Re: Possible for read-only db in jar to circumvent need for temp directory?

2007-11-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
My question: does anyone know if it is possible to disable the need to write to a temp directory, or some other way to get around this problem? You might read through the discussion here, as it seems related: thanks, bryan

Re: listing available databases

2007-10-29 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm looking for a way of displaying available databases, ideally something similar to show databases from MySQL. Derby doesn't maintain a master catalog of databases, so you have to keep track of the databases yourself. Here's a few suggestions from the list archive from the last time this

Re: Error: Invalid cursor state - no current row.

2007-10-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Run my sample program i receive the error: Invalid cursor state - no current row. If comment the line; ResultSet rsOpzioni = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY).executeQuery(sql); while ( {

[Fwd: Re: NULL checking in Derby]

2007-10-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Forwarding from the general@ list to derby-user@ to reach more Derby users. ---BeginMessage--- Hi Brayan, Could you do in another way? My aim is to delete all the rows where the OPTION_TEXT is empty.. Regards, Soumen On 10/26/07, Bryan Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Soumen Saha wrote

Re: [Fwd: Re: NULL checking in Derby]

2007-10-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Could you do in another way? My aim is to delete all the rows where the OPTION_TEXT is empty.. DELETE FROM QUIZ_OPTIONS_INFO WHERE OPTION_TEXT IN ('',null); Perhaps: delete from quiz_options_info where option_text = '' or option_text is null; thanks, bryan

Re: Q: alter table to set default column values..

2007-10-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The following error message is obtained: ALTER TABLE T_RES_FILESYSTEM ALTER COLUMN GROUP_ID DEFAULT -1 Syntax error: Encountered DEFAULT at line 1, column 53. ALTER COLUMN DEFAULT was added in Derby Are you using Derby or higher?

Re: Multiple database reboots in a single program?

2007-10-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I've attached a simplified version of the program, one that just does the repeated startups and shutdowns. The error is shown below. What am I doing wrong? Your code seems reasonable to me. What version of Derby are you trying this with, and what version of Java are you using? Can you try

Re: Q: alter table to set default column values..

2007-10-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ALTER TABLE T_RES_FILESYSTEM ALTER COLUMN GROUP_ID DEFAULT -1 ; It appears that this is not working. What is the problem that you encounter? Do you get an error message? thanks, bryan

Re: limit

2007-10-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Everything I've read so far says that Derby does not implement LIMIT which lets you write queries that return only so many rows in the resultset. Is this still the case or has this changed? Or are there initiatives to implement this? DERBY-581 and DERBY-2998 are relevant, I believe. If you

Re: Returning NULL from a database-side Java function

2007-10-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
1. Why does int pop = 0 == 0 ? 1 : null; even compile? For what it's worth, it doesn't compile for me: C:\bryan\src\java\popjava -version java version 1.4.2_05 Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-b04) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_05-b04, mixed mode)

Re: Inserting data into a database on a Derby network server

2007-10-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The problem was solved by running Derby embedded in the program that inserted data into the database and only commit every 50th row. When you were running in the Network Server configuration, were you also committing your transaction after every 50th row? thanks, bryan

Re: Inserting data into a database on a Derby network server

2007-10-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton
database. As the data are published scientific data I can share my source code and the data. Everything is available on Thanks for sharing your sample program. It looks like you are creating statements, but never closing them. Each call to

Re: checking if table exists

2007-10-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
while(( (tableExists = false)) { Is this possibly a typo? Make sure it says: while(( (tableExists == false)) { You want to do a logical and, not a bitwise and; also you want to do a comparison, not an assignment. thanks, bryan

Re: checking if table exists

2007-10-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The difference between boolean1 boolean2 is not bitwise versus logical; it's between unconditional versus conditional operation. Thanks Craig! There's always more to learn ... bryan

Re: help, problem of access denied ( derby.log read)

2007-10-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I am using eclipse plugin for derby, I apply derby nature in multiple projects, however when I try to start the derby from the menu I got: Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy. 2007-10-01 15:16:41.125 GMT Thread[main,5,main]

Re: A SAVEPOINT with the passed name already exists in the current transaction

2007-09-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton
see that there are four JIRA issues which relate to this particular error message (DERBY-2773, DERBY-1457, DERBY-2808, DERBY-2804) and which could possibly be related. I filed a new issue at Is there any progress on any of these issues? Hi

Re: Generic data types

2007-09-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
However, in practice, the 'TagValue' may be of different data types (float, varchar, int, etc). The right data type is known only at runtime. Here's a couple of ideas: - Declare the column as a string, and convert the various data types to and from string format when storing/retrieving

Re: ODBC Driver for Derby?

