Bryan is correct in that you must be able to connect to the NameNode in
order to perform an HDFS write request. Although the write does not go
*through* the NameNode, you must first consult with it in order to obtain a
DataNode write path. Depending on which distribution of Hadoop you are
using, yo
There is a property on PutHDFS where you can specify the Hadoop
configuration files which tell the processor about your HDFS installation:
Hadoop Configuration Resources - A file or comma separated list of files
which contains the Hadoop file system configuration. Without this, Hadoop
Hi Team,
I have been exploring NiFi for couple of days now.
NiFi is running on a machine which is not a prt of Hadoop cluster. I want to
put files into HDFS from an external source. How do I configure the Hadoop
cluster host details in the NiFi?
I can get the file from remote source using GetS