EL otro día, Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 04:26:14PM +0100, Hue-Bond dijo: Me gustaría saber si alguien de la lista sabe como y ha conseguido grabar CD's que tengan datos y audio, estoy intentando grabar un cd mixto con el xcdroast y me dice que para copiar cd's con datos y audio que vaya al menú de

Re: Re: bash en español...

1999-11-16 Thread SKaVen
El dia Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 07:58:27AM +0100, Cosme Perea Cuevas escribió: Pero para el usuario `root' yo tengo definido un entorno a parte, ya que algunos programas no trabajan correctamente si simplemente definimos ese valor de $LANG, ¿por ejemplo? -- Nos leemos... [EMAIL

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 12:47 PM 1999-11-16 +0100, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote: On lun, nov 15, 1999 at 03:47:17 +0100, J. Carlos Muro wrote: [...] instalación desde 0. Otras distribuciones autodetectan lo que tienes, te Eso sí que estaría bien. Una herramienta que detectara tus dispositivos realmente haría

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 16 de noviembre de 1999 a la(s) 18:31:16 +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE contaba: Por otro lado, no pienso depender de la tarjeta de vídeo para poder poner MP3s. ¿¿¿Pero es que a nadie le gusta el modo gráfico Yo trabajo en X continuamente, pero cada cosa para

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, J. Carlos Muro wrote: Pero no todo el mundo sabe tanto como tú. ¿Te parece que Debian debería ser una distribución reservada a 'usuarios con conocimientos mínimos'? ¿Sólo para los que saben? Mi opinión es de acercarla a todo el mundo. Para mí, aunque no lo creas, sigue

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, nov 16, 1999 at 05:59:52 +0100, AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE wrote: Mira, Windows tendrá lo que tu quiera pero es muy sencillo y agradable de usar. Y también de programar. No quiere decir esto que esté de acuerdo con la filosofía de ~~~ En fin Serafín Microsoft

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, nov 16, 1999 at 08:16:03 +0100, Hue-Bond wrote: Yo trabajo en X continuamente, pero cada cosa para lo que es. ¡Exácto!, eso es lo que yo quería decir, ¡ese Hue!. -- Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] Webs:

Re: Grabaci?n de CD's mixtos

1999-11-16 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On mar, nov 16, 1999 at 11:40:55 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Me gustaría saber si alguien de la lista sabe como y ha conseguido grabar CD's que tengan datos y audio, estoy intentando grabar un cd mixto con el xcdroast y me dice que para copiar cd's con datos y audio que vaya al menú de

RE: dpkg

1999-11-16 Thread Ricardo Villalba
-Mensaje original- De: TooMany [EMAIL PROTECTED] Para: Lista Debian Fecha: jueves 11 de noviembre de 1999 15:33 Asunto: dpkg Buenas. Resulta que me he actualizado algunas cosillas dentro de slink, correspondientes a gnome y enlightenment. Pero tengo

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Ricard Sierra
Hola Andres On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 08:24:45PM +0100, Andres Herrera wrote: ¿Donde esta la dificultad de instalacion de Debian concretamente? ¿La seleccion de paquetes? ¿El aspecto? ¿El idioma? ¿El momento de particionar? Dificil no es pero podria hacerse mas simple si se evitaran algunas

Más problemas con el reloj.

1999-11-16 Thread Emilio Hernández Martín
El problema que yo tengo con mi reloj es que no se ha actualizado con el cambio de hora de hace unos días, por lo menos el que sale en la parte de abajo a la derecha en Linux, porque el de hardware sí que lo ha hecho. Si ejecuto hwclock --hctosys se cambia y aparece la hora correcta pero

Re: sendmail y fetchmail

1999-11-16 Thread Barbwired
Pablo Vazquez decía: como hago para descargar los mensajes de un dominio que me llegan atraves de una cuenta pop3 dentro de sendmail para que los reparta, supongo que con el fetchmail,pero no se como No entiendo muy bien qué quieres hacer, ¿te importa aclararlo? -- A job interview at 0930 is

[Off-Topic] Fonética (Re: Acentos y similares con teclado yanki)

1999-11-16 Thread Barbwired
Jordi decía: On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:08:21AM +0100, Barbwired wrote: Tocando tocando he conseguido solucionar mi eterno problema del alfabeto fonético, aunque el resultado es un teclado que sólo sé usar yo y que en las X no va como debiera (¿Depende de la aplicación o son cosas mías?).

