The old "most stable" labeling was super-important in the old days since
newer releases tended to have a fair amount of instability - hence the
admonition to wait for a x.y.5 release before using the x.y release line.
But that dramatic degree of release instability is no longer the case.
Besides, w
The question was about publishing "most stable" release on Apache website as it
done before 3.x.
Regarding your comments, I still feel adventure cant happen in production
systems. And you should certainly test every release before upgrading but you
woulf not like to upgrade to latest relea
Is the question whether a new application can go into production with 3.x,
or whether an existing application in production with 2.x.y should be
upgraded to 3.x?
For the latter, a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy is best. And
if there are critical bug fixes needed, simply upgrade the 2
I understand you point. In my perspective, people in production usually prefer
stability over features and would always want at least emergency fix releases
if not fully supported versions.I am glad that today we have such releases
which are very stable and not yet EOL. Its just that u
The problem is that this question defies a simplistic answer like "version
X is the most stable" (are you willing to use unsupported releases? what
about emergency-fix-only? what features can you not live without?) so
we're intentionally resisting the urge to oversimplify the situation.
Hi All,
Let me reiterate, my question is not about selecting right Cassandra for me.
The intent is to get dev community response on below question.
Would it be a wise decision to mention the "most stable/production
ready" version (as it used to be before 3.x) on the Apache website till
My blog post regarding this:
There is a choice for everyone, and explained.
Carlos Juzarte Rolo
Cassandra Consultant / Datastax Certified Architect / Cassandra MVP
Pythian - Love your data
rolo@pythian | Twitter: @cjrolo | Li
I am sorry but here, I am not expecting thousands to decide a stable version
for my use case. I have a serious question about publishing some info on the
Apache website. As dev list has active contributors, I posted it here. If not
this forum, Whats the best way to put your suggestions regarding
This is best for the users list. Test the releases yourself and then decide
when it's ready for your use case, ops team, and organization. This is a
personal decision and not one for *thousands* of others on this mailing list to
make for you.
> On Apr 18, 2016, at 10:54 AM, Anuj
Hi All,
For last several months, the "most stable version" question pops up on the user
mailing list and then people get all sorts of responses/suggestions..
If you are conservative go for x if adventurous y..
If you have good risk appetite go for x else y..
If you want features go for x else y..
The answer will depend on how conservative you are.
The most conservative choice overall would be to go with the 2.2.x line.
3.0.x if you want to the new nice and shiny 3.0 things, but can tolerate some
risk (the branch has a lot of relatively new core code, and hasn’t yet been
tried out by as
As an operator, I’d imagine it’s mostly the same as always - stability will
vary by workload, so test with your workload until you’re confident.
If x.y.Z where Z >= 6 was basically the guideline most people used before, then
it’s probably worth considering 3.5 and 3.7 as worth testing in your sp
On 04/11/2016 12:42 PM, Anuj Wadehra wrote:
> Can someone help me with this one?
This is the type of question you should ask the user@ list. The dev@
list is specifically for the development *of* Cassandra.
> What should be a resonable criteria for taking 3.x releases in
> production?
Short answ
Can someone help me with this one?
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, 10 Apr, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Anuj Wadehra wrote:
Tick-Tock release strategy in 3.x was a good intiative to ensure frequent &
stable releases. While odd releases are supposed to get all the bug fixes and
Tick-Tock release strategy in 3.x was a good intiative to ensure frequent &
stable releases. While odd releases are supposed to get all the bug fixes and
should be most stable, many people like me, who got used to the comforting
"production ready/stable" tag on Apache website, are still rel
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