RE: A Little Help for...!!!

2000-12-26 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Yes, my consulting rates are very reasonable. (well, you _did_ say 'corporate') sendmail or exim, fetchmail and any of the many mailreader programs will provide a 'solution', whatever that is. GNOME Evolution might be what you're looking for, but it's not really finished yet. tka

Konqueror in GNOME, no response to Save Yourself

2000-12-15 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hi, I run the Konqueror browser from KDE2 on a GNOME desktop, and it seems to work OK (as I expected). A minute or so after startup I get an error saying 'No response to Save Yourself command', and lets me kill the process. This doesn't affect anything, the browser stays running

mixer defaults

2000-12-15 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hi, My sound defaults to a very low level in GNOME for some reason. I set it to maximum in the GNOME mixer, and saved the settings. This only seems to save the settings for the mixer program itself though, meaning I have to run the mixer on startup for the settings to actually be applied. Is

RE: configuring kdm or gdm to see both kde and gnome - SOLVED

2000-12-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Thanks for the help, this worked perfectly. tka -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: configuring kdm or gdm to see both kde and gnome Hi, I've never gotten Gnome to work with KDM, but I've gotten KDE to work with GDM. Create a

RE: [OT] Recent increases in d-u posts?

2000-12-13 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Also I upgraded to RH7 =p. (What vendor would be so stupid as to use an incomplete compiler that is totally incompatible with everything?) The type of vendor sellling to people who don't compile stuff. Maybe they did it as an experiment, perhaps one day they will strip

RE: exim (II)

2000-12-12 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I need to solve the problem in the same way you did. Please, how can I entry to the alias file? is an alias for what? Thank you very much for your help!! Cheers Marcelo On 11-Dec-2000 Anderson, Tim TL33E wrote: Is your ISP username the same as your localhost one? On my box

RE: Going Debian: advice request

2000-12-12 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
The way I do it if I want an unstable package is to add unstable to my sources.list, apt-get update apt-get install package -s If all looks OK then I go ahead and do it. Sometimes it will want to upgrade a whole lot of stuff, in which case I don't do it. Tim -Original Message- From:

RE: exim (II)

2000-12-11 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Is your ISP username the same as your localhost one? On my box, all incoming mails failed because it was looking for a nonexistent user. I added an entry to the alias file, and all was well. Tim -Original Message- From: Gregory T. Norris [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 102000 5:50

configuring kdm or gdm to see both kde and gnome

2000-12-11 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hi, I'd like to have both KDE and GNOME (helix) in my display manager's session menu (I'm not bothered which one I use). I thought this would be quite simple but after looking through docs, config files and mailing list archives I'm still not sure what to do. Can anyone give me some help,

RE: konquerer won't run ...

2000-12-05 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Take a look at the debian-kde list to stay on top of all this. Last night Ivan was uploading version 2.0.1, and I believe that included ssl support on konqueror (although I'm waiting a few days until it all stabilises) tim -Original Message- From: Rick [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent:

RE: Re: netscape 4.75 as root

2000-12-01 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I'm not aware of any good reason to be running X as root. Ever. When you want to do system things, the su command will prompt you for the root password - you now have root access in that terminal. Do your stuff and then get out of there. On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote: Hi! I

RE: Froze Up: Lack of Memory

2000-11-28 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Can't actually answer your question :) but with reference to the last bit, why does Mozilla have such a huge foot print? It takes up around 100 Mbytes while Netscape is down around 15 Mbytes. It doesn't actually. That's the same smaller chunk of memory

apt-get upgrade = 2.2.2 CDs?

2000-11-27 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hello This is probably rather obvious and stupid, but I'm going to ask anyway. I did a nice apt-get upgrade on my potato last night, installing all the new versions from the stable archives. Does this mean I now have a 2.2.2 system, or will I need anything extra off the CDs (when they get

RE: I want out!