Porqué no uso tal o pascual (Era: Re: Freeze de Potato)

1999-11-16 Thread Barbwired
J. Carlos Muro decía: A mí lo que me gustaría saber es por qué hay al parecer tanta gente que se niega a utilizar 'el WindowMaker/KDE/Gnome' como F. José Avila decía. ~-barbwired df FilesystemSize Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/hda2 454M 403M27M 94% /

Re: Freeze de Potato

1999-11-16 Thread Miquel
El mar, nov 16, 1999 at 06:44:28 +0100 AVILA BERMEJO, FRANCISCO JOSE va dir: ¿Que tiene de malo el Netscape? que no es software libre salu200 ;-) miquel -- __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / / / // |/ // / / / \ \/ /cooperación contra mando / /_ / // /| // /_/ / \ /

Re: Novo guia de usuário

1999-11-16 Thread Thiago Jung Bauermann
On Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 06:52:37PM +, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote: Os mapas de teclado para teclados Brasileiros já estão incluidos no pacote kbd (segundo o autor já foram incluidos mas ainda não confirmei). Atualizei recentemente meu sistema para a batata, e passei a utilizar o

Re: Strange file names

1999-11-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... I have some strange files. Do they have to exist in /usr/bin? ss1:/usr/bin$ ls -l | more total 9010 -rwxr-xr-x 2 root root20720 Dec 24 1998 [ the 'test' program, widely used in shell scripts -rwxr-xr-x 1 root

Re: Network sniffer

1999-11-16 Thread Oki DZ
Dan Everton wrote: You'll just see gibberish in all ssh related packets. Not much worth seeing really. Well, that's the point. If I see all thos unreadable packets, it means that ssh is working, right? (Even though I have to admit that I have no clue when it doesn't work.) Oki -- Shells

Re: New release over due

1999-11-16 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 05:01:53PM +1100, Matthew Dalton wrote George Bonser wrote: On Sun, 14 Nov 1999, Tim Webster wrote: I have continued to use debian despite the fact that it has grown extremely out date. However failing to release a mini potato at this time, has forced me

Re: Strange file names

1999-11-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On 15/11/99 Phil Brutsche wrote: You're just being paranoid. I have all those files too, and my server has, most definitely, been cracked. ^^ so these files were not left by the cracker who cracked your system :-) Ethan Benson

Re: umount

1999-11-16 Thread matthschulz
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Ian Zimmerman wrote: Dave == Dave Wiard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dave is there any way to force umount to unconditionally unmount a drive? one Dave of my cd drives is constantly touted as 'busy' when i know there's zero Dave activity, so it refuses to unmount and hence

Re: Shuffling drives

1999-11-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
William T Wilson said: Why do you want to do that? Just leave the kernel on /dev/hdb and use There is that, I suppose... The current hda is an older 2.5 G Western Digital drive while hdb is a 6 G Quantum Fireball UDMA. I'm assuming that I'd get better performance out of the Fireball if it

Re: Window Maker/WPrefs and NFS on potato

1999-11-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
Marco d'Itri said: Using the user space nfsd or an old and unpatched knfsd. I see... Sure enough, I'm using the nfs-server package, which is a user- space nfs server. Is there a deb of a kernel-space nfsd? And why is the user-space nfsd the (apparent) Debian standard, particularly given the

Somewhat off topic: XiG Xserver installation wrapper?

