2001-06-10 Thread Antonio Castro
On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, miguel wrote: Saludos debianeros Soy novicio en Debian, he conseguido instalarlo sin problemas en un portatil de 2º mano que tengo.. todo ha ido bien me pilla las PCMCIA del CDROM externo , el modem/red ,etc... mi pregunta es : ?pero en que parte de la instalación


2001-06-10 Thread miguel
Maribel escribió: si alguien esta interesado puedo ponerlos en mi web. Por mi echo ... ;-)

Re: Configuración de email interno

2001-06-10 Thread José Esteban
El sáb, 06/09/01 jun 01, a las 01:19, Carlos Martinez decía: si no es molestia, tambien me gustaria recibir esa media chuleta Otra para mí, please (o para la lista, y acabas antes). Saludos, Carlos De momento te lo envío particularmente (contigo deberíais estar todos: se

otra vez problema con evolution

2001-06-10 Thread David Felipe Arias Ochoa
el problema de la vez pasada lo arregle como me dijeron dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/el_paquete.deb pero me generaba uno error de dependencias con libgnomeprint, libgtkhtml9, evolution entonces los desinstale, y al volvero a instalar, esta ve si no funiono evolution, antes funcionaba

EL gdm no carga

2001-06-10 Thread Miguel Angel
Saludos [EMAIL PROTECTED] De repente en el portátil se ha puesto las X en huelga, o algo así. Los síntomas son que las X no arrancan porque hay un directorio en /tmp con suspicious ownership que hace que las X aborten. El error es el siguiente: #

utilidad de inactividad en los discos

2001-06-10 Thread jose maria
tengo un pentium 166 con cuatro discos de 100 megas aproximadamente cada uno que hace de gateway, squid etc, como he puesto adsl, va a estar encendido permanentemente y no creo que dure mucho en estas condiciones, hay alguna utilidad para este hardware, que duerma los discos, para que no esten


2001-06-10 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos... Una pregunta, que creo que ya se ha planteado y ya se ha respondido: ¿como seria la entrada en sources.list, para apuntar al updates de progeny?. Llevo un rato haciendo pruebas, y no consigo hacer una que sea valida. Saludos y gracias.

ip masquarade

2001-06-10 Thread Suela
Hola! Quiero montar una pequeña red en mi casa, un pc con linux y otro con windows. Mi intención es que la conexión al exterior sea a traves del modem del pc linux. He mirado el HOWTO de ip masquarade pero no consigo que me funcione. Configuración de la red en linux: iface eth0 inet static

Re: utilidad de inactividad en los discos

2001-06-10 Thread October
Hola !! Mira hdparm Saludos: October

Re: ip masquarade

2001-06-10 Thread Miguel Angel
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 07:27:04PM +0200, Suela wrote: Quiero montar una pequeña red en mi casa, un pc con linux y otro con windows. Mi intención es que la conexión al exterior sea a traves del modem del pc linux. He mirado el HOWTO de ip masquarade pero no consigo que me funcione. [...]

Re: EL gdm no carga

2001-06-10 Thread Miguel Angel
Solucionado. Al parecer se trataba de que la actualización a 2.2r3 dejó los paquetes sin configurar, y así estaba el portátil que ni me atendía los telnet ni arrancaba las X. -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miguel Ángel Vilela ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

kernel 2.4.x y PPP

2001-06-10 Thread CrAkXeR
Hola, utilizo la potato 2.2r2 y he recompilado el kernel al 2.4.5, tengo una conexión PPP (tarifa plana de eresmas) de lo más normalita, resulta que con el kernel 2.2.18 va todo bien y con $pon eresmas me conecto, cuando compilo kernel 2.4.5 en la sección Network devide support pongo

Re: ip masquarade

2001-06-10 Thread Suela
On 10 Jun 2001 22:16:06 +0100, Miguel Angel wrote: On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 07:27:04PM +0200, Suela wrote: Quiero montar una pequeña red en mi casa, un pc con linux y otro con windows. Mi intención es que la conexión al exterior sea a traves del modem del pc linux. He mirado el HOWTO de ip


