Problemas al instalar Netscape 4.77

2001-05-12 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Hola a todos: Estoy intentando instalar el Netscape 4.77 sobre la Debian Potato, me he bajado la versión del navegador para Linux 2.2 (creo que es la correcta). He desempaquetado el tar.gz, lo he instalado a mano para luego volverlo a comprimir y crear el paquete deb con alien. El resultado que


2001-05-12 Thread October
Si quieres cargar el rtc, puedes compilarlo como módulo en el kernel, y luego con modprobe lo cargas. Saludos: October


2001-05-12 Thread Jorge González
Buenas: Pues ya que estamos, yo tambien uso sis 620. Hobre, mi respuesta es bastante tonta pero, ¿te pasa eso con todos los modos?. Es decir si solo te pasa eso con 1280x1024 prueba una poca más pequeña. Tambien puede que tengas poca memoria de video. Yo esta tarjeta la tengo integrada en

No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Utilizo Debian Woody. Trato de usar el script perl websec, pero falla porque no encuentra el comando chop. No logro encontrarlo en ningún lado, parece ser que es parte de perl Podría alguien buscar en su sistema que paquete lo ofrece? Algo como dpkg -S `which chop` por favor? -- Linux User


2001-05-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
apt-get install xserver-svga From: Joan-Antoni [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: SUBJECTDate: Fri, 11 May 2001 18:11:05 +0200 Hola, he instalado todo el sistema debian via modem y he ido a configurar las X (No puedo editar /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config y lo he intentado

RE: Problema con apt

2001-05-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
prueba con apt-get -f install From: Alfonso García Rodríguez [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 19:43:09 +0200 (CEST) To: SUBJECT Hola a todos. Quise instalar konqueror (apt-get install konqueror) y me aparecio lo suiguiente: Reading Package Lists...

Re: No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 12 de mayo, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió: Utilizo Debian Woody. Trato de usar el script perl websec, pero falla porque no encuentra el comando chop. No logro encontrarlo en ningún lado, parece ser que es parte de perl Podría alguien buscar en su sistema que paquete lo ofrece? Algo

Re: No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Luis Arocha -data- wrote: Y el sábado 12 de mayo, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió: Utilizo Debian Woody. Trato de usar el script perl websec, pero falla porque no encuentra el comando chop. No logro encontrarlo en ningún lado, parece ser que es parte de perl Podría alguien buscar en su

Re: No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Yo desconozco si existe el comando chop o no, eso sí, Perl tiene una función con dicho nombre que es además muy utilizada: chop VARIABLE chop LIST chop (elimina el último caracter de un string o de todos los strings de una lista, se suele emplear para eliminar el retorno de carro de los campos

Re: No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el sábado 12 de mayo, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió: Luis Arocha -data- wrote: Hola, chop es un comando interno de perl. No hace falta ningún paquete ni fichero externo para usarlo. Si puedes enviar las líneas de perl que te dan el error intentaremos echarte una mano. Saludos

Re: No puedo encontrar el comando chop

2001-05-12 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Luis Arocha -data- wrote: Y el sábado 12 de mayo, Dr. Aldo Medina escribió: Luis Arocha -data- wrote: Hola, chop es un comando interno de perl. No hace falta ningún paquete ni fichero externo para usarlo. Si puedes enviar las líneas de perl que te dan el error intentaremos

duda memoria

2001-05-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola! Como me doy cuenta a que velocidad trabaja el bus de mi sistema?, he comprado un Duron de 850 MHZ, con 128 de ram y quisiera saber si lo que me vendieron es lo que me dicen. ah, otra cosa en dicho equipo tengo instalado debian potato r0 y al tratar de compilar el kernel en cierto punto

Re: duda memoria

2001-05-12 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hola! Como me doy cuenta a que velocidad trabaja el bus de mi sistema?, he comprado un Duron de 850 MHZ, con 128 de ram y quisiera saber si lo que me vendieron es lo que me dicen. ah, otra cosa en dicho equipo tengo instalado debian potato r0 y al tratar de