2007-09-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi, all. IBM used to make an ODBC driver available for use with Derby. Is that still happening, or is that no longer supported? I found this on Google, does it help? thanks, bryan

Re: MySQL to Derby update question

2007-09-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton
UPDATE connecteurs,boitier_connecteurs,boitiers SET connecteurs.nom='TREO650' WHERE AND AND boitiers.emplacement=1 AND boitier_connecteurs.emplacement = 'C'; Try something like: update connecteurs set

Re: PreparedStatement problem with big BLOBS

2007-09-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I do not understand why it only works with small BLOB contents, as soon as I pass 32750 bytes or so the above happens, when data is 32750 or smaller it works just fine. This sounds like a bug to me. The DRDA client/server protocol tends to divide data at 32K boundaries, so it's possible that

Re: Rollups and Linear Regression

2007-09-19 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I see that feature T431 etc (grouping, rollup, cube, and grouping sets) are included in the todo list for derby; Are linear regression and other statistical functions also on this list? I'd like to see Derby implement all of the SQL Standard OLAP features, but that's a large set and will take a

Re: Rollups and Linear Regression

2007-09-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Quick question: Is it true that Apache Derby cannot handle Rollups and linear regression functions? If you're referring to Features T611, T612, T431, and T433 of the SQL 2003 standard, some efforts are underway to add that functionality to Derby, see these pages for more:

Re: deleting rows with dependencies

2007-09-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Is there a way to delete rows while automatically deleting other rows dependent on those rows? There are a number of ways. Here's three: 1) ON DELETE CASCADE 2) Write a trigger for the table which implements the delete logic. 3) Always update the table via a stored procedure, and have that

Re: anybody know why the derby alway appear requesting a lock

2007-09-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton
locks or deadlocks around the runtime. is it any easy way to avoid those locks. This is a fairly complex subject. Here is a good place to start: Some of the tools under your control are: - use smaller transactions -

Re: How to restrict external connections

2007-09-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Is there a way to restrict external connection to a Derby Database?. I only want the JVM to be able to connect to the Derby database and no other external processes. Use the embedded configuration, then, not the client/server configuration. In the embedded environment, only the JVM which runs

Re: how to lock a table

2007-09-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I am wanting to lock a table. thanks, bryan

Re: Missing functions?

2007-09-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I was looking for two functions One possibility is to write these functions yourself, using Derby's functionality for writing extension functions in Java: thanks, bryan


2007-08-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Error code -1, SQL state XCL47: Use of 'AUTHORIZATION' requires database to be upgraded from version 10.1 to version 10.2 or later. The GRANT/REVOKE family of features were introduced in Derby 10.2. To upgrade your 10.1-version database to 10.2, pass upgrade=true on your connection URL when

Re: Exceptions with multiple connections

2007-08-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Can somebody help me to get it work? Perhaps you are using a different transaction isolation level with Derby than you are with the other databases you're testing, causing you to experience lock contention in Derby but not in other databases.

Re: DDL in Trigger Procedure

2007-08-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
As you increase the size of the footprint, you make it harder to embed. And as you add features, you are increasing the size of the footprint. True. Although, I was extremely happy to see that after a year of development, Derby had hardly changed in size at all: - 10.2: derby.jar was

Re: Create Copy of Database with the necessary files

2007-08-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
always the same. Now I want to identify the files which are still used In the database folder, each file corresponds to a conglomerate. Each user table, system table, and each index on a table is a conglomerate. You can figure out how conglomerates map to underlying operating system files by

Re: Identity column

2007-08-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
That's fine if there are no triggers or other objects associated with the original table. Is there a system procedure or the like for finding such objects? Absolutely! thanks, bryan

Re: Identity column

2007-08-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton
SQL state 42601: ALTER TABLE statement cannot add an IDENTITY column to a table. Is there any way to work around this? Perhaps: 1) create a new table with all the columns of the existing table, plus the new identity column. 2) INSERT INTO new-table SELECT * FROM old-table to copy all the

Re: IJ out of memory

2007-08-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Failed Statement is: ALTER TABLE logicproperty ADD CONSTRAINT r_186 FOREIGN KEY ( zone_id ) REFERENCES zone ON DELETE CASCADE You can include the foreign key constraints in the initial table definition itself, instead of creating the table and then adding the constraints to it later.