2001-06-10 Thread jose maria
este es mi fichero boot.local que se ejecuta en el arranque lo de scasi y dvd no tiene que ver es para activar la emulacion scasi y el ultradma en el dvd con xine #! /bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 1996 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved. # # Author: Werner Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1996

kernel 2.4.x y PPP

2001-06-10 Thread Adrian Baós Sabater (Rawsock)
Para echar a andar el pppd en las series 2.4.x necesitas una version nueva de ppp. Prueba a upgradear a potato 2.2.r3 ( creo que ya se ha adaptado al kernel 2.4 ) con apt. Recuerda que no sólo el ppp debe ser actualizado para tener 2.4, tambien hay que actualizar binutils,


2001-06-10 Thread Carles Pina i Estany
hola quiero ejecutar unos programas como cierto usuario en ip-up.d supongo que el tema es un juego de permisos, pero no me salen. Si alguien lo tiene funcionando que me diga como lo ha hecho... sinó ya haré más preubas gracias Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL

Re: sources.list

2001-06-10 Thread Ricardo Marcelo Alvarez
Yo con progeny no tuve buenos resultados habia paquetes con problemas de dependencias que nunca se terminaban de configurar. Yo usaba potato y lo que hice es pasarme a woody que me permite usar un monton de programas que antes no podia (xine y otros). Poray era alguna torpeza mia asi que fijate

Tarjeta Intro RDSI de Telefonica

2001-06-10 Thread Pedro Antonio Fructuoso Merino
Hola a todos: Recientemente he adquirido una tarjerta Intro RDSI de Telefonica y me gustaria saber como se configura, así que estaria MUY agradecido si me dijeseis donde puedo encontrar informacion al respesto, aunque si me contestais vosotros mejor q mejor. Muchas gracias de antemano:

Problemas para recibir correo

2001-06-10 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Había preguntado algo referente a lo mismo antes, pero nuevamente tengo problemas. Uso Debian Potato en mi PII como firewall/proxy, conectada por ethernet a mi Debian Woody PIII. Configuré en Debian Potato (ya que no tiene teclado ni tarjeta de video) para que por procmail reenvié su correo root

Re: kernel 2.4.x y PPP

2001-06-10 Thread Marcelino aka flip
algién me diera alguna sugerencia sobre lo k me puede pasar, muchas gracias. Actualiza pppd a 2.4 que esta en woody o mira la pagina de potato en debian que habia un enlace para bajar los paquetes que no van bien con 2.4 en potato SaludeTes de Marcelino aka flip

Re: Actualización de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

2001-06-10 Thread Eduardo Garcia
Yo he actualizado de potato a sid y no me ha dado problemas eso si, preparate para tener unas 48 en total actualizando, es sencillo y con apt-get dist-upgrade o con dselect antes debes cambiar en tu sources.list todos los stable o potato por sid. Espero haber sido de utilidad. El

Re: placa sb16 pnp - nao pega

2001-06-10 Thread Francisco Maciel
Olá ALL, Celso, instala o 'sndconfig' e rode-o no console que é bem provável que ele consiga detectar corretamente sua placa e se não ele é bem intuitivo para configuração dos parâmetros da mesma. Na minha máquina ele consegui detectar corretamente, e entrega todo funcionando beleza; Só que

En: core? 500% OFF-TOPIC

2001-06-10 Thread Nitrogen
Alguém sabe? Obrigado - Original Message - From: Nitrogen [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 2:04 PM Subject: Re: core? 500% OFF-TOPIC Gustavo, Relizei a configuração do ambiente, conforme descrito: #ulimit -c 10

Re: Leitor de DVD.

