Re: Trying to migrate to LDAP (but getting Error 08004)

2011-01-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi Thomas, This is great progress! It seems to me that you have identified several places where we could improve the Derby documentation. And your experience with the database properties versus system properties seems unexpected to me; I think as you do that this feels like a flaw in Derby,

Re: Trying to migrate to LDAP (but getting Error 08004)

2011-01-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
[derby][SQLException@22c95b] Message= Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason: userid or password invalid. Perhaps more information is available in the derby.log file that the network server produced. Can you post the contents of that file? Also, I think that this line:

Re: Trying to migrate to LDAP (but getting Error 08004)

2011-01-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
08004 with the message 'invalid athentication..'. Hard to believe that the network client driver is not working, whereas the embedded driver does!? I wonder if, for some reason, the network server isn't seeing the authentication properties that you have set, and so is not doing LDAP

Re: commands describe and show failed in eclipse derby plugin SQL editor

2011-01-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
IJ commands work well in IJ command line, including show and describe. That means if I connect derby by IJ, there is no problem. Currently, the problem occurred in Eclipse inside. And I just blocked by *show* and *describe* commands so far. Other commands I ever used work well. Hmmm. I'm

Re: commands describe and show failed in eclipse derby plugin SQL editor

2011-01-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 01/03/2011 09:56 PM, Bruce Wen wrote: I used derby eclipse plugin from I think that the best course of action here would be for you to file a new issue in Jira, including the information that you've provided in this email thread so

Re: commands describe and show failed in eclipse derby plugin SQL editor

2011-01-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I used /eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-win32/ and it contains Apache Derby plug-in in default. However, when I execute /describe table_name/ statement, /syntax error:Encountered describe// at line 1, column 1/ is encountered unexpectedly. And /show schemas/ statement also not workable because of the

Re: Problem solved

2010-12-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 12/30/2010 07:03 AM, Thomas wrote: After many hours of further investigation I have been able to overcome all road blocks and now successfully use SSL certificates (created and signed using openSSL and converted in jks keystores using keytool) and peer Authentication between server and

Re: Error XSDBB When Trying to Access DB From Windows, But Works In UNIX

2010-12-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm trying to debug a strange error that just started occurring recently. I think you've done a great job trying to identify the causes and triggers of this problem. I think you should open a new JIRA issue and start working directly with the Derby developers. It seems possible that you are

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-12-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
the problem now is that if I run login server with embeddeddriver, and client with clientdriver, once the client tries to connect to to the database it raises an error saying that maybe another instance of derby is running the server. The embedded driver uses a lock file to detect two copies of

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-12-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton
there is a way to connect to the db with IJ, using ClientDriver? I want to see within ij it works or not.. You bet! In fact, you'll probably feel a lot more comfortable working with Derby if you take some time now to get more comfortable with the built-in Derby tools, such as ij, and the

Re: XSCH4, Conglomerate could not be created?

2010-12-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 12/07/2010 12:15 PM, John English wrote: Can anyone explain what this means? It occurs when I issue what should be a straightforward insert: INSERT INTO resource_usage (resid,xmlid,xmltable) (SELECT resid,?,? FROM resource_usage WHERE xmlid=? AND xmltable=?) The select returns 64 results,

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-12-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
My app is made of a login-server connected with embeddeddriver to the derby, and another server that needs to connect too to the database. You can use what is called the Embedded Server, where one program directly accesses the database using the embedded driver, while that same program also

Re: Derby: SQL ERROR - Encountered CASCADE at line xyz

2010-12-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES thread(idThread) ON UPDATE CASCADE, Derby hasn't implemented ON UPDATE CASCADE. Here's what Derby provides: ps: In another thread I've a pending message. I've done all I could (followed the

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-12-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
reading the last link you posted, about classpath usage, I had some doubts about my server startup, so here is the entire command I run for the server: java -classpath :/home/user/app/lib/derbyrun.jar:/home/user/app/shared/ -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=file:///home/user/app/shared/

