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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

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2011-11-14 Thread Postmaster
Thank you for your inquiry. DVSR_Sarma Krovi is no longer with the firm. For immediate assistance, please contact Reception at +1-212-478-. Sincerely, The D. E. Shaw Group -- 8< --- CUT HERE -- CUT HERE --- >8 -- From:" (Commente

Re: svn:ignore meta-inf folders

2011-11-14 Thread Paul Lindner
we should have svn:ignore on all the 'target' directories, which is where META-INF is created... Can you tell me more about what you're seeing? Also look at etc/ On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Dan Dumont wrote: > Would anyone mind me checking in some svn:ignore attribute

Reminder: CMIS Kickoff 11/15 @ 2:00 PM EST

2011-11-14 Thread Eric Woods
All, A reminder that the CMIS kickoff meeting will be tomorrow, 11/15, at 2:00 PM EST. We'll be discussing high level goals and use cases for supporting CMIS in the OpenSocial specification. All are welcome. Refer to the CMIS wiki for call-in info and discussion topics: http://docs.opensocia

svn:ignore meta-inf folders

2011-11-14 Thread Dan Dumont
Would anyone mind me checking in some svn:ignore attributes for META-INF folders in the various maven projects?

Review Request: Adding sample gadget to demo dynamic height and width

2011-11-14 Thread Dan Dumont
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: --- Review request for shindig. Summary --- Just adding a sample gadget here. F

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Stanton Sievers
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: --- Ship it! Good stuff. Thanks Jesse! - Stanton On 2011-11-14 20:46:

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Jesse Ciancetta
> On 2011-11-14 19:26:13, Henry Saputra wrote: > >, > > line 230 > > > > > > Can we a

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Jesse Ciancetta
> On 2011-11-14 19:17:59, Dan Dumont wrote: > >, line 104 > > > > > > Could you add a comment after this line, like: "// You can specify the > > key to u

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Jesse Ciancetta
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: --- (Updated 2011-11-14 20:46:51.179593) Review request for shindig. Changes -

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Henry Saputra
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: ---

Re: Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Dan Dumont
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: --- Ship it! Looks great, thanks!

Review Request: Allow ContainerConfig stack to load property values from external resources and update BlobCrypterSecurityTokenCodec to use this new feature.

2011-11-14 Thread Jesse Ciancetta
--- This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit: --- Review request for shindig. Summary --- Update the ContainerConfig stack to