2001-06-10 Thread Lalo Martins
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 04:48:57PM +, Nivaldo Antonio Portela de Vasconcelos wrote: Olá, alguém conhece um programa que toca DVD disponibilizando os canais de áudio?? Eu tenho usado o xine. Não é perfeito e tem seus bugs, mas funciona, com áudio, e até com esd se vc quiser. Pra tocar

Re: Compilacao de kernel

2001-06-10 Thread Antonio Lobato
On Sat, 9 Jun 2001 18:11:34 -0300 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio M. Moreiras) wrote: Tenho duas sugestões: 1. Tente pegar os fontes do kernel diretamente do, não use os pacotes da debian... Não sei se há algum problema com eles ou não, os pacotes da RedHat constumam gerar erros desse

Re: Compilacao de kernel

2001-06-10 Thread Antonio Lobato
Olhem soh um trecho do arquivo (prefiro usar essa versao porque eh ela que eu tenho em meu CD) : Compilers This code is intended to build with gcc 2.7.2 and egcs 1.1.2. Patches for building with gcc 2.95 are merged but less

Problemas no upgrade

2001-06-10 Thread Rafael Sasaki
Estou precisando de uma ajuda. Durante um upgrade no Gnome apareceu um erro quando o apt-get estava tentando configurar o gnome-games. Não consigo mais removê-lo e nem instalá-lo. E não estou mais conseguindo entrar no gnome. Quando coloco no .xinitrc gnome-session recebo a mensagem:

Re: Problemas no upgrade

2001-06-10 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 10 Jun 2001 17:38:38 -0300 Rafael Sasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Estou precisando de uma ajuda. Durante um upgrade no Gnome apareceu um erro quando o apt-get estava tentando configurar o gnome-games. Não consigo mais removê-lo e nem instalá-lo. E não estou mais conseguindo entrar

Problemas com fontes

2001-06-10 Thread Márcio D Carvalho
Olá a todos... Sou iniciante no Debian e instalei o Potato 2.2r3. Atualizei o XFree86 para a versão 4.0.3 utilizando o apt-get, maravilhoso por sinal, mas as fontes ficaram loucas. Só exibe metade da fonte e as vezes nem exibe nada, só uns rabiscos. Agradeço qualquer informação. Márcio D.

Re: Compilacao de kernel

2001-06-10 Thread Antonio Lobato
Muito obrigado a todos os que me ajudaram. Consegui compilar o kernel 2.0.38 (pelo kernel-package). Durante a compilacao, vi que era usado o gcc272 e nao o gcc. Mas o kernel 2.2.17 eu ainda nao consegui. No meu caso, com um computador museu (586 de 100Mhz, com

Re: Problemas com fontes

2001-06-10 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 10 Jun 2001 16:29:21 -0300 Márcio D Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Olá a todos... Sou iniciante no Debian e instalei o Potato 2.2r3. Atualizei o XFree86 para a versão 4.0.3 utilizando o apt-get, maravilhoso por sinal, mas as fontes ficaram loucas. Só exibe metade da fonte e

Acentuando no X, com os loc ales novos... (problema e meia solução)

2001-06-10 Thread Lalo Martins
Aí gente :-) Eu tava incomodadíssimo que, com as libcs mais recentes, não conseguia mais acentuar no Mozilla e em alguns outros programas, e ainda conseguia na maioria. Alguns programas, como o sawfish e o gnome-panel, têm problemas até em *exibir* strings acentuadas. Como vcs sabem (por vcs,

Re: Acentuando no X, com os locales novos... (problema e meia solução)

2001-06-10 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 10 Jun 2001 20:50:49 -0300 Lalo Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Como vcs sabem (por vcs, significando os que já fizeram esse upgrade), agora os nomes dos locales incluem o encoding (por exemplo, pt_BR.ISO-8859-1). O X (mais exatamente, o pacote xlibs) não lida com isso com 100% de

Re: Problemas com fontes

2001-06-10 Thread Márcio D Carvalho
Em Dom 10 Jun 2001 17:22, você escreveu: On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 16:29:21 -0300 Não sei como resolver seu problema, mas você pode resolver o meu. Para onde você apontou seu apt para pegar o Xfree86 4.0.3? Muito obrigado pela informação e desculpe não poder te ajudar. Fabiano.