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-12-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
- Informazioni su Derby JRE - JDBC: Java SE 6 - JDBC 4.0 [/home/user/app/lib/derby.jar] - (999685) [/home/user/app/lib/derbytools.jar] - (999685) -- What the above tells me is that your classpath is OK. The

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-11-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
java -classpath :/home/user/app/lib/*:/home/user/app/shared/ Do I have to change this? I thought I already set it up properly :\ as you can see in the classpath there's the path to derby (inside the lib folder), maybe the * part is wrong. You think i need to specify the complete path

Re: Derby : No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true

2010-11-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Class.forName(org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver).newInstance(); the DBMS call is inside a method of the server, which is called remotely by the client (thinks it's the cause of the RemoteException). to run the server I use these classpath/codebase parameters: java

Re: Derby + hibernate import.sql

2010-11-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The strange thing is, that if i load the import.sql file manually, using Derbys ij prompt, it loads without error, even in the Derby db created by Hibernate. I'm not Hibernate-fluent, but one thing I often encounter when designing and testing mechanisms like this is that some import systems

Re: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet not open

2010-10-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton
To turn autocommit off, call Connection.setAutoCommit(false); Here's some docs: If you don't turn autocommit off, you will indeed discover that the automatic commit process can close various cursors and result sets at

Re: Starting server in embedded mode from different JVMs reset connection.

2010-10-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I need to support using two or more applications that can reference /MY_DB/. The Embedded Server Mode should support this: It is fine to have two or more applications accessing the same DB. But you need to have exactly one network server. So, you have two choices: 1) Start a single network

Re: Locking problem

2010-10-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
a bit of resources. So it's good to keep in the habit of closing them as soon as possible. OK; lots more try/finally blocks needed, then! Unfortunately true, at least for now. I've read that this will be improved in JDK 1.7 / JDBC 4.1, though:

Re: Locking problem

2010-10-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Obviously there must be something wrong with this code, but I cannot see what it is. Should I perhaps be closing the (empty) result set to commit the transaction? To commit your transaction, you need to call Connection.commit() (or put your connection into auto-commit mode). Closing your result

Re: Locking problem

2010-10-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton
wrong problem. I don't really understand the details of what the lock table dump is telling me, It does take a bit of practice to learn how to read the information, although I suspect you're not looking for basic introductory info at this point. Still, this is a place to start:

Re: Locking problem

2010-10-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I normally leave autocommit turned on, but in a few places in my code I wrap multiquery transactions like this: try { setAutoCommit(false); ... // do a bunch of related updates } finally { commit(); setAutoCommit(true); } Is this the right way to do it, and would the behaviour I see have to be

Re: derby running with no response

2010-10-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ij to connect the derby still fail. The java process still running and derby can not response normally.I didn't do any special configuration for derby. Just start it using: $DERBY_HOME/bin/startNetworkServer -h localhost -p 1527. A good place to start is to look in the derby.log file of the

Re: Cannot use column alias in HAVING clause

2010-09-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 09/10/2010 02:48 AM, Chris Wilson wrote: I'd like to be able to use a column alias (from the column list of the SELECT statement) in the HAVING clause. ... Derby clearly knows this, as using the expression instead of the alias works: After fairly extensive discussion (see this issue for a

Re: Question about how Derby uses it's tmp/ sub-directory - and what to do when it goes missing!

2010-09-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I basically don't have a good understanding of what the tmp/ directory is used for, or when it's created or goes away. I suspect that you are encountering some sort of resource exhaustion situation, which is provoking a Derby bug of some sort. The tmp directory is used by the low-level storage

Re: Bug: RENAME COLUMN on a column GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY removes the auto-increment property

2010-08-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I hope this is the place to post such issues. I've recently renamed an identity column, and then found that it no longer functioned as one; That's DERBY-4693, I believe: It's fixed in the 10.6 branch, so you could build the fix for your own use.