Re: duda memoria

2001-05-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
muchas gracias, hoy mismo lo hago, a proposito.. :) aqui en la lista la gente no duerme vigilandola?? que rapides!!! De nuevo muchas gracias :D Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 09:50:45 -0500 From: Dr. Aldo Medina [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC:

Re: Instalacion de Potato usando el sources de otro ordenador

2001-05-12 Thread Lluis Vilanova
El lun, 07 de may de 2001, a las 11:09:26 +0200, Lluis Vilanova dijo: [...] -- |En el Pentium:| -- /etc/hosts -- localhost localhost.localdomain loopback valhalla

[OT] Re: duda memoria

2001-05-12 Thread Miguel Angel
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 07:40:57AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Como me doy cuenta a que velocidad trabaja el bus de mi sistema?, he comprado un Duron de 850 MHZ, con 128 de ram y quisiera saber si lo que me vendieron es lo que me dicen. Perdón si digo una burrada, pero... si

Re: error ifconfig

2001-05-12 Thread Fco. Aguilar
En Fri, May 11, 2001 at 08:55:48PM -0300, Fabian escribió: Hola a todos, Preguntando otra vez, me surgio un problemita con el ifconfig despues de recompilar el nucleo. Cargo el modulo de la placa de red, con modprobe ,OK, la reconoce igual que antes. Caundo hago ifconfig eth0 [direccion

Corazones (era Re: hola)

2001-05-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 03 de mayo de 2001 a la(s) 18:53:43 -0500, alonso robles contaba: tu madre Oye yo también me aburro pero no molesto a los demás :^). ¿Nadie sabe de un juego como el corazones de la kakita? Encontré uno pero es para KDE :^(. Ah, si es posible que

Re: apt-get con cron

2001-05-12 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 11 de mayo de 2001 a la(s) 18:17:59 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contaba: # /etc/cron.daily/apt 30 3-5 * **root /usr/bin/apt-get update 307 * **root /usr/bin/apt-get -y dist-upgrade Meck! Eso te va a dar dos errores como catedrales. En ese

Re: Renovar clave PGP

2001-05-12 Thread Hue-Bond
Jesus Angel, viernes 11 de mayo de 2001 a la(s) 01:15:43 +0200: No estoy seguro, pero prueba con el comando key 1 para seleccionar la primera clave secundaria o subordinada (subkey) y luego vuelves a intentar con expire. Ha funcionado :^). Ahora mismo la subo de nuevo. Public Key

Apagar el PC con PHP

2001-05-12 Thread Miguel Angel
Saludos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Estoy buscando un comando para ponerlo en una llamada PHP en la función system() en una paginita web. La idea es que mi padre pueda apagar el PC desde su portátil a través de una web hecha con PHP. He probado con shutdown y

Re: Apagar el PC con PHP

2001-05-12 Thread Luis Cabrera
Quien:Miguel Angel Cuando: sábado, 12 de mayo del 2001, a las 10:39, Qué: Apagar el PC con PHP Saludos [EMAIL PROTECTED] Estoy buscando un comando para ponerlo en una llamada PHP en la función system() en una paginita web. La idea es

Re: Apagar el PC con PHP

2001-05-12 Thread Juan Rafael Alvarez Correa
Con sudo tiene que funcionar, hace como ano y medio hicimos un montaje de un webmail gratuito basado en IMP y ciertas cositas que tenia que hacer en el sistema como root fueron solucionadas con el sudo, pero creo que en este caso no utilizamos php sino server side includes. Si mandaras un poquito