1999-11-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
Has anyone managed to make a deb package out of the Xi Graphics X server? We bought it cos it has multiheaded support, and before I beat my head against the wall for too long I thought perhaps someone else had luck with this software ... -- Nathan Norman MidcoNet 410 South Phillips Avenue

Re: Strange file names

1999-11-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... You're just being paranoid. I have all those files too, and my server has, most definitely, been cracked. ^^ Damn. I hate typos. so these files were not left by the cracker who cracked your

Linux names (Re: Strange file names)

1999-11-16 Thread Bart Szyszka
ps: just kidding folks. don't take me seriously on this one. Tux (my server) is safe. Would it be off-topic of me to ask if anyone else has named their Linux systems? Mine was called Debby Anne and now I've shortened it to Debby. : ) -- Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727 B Grafyx

Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread Bryan Scaringe
I would like to setup IPChains on my machine. I can't seem to find any file under /etc/init.d/ for ipchains (networking only handles spoof protection). Where do you folks start your ipchains or ipfwadm rules? Thanks, Bryan

[OT] Re: Linux names (Re: Strange file names)

1999-11-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... ps: just kidding folks. don't take me seriously on this one. Tux (my server) is safe. Would it be off-topic of me to ask if anyone else has named their Linux systems? Yes it would, actually. Mine was called Debby Anne and now

Re: Idea to prevent those long package listing downloads...

1999-11-16 Thread Miles Bader
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I think rsync would work well for this. No need to keep old versions arround for diffing. This would be cool; it's a shame that rsync doesn't have a library that encapsulates its functionality -- if it did, it would seem simple to just bang that into apt-get... -Miles

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... I would like to setup IPChains on my machine. I can't seem to find any file under /etc/init.d/ for ipchains (networking only handles spoof protection). Where do you folks start your ipchains or ipfwadm rules? I put a script called

Re: the gimp?

1999-11-16 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 01:36:26PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote: On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 01:11:34PM -0500, Ian Stirling wrote: E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote: I think it is a bad idea to call it `debian gimp'. If you do that you suggest that debian has a heavily modified, enhanced version of

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread Bryan Scaringe
Thanks, Just out of curiosity, when in the boot process are the scripts in /etc/rc.boot executed? Bryan On 16-Nov-99 Phil Brutsche wrote: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... I would like to setup IPChains on my machine. I can't seem to find any file under

wine error

1999-11-16 Thread tf
Hey guys, trying to run an app under wine, I get a load of errors. Have any idea what I can do about this? I get a few screens full of lines similiar to: err:ole:GetLocaleInfo32A 'SMONTHNAME9' not supported for your language. -- -t

Capture sound/video under linux

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
For all of those of you that have been(like me) dreaming for the day of being able to capture FMV with audio under linux there is now a stable(appears) program available. XawTV 3.01 (Nov 14) i just recorded my first .avi clip with full sound and

is your diald (potato) crashing too?

1999-11-16 Thread Pollywog
Is your diald 0.99.1-0.1 crashing too? I am using Potato and I have had to restart diald several times today. -- Andrew - GnuPG Public KeyID: 0x48109681 *we all live downstream*

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 15 Nov, Bryan Scaringe wrote about Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules Thanks, Just out of curiosity, when in the boot process are the scripts in /etc/rc.boot executed? Note: The /etc/rc.boot directory is obsolete in the potato release. It is replaced by the /etc/rcS.d

Re: [OT] Re: Linux names (Re: Strange file names)

1999-11-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
Phil Brutsche said: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said... Would it be off-topic of me to ask if anyone else has named their Linux systems? Doesn't everyone? Mine was called Debby Anne and now I've shortened it to Debby. I also have Giedi, Fury, and a SPARCstation

Re: New release over due

1999-11-16 Thread John Hasler
Jesse writes: What I'd really like to see is more frequent incremental releases of Stable, bug/security fixes and updates only. Say once each month. I'd like to see the package-pool system implemented. Encourage developers to maintain Stable versions of their packages as long as possible,

Re: Problems with rlogin!!!

1999-11-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Don't use rlogin. Use ssh. On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 10:35:57PM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote: John Sanabria ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Somebody know how can i let that others machines can get into my machine using rsh. I put .rhosts in my home user, but always request me for my password.