2001-06-10 Thread cosmo
All Estou montando um micro para ser gateway de uma rede, acesso speed. O problema eh no reconhecimento das placas de rede por parte do linux. Uma delas eh uma 3Com506B(PCI), eth0, e a outra eh uma placa padrao NE2000 (ISA), eth1. Quando o linux eh inicializado a placa eth0 eh

Re: eth1

2001-06-10 Thread Pablo Lorenzzoni
Olah! Vc compilou o kernel com a ne2000 isa? []s Pablo Em Dom 10 Jun 2001 23:24, cosmo escreveu: | All | | Estou montando um micro para ser gateway de uma rede, acesso | speed. O problema eh no reconhecimento das placas de rede por parte | do linux. Uma delas eh

XFree 4, potato and Ximian-gnome

2001-06-10 Thread MRZ
Hello again.. After two weeks of trying to upgrade from X 3.3 to X 4.x I've finally reached my patience limit. Despite a fair bit of help and advice from a number of list members (thanks everyone!) I've been unable to successfully achieve my goal. I figure one last shot and then I'll move to


2001-06-10 Thread Margarete Hans
What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically, which one should I install?

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread David Nusinow
On Saturday 09 June 2001 10:16 pm, Margarete Hans wrote: What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically, which one should I install? Oh man... opening the doors to the furnace here... I'd recommend downloading and trying both and deciding which you like then. There are also

Re: do you know any free proxy server?

2001-06-10 Thread Michael Schmidt
Go to I am sure there are better proxies if you want to install on Linux, but this supports both Linux and Windows. Personally I am using it on my wife's Windows computer which is connected to the Internet. It is providing access to my Linux laptop. - mike

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread David Nusinow
Oh, as a postscript to what I just said, nothing prevents you from switching later. I was happily in one environment and switched to the other about a month ago. I still like to go and use blackbox every so often too. Flexibility is good :-) - David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Winmodem translator?

2001-06-10 Thread Robert Voigt
On Sunday 10 June 2001 04:41, Nathan E Norman wrote: There is a kernel driver for the Lucent winmodems ... it's a binary only module and CPU really gets whacked when you're dialed in. Not any more. There is now a driver available as source for this particular Lucent chipset (if we talk about

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread Steve Kieu
I personally dont like kde :-) in my box kde app, the graphic is not good, it has a black or color strips on the window title bar and unstable. Kongquerer crashes with sig 11 ... --- Margarete Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically,

Logcheck and Postfix

2001-06-10 Thread Paul M Foster
In Debian 2.2, logcheck is configured out of the box to mail reports to root every hour. I'm using Postfix for my MTA. Here's what's happening: logcheck mails its report to root, which is translated into [EMAIL PROTECTED] On my local lan, the domain is mars.lan, but I get my email from my ISP at

Re: do you know any free proxy server?

2001-06-10 Thread Erik Steffl
Roderick Cummings wrote: From: ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: Re: do you know any free proxy server? Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 17:44:07 -0500 On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 06:21:30AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm assuming www -

Re: problem with remote stty and remote login

2001-06-10 Thread Guy Geens
James == James D Freels [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: James stty: standard input: Invalid argument Could you look in the login scripts (/etc/profile, ~/.profile) for the command which causes this error and post it here? -- G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250 Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Work: [EMAIL

Re: Xemacs Debian packaging systems

2001-06-10 Thread Glyn Millington
Giulio Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Glyn Millington [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Xemacs has it's own packaging system for upgrading component packages. Does using it compromise the debian system and foul up any future apt-gettery I might wish to try? I feel sure there must be a

best kernel config for athlon(2.2)