Re: Reducing memory footprint of embedded Derby

2010-07-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi, all. Could you point me to a page, or just tell me, what configuration settings I can tweak to reduce the overall memory footprint of a booted Derby database. Losing performance is pretty much OK, this is not a time-critical part of our code, but I have a lot of databases open and it's

Re: insert, select -- deadlock (2 threads, 1 table)

2010-06-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Now, I have remarked that creating an index on column 'SOMEDATA' is sufficient to remove the deadlock. I think an alternate approach would be to commit the insert, then perform the select in a separate transaction. And yet a third way, I believe, would be to set your transaction isolation to a

Re: JPA 2.0 and Derby ERROR XCL13

2010-05-25 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Caused by: ERROR XCL13: The parameter position '3' is out of range. The number of parameters for this prepared statement is '2'. ... Any direction or feedback as to where I should look to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. If more detail is needed such as a I'm not sure where

Re: Does derby database need periodic maintenance/cleanup activity ?

2010-05-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
It is observed that, if derby database runs continuously for say around 5 hrs. It becomes really slow for further queries even with fresh DB calls. Unless you are adding data dramatically fast, I don't think you should need to do cleanup or maintenance on the database itself very frequently.

Re: ShutdownException while executing query

2010-05-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 05/17/2010 03:52 AM, Marcin Krol wrote: The thing is I'm frequently getting ShutdownExceptions when printoutResultSet is executing. I don't see anything obvious in the code you attached that would cause this. Try printing out the full exception trace:

Re: how to include derby.jar in my .class file?

2010-05-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
But my preference to deploy the program as a single file, so that the user can run it simply with: java myprogram [parameters] without having to set CLASSPATH. You can try using the manifest Class-Path: thanks, bryan

Re: Problems to use Derby Network Server

2010-05-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
On 05/04/2010 07:54 PM, Fabricio Pedroso Jorge wrote: Thats the problem: i simply can't connect mai client to the server.. On your server machine, when starting the Network Server, did you pass the '-h' argument? If you didn't, that's probably the problem. thanks, bryan

Re: Intermittent Connection closed by unknown interrupt. errors

2010-05-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I've been experiencing intermittent errors in derby.log that look like this: Caused by: java.lang.InterruptedException at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) at java.lang.Object.wait( at

Re: Why derby will be slow down?

2010-05-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
What problem I have is, the application can run for the first time, but for the second time, it can not been completed because that derby will be very slow. Do you completely exit and re-start the application between these two runs? If not, then perhaps the application is not entirely freeing

Re: derby.log growing

2010-04-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Another issue I'm seeing is, because I regularly shut down and then reboot the database (this is to keep resource usage low), the derby.log file is continually growing with shutdown/reboot messages. Are you shutting down and rebooting the *database*, or shutting down and restarting the

Re: Transfer data between tables that are located in different databases

2010-04-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton
As it is a lot of data that needs to be transferred between tables, the idea of using the system procedures to export the data from the source table, and then importing it in the target table appears to be good one. I will definitely give it a try, and will post the code here if I encounter

Re: SQLAuthorisation and role permissions

2010-04-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Thanks for providing the script! It is very clear. As Knut Anders suggested, if I add 'set role reader;' at line 96 of the script, user Thomas is then able to select from SecureView. thanks, bryan

Re: Columns in index.

