Re: [digitalradio] JT65A

2007-04-05 Thread John Becker
Thanks Dave, I did check that also. Nothing muted... John

Re: [digitalradio] JT65A

2007-04-05 Thread John Becker
Yes - up till I run the program, then I must re-boot the computer to get any output back again. At 04:47 PM 4/5/2007, you wrote: Hi John, OK, when you hook up speakers to the sound card do they get any audio? 73 de AF6AS Dave

[digitalradio] JT65A

2007-04-04 Thread John Becker
Got this part working. 213700 0 -20 3.0 -576 13 * 213800 13 -3 8.8 -102 3 * WD4KPD W6OUU DN22 1 0 213900 0 -18 5.4 57 8 # 214000 16

[digitalradio] got ya

2007-04-04 Thread John Becker
232800 0 -20 2.9 -476 8 * W0JAB W4RBO EL99 0 6 but for some reason I have no audio out from the sound card with this program.

Re: [digitalradio] ALE

2007-04-04 Thread John Becker
Walt connect me off list. John

Re: [digitalradio] ALE

2007-04-04 Thread John Becker
Walt connect me off list. John

[digitalradio] JT65A

2007-04-02 Thread John Becker
on 14,076 beaming north east

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Digital Master 780

2007-04-02 Thread John Becker
Ok I got to ask, what does this one does that the others don't? BTW still can't log into the cluster. At 06:13 PM 4/2/2007, you wrote: --- In, abalajala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Downloaded,

Re: [digitalradio] CQ JT65A

2007-04-02 Thread John Becker
frequency ?

Re: [digitalradio] CQ JT65A

2007-04-02 Thread John Becker
sure At 08:44 PM 4/2/2007, you wrote: 7076 USB, want to try John?

Re: [digitalradio] JT65A

2007-04-01 Thread John Becker
Where is the software located?

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Report of the ARRL Ad Hoc HF Digital Committee Dissenting

2007-03-26 Thread John Becker
At 11:42 PM 3/25/2007 Dave, AA6YQ wrote: Personally, I'd give them a 3 KHz segment on 20m, Easy, Dave your hatred is showing once again. But in truth this really would be like giving the PSK guys point three KC of the band. Either way it just ain't going to work and Ray Charles could see

[digitalradio] Traffic or email ?

2007-03-26 Thread John Becker
At 03:14 PM 3/26/2007, Dave, AA6YQ wrote in part: The reason we don't seen hundreds of PSKMail servers confronting WinLink is that there isn't much interest in sending email over HF. Just when does a piece of ARRL type traffic becomes email? Once upon a time between 068 and 075 the band was

[digitalradio] Politics be gone -- THIS THREAD IS OVER

2007-03-26 Thread John Becker
Let's get back the D-R John, W0JAB list moderator

RE: [digitalradio] Re: CQ CH?

2007-03-21 Thread John Becker
Now remember we now have some that can't speak CW at all. At 09:01 AM 3/21/2007, you wrote: I really dont want to start a CW vs anything war here really I DONT.. but you are dead wrong on CW it is faster to talk with CW than with voice and you can QSK that is what is was invented for.Tnx

RE: [digitalradio] Re: CQ CH?

2007-03-21 Thread John Becker
Let's change the subject or get back to the subject.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: RFSM-2400

2007-03-15 Thread John Becker
At 06:05 PM 3/15/2007, you wrote: What did Ham Radio do before the Internet E-Mail? Packet, Amtor and Pactor BBS's. so there !

Re: [digitalradio] Re: RSM2400 / MIL-STD-188-110

2007-03-15 Thread John Becker
Now I'm I missing something - I don't seen to have a problem with HF packet. But then again I don't use a sound card for it either. At 09:29 PM 3/15/2007, you wrote: It still seems a bit non-intuitive that using a 2400 baud rate with two tones can work well and yet 300 baud packet hardly works

Re: [digitalradio] What's with Boulder?