2000-11-24 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Well, I think I can work out how to 'unsuscribe' :) I've never actually seen this message everyone's talking about though. I'm on digest - possibly the reason - but surely you need some instructions there too. Or is it just me?I am forced into reading this with M$, perhaps my junky mail

RE: Netscape 6.0/konqueor

2000-11-17 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
On my box konqueror has been a breath of fresh air.. with the exception of https support, which isn't there. Anyone know if that's a KDE thing or is it just not compiled into the packages at tim -Original Message- From: Daniel Borgmann [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: GunPG Installation

2000-11-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Thanks for this, I had the same problem this weekend and created .gnupg which did appear to solve the problem - I thought at the time that it was a clunky old hack that would cause trouble later but I'm more confident now. Wondering if this will get through to the list as I'm stuck on a

RE: jdk - installation

2000-11-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hi Michael, I did it myself this weekend, on my potato box. There's a woody build too, and it's all in non-free. Go to for some instructions and links to mirrors. Also check archives of debian-java. As for a dev env, I _think_ Borland (or Sybase, whoever they're called

RE: Installing KDE2

2000-11-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Downloading .debs isn't the easiest way to install Debian packages. apt-get can work the whole thing for you, check the docs for more info. -Original Message- From: Rogelio E. Castillo Haro [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 3:53 PM To:

RE: update with dselect and dpkg fails

2000-11-07 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Without wanting to be patronising, are you aware of apt-get? -Original Message- From: Bernhard Aichinger [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Hi! I tryed to update my installed packages with dselect

RE: HELIX and potato

2000-11-07 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Yes, exactly. The point is that it's not a good idea to blindly run a script as root - who knows what it could do?Not suggesting that the helixcode people are going to deliberately screw your system up, but it could be intercepted or cracked somehow. Look at 'horrifying suggestion' from

RE: HELIX and potato

2000-11-06 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Wasn't there some discussion about this method last week? I think the thread was 'Horrifying suggestion' The best way would surely be to add the helixcode site to sources.list. tim -Original Message- From: plutoplanet [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 3:10 PM

RE: HELIX and potato

2000-11-06 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
well, the binaries wouldn't be run as root, so yes. -Original Message- Subject: RE: HELIX and potato I guess so, but is it any more a security risk than running a binary from helixcode? Original Message From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wasn't there some discussion about

RE: root file system

2000-10-30 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I've had to go through this recently, and it's a little tedious. Anyone know of a tool that can list directories in order of size? (excluding subdir sizes obviously). If not then I guess I just made myself a little scripting project ;) although I am sure some people here can just rattle it off

RE: X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire OS--!!new bie warning!!

2000-10-30 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
use c-a-F1 to switch to a virtual console, run xf86config from there. tim -Original Message- From: Jim Merante [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 2:19 PM To: Subject: X config problem causes me to have reinstall entire

RE: Defrag in Win2000 no good for FIPS

2000-10-10 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Norton Speed Disk (part of Norton Utilities and SystemWorks) will fix it nicely in Win9x. You can tell the directories and the swap file to go wherever you want them to be.They don't seem to have anything out for Win2K yet. There are only one or two utilities packages out there for 2K so far,

RE: partitions and lilo

2000-10-03 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Don't know if anyone's suggested this yet - it might be easier to manage if you put lilo on a partition and point to all your linuces from there. Solves the 1024 cylinder problem anyway. I use BootMagic (which comes with PartitionMagic) on my MBR to go to LILO or any proprietary OS. Tim

RE: big problem !

2000-10-03 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
When you say you copied the files to the new partitions, do you mean you used cp? This doesn't preserve the permissions - you should have used tar instead. I don't know of a fix besides chmod 777 (horrible!) or reinstalling. At least you still have your /home. Tim -Original

RE: Re: Qs from a newbie (help ASAP?) (long)

2000-10-03 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
in a northern england accent Luxury. When I were a lad I had to run a webserver on a ZX81, without even a 16K RAM Pack. I 'ad to load all me data from C90 audio tapes and play'em over t'phone to me users. Mike Fedyk wrote: Erin Lewy

RE: new Debian user, problem with internal modem

2000-10-02 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
It's marked Telepath for Windows with X2 technology. Could it be one of those modems that work only with Windows? Umm.. yeah, could be :-) I think the site to try is (or similar, cant remember exactly) By the way, I

RE: Internet Stations

2000-10-02 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hi! I'm just opening an Internet/coffe business. I'll have only linux stations with a Debian Server as the link to internet. I need an application to control the time and fee for the customers, someone know about one to try or buy, or made it? And

RE: maximum file number

2000-10-02 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I will manage about 100,000,000 files in near future. How many files does one directory has? I am afraid of the performance, Do you really need to store Files as such? What kind of data are you keeping? Maybe you could use a good database server