2010-04-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Somebody has given me a Derby database with some unknown indexes in. I can work out the names of all the indexes on this database, but I would like to know the names of the columns which make up the indexes. Open the database using ij and use the 'describe' and 'show indexes' commands. thanks,

Re: SQLAuthorisation and role permissions

2010-04-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
view. My expectation is that user X via having been granted the role should be able to select data from the view. Seems that way to me, too. Could be a bug. It seems worth it for you to post a complete example, so others can try it and see if we can replicate your results. thanks, bryan

Re: Derby and JDeveloper

2010-04-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Jamil Shreet wrote: How do I build Derby using JDeveloper? Do you mean how to build Derby from source code? Or how to build applications that use Derby? You can write JDBC applications that use Derby with any tool; Derby conforms to the JDBC standard. To run a JDBC application against Derby

Re: SQL performance with complex query

2010-04-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I think this could be a case where the query optimizer could use some work? Is it useful for me to file a bug report somewhere, e.g. in JIRA? Yes, it would be particularly helpful if you could provide a complete standalone test case which demonstrates the problem. If that's not possible, then

Re: Derby Char Column Type Versus VarChar

2010-04-06 Thread Bryan Pendleton
My question is any reason why the database responding (select /inserts) becomes slower as the database usage becomes more. If you can observe the performance impact in a reliable and reproducible fashion, you could try: 1) Set up the fast-responding behavior 2) Capture runtime statistics from

Re: R: calling ASTParser repeatedly rises an exception

2010-03-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
By placing that try block into ASTParser.execute(), you're arranging it so that this line always gets run at the end of execute(): DriverManager.getConnection(SHUTDOWN_URL); This line is shutting the Derby system down, and it means that the next time you try to run the parser, you get the

Re: Query execution never ends

2010-03-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Finally, I have both query plans, one for: (Executed successfully in 0.959 s.) and second: (Executed successfully in 2,098.677 s.) Thank you for sharing the two query plans. They are quite interesting.

Re: Query execution never ends

2010-03-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Witold Szczerba wrote: 2010/3/19 Bryan Pendleton SELECT count(*) FROM contract co LEFT JOIN ContractSubject insured ON AND In this query, how does the result (the returned count) change when you change LEFT JOIN

Re: Debugging lock timeouts - versuchen01X

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton
What I do is I iterate over the db folder and delete all contents, as returned by the API. I delete the db in the tearDown, see it deleted, but then in setup I'm told that it already exists. Do you delete the db folder itself? Or just its contents? Try making sure that the entire db

Re: Query execution never ends

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton
SELECT count(*) FROM contract co LEFT JOIN ContractSubject insured ON AND In this query, how does the result (the returned count) change when you change LEFT JOIN to JOIN? It sounds like you have a large number of contract records which have

Re: java.sql.SQLException: column name is not a column in table or VTI app.table name

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton
We are connecting to embedded derby and trying to execute this test. It intially used to pass, but after adding a column LAST_UPLOAD_TIME the following is the error. Please help. When you add the column to your program, you also need to add the column to your table. Something along the lines

Re: cleaning database between test cases

2010-03-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
For testing, how can I make sure the tearDown completely deletes the db, and setUp creates a completely new copy, without using in-memory db? We do this in the Derby regression test suite. Have a look at thanks, bryan


2010-03-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
TRANSLATION is a reserved word in Derby but I could not find it in docs. Could someone point me to a resource documenting it's use. I don't see any other references to it in sqlgrammar.jj other than in the keyword list itself. So perhaps it doesn't need to be a reserved word. I can't recall

Re: Derby Maintenance Activities

2010-03-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Does anybody have experience of running statistics or compression which they can share? In my production Derby app, which has run 24x7 for over 4 years, I have a few tables which I need to compress, approximately every 6 months. I have not found it necessary to update statistics on my tables.

Re: Allowing ()'s to group UNIONs in the grammar

2010-03-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Blair Zajac wrote: In trying to write a clearer query I added ()'s around the sub-queries that are being UNIONed together, but Derby doesn't accept it. I think this is DERBY-2374: This problem has been studied in some detail but we don't

Re: Deadlocked in Log2File

2010-02-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm sometimes getting deadlocks in Log2File where all my worker threads are getting blocked, but I can't figure out which monitor they are blocked on. Thanks for sending the thread dump, it was very interesting. I agree with you, it's not clear what is blocking these threads, at least from