2001-06-10 Thread Nate Amsden
hi. i just installed an amd thunderbird 1.33ghz along with an Asus A7A266. I also upgraded to a 450watt power supply so i hope its just as stable :) Currently I am running the same kernel(suprised it worked actually) that i was using on the previous P3-800 on an Asus P3V4X. Linux 2.2.18 + ide

Re: dhcp

2001-06-10 Thread Guy Geens
Matt == Matt Gerginski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Matt Hi. I just did a fesh install of debian. On the documentation on Matt the site, it said that in the Configure the Network portion of Matt the installation, i would be asked whether to use dhcp or not. Matt This never happened. Run the

Re: Is there a .deb of a (recent) html validator? Answer: see

2001-06-10 Thread hansen
see an html validator that works over the web . a perl script. handles several versions of html. from the makers of html/http itself, free, as usual -- *** Dr P's Book Knowledge, Hell's Bibliophiles, and *

Am I an idiot? Gnumeric

2001-06-10 Thread Christopher Wright
I would like to use Gnumeric. My computer runs Windows ME. Is this possible, or would I have to have the Debian operating system? Thanks [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Am I an idiot? Gnumeric

2001-06-10 Thread David Nusinow
On Sunday 10 June 2001 12:39 am, Christopher Wright wrote: I would like to use Gnumeric. My computer runs Windows ME. Is this possible, or would I have to have the Debian operating system? Well... yes and no... You can't run it natively in WinME. No way no how. You could install a copy of

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread Roderick Cummings
From: Margarete Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: gnome/KDE Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 01:16:40 -0400 What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically, which one should I install? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of

Re: 486 router is very slow

2001-06-10 Thread Marc Haber
On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 01:52:41 +0200 (CEST), Leen Besselink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I set up a router with my old 486 computer. I have there potato witch kernel 2.4 installed. try running 2.2 or 2.0 instead, that might help also. In a router, having 2.4 has a _very_ strong point called

Re: best kernel config for athlon(2.2)

2001-06-10 Thread Robert Voigt
On Monday 11 June 2001 00:12, Nate Amsden wrote: hi. i just installed an amd thunderbird 1.33ghz along with an Asus A7A266. I also upgraded to a 450watt power supply so i hope its just as stable :) Currently I am running the same kernel(suprised it worked actually) that i was using on the

Re: best kernel config for athlon(2.2)

2001-06-10 Thread Nate Amsden
Robert Voigt wrote: What chipset does the promise controller have and how did you install on the RAID? I have a Promise RAID controller onboard and I couldn't install Debain probably because the installation kernel does not have a driver for this controller. generic ata100, not the raid

GNU emacs has the wrong key settings in X

2001-06-10 Thread Alan Chandler
I have been puzzling for some time why backspace and delete worked fine everywhere except when using emacs under X. In this instance, both keys deleted backwards (ie did what the backspace key should). The weird thing that I could not initally figure out is that whenever emacs runs in

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 01:16:40 -0400 Margarete Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically, which one should I install? Depends. We all have our favourite window manager (although KDE and Gnome are more than window managers, they are more

Very occassional lockups of X

2001-06-10 Thread Alan Chandler
I am running what is essentially a debian woody system (with KDE from CVS on top). This means XFree 4.0.3 Every so often (maybe once every two weeks) the user interface locks solid. The cursor disappears and no screen updates occur. I can still ssh into the machine from elsewhere, and can

Re: best kernel config for athlon(2.2)

2001-06-10 Thread Nate Amsden
Nate Amsden wrote: probable hardware bug: clock timer configuration lost - probably a VIA686a. probable hardware bug: restoring chip configuration. probable hardware bug: clock timer configuration lost - probably a VIA686a. probable hardware bug: restoring chip configuration. looks like im