2007-03-12 Thread John Becker
For what's it's worth - I have 3 of these clocks, 2 cheap and one real good one. All 3 reset and different times. The good one will open the receiver at 2am local time and then 3 and 4 if the 2am signal is misses. Same for my Casio watch - 2, 3 and 4. Last night the watch up dated at 4:04 but

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-11 Thread John Becker
I guess for the same reason that us ham's have been passing traffic going back to the very start of it. RTTY - CW - SSB - PACKET - AMTOR and PACTOR. I don't see a thing wrong with a ham that happens to be at sea (without internet or cell service) sending a message to ever how likes. Before one

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-11 Thread John Becker
Well seems that I hosed that message up. Sorry list members. John

[digitalradio] MODERATOR ACTION -- 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-11 Thread John Becker
Last year for almost 5 week we went over this very same subject. Nothing has changed. Getting the same comments from the same list members. It's time the end this thread -again-. John, W0JAB so there !

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Narrow?

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
At 08:35 PM 3/7/2007, you wrote: I have never heard of narrowmode only portions before, Danny. Where were they? Bonnie KQ6XA Same here... I think the use of more then use of more then one frequency is from the old days of the packet BBS's so there !

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Narrow?

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
At 09:03 PM 3/7/2007, you wrote in part: The cw,rtty, data subbands are considered narrow mode, This is really good to know. It should put a stop to all the complaining that has been going on about the RTTY AMTOR and PACTOR signals on the bands. I just love it when we all can just get along

[digitalradio] PropNet stations on 30 Meters

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
There are some PSK-31 PropNet station on 10,139.5 dial frequency 1500 offset at this time. so there !

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
After looking at the winlink position report page there must be 50 or so hams at sea. Now why in the world would anyone not want them to be able to send a message back to home. We have been down this road many many time in the last 2 years on this list. We ain't going to take that bumpy ride

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
Chuck ET all It's been over a year since I have tried to copy the winlink system with my SYS TNC (been fighting lung cancer) but as I recall I never did have a problem coping any of the it. I may be wrong on this and I hope not after sending Chuck a direct note that you can copy it if you are P3


2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
If the guy at sea was a ham why would care what type of a message he was sending? At 07:42 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote: I'm with you on that. Why the ARRL supports what is essentially long range Citizen's Band or Marine Band is beyond me. de Roger W6VZV so there !

[digitalradio] 7070 and 14070 - was - 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
Ok playing Devil's Advocate here. why in the world would the PSK pick 070 any knowing that has was used for years and years for the auto pactor station It's like play tag in a 5 lane interstate. This one I'll never understand. At 07:49 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote: The above is the best example of

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 7070 and 14070 - was - 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
Nice try Dave but I'm not buying that. Again playing Devil's Advocate here. Why should a ham at sea be forced to not use *any* mode of ham radio to get a message back home? At 08:16 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote: Because we forget that WinLink PMBOs have permanent ownership of whatever frequencies

Re: [digitalradio] 7070 and 14070 - was - 3580kHz-3600kHz Freq Coordination Info

2007-03-08 Thread John Becker
Don't buy this either having played RTTY - Amtor - Pactor, and packet that was above 100 Roger please don't try that with me - I'm been doing digital (RTTY) and the above mode since 1970. At 08:32 PM 3/8/2007, you wrote: Very simple. Because the 070 frequencies have always been

Re: [digitalradio] 14100.5 kHz USB - ALE Channel Bandwidth, IARUBeacon Guardband

2007-02-25 Thread John Becker
You do have a problem then. I don't As I don't have a waterfall or sound card and can't click on a thing. Therefore - again - if I say meet me on 14,075 you will be right on with my mark space tone with 2125 2295. Now if you have what ever you run way off the standard you will have to look

Re: [digitalradio] 144.???? Rtty

2007-02-25 Thread John Becker
Rick What was the shift used? In the St. Louis area there was a 146.10 .70 repeater that used 850Hz shift. Since I have not lived in the area for some 20 years now I have no guess if it's still on the air.