Re: [OT] Re: duda memoria

2001-05-12 Thread carlos saldaña
Miguel Angel dijo: Perdón si digo una burrada, pero... si quieres comprobar que realmente te han vendido lo que dicen o no ¿no puedes abrir el PC y comprobarlo en sus tripas?. Recientemente se ha comentado en la lista acerca de la legalidad de lo que hacen

modulo scsi

2001-05-12 Thread Esteban Aguilera
hola lista, tengo una tarjeta aha152x y la unica forma que encontre para cargarla como modulo, es de la siguiente forma. modprobe aha152x aha152x=0x340,9 ahora lo que no pude hacer es que me funcione esta entrada ni en el modules ni en el modules.conf. para dejar de tipearla. hay forma.. como

Sylpheed atualizado

2001-05-12 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Alô pessoal =) lembram-se que disse que o gpgme tinha sido uploadado para o unstable? já criei o pacote e coloquei um esquema de dependências/conflitos que devem se encarregar de atualizar tudo direito... aqueles que baixaram o sylpheed compilado por mim pra stable ou unstable podem agora mesmo


2001-05-12 Thread DephiNit
Olá pessoal, Eu estou testando um módulo do kernel (packet-writing support) e alguns erros estão ocorrendo. Até aí tudo bem. O problema é que por algum motivo as mensagens do erro (debug) não estão em nenhum dos arquivo do diretório /var/log Isto não é causado pelo módulo, já que nenhuma

atualizacao - seguranca

2001-05-12 Thread cosmo
All Sim, vale a pena. Esses releases de plataformas estáveis contém atualizações de segurança e algumas vezes, versões mais novas de um ou outro software (o que é raro). Provavelmente não serão muitos pacotes atualizados. Por acaso alguem sabe se existe uma especie de news que informa

Re: Log...

2001-05-12 Thread Edson Yassuo Fugio
On Sat, 12 May 2001 03:32:26 -0300 Raphael DephiNit Pereira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Isto não é causado pelo módulo, já que nenhuma mensagem de erro a nível de kernel está sendo logada. O meu /var/log/kern.log está com 0 bytes desde o dia 19 de Abril!!! apt-get install klogd O daemon klogd

Re: atualizacao - seguranca

2001-05-12 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Fri, 11 May 2001 22:16:59 -0300 cosmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Por acaso alguem sabe se existe uma especie de news que informa o lancamento/atualizacao de um novo pacote por motivo de seguranca. A conectiva tem uma especie de news onde ela comunica a existencia de uma nova versao de

Gnome fonts

2001-05-12 Thread Nitrogen
Galera, Como faco para aumentar o tamanho das fontes no Gnome? Consegui, no maximo, aumentar o tamanho da fonte no titulo das janelas, mas nao consigo aumentar a do texto. (que esta realmente muito pequeno) Obrigado Leonardo Custodio [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Shoud i 2.2r3/Problems

2001-05-12 Thread Nitrogen
Acabei por aceitar os conselhos de atualização para a terçeira revisão do Potato, porém infrento agora alguns probleminhas. Antes da atualização, meu gnome-session era inicializado automaticamente ao iniciar do Linux. Agora vai direto para o terminal. Quando eu tento dar gnome-session, olhem o

Re: Shoud i Debian 2.2r3?!?

2001-05-12 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Na parte release-notes na página da Debian ou nos arquivos ftp da distribuição. Nitrogen wrote: Pessoal, Onde posso achar especificações sobre a atualização do Debian 2.2r2 para 2.2r3? Já tenho o source.list apontado para umTP americano, mas não sei como proseguir para a atualização. Além

Re: Olá pessoal de Pernambuco!!!

2001-05-12 Thread Ricardo Melo
Marcelo Santana wrote: Olá colegas da lista(todos)! Ae turma boa de Pernambuco Este tem o propósito de informar aos desavisados sobre O I Fórum Pernambucano de Linux, que ocorre de 23 a 25 de maio simultaneamente à Inforútil 2001, que desta vez ocorrerá no Centro de Convenções,


2001-05-12 Thread Saulo Camboim de Baco
Pessoal, Sou novo em linux e em Debian. Já tentei na página do Debian e no guia do foca, mas não teve geito, então, alguém pode passar um /etc/apt/source.list, atualizdo, inclusive com o enderço para pegar o kde? Obrigado. Saulo

[no subject]

2001-05-12 Thread Alberto Ribeiro de Andrade
Olá pessoal, sou novo no linux e gostaria que alguém me ajudasse a instalá-lo... Como faço para o arquivo com e extensão .iso??] Obrigado...