Re: Win NT does 1600x1200, why not X? (FireGL 1000Pro)

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
This is what you should see..something along these lines: XFree86 Version 3.3.5 / X Window System (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300) Release Date: August 23 1999 If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer than the above date, look for a

Potato, X and backspace/delete

1999-11-16 Thread Dave Baker
This should be an easy one but I've spent a few weeks on and off digging about in the archives and haven't run across the answer. When I upgrade slink-potato my keyboard mapping broke so that now Delete acts the same as Backspace (deletes to the left). I can fix this manually for xemacs with a

Re: Problem with named

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Pollywog wrote: pollyw Don't you mean /etc/host.conf? doh..i guess i do :) on irix its stored in /etc/resolv.conf ..didnt know debian stored it in host.conf .. is host.conf a standard thing ? i seem to remember(incorrectly maybe) that my slackware 3.2/3.4 also stored it in

Re: wine.conf

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, tf wrote: hmf Hey guys, hmf hmf can someone please send me a copy of his or her wine.conf? my wine is hmf pretty mangled, and I'd like to try to track down the problem. sure see below hmf hmf I just want to run one program (and I believe people have done so with hmf

Mail disappearing into the ether

1999-11-16 Thread Marshal Wong
Hello everyone, I just found out this morning that no mail is leaving my computer, which is really odd. I'm writing this on a web-based e-mail, so please excuse the ='s at the end of each line. After looking through my exim log, I came upon something funny. I seem to have the domain name

Re: Strange file names

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote: litban I have some strange files. Do they have to exist in /usr/bin? uhoh!! litban -rwxr-xr-x 2 root root20720 Dec 24 1998 [ dont know what that is ..but i have it too, i cant get dpkg to identify it .. litban -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root

Re: A few questions.

1999-11-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Rotten 4. How is Linux pronounced: lih-nucks or lie-nucks? lih-nucks i think is the 'real' way but i always say LIE NUCKS. some hate me for it..but i dont care :) nate Linux is based on Minix, and Linus' name (which is not pronounced LIE-nus, but the finnish LEE-noos). You really have

Re: Mail disappearing into the ether

1999-11-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
Sorry if this isn't much help, but running eximconfig again might help. On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:51:10PM -0800, Marshal Wong wrote: Hello everyone, I just found out this morning that no mail is leaving my computer, which is really odd. I'm writing this on a web-based e-mail, so please

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Bryan Scaringe wrote: Bryan. I would like to setup IPChains on my machine. I can't seem to find Bryan. any file under /etc/init.d/ for ipchains (networking only handles Bryan. spoof protection). Where do you folks start your ipchains or ipfwadm Bryan. rules? on my home box

Re: wine error

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, tf wrote: hmf Hey guys, hmf hmf trying to run an app under wine, I get a load of errors. Have any idea hmf what I can do about this? I get a few screens full of lines similiar hmf to: hmf hmf err:ole:GetLocaleInfo32A 'SMONTHNAME9' not supported for your language. hmf

Re: umount

1999-11-16 Thread Brad
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On 15 Nov 1999, Ian Zimmerman wrote: Dave == Dave Wiard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dave is there any way to force umount to unconditionally unmount a drive? one Dave of my cd drives is constantly touted as 'busy' when i know there's zero Dave activity, so

fetchmail and deleting read mail

1999-11-16 Thread Anthony Campbell
Is there any way to make fetchmail delete each mail at source as soon as it's fetched? I have nearly a thousand mails to fetch and I keep getting errors and having to start again from scratch. Please mail answers to me at as well as to this list or I may not see them!

Re: g++ and libstdc++2.9 circular dependence

1999-11-16 Thread Charles Kaufman
Dear Kevin dpkg -i foo bar seemed a little bit criptic to me. In case it was to you as well, you can just type dpkg -i g++*.deb libstdc++2.9-dev*.deb Both packages will be installed without any problem. I know this because I had the same question as you had, and this was the

Re: Auto blanking of xscreensaver

1999-11-16 Thread N. Raghavendra
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Clyde Wilson wrote: I have xscreensaver and xlock installed on Slink. When I lock my screen, everything works fine for about 10 minutes and then my display goes blank. Is there any way I could keep the screensaver running longer without the blanking? Although I have

Re: Mail disappearing into the ether

1999-11-16 Thread Marshal Wong
From: Dwayne C . Litzenberger [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Mail disappearing into the ether Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 22:01:59 -0600 Sorry if this isn't much help, but running eximconfig again might help. On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:51:10PM -0800, Marshal Wong wrote: Hello everyone, I

Re: A few questions.