Re: Problem with default date values

2007-08-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Does setting the default value for the other columns kick in that bug? No, I didn't think so. DERBY-2371 specifically involved a problem when there were a non-zero number of non-null values in the table at the time of the ALTER TABLE command. Also, I tried your complete set of commands against

Re: Problem with default date values

2007-08-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I tried the release, and my test case if failing before I get to the other error. It's failing on this call: tableRS = conn.getMetaData().getTables(getCatalogName(), getSchemaName(), null, new String[]{TABLE, GLOBAL TEMPORARY, LOCAL TEMPORARY, ALIAS, SYNONYM}); with this stack trace:

Re: Using Functions to Return ResultSets

2007-08-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I am trying to create a reusable function that would allow me to send in a derby query, and get a resultset back. Look for the section titled Returning java.sql.ResultSets from Java procedures thanks, bryan

Re: Problem with default date values

2007-08-08 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ALTER TABLE defaultValueTest ALTER COLUMN dateA WITH DEFAULT DATE('2007-08-09') and getting the error: “An attempt was made to get a data value of type 'long' from a data value of type 'DATE'.” Hi Nathan, What version of Derby are you working with? I just tried your statements on the

Re: Wanted: Example using SQLXML

2007-08-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Can I conclude that since I got an error message that says it (SQLXML) is not implemented, that this is truly the case? I believe that is correct. Army posted on this earlier in this thread:, pointing to

Re: Static SQl in Derby

2007-08-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Can we use static SQL in Derby? Does it support it? What is static SQL? Can you provide a pointer to a definition, or examples of static SQL? thanks, bryan

Re: Static SQl in Derby

2007-08-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
With dynamic SQL, database access and authorization are determined at run time. The user of the application must have all required database privileges, and the database must determine the best way to access the required data at run time. However, with static SQL, access and authorization are

Re: lock escalation and deadlocks

2007-08-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Oh, and one more observation. The IX table lock for the insert thread mentions LOCKCOUNT=476. I can only infer the meaning of the column (so this might perfectly normal), but the number of row locks of that connection is about 150 (it could not exceed 200, the number of inserts I do per

Re: Wanted: Example using SQLXML

2007-08-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Can someone point me to some sample code that works that demonstrates these features? In the Derby source tree itself, check out, in the directory java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/lang thanks, bryan

Re: Wanted: Example using SQLXML

2007-08-01 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I'm looking in db-derby-\java\testing\org\apache\derbyTesting\functionTests\tests\lang and the only file that begins with XML and has a java extension is Are you looking at a differnt version? Yes, I was looking at the trunk. Here's how to have a look at the trunk

Re: lock escalation and deadlocks

2007-07-31 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Now, I have a pretty simple unit test that results in a deadlock: - one thread is inserting records in a table (in transactions of N=200 records) - another thread comes from behind and reads the same records (select * where id $lastReadID) After examining the deadlock trace the

Re: Derby Backup

2007-07-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I was wondering if it doesn't exist a way to create a backup only of the existent data, and not the whole database, like a dump. Would the Import/Export tools be useful, perhaps? thanks, bryan

Re: SQL Exception: Database 'Test' not found

2007-07-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
name (Test) is correct. Is there a way to setup the persistence provider so that it can insert double quotes around both the connection string and all query strings? You'll have better luck asking on the persistence provider's mailing lists. Some readers of this list are expert in some

Re: Wanted: Example using SQLXML

2007-07-17 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I found the following example below and saw the example work at our JUG meeting. However, I cannot make it work. I get an exception feature not supported when createSQLXML. Ensure that you have a recent copy of Apache Xalan in your classpath, as the XPath code uses Xalan internally. If you

Re: Bug with lowercase table name ?

2007-07-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
If I enclose the lowercase table name in quotes then this works. select * from abc However, I don't want to enclose the tablename in quotes. Table and column names which are enclosed in double quotes are case sensitive. Table and column names which are not enclosed in double quotes are case

Re: Performance question

2007-07-12 Thread Bryan Pendleton
footprint, and is Java-based. I have been testing Derby to see how it performs storing large amounts of data in this environment, and I've seen a slight degradation of performance over time. I'm using Derby Hi Steve, I think this is very interesting data. Can you run your experiment out

Re: how can i prevent statements from being cached?