Re: [GSoC]-Project ideas

2010-02-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm Denis Weerasiri, an undergraduate from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Still I don't have an concrete idea, I'm hoping to come up with an improvement to derby tooling and utilities as my GSoC project in this year. Last year, I successfully completed my GSoC project, BPEL debugger for

Re: NPE in JBitSet

2010-02-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm getting a NPE with Derby Is there a known workaround or can I post this as a bug at JIRA? Hi Murat, I see the same problem with the current Derby trunk, so this seems like a new bug to me. If you could post it as a bug at JIRA that would be very much appreciated. Please include

Re: 'ERROR 40XD0: Container has been closed.:'.

2010-02-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ResultSet rs = con.createStatement().executeQuery( select * from TABLE1);; InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream(1); long length = rs.getBlob(1).length(); rs.close();

Re: Need help with an sql query

2010-02-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton
select firstname || case when length(middlename) = 0 then '' else ' ' || middlename end || ' ' || lastname as name from studentmaster where name like 'abc d%' In the above statement, I have tried to give the name 'name' to the combined filed of three columns. You need an 'end' for the

Re: Problem storing an image in a Blob field in Java DB.

2010-02-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Dinesh Bajaj wrote: preparedStatement.setBinaryStream(5, inputStream, file.length()); Message = Java exception: 'Input stream did not have exact amount of data as the requested length.: Can you show more of your actual code? It sounds like 'inputStream' is not returning the data

Re: refresh JSP webpage when Derby DB is changed

2010-02-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The goal is to refresh a JSP web page on a web browser when the Derby DB on the server is changed. I agree with Ronald Rudy's observation that the web browser itself will need to initiate the polling request. Meanwhile, on the server side, Derby supports triggers, which you can use to track

Re: Network connection refused ??

2010-02-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm pretty sure that in the past I've done jdbc:derby:// with user and password at gotten it to work. ( also with a windows server environment ) But right now nothing works ... (the localhost.1527 does work ... Check the arguments that you are passing to

Re: White Space in CLASSPATH

2010-02-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi Hussein, I am glad you are enjoying Derby! it was not a problem; since I started to use derby the *.jar files are not found correctly if the path contains a space, e.g D:\WSpace\Program Files\Apache\derby*. I then set the path in quotation marks (as shown); it works for some tools and not

Re: Unable to connect. Cannot establish connection to derby databas url

2010-02-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
But all of a sudden the table disappeared from the list, i decided then to close everything and try to connect again, where i get the following message: Unable to connect. Cannot establish a connection to derbydb url using One possibility is that when you closed your previous application, you

Re: Using NetworkServerControl to access in-memory (only) tables of Embedded Derby

2010-02-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
1) how can actions of those connecting to the NetworkServerControl via JDBC be controled (for instance, limited to read only)? Derby has a variety of access control facilities. Here's a good place to start learning about them: But

Re: Using NetworkServerControl to access in-memory (only) tables of Embedded Derby

2010-02-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
DerbyServer thread seems to still be running, yet the server is unresponsive. In addition to your own DerbyServer thread, which I don't think actually *needs* to still be running, there should be a separate thread which is started by the Derby network server code itself, which has the job of

Re: Database storage overhead

2010-02-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
But that's assuming a perfect layout for the database. I am wondering, how much overhead should I account for? My feeling is: try it and see. It shouldn't take longer than a few hours to construct a test program which manufactures semi-random data along the profile that you anticipate. Then

Re: Does a database shrink?

2010-02-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Thanks! Can the compress routines be called programatically? Yes; there's an example on this page: thanks, bryan

Re: Best way to detect if embedded derby is being used by another application ?