Re: Very occassional lockups of X

2001-06-10 Thread Bryan Andersen
Alan Chandler wrote: I am running what is essentially a debian woody system (with KDE from CVS on top). This means XFree 4.0.3 Every so often (maybe once every two weeks) the user interface locks solid. The cursor disappears and no screen updates occur. I can still ssh into the machine

the .xinitrc and .xsession puzzle

2001-06-10 Thread Alex Suzuki
Hello friends, I wanted to ask you guys what ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession are all about. I run Debian woody, GNOME and sawfish as my windowmanager (sawfish-gnome package). Somehow GNOME just can't remember its settings, and I think I screwed up those files anyway. Which one gets read when I start X

Re: program response sluggish compared to Win98

2001-06-10 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 07:39:45PM +0200, Alson van der Meulen wrote: For me, the performance of StarOffice, apart from the startup time, isn't that bad, using a 750 mhz Duron, 256 Mb ram and a rather slow harddrive. Yes, as soon as it's up and running its ok. But its still abit sluggish. But

login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread Peter Whittam
Ok, I am new at this so be cool about it. when I start debian it immediately uses the graphical login, can I change this option to console login? regards newbee

Re: gnome/KDE

2001-06-10 Thread Robert Voigt
On Sunday 10 June 2001 10:22, Phillip Deackes wrote: On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 01:16:40 -0400 Margarete Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What are the advantages/disadvantages of gnome and KDE? Basically, which one should I install? Obviously, these are personal observations and you will almost

Re: best kernel config for athlon(2.2)

2001-06-10 Thread Robert Voigt
On Sunday 10 June 2001 10:26, Nate Amsden wrote: thanks, sofar so good for me too. except..i just upgraded to 2.2.19+ide and i am getting these messages: probable hardware bug: clock timer configuration lost - probably a VIA686a. probable hardware bug: restoring chip configuration. probable

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread vester
one possibility would be to edit your /etc/init.d/windowmanager-script (that is, xdm gdm kdm or whatever you are using)...just put in exit into the first line then they won't start and you'll stay in console... you could simply delete the scripts but you shouldn't do that (because i did and now,

SendMail died on SIGSEGV signal.

2001-06-10 Thread Account for Debian group mail
Our SendMail server has been stopping with a SIGSEGV signal (SMTP-MAIL died on a signal 11). This is something that has never happened before. We upgraded about 2 months ago to potato and the server is running 8.9.3-23 SendMail with kernel 2.2.18pre21. Anyone have an idea on what is causing this


2001-06-10 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 06:04:10PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered: hey, im having trouble finding the right boot disk. i have an older version of debian (2.2) and i can only find the boot disk for the newest version. could you send me the .bin or .img or send me a link to download it.

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread Glyn Millington
vester [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: one possibility would be to edit your /etc/init.d/windowmanager-script (that is, xdm gdm kdm or whatever you are using)...just put in exit into the first line then they won't start and you'll stay in console... you could simply delete the scripts but you

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread vester
On 10 Jun 2001, Glyn Millington wrote: you could simply delete the scripts but you shouldn't do that (because i did and now, on a reinstall of gdm i get an error that /etc/init.d/gdm doesn't exist...and if i create it again installation goes ok, but it doesn't reinstall the script


2001-06-10 Thread Jerry Sternesky
Where can I get information on setting up an NFS share for Potato? The nfs how-to isn't helping me and in The Debian GNU/Linux Network adminstrator's manual, the nfs section is blank. I installed nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server. rpcinfo -p only showed portmapper running so I executed

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread ktb
On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 09:20:46PM +0930, Peter Whittam wrote: Ok, I am new at this so be cool about it. when I start debian it immediately uses the graphical login, can I change this option to console login? If you're not going to use xdm you can just remove the package. # apt-get remove xdm

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread ktb
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 02:53:24PM +0200, vester wrote: On 10 Jun 2001, Glyn Millington wrote: you could simply delete the scripts but you shouldn't do that (because i did and now, on a reinstall of gdm i get an error that /etc/init.d/gdm doesn't exist...and if i create it again


2001-06-10 Thread Roderick Cummings
From: Jerry Sternesky [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Subject: NFS Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 08:58:58 -0400 Where can I get information on setting up an NFS share for Potato? The nfs how-to isn't helping me and in The Debian GNU/Linux Network adminstrator's manual, the nfs