Re: [digitalradio] freq given on spots

2007-02-25 Thread John Becker
Danny, I think that I would be correct in guessing that the sound card modes do have a *default* off set when installed. I only run 2 sound card modes, ALE and that is fixed dial frequency and HELL. With HELL I know that I will find other HELL operators in one part of the band and always tune them

Re: [digitalradio] 14100.5 kHz USB - ALE Channel Bandwidth, IARU Beacon Guardband

2007-02-24 Thread John Becker
At 10:19 AM 2/24/2007, you wrote in part: The truth is that no one used the AFSK dial frequency Sure they did. Is was so easy to just say the dial frequency rather saying put you mark on . I don't recall anyone running AFSK that would call out mark or space frequency. It was always

Re: [digitalradio] Re: 14100.5 kHz USB - ALE Channel Bandwidth, IARU Beacon Guardband

2007-02-23 Thread John Becker
would it not be easy to listen to the beacon frequency and then start the complaining if there is QRM from a ALE station. Look at what Bonnie said and I think you will agree that the math looks very good. John, W0JAB

Re: [digitalradio] IC-910 and TNC connections to ACC jack

2007-02-19 Thread John Becker
Michael I can't help you with the ICON but on the Yaesu it will use the band that is in the main display HF to UHF band. if split is selected the sub band will be the TX band and the main band your RX band. With the FT 847 for ISS I would use split mode 145.99 in the sub and 145.800 in the main.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: MODERATOR ACTION - Why still the W1AW CW non-listening stuff on 3.580?

2007-02-19 Thread John Becker
Guys let put this subject to rest. I think all and I do mean all have made their points.

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Why still the W1AW CW non-listening stuff on 3.580?

2007-02-18 Thread John Becker
At 09:54 PM 2/17/2007, you wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Morse Code is no longer a requirement for a license - true statement. The FCC justified their decision in part based on their determination that it was no longer valuable enough to require. It's more like it was based on Political

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Why still the W1AW CW non-listening stuff on 3.580?

2007-02-18 Thread John Becker
I wish I had all your free time to look this up all the time At 07:06 PM 2/17/2007, you wrote: It is legal under FCC rules for W1AW to transmit code practice under 97.111 Authorized transmissions. (b) In addition to one-way transmissions specifically authorized elsewhere in this Part, an

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Why still the W1AW CW non-listening stuff on 3.580?

2007-02-17 Thread John Becker
Did this very same subject not come up last fall? If I recall that horse was beat well past a bloody death. I think you will get the very same answers as then.

Re: [digitalradio] 160M digital meeting place

2007-02-14 Thread John Becker
At 08:28 AM 2/14/2007, you wrote: guessing the freq is around 1807, but when ? david/wd4kpd Keep in mind that the PropNet folks are using 1807.5...

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Domnio, PAX etc

2007-02-14 Thread John Becker
Is it the band or the mode ? ? ? It seems to me in my 35 years as a ham that 80 and 160 are at it's best this time of year. John, W0JAB At 09:51 PM 2/13/2007, you wrote: Hi Bill, Yes, busy night tonight on 160:) The question I wanted to ask the group was whether they have found on the lower

Re: [digitalradio] 160M digital meeting place

2007-02-14 Thread John Becker
Rick I don't care either. I don't use PSK myself. the only reason I bring it up it that the PropNet station broadcast a beacon so many times an hour. I just don't want to see a load of whining and crying when someone gets QRM by one oh the propnet station like they did over the pactor station.