2010-02-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I thought if there was an abnormal termination then the db.lck is left in place and an attempt to boot the db will fail. The first part is true, but the second should not be. It is OK for the db.lck file to be left around after an abnormal termination. On the next boot, the Derby recovery

Re: pagesize for a given table

2010-02-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi David, At what point does derby decide on the pagesize when it is creating a table? During the bind processing (compilation) of the CREATE TABLE statement itself. I have a table with several varchar(4000) fields in it. Though they are varchar, does derby calculate row size based on the

Re: pagesize for a given table

2010-02-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
David Parker wrote: slowdowns that we have traced to this insert - a single insert taking several seconds That feels more like a locking issue than an I/O issue, to me. Perhaps you have some sort of rarely-run query which, when it runs, scans and processes the entire table, thus locking the

Re: DERBY-4530: Unable to run derby as windows service

2010-02-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Could you pls help me in explaining the steps how to create derby service and run successfully? C:\Softwares\apache-tomcat-5.5.28\apache-tomcat-5.5.28\bin\tomcat5.exe //IS//DerbyServer1 --DisplayName=DerbyServer1 --StartMode=jvm --StopMode=exe

Re: Derby Statements

2010-01-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The specific exception I'm getting is: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested Derby can be configured to provide a lot of additional information which can help you understand why you are getting lock timeouts and deadlocks in your

Re: Problem upgrading to 10.5.3: column named XML

2010-01-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I've tried surrounding the name XML in double quotes (XML) but that doesn't work. It should work. I've used quoting in Derby in similar circumstances quite successfully. Can you post more details about the exact statement you issued and the exact error you received? Note that if you enclose

Re: backup databes problem

2010-01-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I would like to backup derby databes. But I get this error: *The local depo is empty. Cannot create archive. That's not a Derby message. It must be coming from somewhere in the backup tools and scripts that you have written yourself. Perhaps you can search your source tree, and see where that


2010-01-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ive downloaded derby but cant seem to get eclipse to recognize it. The Derby plugins for Eclipse are in a separate download, they are not part of the basic Derby download. Go back to and look at the end of that section,

Re: Improving data insert performance

2010-01-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton
using prepared statements executed in batches, and this gives me between 10 and 20 row inserts per millisecond on average. I have Wow! You're already going very fast, and you've already put a lot of good effort into this, so I congratulate you on how far you've gone already. A couple of

Re: delete from table

2010-01-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton
It seems that deleting a table takes a VERY long time. As an alternative, you can try DROP TABLE and then CREATE TABLE, and see if that is faster. thanks, bryan

Re: Derby memory consumption with many databases

2010-01-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
However, memory consumption is getting out of hand now that we're reaching hundreds of databases. ... At any one time there are only a few databases active Is it possible that you aren't fully shutting each database down when you are through with it? thanks, bryan

Re: How to execute statements from textfile?

2010-01-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
is there an easy way to execute multiple queries from a textfile using Java? You might find the ij.runScript method helpful:

Re: problem with select statement?

2010-01-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
when trying to call the next method on a result set generated by a select statement I get the exception: java.sql.SQLException: ResultSet not open. Verify that autocommit is OFF. By default, a connection is in auto-commit mode. To set autocommit OFF, add

Re: XBM0J Directory already exists

2009-12-31 Thread Bryan Pendleton
java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ041, SQLERRMC: Failed to create database 'C:\myapp\db', see the next exception for details.::SQLSTATE: XBM0JDirectory C:\db-derby-\bin\C:\myapp\db already exists. I think it would be good if you could file an issue

Re: derby for windows 7

2009-12-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Could anyone please confirm whether derby supports windows 7 and which versions are? Derby cares much more about which version of *Java* you are running, than it does about which operating system you are running. Derby runs great using Sun's JDK 1.6 on Windows 7. The latest version of Derby

Re: Just starting with Derby: Getting Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database with embedded db

2009-12-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
first runs some sql through the sql task, then runs JUnit to run my test class? If you take out the sql task invocation, does your script run correctly? If so, then I'd think this might be a bug in the SQL task, that it isn't closing down the connection properly at the completion of its work.