2007-07-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi, I am trying to debug the statement over and over again, and would like it to be recompiled every time, on the same derby connection. Is there a property I could set, or some other setting? I tried looking at the docs but could not find anything quickly. Assuming you're using IJ, or some

Re: Lock Timeout

2007-07-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
all of these options - except the append - are already set, but there was no more information about this in the logs: DERBY-666 describes at least one case in which these properties don't provide all the information that you might wish. For

Re: Eclipse plugin wierdness

2007-07-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Well, as I was installing Eclipse 3.3 I decided to only import the projects I'm actually working on and leave the other ones in the old workspace. None of the imported projects has anything to do with Derby, especially none has the Derby nature. I just created a new empty workspace, then

Re: any plans for mvcc?

2007-07-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Is there currently any plans for multi-version concurrency control for a future release of Derby? If so what is the rough timeframe? I haven't heard of anyone working on such a feature, but we're always interested in getting more people to join the community and participate in adding more

Re: before update trigger

2007-07-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I was able to get the synatx correct. My next question is can you pass in the new and old row into a procedure call. I am geting syntax errors. Hi Stephen, I'm afraid I don't know what might be wrong, hopefully somebody else on the list can help you. Can you post the exact text of the

Re: before update trigger

2007-07-04 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The ability to use a WHEN clause in a trigger is logged as DERBY-534. If you're interested in this issue, you could vote for it, or (better!) join the development community and contribute an implementation. I think the other issues you raised

Re: Derby, JUnit, Ant and fork

2007-06-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton
My tests pass when run in Eclipse. However, when I run them in Ant I see errors like this: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database Only a single JVM at a time can access a Derby embedded database. However, you can shutdown the Derby embedded system from the first JVM,

Re: Questions about ij connect

2007-06-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton
How do I create a schema? describes the CREATE SCHEMA statement. It seems like I should create a schema before I create any databases, No, it's the other way around. Each database can have one or more schema. So create the database

Re: query complexity error ERROR 42ZA0

2007-06-25 Thread Bryan Pendleton
ERROR 42ZA0: Statement too complex. What version of Derby are you using? If it is prior to 10.2, upgrading to 10.2 may help. As Dan says in[EMAIL PROTECTED] Derby's SQL statements are compiled to Java byte code. The

Re: help for derby out of memory question.

2007-06-22 Thread Bryan Pendleton
my project use the derby 10.1 version .some table have 10 records data ,when add ,delete ,query from the table frequently,the derby will out of memory ,why the memory can't release auto? Two suggestions: 1) Upgrade to as soon as you can. It's got many fixes, including a


2007-06-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I've tried: '//myns:Name' and that would seem to be correct, but I can find no way of setting myns to resolve to; in Did you try including xmlns:myns=; in your XQuery expression? I don't know if it will work,

Controlling file handle usage

2007-06-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Hi, Is there a configuration setting which I can use to set a limit on the total number of file handles which Derby will use? I'm trying to run Derby inside of various application server environments, many of which have limited resources available for each application, and I'd like to configure

Re: Adding order by clause eliminates results

2007-06-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Thanks for the repro! This is an interesting little situation. I think that the basic issue here involves result set caching, which is a feature that went into Derby in 10.2, I believe. You can read more about that feature here: In your program,

Re: Adding order by clause eliminates results

2007-06-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I think that the basic issue here involves result set caching, Actually now I'm doubting myself, because DERBY-822 was a *client* change, and this test program is for the *embedded* driver. So the DERBY-822 comment is irrelevant, sorry about that. Still, I think that the basic idea is the

Re: changing the default value for a column

2007-06-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Amir Michail wrote: The column in question has type timestamp yet this doesn't work: ij alter table tablename alter column columnname default current_timestamp; ERROR 22005: An attempt was made to get a data value of type 'long' from a data value of type 'TIMESTAMP'. The table does not have

Re: AW: locking problem when selecting data

2007-06-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton
situation. The central question is, why are there any locks held for nothing selected? Sometimes, a lock is held for the case where nothing was selected, to prevent the insertion of a new row that would have satisfied the criteria, had it been present at the time of the original select. That

Re: AW: locking problem when selecting data

2007-06-07 Thread Bryan Pendleton
thanks for your answer. But why is there already a lock on the row. You can find extensive information about Derby's locking behavior here: thanks, bryan

Re: Connection refused

2007-06-05 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I am unable to connect successfully from a remote client running 'ij'. By default, the Network Server will listen to requests only on the loopback address, which means that it will only accept connections from the local host. See:

Re: Should I leave nulls in a lookup table?