MS x Codigo Aberto ...

2001-05-12 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Achei esta materia interessante ... saiu no The Economist ... imagino que possa interessar também a mais gente na lista. Um abraço, Nivaldo BEWARE of open-source software, those nefarious free computer programs written online by groups of volunteers. The licence that comes with most of this

Re: MS x Codigo Aberto ...

2001-05-12 Thread Nitrogen
People, Primeiro agradeço ao Nivaldo por incluir mais uma notícia interessante a esta lista. O fato se resume ao medo da MS em frente aos programas open-source. Abraços e agradecimentos, Leonardo Custodio [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos

REDE - Urgente

2001-05-12 Thread Pr0d1gY
Ola a todos !!! O meu prblema eh o seguinte, ha alguns dias eu configurei meu micro pra usa o link d internet do servidor (win98) da minha rede ponto-a-ponto, q eu lembre, fiz os seguintes passos, insmod mod_da_placa_rede, ifconfig eth0 netmask, route add... etc (num


2001-05-12 Thread Saulo Camboim de Baco
Pessoal, Sou novo em linux e em Debian. Já tentei na página do Debian e no guia do foca, mas não teve geito, então, alguém pode passar um /etc/apt/source.list, atualizdo, inclusive com o enderço para pegar o kde? Obrigado. Saulo


2001-05-12 Thread Israel Mendes Biscaia Filho
Cara, a extensão ISO significa que o arquivo é a imagem de um CD, ou seja, você pode gravá-lo num CD. On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 04:11:26PM -0300, Alberto Ribeiro de Andrade wrote: Olá pessoal, sou novo no linux e gostaria que alguém me ajudasse a instalá-lo... Como faço para o arquivo com e

Re: Olá pessoal de Pernambuco!!!

2001-05-12 Thread Lucianno A . Ramalho
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Em Domingo 13 Maio 2001 09:57, Ricardo Melo escreveu: Marcelo Santana wrote: Olá colegas da lista(todos)! Ae turma boa de Pernambuco Este tem o propósito de informar aos desavisados sobre O I Fórum Pernambucano de Linux, que

Re: Plugin Flash para Netscape. Existe pacote deb ?

2001-05-12 Thread Lalo Martins
Olha, existe um .deb não-oficial, mas não acho que compense, mesmo pq ele é só um installer. Vá ao site da Macromedia, baixe o tar.gz que eles têm lá, e descompacte no /usr/lib/netscape/plugins. Se quiser usar no mozilla, tb funciona igualzinho - é só colocar no diretório plugins dentro da

instalar o DVI ?

2001-05-12 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Olá, Se alguém da lista já usou o serviço DVI da TELEMAR gostaria de saber os passos onde procurá-los ... Um abraço, Nivaldo

Problemas na instalacao no QT-Designer ...

2001-05-12 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Olá, tentei instalar o qt-designer da potato e apareceu o seguinte aviso durante a instalaçao: Setting up libqutil1 (2.3.0-final-0.potato1) ... /sbin/ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No such file or directory), skipping Qual é o problema ?? Um abraço, Nivaldo

Fw: instalar o DVI ?

2001-05-12 Thread Carlos Alberto Pereira Gomes
Veja também Carlos - Original Message - From: Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 6:16 PM Subject: instalar o DVI ? Olá, Se alguém da lista

Waste of bytez?