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 02:53:24PM +0200, vester uttered: [...] update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/gdm: file does not exist dpkg: error processing gdm (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 [...] it works fine if i first touch /etc/init.d/gdm only that

Re: Is there a .deb of a (recent) html validator? Answer: see

2001-06-10 Thread Lance Simmons
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 12:25:34AM -0700, hansen wrote: see an html validator that works over the web . a perl script. handles several versions of html. from the makers of html/http itself, free, as usual Both sites have

Re: List new packages after an apt-get update

2001-06-10 Thread Joey Hess
USM Bish wrote: console-apt (capt) does just that. It has three packet dividers: a) Updated packages b) Installed packages (newer version available) c) Non-installed packages This is news to me. Are they in the order you list them? If so, I probably just didn't notice the divider between

Abiword and truetype fonts solution.

2001-06-10 Thread Hans
I posted a question about this earlier and I have a working solution. How to get truetype fonts working under Abiword? - Copy the truetype fonts you want to use to the directory /usr/share/abisuite/fonts - Make backups of the files fonts.dir and fonts.scale - Run ttmkfdir (get a deb for woody

Re: Configuring gnus

2001-06-10 Thread John S. J. Anderson
On Sat, 09 Jun 2001 13:04:48 -0700, Debian User [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: DU With the conservative route (install gnus in order to keep using DU RMAIL for a while), will gnus give normal MIME ability? Or would DU I need to install semi-gnus to be able to use the MIME DU functionality that semi

Re: Abiword and truetype fonts solution.

2001-06-10 Thread Steve Kowalik
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 04:21:58PM +0200, Hans uttered: from as it is not in unstable), this will create a new fonts.dir file with the truetype fonts ttmkfdir not in unstable? You must have missed something. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ apt-cache

Re: startx

2001-06-10 Thread W.T. Boman
I'm trying to get X on a new potato installation.#startx results in no such file or directory. #/usr/X11R6/bin/X results in Config Error: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config Identifier 14non-interlacedcolor Monitor section keyword expected

Help; apt-get kills system, ifup broken..

2001-06-10 Thread Gregory Guthrie
Help. I am running Debian 2.2, with upgrade to Woody from via FTP. I have been running well for over 5 months without reboot(!) or maintenance. I went to fetch a new package, and my system decided it wanted to get 108 MB of updates. It failed on a bunch of them, I tried again, and

Re: Xfree86 a.out installation question

2001-06-10 Thread David Z Maze
Margarete Hans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: MH I want to install Xfree86 4.1.0 on my laptop. What version of Debian are you running? Did you do a complete install, or do you just have the (extremely minimal) base system? MH I tried running the with the -check option to find out MH

lilo 'Block move error 0xAE'

2001-06-10 Thread Norman Walsh
Can anyone help me get past this error? Google search didn't turn up anything useful. Lilo can boot my Win98 partition and I can boot the relevant kernel off a floppy, but attempting to boot Linux from the hard disk produces 'Block move error 0xAE'. Help?

Re: the .xinitrc and .xsession puzzle

2001-06-10 Thread ktb
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 12:42:47PM +0200, Alex Suzuki wrote: Hello friends, I wanted to ask you guys what ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession are all about. I run Debian woody, GNOME and sawfish as my windowmanager (sawfish-gnome package). Somehow GNOME just can't remember its settings, and I think

Re: lilo 'Block move error 0xAE'

2001-06-10 Thread ktb
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 12:03:02PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote: Can anyone help me get past this error? Google search didn't turn up anything useful. Lilo can boot my Win98 partition and I can boot the relevant kernel off a floppy, but attempting to boot Linux from the hard disk produces 'Block

Re: Abiword and truetype fonts solution.