Re: [digitalradio] 160M digital meeting place

2007-02-14 Thread John Becker
Key word being *unattended* .. I can not speak for the stations on 160 but I do see the reports on the web site. First understanding how this animal works will really help you. I wont go into it here. At 06:27 PM 2/14/2007, you wrote: John, Is it your understanding that they are running

Re: [digitalradio] Packet

2007-02-05 Thread John Becker
Lots out there. I have been using YAPP since about 1985. John - W0JAB At 04:14 PM 2/5/2007, you wrote: I need software to run a Kantronics PC3+ on Windows XP. What is available Dan N0ZIZ

Re: [digitalradio] Packet

2007-02-05 Thread John Becker
Yes it will. Works with all my TNC. It's a dos program but very easy to use. What are you using now for packet? John, W0JAB At 05:04 PM 2/5/2007, you wrote: Will YAPP work with the MJF-1270C as well on XP How hard it is to set up?? I'm ok operating Packet, but know NOTHING about having

Re: [digitalradio] Packet

2007-02-05 Thread John Becker
Yes, I may have been born at night but it was not last night. Click on start run type in CMD hit enter - you get a DOS window. At 05:20 PM 2/5/2007, you wrote: But Windows XP doesn't have a DOS platform, how can it work? Are you sure you're working in WIndows XP?

Re: [digitalradio] digital voice modem

2007-02-01 Thread John Becker
I have been using the ARD9800 for about 4 years in the mobile. Really can't say about the MK2. You can see a photo of the FT-840 and DV modem mounted in my ford F-150 pick up at John, W0JAB At 12:26

Re: [digitalradio] Packet using Windows XP

2007-01-31 Thread John Becker
I run YAPP a DOS program going back to 1985 and have no problem what so ever running it on this XP machine. At 03:13 PM 1/31/2007, you wrote: Thanks for the reply and software, but I should have been more specific. I have an MFJ-1270C TNC and would like to be able to use it with my XP machine!

[digitalradio] what is it ?

2007-01-24 Thread John Becker
What is that on or about 3,584?

Re: [digitalradio] Re: what is it ?

2007-01-24 Thread John Becker
I know hell and this aint it. but is back on again At 07:55 PM 1/24/2007, you wrote: --- In, John Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What is that on or about 3,584? Feld Hell Announce your digital presence via our DX Cluster telnet://

Re: [digitalradio] Re: HF Digital Modes and NVIS (iow, short range??? as in 300 mi or

2007-01-23 Thread John Becker
At 02:03 PM 1/21/2007, you wrote in part: There was no good reason to distort the tests by inserting the specialized hardware, I believe that Pactor I will run on a sound card, only Pactor II and III are dependent on rare proprietary hardware with rare proprietary software run under a proprietary

Re: [digitalradio] Re: HF Digital Modes and NVIS (iow, short range??? as in 300 mi or

2007-01-23 Thread John Becker
Gee I have been doing it all wrong then. My PACKET - AMTOR PACTOR station runs on a Dell 200mhz system running DOS 6.2 with YAPP (yet another packet program) that cane out in 1985 or 86. The SCS PTC-LLex pactor III TNC has not clue what OS I am running. John Becker wrote: At 02:03 PM 1/21/2007

RE: [digitalradio] Re: PK-232MBX

2007-01-22 Thread John Becker
Bob you may like to try the PK-232 yahoo list for help also.

[digitalradio] YWØ, AVES ISLAND

2007-01-22 Thread John Becker
This is information from another list. May be useful for members here. --- Dear friends YWØDX Aves Island is an DXpedition sponsored by the 4M5DX group, which Im member, and in this occasion we want to privilege the digimodes (RTTY and PSK

Re: [digitalradio] What is this mode ? (soundbite)

2007-01-22 Thread John Becker
need a slash after the dot com Andy

Re: [digitalradio] What is this mode ? (soundbite)

2007-01-22 Thread John Becker
slow scan TV At 07:29 PM 1/22/2007, you wrote: What is this mode ? It was on 7034 this evening around 0100 UTC. It sounds familar but can't remember what it is .