2001-05-12 Thread Nitrogen
Pessoal, Entendo que a mentalidade na criação de um software é sempre o aperfeiçoamento (ao menos no sentido Debian da coisa). Compreendo também que nem sempre o aperfeiçoamento esta relacionado com a modificação das técnicas de sua criação, mas com o aumento de desempenho em um software já

Re: REDE - Urgente

2001-05-12 Thread emir
Caro Pr0d1gY,Vc verificou se o seu kernel esta compilado corretamente?A receita de bolo vc encontra nos howto's. Nao me lembro qual especificamente.Boa sorte.[]'s==Carlos Emir Mantovani MacedoGerente de ProjetosInfosoftware SistemasOffice: +55 19 3256

Incluindo um novo estilo ...

2001-05-12 Thread Nivaldo A. P. de Vasconcelos
Olá, acabei de baixar um novo estilo no CTAN do TeX ... como eu faço para este novo estilo fique disponível no LyX ?? Um abraço, Nivaldo

Mouse in xterm , mc problem.

2001-05-12 Thread Steve Kieu
Hi, all debian users, I am not new to Linux but quite new to Debian :-) as I just finished installation yesterday (switch from slack). And I am impressed !. I got a minor problem ,I can not use mouse in rxvt or xterm running mc; before in slack I can use it. Even vim , I can not use (although

Re: Startx error with XFree86 4.3 i810

2001-05-12 Thread Anthony Lau
. Symbol VBEInit from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o is unresolved! Symbol vbeDoEDID from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/i810_drv.o is unresolved! Fatal

how to setup WMPPP

2001-05-12 Thread Ardy -- Not Entered --
Hello There =) hai i need some help from you guys out there , does anybody know hot to setup WMPPP and also how to make it work? because this is first time for me to use wmppp , before i just use pon and poff to connect/disconnect my dialup internet , so please if someone knows about how to

apt-get to testing and shellutils on hurd ?

2001-05-12 Thread Jan Ulrich Hasecke
Hi! I am a little confused. I inserted this in my sources.list deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free deb potato main optional crypto qt1apps deb testing main

Re: apt-get to testing and shellutils on hurd ?

2001-05-12 Thread chris
On Saturday, 12 May 2001, Jan Ulrich Hasecke wrote: try 'apt-get update' to update the apt-sources.list first Hi Jan, Hi! I am a little confused. I inserted this in my sources.list deb testing/non-US main contrib non-free deb

config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-12 Thread Derya PALANCI
Hi everybody, I'm new to linux and debian... I've just installed debian ad chose the x window and components but it says it cannot make a config file and cannot communicate with x server... My pc has i810 motherboard and i chose i810's all modules but still i couldnt manage to have a x

Re: joe and -backpath

2001-05-12 Thread Miquel Mart?n L?pez
Hi! The /etc/joe/joerc file is global for all users, so you probably don't want to make all the user's backups in Kent's directory. I'd advise you to do this changes in /home/kent/.joerc Now about not being able to create backup files: I tried to set the backup path to ~/something or

Re: Mouse in xterm , mc problem.

2001-05-12 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
Steve Kieu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I got a minor problem ,I can not use mouse in rxvt or xterm running mc; before in slack I can use it. Even vim , I can not use (although I have set mouse options). In console I try to run gpm and mc, but have not test it yet. I use debian 2.2 r3. You

Re: how to setup WMPPP

2001-05-12 Thread Morten Bo Johansen
Ardy -- Not Entered -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [you might like to wrap your lines a wee bit..I did it for you] hai i need some help from you guys out there , does anybody know hot to setup WMPPP and also how to make it work? because this is first time for me to use wmppp , before i just use


2001-05-12 Thread chris

Re: config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-12 Thread Andreas Tscharner
Hi everybody, Hello, I'm new to linux and debian... I've just installed debian ad chose the x window and components but it says it cannot make a config file and cannot communicate with x server... My pc has i810 motherboard and i chose i810's all modules but still i couldnt manage to have

Re: joe and -backpath

2001-05-12 Thread ktb
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 12:02:24PM +0200, Miquel Mart?n L?pez wrote: Hi! The /etc/joe/joerc file is global for all users, so you probably don't want to make all the user's backups in Kent's directory. I'd advise you to do this changes in /home/kent/.joerc Ya I know. I would rather it be

Re: config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-12 Thread Derya PALANCI
i dont know the version of Xfree... how can i learn?? but i tried the command you wrote and it said bash : xfree86 : command not found did i make smth wrong? thanks derya

mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread chris
hi, i just wann ask, howto tell my mutt that it saves all the mail from this mailing list automaticly in a seperate mailbox?