RE: does the new edition have support for sis 530 video chipset

2000-09-27 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I have the SiS 530 and it works fine. I think it's 622 in the list given by xf86setup :-) Use the SVGA server (I downloaded some native drivers but had problems) As for winmodems, don't expect any success. There's a site out there that has a few drivers but I don't have the URL (it was given

RE: A series of newbieite questions

2000-09-25 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Matthew Dalton wrote: ObeseWhale wrote: 1. Debian keeps starting X as soon as I boot into linux. It give me the graphical login screen and everything. This is annoying because I don't seem to be capable of exiting X... Is there any

Mozilla eats even more memory

2000-09-22 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Hello, I decided to apt-get M17-3 last night, and all went well. But I was very surprised to see that with one browser window running, 5 (maybe 6, cant remember) mozilla processes were gulping up about 350MB!! Is this normal or can I do something about it? Thanks for any help tim

RE: Mozilla eats even more memory

2000-09-22 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Good point, I'll check tonight. If they are threads then this would be a (serious?) bug in the graphical top-like tool I used. (from helix, I think) and sounds more likely as I would surely have crashed in nasty ways (my 88MB RAM, 128MB swap would have a job keeping up with it all) Tim

RE: Mozilla eats even more memory

2000-09-22 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
If they are threads then this would be a (serious?) bug in the graphical top-like tool I used. t's not a bug, it's a feature! ;-) under linux, threads are equivalent processes. the only difference between them and real processes is, that threads

RE: Debian 2.2

2000-09-21 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:36:23PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote: Ask book store for replacement or use it as coffee coaster. I've found that CDs unfortunately don't make good coasters. Now I have a CD shaped stain on my table. It's easier just to throw them out.

RE: free Interrnet provider for Linux and exim

2000-09-19 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I got this with Mozilla, but it was OK after I fired it up again and it asked me for a password. I put it down to a bug in M14, I thought maybe mozilla forgets your password (or I hadn't found the option to keep it longer). So I guess you could check your password status. Tim Anderson

mozila eats memory

2000-09-19 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Yes, we all know that of course. My question is, if I have several instances running, is there a separate process space for each or does anything get shared? I ask this because I sometimes run a few browsers, and memory seems to get eaten very quickly. Tim Anderson

RE: Linux programming book

2000-09-19 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Quoting Cantoni, Mike ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): I am looking for a book on Linux Programming. Does anyone have a preference between Linux Application Development or Beginning Linux Programming or ___ something else. The Wrox

RE: Recommended Partitioning

2000-09-18 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I have Win2K and Debian at home, (excuse: my day job is developing in MS env. Yuch) For my MS stuff I keep a 1.5G for system and programs, 250M for swap and a 1G FAT32 for files - NTFS is notoriously incompatible so I prefer FAT32 for personal stuff. Speed is only really an issue with loading

RE: free Internet provider for Linux? WORLDSHARE WORKS FINE

2000-09-15 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Yes they do, as I stated in a previous posting. --- Try: As I understand it, they offer free access only for MS Windows, not for Linux. -- Andrew

RE: Potato install fails to load ROOT image

2000-09-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Sorry to reply to myself, but I've come to the conclusion after further testing that my floppy drive is 100% busted and I'm not going to be able to do anything useful off it. I also can't (practically) replace it. I Floppy drives are about $10 now aren't they?

RE: Potato install fails to load ROOT image

2000-09-14 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
: Stuart Ballard [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 10:20 AM To: Anderson, Tim TL33E Subject:Re: Potato install fails to load ROOT image Anderson, Tim TL33E wrote: Floppy drives are about $10 now

RE: free Interrnet provider for Linux?

2000-09-13 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
I found a good one, , they want $15/year charity donation but I think most of us can afford that (and they will take less should you not be able to). I've been using them for a couple of months now on linux/windoze9x/2K and I've been very happy with

RE: fishing hooks

2000-09-13 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
Normally I'd agree - I hate spam as much as anyone - but this was so bizarre and out of context I thought it was hilarious. I thought the att must have been a virus but it was a nice picture of chinese fishing hooks. Tim (still viciously anti-spam) On Sun, Aug 13, 2000 at

RE: free Interrnet provider for Linux? INFO

2000-09-13 Thread Anderson, Tim TL33E
- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 3:01 PM To: Anderson, Tim TL33E Subject:Re: free Interrnet provider for Linux? I'd love to get a linux howto thingy from you. Enough others might