Re: [digitalradio] Re: W9AV W3LL W7ZR

2007-01-12 Thread John Becker
how about restricting non-contesters into a sub-band being that there would be fewer of them and more contesters. It has always been a free for all every contest weekend for the 37 years that I have been a ham. At 12:02 PM 1/9/2007, you wrote: Seems to me the obvious solution is to put

[digitalradio] MY STATUS

2007-01-03 Thread John Becker
Sorry for doing this on the list but having some asking I think this will be the easy way to get to all on one shot. After seeing the doctor right after Thanksgiving for total and complete muscle weakness. I was given 3 shots and told to go home and rest. On Saturday Dec 1st I went back after not

Re: [digitalradio] Re: USA FCC: Technology Death Row for HF Data

2006-11-16 Thread John Becker
The anti-wide group got their wish. The RTTY DX window on 40 among others is a thing of the past. Life with it.

Re: [digitalradio] AOR Digital voice modem 9000 9800

2006-11-02 Thread John Becker
Yes John W0JAB At 03:18 PM 11/2/2006, you wrote: Is there an AOR users' group only. I am blind and don't feel that WIN DRM would be appropriate for me especially since WIN DRM appears to be mostly sending and receiving of images. I own an

[digitalradio] Mobile over the weekend

2006-11-02 Thread John Becker
I will be mobile over the weekend on 14,236 with digital voice. Time will be a WAG but anytime I'm near the pick up or on the road. Feel free to give a call. John, W0jab Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector :

[digitalradio] DV mobile

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
I will be mobile at about 17:15Z on digital voice on 14,236 Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band plan

[digitalradio] PACTOR anyone ?

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
OK guys - I at last got the hi-swr problem fixed. I'm on 40 at this time 7.080, LSB of course. Game for any connect. John, W0JAB EM49LK Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector :

Re: [digitalradio] PACTOR anyone ?

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
Not really Danny. I have posted that I'm there - all anyone to do is get on that freq and connect That's OK mixw wont cut it anyway. At 05:44 PM 11/1/2006, you wrote: someone has to initiate, assumed you were calling. Anyway, I dont have Pactor right now- its in my MIXW which isnt

Re: [digitalradio] PACTOR anyone ?

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
At 06:51 PM 11/1/2006, you wrote: ?? Mixw has PACTOR . ARQ mode??? Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band

Re: [digitalradio] PACTOR anyone ?

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
At 07:31 PM 11/1/2006, you wrote: I dont know John. I havent used it in Mixw, and when just looked it just says PACTOR. What freq are you on again? 7080 Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector :

Re: [digitalradio] PACTOR anyone ?

2006-11-01 Thread John Becker
Thanks Joe. I did not think it had ARQ and that's the meat of Pactor and Amtor. At 07:51 PM 11/1/2006, you wrote: MixW only copies and no ARQ mode. Joe W4JSI Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector :

Re: [digitalradio] PAX2 and 20M as of 1700Z

2006-10-27 Thread John Becker
Is there not a default offset? Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band plan policy discussion) Yahoo! Groups Links

[digitalradio] PLEASE GUYS

2006-10-25 Thread John Becker
We need to start trimming our replays. There is not need to re-post a message for the 3rd, 4th or more times. Remember - those that live in the rural area may not have too big of a in box. Thanks. John Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of

Re: [digitalradio] 3kHz vs 500Hz - POOR BAND USE

2006-10-23 Thread John Becker
It was PSK - don't know who as I don't use that mode. And I must agree with what you said about the FCC, Of course I said that same thing when they did away with the 13 and 20 WPM code test. Yep know about Europeans - work a lot of RTTY DX around 7035 to 40 over the years. At 10:08 PM

Re: [digitalradio] 3kHz or 500Hz Re: Updates on effect of FCC RO

2006-10-22 Thread John Becker
I don't think keyboard to keyboard has anything to do with it. At 05:03 PM 10/22/2006, Mark, N5RFX wrote: You guys are going to have to do the math for me. I do understand that faster throughputs mean that I will be occupying a certain amount of spectrum for a shorter period of time, but the

Re: [digitalradio] 3kHz or 500Hz Re: Updates on effect of FCC RO

2006-10-22 Thread John Becker
No Danny - maybe I did not make myself clear on this . Mark said I do understand trading bandwidth for accuracy and that can be added to the equation too, but that really only applies to forwarding messages, not keyboard to keyboard QSOs. This is not true. It *applies* to all... All my