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread ktb
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 02:10:44PM +0200, chris wrote: hi, i just wann ask, howto tell my mutt that it saves all the mail from this mailing list automaticly in a seperate mailbox? Look into the package procmail kent -- From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread ktb
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 02:10:44PM +0200, chris wrote: hi, i just wann ask, howto tell my mutt that it saves all the mail from this mailing list automaticly in a seperate mailbox? You might also find this helpful - kent -- From

Source rpms

2001-05-12 Thread Stephen J . Thompson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: RIPEMD160 Hello all, Is there a way to extract source rpm's on a debian box? If so please could you state how? Thanks. Regards, Stephen. -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.0.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see

cdrecord can't get mmap on /dev/zero

2001-05-12 Thread Graham Williams
Using cdrecord 1.10a18-2 on an up to date Debian unstable installation with kernel 2.2.18 (self compiled) trying to write to CD writer: cdrecord: Invalid argument. Cannot get mmap for 4198400 Bytes on /dev/zero Any ideas what the problem is and a solution? Many Thanks, Graham

Re: Can anyone help me with a modem problem ?

2001-05-12 Thread Dean
On 11 May 2001, at 22:29, Ricardo Mauricio wrote: Hello, I have a Us Robotics 33.6 Internal modem, it has jumpers to set the com port and irq, and if i remove all jumpers i turns to PnP. When i connect to my isp i spend a secs online and then suddenly disconnects.. sometimes i can dial

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread Alexander Wasmuth
* chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]: i just wann ask, howto tell my mutt that it saves all the mail from this mailing list automaticly in a seperate mailbox? The easiest way is using procmail. | :0: | * [EMAIL PROTECTED] | debian.user Alex

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread chris
yes, this FAQ is great! i hope i understand it (iam from germany, my english isnt very good) :) thank you chris On Saturday, 12 May 2001, ktb wrote: Hi ktb, On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 02:10:44PM +0200, chris wrote: hi, i just wann ask, howto tell my mutt that it saves all the mail from

Re: Source rpms

2001-05-12 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hallo Stephen, * Stephen schrieb: Hello all, Is there a way to extract source rpm's on a debian box? If so please could you state how? apt-get install rpm cpio rpm2cpio package.src.rpm| cpio --list rpm2cpio package.src.rpm| cpio --extract filename cya Waldemar -- It's naive to assume

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread chris
On Saturday, 12 May 2001, chris wrote: hmm. i think i dont understand the .forward and rc.test filez. can somebody post me the config lines i need to wirte in .forward and egg. i dont want this mailinglist in my stadart inbox, but i want it, automaticly in a file like ~./Mail/deb-usr

Re: Multi-platform software development

2001-05-12 Thread Gerd Arlitt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm in the need of developing a multi-platform system. Can anyone give me a hint of which tool's (libraries) to use? I'd like to develop applications for linux(es), unix(es) and windows. I'm even about to pay a little amount of money for it. Why don't you give Ada

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread chris
On Saturday, 12 May 2001, chris wrote: YES! it works :) thanks to all Hi chris, On Saturday, 12 May 2001, chris wrote: hmm. i think i dont understand the .forward and rc.test filez. can somebody post me the config lines i need to wirte in .forward and egg. i dont want

Re: mutt and mailinglists

2001-05-12 Thread ktb
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 03:08:41PM +0200, chris wrote: On Saturday, 12 May 2001, chris wrote: hmm. i think i dont understand the .forward and rc.test filez. can somebody post me the config lines i need to wirte in .forward and egg. i dont want this mailinglist in my stadart inbox,

Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

2001-05-12 Thread Johann Spies
I get the error in the subject line when I try to run mp3blaster on a mp3-file. I have tried xmms, alsaplayer and freeamp and they also fail. I can play CD's without a problem. How can I find out what the problem is and how to solve it? Johann -- J.H. Spies - Tel. 082 782 0336. Posbus 4668,

Re: Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?