2001-06-10 Thread ha shao
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 04:21:58PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How to get truetype fonts working under Abiword? - Copy the truetype fonts ... It works for me, even though there will be certain issues, like duplication of ttfonts on the system. Comments appreciated, especially if there

Re: XFree 4, potato and Ximian-gnome

2001-06-10 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 09:28:54PM -0700, MRZ wrote: Hello again.. After two weeks of trying to upgrade from X 3.3 to X 4.x I've finally reached my patience limit. Despite a fair bit of help and advice from a number of list members (thanks everyone!) I've been unable to successfully achieve

Re: Winmodem translator?

2001-06-10 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 07:34:24AM +0200, Robert Voigt wrote: On Sunday 10 June 2001 04:41, Nathan E Norman wrote: There is a kernel driver for the Lucent winmodems ... it's a binary only module and CPU really gets whacked when you're dialed in. Not any more. There is now a driver

Re: dhcp

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 09:17:07 +0200, Guy Geens wrote: [..] Use the standard kernel, and install a DHCP client. (Normally, pump should already be installed.) Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces and add the line: iface eth0 inet dhcp [..] I have a quick question. Where do you specify your hostname

Re: login -graphical user interface

2001-06-10 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 01:15:02PM +0100, Glyn Millington wrote: vester [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: one possibility would be to edit your /etc/init.d/windowmanager-script (that is, xdm gdm kdm or whatever you are using)...just put in exit into the first line then they won't start and you'll

Re: the .xinitrc and .xsession puzzle

2001-06-10 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 11:14:33AM -0500, ktb wrote: On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 12:42:47PM +0200, Alex Suzuki wrote: back-grounded with . Usually back-grounding everything but you're window manager is the way to go. hth, kent Thanks kent. I'm now using .xinitrc exclusively. xsetroot -solid

Re: XFree 4, potato and Ximian-gnome

2001-06-10 Thread Kent Pirkle
I'm currently running potato with the unofficial Xfree 4.03 debs available from cpbotha. I'm running Ximian GNOME 1.4. It's the most stable and usable setup I've had so far. On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 09:28:54PM -0700, MRZ wrote: Hello again.. After two weeks of trying to upgrade from X 3.3 to X

Slow and ugly X startup with NVidia drivers

2001-06-10 Thread Alex Suzuki
Hello friends, This is already bothering me for a while, but I never really cared. But now I just want it fixed. The problem: I use X 4.0.3 as in testing, and the Nvidia kernel and GLX drivers, I'm _not_ using the newest ones, because I heard that there are problems with them. When I start X

Re: the .xinitrc and .xsession puzzle

2001-06-10 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Alex Suzuki wrote: Hello friends, I wanted to ask you guys what ~/.xinitrc and ~/.xsession are all about. I run Debian woody, GNOME and sawfish as my windowmanager (sawfish-gnome package). Somehow GNOME just can't remember its settings, and I think I screwed up those files anyway. Which

Re: HELP - wmakerconf blew my menus away!!!!

2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 11:10:40AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I know that this must be a common problem, but the archives for the mailing list are unavalable. I ran wmakerconf as a normal user to change some of the look and feel of windowmaker. However, when wmakerconf started up, told

Re: ripping quiet CDs

2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 03:08:05PM +0800, Ben Harvey wrote: On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 01:48:35AM -0500, Jason Pepas wrote: in short, it sounds like normalization is exactly what you want. OK fair enough. so that means I can filter a .WAV through normalize before compression - with a


2001-06-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 08:58:58AM -0400, Jerry Sternesky wrote: I installed nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server. ^ rpcinfo -p only showed portmapper running so I executed rpc.mountd and that seemed ok, but when I run rpc.nfsd I get nfssvc: Function not implemented. Did


2001-06-10 Thread john gennard
I'm trying to install a .deb package which depends on libc6=2.1.97 and have been unable to locate it. I run Potato and only have v.2.1.3-13 of libc6. Anyone know where it can be found and also if it will cause problems with 2.2.r2? Thanks, John.

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