Re: [digitalradio] 3kHz or 500Hz Re: Updates on effect of FCC RO

2006-10-22 Thread John Becker
Hate to be the one to tell you this - but there is a lot of the you guys running RTTY, Packet, Amtor and Pactor that do nothing but KB to KB QSO's on the bands... And enjoy it very much. What would you do about them using umpteen KC of the band? At 07:35 PM 10/22/2006, you wrote: You guys was

Re: [digitalradio] 3kHz vs 500Hz - POOR BAND USE

2006-10-22 Thread John Becker
Danny you make some very good points. Just the other evening I was tuning to 40 meter band around 7,071 and could hear 5 QSO's within 3 KC. That is not good band use. Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Wider Bandwidths and Frequency Choices Needed in Future

2006-10-16 Thread John Becker
At 10:05 PM 10/15/2006, you wrote: I know some have asked for chunks that way, but at the same time for chunks with larger signal bandwidth. What I am concerned about is some 3 kc signal getting on top of us when we are using cw or psk or some other narrower signal, and wiping us out. Already

Re: [digitalradio] Re: Wider Bandwidths and Frequency Choices Needed in Future

2006-10-16 Thread John Becker
What can I say to please you? But just like RTTY - PSK has no God given right to that part of the band either. But like I said below (in red this time). Seems you missed it before. At 01:57 PM 10/16/2006, you wrote: Last weekend, or was it the one before, during a RTTY contest, I heard them

Re: [digitalradio] FCC: lost exclusivity of quite a bandwidth

2006-10-12 Thread John Becker
Danny Your right. Same thing could be said for just about any mode on a contest. I hope you was using RTTY as a case in point and not picking on RTTY. At 08:10 AM 10/12/2006, you wrote: Dave, as you see from the below calls, I have been there/done that, and know first hand that most people do

Re: [digitalradio] Re: WinDRM Hiss??? PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!!

2006-10-11 Thread John Becker
I can't help you either. A bit hard to mount a computer vs AOR DV modem in a mobile set up like I have done. John, W0JAB At 08:41 AM 10/11/2006, you wrote: Paul, Have you found a significant difference between the quality and robustness of the AOR product vs. WinDRM? __._,_.___ Need a

[digitalradio] DV

2006-10-11 Thread John Becker
Sitting on 7240 for a while. Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band plan policy discussion) Yahoo!

Re: [digitalradio] Re: DV

2006-10-11 Thread John Becker
AOR Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band plan policy discussion) Yahoo! Groups Links * To visit your group

Re: [digitalradio] QRV DV 00:25z

2006-10-10 Thread John Becker
I was on the road most of the weekend and had a number of very good QSO's on 14,236 while mobile. Like to see more. It seems that after 4 or 5 years that DV is starting to pick up now. John, W0JAB Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of

[digitalradio] DV on 40M

2006-10-08 Thread John Becker
Most if not all that I have talk to have been on 7296 LSB so that all even the general call hams can take part. Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol:

RE: [digitalradio] DV on 40M

2006-10-08 Thread John Becker
I have been on it for just over 3 years now. check 7240LSB there is a few on there now At 08:53 PM 10/8/2006, you wrote: I'll be checking that often! Guess the mode is still too new to have definitive sub-bands hi hi! -Original Message--- Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to

Re: [digitalradio] WinDRM voice tonight anyone?