2001-05-12 Thread Waldemar Brodkorb
Hello Johann, * Johann wrote: I get the error in the subject line when I try to run mp3blaster on a mp3-file. I have tried xmms, alsaplayer and freeamp and they also fail. I can play CD's without a problem. How can I find out what the problem is and how to solve it? Your soundcard is

RE: OT: M$ Outlook Virus

2001-05-12 Thread Steve Barr
Searching through the archives I found this message. Exactly what I want to accomplish, but I can't get it to work. I installed procmail and copied the recipe to /etc/procmailrc. Then I sent myself a test message, the attachment still came though as .vbs. If I copy /etc/procmailrc to

gnome dependancy

2001-05-12 Thread damm fool
I have installed gnome and all the packages it said it required. When I attempt to run gnome or any related applications in a window manager i get the error: /lib/ version GLIBC_2.2 not found (required by /usr/lib/ I have the latest libc6 package (2.1.13-18) from

gnome dependancy

2001-05-12 Thread damm fool
I have installed gnome and all the packages it said it required. When I attempt to run gnome or any related applications in a window manager i get the error: /lib/ version GLIBC_2.2 not found (required by /usr/lib/ I have the latest libc6 package (2.1.13-18) from

Re: OT: M$ Outlook Virus

2001-05-12 Thread will trillich
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 10:58:17AM -0400, Steve Barr wrote: Searching through the archives I found this message. Exactly what I want to accomplish, but I can't get it to work. I installed procmail and copied the recipe to /etc/procmailrc. Then I sent myself a test message, the attachment

Re: How do I set route at boot time ?

2001-05-12 Thread will trillich
On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 12:13:49PM -0600, Stefan Srdic wrote: I'm interrested in the same thing, only I want to be able to edit my routing table upon startup to define the mss and window of my LAN and external gateway. Is there some sort of text stream I can run through to accomplish this?

Re: I don't get it.

2001-05-12 Thread will trillich
On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 09:23:22AM +0600, V.Suresh wrote: Somedays back somebody in the list told me that woody is the unstable version, and it will soon be stable version. If so, then what is the testing version? And what is sid? I am a bit confused about these names. Is Sid

woody release date

2001-05-12 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
i know that it is not announced ahead of time, but any way, sometime ago i remember some comment about woody expected for august or so. is that right, A.F.A.Y.C.T.? thanks, t.

locale settings fail

2001-05-12 Thread Pollywog
I upgraded woody today and got this: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = en_US are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard

Re: locale settings fail

2001-05-12 Thread Ilya Martynov
P I upgraded woody today and got this: P perl: warning: Setting locale failed. P perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: P LANGUAGE = (unset), P LC_ALL = (unset), P LANG = en_US P are supported and installed on your system. P perl: warning: Falling back to the

Re: Filtering mail w/ procmail

2001-05-12 Thread will trillich
On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 06:33:07PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Will wrote: here are some samples from my own bloated ~/.procmailrc : DEBIAN=$MAILDIR/debian POSTGRES=$MAILDIR/pg MODPERL=$MAILDIR/mperl DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/inbox :0 * ^X-Loop: [EMAIL

close exim to outside connections

2001-05-12 Thread Carl Fink
Okay, this is a stupid question, and I acknowledge it. I recently reinstalled Potato from scratch. As part of this I changed some system software, including smail -- exim. How can I tell exim to refuse connections from other than local addresses? I've searched the docs, but can find no answer.