2007-06-03 Thread Bryan Pendleton
So my question is: is storing only 'T' and leaving nulls any less expensive than storing both 'T' and 'F' in a lookup table? I believe the CHAR(1) NOT NULL columns will be simpler and slightly more efficient for the database to handle. NULL processing is complex and adds both space and time

Re: when a connection may block in transactional environment?

2007-05-26 Thread Bryan Pendleton
which operation and isolation level may impose a lock on tables or rows? thanks, bryan

JDBC escape syntax -- how to escape ordinary braces?

2007-05-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton
When using JDBC escape syntax, as described in how do I encode ordinary braces so that they are ignored? That is, if I want to do something like: {call myProc('arg1', 'arg2')} but my arg1 value is {myval}, I can't seem to send

Re: JDBC escape syntax -- how to escape ordinary braces?

2007-05-24 Thread Bryan Pendleton
but my arg1 value is {myval}, I can't seem to send {call myProc('{myval}', 'otherval')} because I get an error about the '{' character in myval. Duh. I'm sorry, my apologies for the noise. Placing ordinary brace characters into literal strings works fine. I had a stray quotation mark in my

Re: derby Static refs to log objects

2007-05-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Robert, I was a little confused by your original mail. Did you use the live option when you ran jmap? In my experimentation, I found that it was quite helpful to use this option, otherwise jmap would produce lots of data about objects that were in fact garbage, but hadn't yet been collected.

Re: Embedded thread taking 100% cpu

2007-05-23 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Basically, the program runs those commands over and over and over again. At some point the derby thread starts to spin. Perhaps you are just giving your system more work than it can handle. It sounds like you have some sort of a benchmark in place, and you are running it, looking for problems

Re: ERROR 58009: Network protocol exception

2007-05-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
and still what is DSS chain? It's an internal behavior of the DRDA protocol. You can find some high-level information here: To really understand it, you'll need to study the DRDA spec and read the network server and network client code.

Re: Can't shutdown cleanly

2007-05-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton
All seems to be going fine but when I shutdown my webapp, the NetworkServerControl.shutdown() is correctly called but I have db.lck and dbex.lck left :o(. I think this may be DERBY-51: Also if I try to restart my webapp, the

Re: Can't shutdown cleanly

2007-05-14 Thread Bryan Pendleton
shutdown command fails if I try it through a network url (database not found) or with an embeded url (java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: Database 'ed' shutdown.) I don't know about the database not found part, but the shutdown command always throws an exception, so getting Database 'ed'

Re: SQL Exception: Container xxx not found

2007-05-11 Thread Bryan Pendleton
events, and it appears that the problem is that the bulk load CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_IMPORT_DATA (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) is not entirely finishing before I try to query the table it is populating. I would expect to get a locking exception, or something of that nature, but the I think I would expect

Re: Executing command from a file via JDBC

2007-05-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I didn't want to distribute derbytools.jar with my application. I guess was looking for something that came with the core jdbc driver. You could put something together yourself pretty easily: BufferedReader rdr = ...; String sql; Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); while ( (sql


2007-05-10 Thread Bryan Pendleton
host and the port. I could successfully ping the Apache Webserver getting port 80, but not the Derby server. You don't mention a lot about how you started the network server, but are you using the -h parameter? Note that, as it says on:

Re: give me derby gui link (how i add new table in derby

2007-05-02 Thread Bryan Pendleton
sir how i add new table in derby database and please send me derby gui software or link You add a new table using the CREATE TABLE statement: And you can find a number of GUI packages for Derby here:

Re: Calculating Database Size

2007-04-25 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I was wondering whether there was a good way to calculate the amount of space that my derby database is currently using. There is org.apache.derby.diag.SpaceTable. This should give you some pointers about how to use it:

Re: commit then read immediately

2007-04-18 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Initialisation consists in writing objects through jpa. After commit is done, the program starts and reads back those data. I haven't heard of any problems involving a delay after commit in Derby itself. Perhaps jpa is not committing the data when you think it is, or perhaps your program is

Re: Store very large Strings

2007-04-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton
problems when *reading* from the CLOB.. When I call the ResultSet.getString on the CLOB I get a IOException thrown, when the String is large... Is this a known problem? Might be a resource exhaustion problem. Can you print out the entire exception stack trace, including all chained exceptions,