2006-09-27 Thread John Becker
Try 7296 USB. At 06:05 PM 9/27/2006, you wrote: I am interested in trying my first digital voice QSO, using WINDRM, anyone want to also try it tonight ? Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector :

Re: [digitalradio] What Frequency is My RTTY Signal On? Am I on the beacon frequency? 14100

2006-09-27 Thread John Becker
I must agree with Bill on this. But one must remember that on a contest weekend it's pretty much all agreements are off. Ever try to get a PSK or RTTY signal on the air in a CW weekend... With my RTTY equipment ( Hal ST-6 28 machine ) I can place my mark between another stations tones and not

Re: [RTTY] Fwd: [digitalradio] RTTY Hall of Shame

2006-09-25 Thread John Becker
I think that today you would get a much better picture of band openings by checking ... There not only can you check propagation but also from band to band with maps. And who is coping who. Such a much better view of what is going on. John, W0JAB At 08:18 PM 9/25/2006,

Re: [digitalradio] tell me again

2006-09-24 Thread John Becker
Comments in line. At 09:23 PM 9/22/2006, you wrote in part Today, we don't have these limitations. We do need a standard, and the standard is still to transmit the mark as the high frequency, and the space as the low frequency. The shift for FSK is now 170 Hz. Terminal units that used

Re: [digitalradio] tell me again

2006-09-24 Thread John Becker
The ST-6 is looking for a mark tone of 2125 and a space of 2295. If for some reason the other guy is on USB but still with 2125 2295 tones I can flip the reverses switch and copy him just fine. If he is using a TNC that has the 200Hz shift I can't copy. At 09:21 PM 9/24/2006, you wrote: Your

Re: [digitalradio] tell me again

2006-09-24 Thread John Becker
I could but why replace something that works? And has for 25 years Like daddy always said - if it ain't broke don't fix it. At 09:39 PM 9/24/2006, you wrote: REPLY FOLLOWS You might want to consider retiring the ST-6 and using MMTTY. It switches easily between 170

Re: [digitalradio] tell me again

2006-09-24 Thread John Becker
At 10:39 PM 9/24/2006, you wrote: --- REPLY FOLLOWS Perhaps I misunderstood. I thought you said you couldn't receive 200 Hz shift. Sorry. Bill, W6WRT Using a ST-6 I can't - but using a AEA-232 that I have I can Need a Digital mode QSO?

RE: [digitalradio] PSKmail

2006-09-18 Thread John Becker
Where on the band can you find this? Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of interest: The MixW Reflector : DigiPol: (band plan policy discussion) Yahoo! Groups

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-17 Thread John Becker
At 11:28 PM 9/14/2006, you wrote: AA6YQ comments below Wrong. SCAMP, a protocol that employs ARQ to attain reliable delivery, was implemented on a Windows PC with a soundcard rather than an outboard TNC. SCAMP was specifically design to tolerate the long delays caused by the lack of

RE: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-17 Thread John Becker
Wrong I think. With the right operating system, running on the right/correctly configured computer (hardware) and with the right software, you can do what Pactor II/III or almost any other mode used can do. Really ? If this was true we would be running it today. And I just don't see it on

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-17 Thread John Becker
At 09:33 AM 9/15/2006, you wrote: John, What modes are you talking about. As I mentioned, Amtor and Pactor are dead as far as sound cards go. Amtor and Pactor - I think that was very clear in my post Rick. Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet://

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-17 Thread John Becker
From: =?iso-8859-2?Q?Vojt=ECch=20Bubn=EDk?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] Can you put a name in there for the list members? John, W0JAB list moderator [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to Telnet:// Other areas of

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-17 Thread John Becker
At 06:58 PM 9/17/2006, you wrote: +++AA6YQ comments below +++Then having a technical discussion with you is a waste of time, John. You were right, the thread is dead. Not really Dave, if you recall I have been running ARQ Amtor since the early days when you had to have the printed circuit board

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-14 Thread John Becker
I think this thread is about dead. WHAT WE KNOW AT THIS MOMENT: A computer will not work for a fast ARQ mode because every time it does anything else that timing link is lost. FIX: If you would like to play the AQR modes better get yourself some hardware (TNC) . Need a Digital mode

Re: [digitalradio] Re: ARQ sound card modes

2006-09-14 Thread John Becker
I have a P 2 3 TNC. Dave are you telling me that software is doing that same thing and just as good? If so I have not seen a thing being said about with any of the QSO's that I have had in the past. At 09:08 PM 9/14/2006, you wrote: That's not true, John. SCS multimode controllers do a fine

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