Re: cdrecord can't get mmap on /dev/zero

2001-05-12 Thread Simeon Walker
Graham Williams wrote: Using cdrecord 1.10a18-2 on an up to date Debian unstable installation with kernel 2.2.18 (self compiled) trying to write to CD writer: cdrecord: Invalid argument. Cannot get mmap for 4198400 Bytes on /dev/zero Any ideas what the problem is and a

New Epox 8KTA3=Slower CDROM ?

2001-05-12 Thread Telocity
I purchased a Epox 8KTA3+ with 850 Duron from my local Fry's. Install was no problem, but now when I went back to finish ripping my CD collection, the ripping speed went from approx 1X down to .3X. The only reason I am asking on this list is because right after I installed the board, I

upgrade to testing

2001-05-12 Thread MaD dUCK
hey guys, i would finally like to pull one of my systems up to testing, but i still can't really afford losing it, so i am a little cautious. i guess i would simply like to know if anyone of you had previous bad experiences with the dist-upgrade. i am on a laptop, currently running potato with a

Re: [users] RE: Aliasing an IP address? [semi-OT]

2001-05-12 Thread MaD dUCK
also sprach Matt Chipman (on Sat, 12 May 2001 10:23:56AM +1000): Use windows hardware profiles. They are there for exactly this reason. He will get a menu at boot asking if he is at work or home. he doesn't want to reboot. since windoze takes like 2.5 years... martin; (greetings

Re: Sendmail and local addresses

2001-05-12 Thread Jason Majors
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 12:28:00PM -0400, Richard A Nelson scribbled... On Thu, 10 May 2001, Jason Majors wrote: I have several machines, one acts as a mailserver, with an MX entry and all. The others are clients that know to use the server as a smarthost. Are all the boxes configured

Re: config of xfree86 with i810

2001-05-12 Thread freedman
On Sat, May 12, 2001, Derya PALANCI wrote: i dont know the version of Xfree... how can i learn?? at command prompt: dpkg -p xfree86-common | grep 'Version:' This uses dpkg to show the entry for xfree86-common (base package of xfree86) then pipes output through grep to only display the version

TuxTops Amethyst (Compal N20U OEM) lockups, video/APM suspected

2001-05-12 Thread Karsten M. Self
Previously posted to debian-laptop, no responses yet. Problems continue after latest updates, seems to be display related as leaving system powered on w/ X off has yet to crash. Slightly updated. I've got a TuxTops

Installing debian on Atlas computers?

2001-05-12 Thread Lars Jensen
The machines from atlas seems like a goof deal, and I'm considering getting one. Did anyone try to install debian (potato) on one of these. Is the install smooth? Is the hardware supported? I'm thinking in particular about the video card which is an eVGA Nvidia Geforce 2 MX 32MB Video Card on the refusing connections

2001-05-12 Thread Bud Rogers
Thought I would download the latest bind sources. is refusing connections. Are they down or has my reputation preceeded me? -- Bud Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED] All things in moderation. And not too much moderation either.

who gets this bug, pppconfig or ash?

2001-05-12 Thread Bruce Sass
Whenever I do pon, /etc/resolv.conf get rewitten with, -e \nnameserver (i.e., I can only get to hosts listed in /etc/hosts) which I've traced back to, echo -e \nnameserver $DNS1 $TEMPRESOLV in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0dns-up. The problem goes away if I tell 0dns-up to

BASH question

2001-05-12 Thread Sunny Dubey
Hey, Anyone know where I might find info about using BASH to create an installer for a application? something that would just ask the person various questions, and use that info to create config files and what not? thanks Sunny Dubey

Re: BASH question

2001-05-12 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Fri, May 11, 2001 at 03:06:07AM -0400, Sunny Dubey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: Hey, Anyone know where I might find info about using BASH to create an installer for a application? something that would just ask the person various questions, and use that info to create config files and what

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