Re: Store very large Strings

2007-04-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An IOException was thrown when reading a 'java.sql.String' from an InputStream. at org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.SQLExceptionFactory.getSQLException(Unknown Source) at

Re: Store very large Strings

2007-04-13 Thread Bryan Pendleton
New trace :) Thanks Ruben! But we still don't seem to be getting down to the actual IOException. I'm expecting to see a line that says: ... with the actual information and the actual stack trace of the IOException itself, but so far all we've seen is the wrapping

Re: Performance Tuning Problem

2007-04-09 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Do you have indexes on the important columns of the ASSOCIATION table? From a quick peek at your query plan, this seems to be killing you: Right result set: Table Scan ResultSet for ASSOCIATION ... scan information: Bit set of columns fetched={1, 2}

Re: Alter Table ADD Column throws column number exception

2007-03-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
The store's metadata thinks that there are 20 columns in the table, and it only currently supports adding a column at the end of the table. The request is to add the column at position 16, in the middle. From I notice that the overall algorithm for adding a column to a table (in

Re: Network Client/Server BLOB

2007-03-30 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I was running my test harness code to create a new user. I had a number of poorly coded sql statements causing exceptions, and eventually i came to a point where the derby database server gave up. Make sure that when you catch SQLException and continue running, that you close the various

Re: INPLACE Table Compression

2007-03-28 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Inns, Jeff wrote: passed 1 for each operation, which should have turned them on. I agree, Jeff; passing 1 should have been the correct thing to do. This is starting to sound like a bug in the TRUNCATE_END feature to me. thanks, bryan

Re: INPLACE Table Compression

2007-03-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
“Inplace” Compression utility, no disk space is recovered and the size of the “*.dat” files is not reduced. That is correct. In-place compression re-arranges the records on the existing pages of the existing file, gathering the existing records together and shifting all the free space to be

Re: INPLACE Table Compression

2007-03-27 Thread Bryan Pendleton
three operations: purge, defrag, and truncate; when truncate is used, it releases disk space to the operating system Oops! My mistake. Sorry about that. Perhaps the original caller was not passing the TRUNCATE_END parameter in their call to INPLACE compression. My answer described the

Re: Problem in release connection

2007-03-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
provided by derby. Following are the code I am using for clean the database connection and also PreparedStatement. if(!(aoConnection ==null || aoConnection.isClosed())) aoConnection.close();//Release Connection if(aoPreparedStatement != null)

Re: Connection reset

2007-03-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
sometimes i get a Connection reset (i'm also investigating why this happens but i think i've found a problem with derby) when calling a remote derby db. the connection is closed but the transaction is still in progress (see last table at the bottom of the mail). I think that a Connection

Re: invalid checksum

2007-03-21 Thread Bryan Pendleton
we installed the app serveral times and i think the following lines are per installation (so per installation it happend on the same page): org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - Invalid checksum on Page Page(28,Container(0, 1248)), expected=3'455'715'557, on-disk version=3'357'396'866,

Re: Javdoc

2007-03-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
If you're building a Derby application you should just use the regular JDBC javadoc from your JDK. For example when you are working with a PreparedStatement you can refer to thanks, bryan

Re: Queries satisfiable from indexes

2007-03-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
Can Derby do this, or does it load the rows regardless? Yes, Derby can definitely do this. Here's more info: In the case of the query plan you presented,

Re: Derby and index order

2007-03-20 Thread Bryan Pendleton
I couldn't find an open JIRA entry for enhancing Derby to make using of opposite-ordered indexes when doing ORDER BY. I think that DERBY-884 and DERBY-642 are related: However, they don't

Re: Heap container closed exception (2 statements on same connection)

2007-03-16 Thread Bryan Pendleton
implicit commit. However, with holdability set to HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT, I no longer get an exception on calling next() the first time, but rather get good data for 415 calls. On the 416th call, I get an exception not that the result set is closed, but rather than an underlying storage

Re: Heap container closed exception (2 statements on same connection)

2007-03-15 Thread Bryan Pendleton
java.sql.SQLException: The heap container with container id Container(-1, 1173965368428) is closed. Hi Jeff, I don't have a lot to offer on this problem, but I did try your test program and I get the same exception, so the problem reproduces for me. What was the behavior that you expected to

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