1999-11-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
Dwayne C . Litzenberger said: LYE-nucks is totally unfounded (you just don't pronounce his name that way). Don't know where you're from, but, yes, in the US, Linus _is_ normally pronounced line-us. True, it's not the way Mr. Torvalds is likely to say his name, but it's no more incorrect than

Checking quotas and the bootup process

1999-11-16 Thread Andrew Pollock
Hi, Currently /etc/init.d/quota runs at position 20 in runlevel 2 (default installation) and this tends to take a very long time to run at bootup on one particular server, and because a lot of the other services tend to startup afterwards, either for alphabetic reasons within position 20, or they

Encounter with Satan

1999-11-16 Thread Oki DZ
Hi, I have visited Satan's site. I think it is a useful tool for testing your systems' security. But when I visited, I didn't see any mention about it. There is a version for Linux, but all I can get is the tarball (after you have gotten used to apt-get, tarballs are supposedly

seg. faults bus errors gone

1999-11-16 Thread Oki DZ
Hi, I apt-get'd file recently, and I didn't notice any seg. faults or bus errors. Does apt-get have a remote punishment system for anyone who tinkering with default paths? (ie: If it finds symlinks that are not supposed to be there, then apt-get produces those horrible error messages. Why

Re: umount

1999-11-16 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 06:21:02PM -0500, matthschulz wrote On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Ian Zimmerman wrote: Dave == Dave Wiard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Dave is there any way to force umount to unconditionally unmount a drive? one Dave of my cd drives is constantly touted as 'busy' when i

Re: Strange file names

1999-11-16 Thread John Pearson
On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 07:56:29PM -0800, aphro wrote On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Oki DZ wrote: litban I have some strange files. Do they have to exist in /usr/bin? uhoh!! litban -rwxr-xr-x 2 root root20720 Dec 24 1998 [ dont know what that is ..but i have it too, i cant get

Re: New release over due

1999-11-16 Thread Fabien Ninoles
John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Noah L. Meyerhans writes: You know, you had merely to ask on the list about making your installation of debian less out-dated. I believe he made it quite clear that he can't get past the Debian spam filters. apt-get dist-upgrade Over a 28.8

All of the sudden AccelX problems.

1999-11-16 Thread Aaron Solochek
Something Dselect did screwed up X. I think it upgraded xfree-common or something like that. The result was X not starting. I reinstalled all of AcceleratedX, and applied all the patches. Now, however, Xsetup says Unsupport $TERM varible: linux It gives the same error with vt100, vt102, ansi

Re: Encounter with Satan

1999-11-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On 16/11/99 Oki DZ wrote: I have visited Satan's site. I think it is a useful tool for testing your systems' security. But when I visited, I didn't see any mention about it. There is a version for Linux, but all I can get is the tarball (after you have gotten used to apt-get,

Seg. faults bus errors

1999-11-16 Thread Oki DZ
Hi, I apt-get'd file recently, and I didn't notice any seg. faults or bus errors. Does apt-get have a remote punishment system for anyone who tinkering with default paths? (ie: If it finds symlinks that are not supposed to be there, then apt-get produces those horrible error messages. Why

Encounter with Satan

1999-11-16 Thread Oki DZ
Hi, I have visited Satan's site. I think it is a useful tool for testing (whether they are crackable or not) your systems' security. But when I visited, I didn't see any mention about it. There is a version for Linux, but all I can get is the tarball (after you have gotten used to

Re: Encounter with Satan

1999-11-16 Thread Joey Hess
Oki DZ wrote: I have visited Satan's site. I think it is a useful tool for testing (whether they are crackable or not) your systems' security. But when I visited, I didn't see any mention about it. There is a version for Linux, but all I can get is the tarball (after you have

Re: 14.4kbps PPP link?

1999-11-16 Thread aphro
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Brian May wrote: bam Anyone got any suggestions how to fix this problem? I have tcpdumped my bam side of the connection, and the problem seems to be my computer waiting bam ages for remote data. bam bam This problem is driving me up the wall - as I have 14.4kbps, I feel bam

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