Re: Just starting with Derby: Getting Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database with embedded db

2009-12-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
when I start the server from Ant, it blocks the execution, even if I did fork=true in the java execution. You can use the parallel task to solve this problem. thanks, bryan

Re: Hello

2009-12-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
When I try to run there is an error that looks like this: --- C:\Documents and Settings\Zoran\Desktop\DERBYTUTORjava WwdEmbedded Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: WwdEmbedded I suspect

Re: help

2009-11-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I am following *Getting Started With Java DB* instructions. Problem occures when I try to follow instructions for *Run a JDBC program using the embedded driver*. Hi, Sorry about this. We just fixed these docs in the trunk, so the docs will be better in the next release. When I try to compile

Re: New to Derby: Modifying Single User App to Server/Client

2009-11-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Client Code: Properties props = System.getProperties(); I don't think you need to pass all the system properties to DriverManager.getConnection(). Try changing the above line to: Properties props = new java.util.Properties(); Does that help? thanks, bryan

Re: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:jdbcDemoDB;create=true

2009-11-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
not seem to be able to find the embedded driver. I cannot find a library called Embedded Driver. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? I EmbeddedDriver is not a library, it is a class. Can you post your code? That would make it easier to see what you are doing wrong. Can you compare your

Re: OOM with millions of weakly-referenced Derby objects

2009-11-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I will attempt running the command via ODBC directly, with the FETCH syntax, and produce a heap histogram (is there anything in particular you are looking for or a specific tool output -- I generally use jprofiler). This sounds like a great next step, please let us know what you find. As

Re: Few quick questions on Index, Optimizer

2009-11-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
kashyup wrote: Hello all, after going through much docs i think i have lost answers to much basic questions. I would appreciate any reply... These are quite interesting questions. It seems that you have done a lot of research and are seeing some puzzling results. One of the first things to

Re: Few quick questions on Index, Optimizer

2009-11-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
For example, this morning I started my app and did few 'app stuff', the queries took much longer. I closed my app/JVM, started again and did the exact same 'app stuff', and the queries were much faster. Is it possible that this has nothing to do with Derby, but is instead some other behavior on

Re: Derby 10.5.3: subquery performance using IN

2009-11-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
-- This is the real query (with subquery) SELECT em.end_item_meter_id FROM end_item_meter em WHERE em.end_Item_meter_id IN ( SELECT mr.end_item_meter_id FROM Meter_Reading mr

Re: Managing the Derby Network Server remotely by using the servlet interface

2009-11-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Thomas Hill wrote: I finally managed to get this running. Great! I took your notes and edited them into a page on the Derby wiki so that hopefully it will be useful to others in the future. One question: 3) Restarting Tomcat

Re: Managing the Derby Network Server remotely by using the servlet interface

2009-11-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
10) when typing http://localhost:8180/derby/derbynet into the browser instead I am getting HTTP 500 'Wrapper can not find servlet org.apache.drda.NetServlet or a class it depends on' Hi Thomas, I'm not a big user of derby.war so I'm not sure what's wrong here, but the first thing to know is

Re: disappearing databases

2009-09-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Is there some stupid newbie mistake that can cause your Derby databases to disappear? A Derby database is just a filesystem directory, so if you accidentally remove that directory, you have just removed your database. Another common source of confusion is to use a relative filesystem name for

Re: Badly performing WHERE caluse

2009-09-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Do people agree that this appears to be a bug with the query planner, as the selection of the most appropriate index should not be influenced by static conditions such as 1=1 or 21? I don't know of any reason why the 1=1 versus 21 should have affected the query plan chosen. If you can provide

Re: StackOverflowError for large Scrollable result sets

2009-09-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
java.lang.StackOverflowError at at at ... That's a very interesting stack trace, thanks for

Re: StackOverflowError for large Scrollable result sets

2009-09-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Caused by: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ001, SQLERRMC: java.lang.StackOverflowErrorXJ001.U at Source) Is there a more detailed exception trace in your derby.log file? I'd

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