Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-01 Thread ralphy
'Test build available on googlecode.' ( Try the OSS binary first. The SADA binary includes hardware mixer support but is limited to very few devices. Built on 151a5.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-14 Thread ralphy
Wiredcharlie wrote: Ralphy, Thanks for your hard work! Regarding the Raspbian port for the Raspberry Pi - I can't get it to work. If I use the -I switch, it correctly reports my server. If I use the -L switch it sees audio devices. But if I actually try to connect with an ip or -F

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-16 Thread ralphy
Wiredcharlie wrote: Hi Ralphy - thanks for getting back. With command line: pi@raspberrypi /usr/bin $ squeezeslave -dslimproto -dslimaudio_http -Y/home/pi/closes.log closes.log

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-18 Thread ralphy
Wiredcharlie wrote: I figured out the problem. I have another squeezeslave on my network, so I had to give it a mac address: squeezeslave -m 11:11:11:11:11:11 I'm getting occasional clicks though... Thanks for your help Ralphy Try adding -y84 before the IP address

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-25 Thread ralphy
psketch wrote: Hi Ralphy Slightly odd one - I've installed the raspberry build on the current raspbian OS (which seems to include ALSA), and after a little messing around, everything seems to install and run fine. I can see the client from the web control or from iPeng, turn

Re: [slim] How many of you have spare squeezeboxes?

2012-08-30 Thread ralphy
In Use 2 SB3 silver wired only - Slim Devices 1 SB3 white - Slim Devices 1 Boom In Box 1 SB3 black - Logitech 1 Boom 1 Touch ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

[slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2012-08-30 Thread ralphy
With all the doom and gloom in the forums the last couple days, I thought I'd release a couple of new SqueezePlay ports that I've been using for a while now with great success. They are based on the 7.8 branch Jul 17, 2012 git check in which I've exported back to subversion as I really dislike

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-08-31 Thread ralphy
benno wrote: HI, I'm having some problems with a squeezeslave installation, especially with slightly loosing sync and loosing output completely. I would like to provide more details and also debug information. Where would you like to open this tickets and what details do you need? (eg.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-01 Thread ralphy
DareVanReed wrote: i'm not sure what changed internally in the code between the two versions, but everything seems to be ok now for me, so i'm happy. thanks again for the brilliant little daemon, ralphy. I've replaced the portaudio calls to Pa_AbortStream with Pa_StopStream for the STOP

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-01 Thread ralphy
benno wrote: When the squeezeplaying hangs, I could still play stuff directly with aplay and the same ALSA-destination used in squeezeslave. This is related to the used hardware, the USB-amps just accept this rate... Is there a way to debug this? aplay doesn't manipulate the ALSA

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-03 Thread ralphy
benno wrote: Any other test which I could do, when it hangs? Never heard of portaudio before your post, so I don't know how to do it. Portaudio is a cross platform API for playing and recording audio. benno wrote: Searched the settings of squeezeslave but didn't found any option which

Re: [slim] HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized when listening to Sirius

2012-09-03 Thread ralphy
I've been having similiar issues using the (not so) sirius plugin in Canada since the 29th. I've had to enabled repeat the current song on the player so that it reconnects after the error. I tried to login to my account on the web an got a tomcat error screen, so Sirius appears to screwing

[slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-06 Thread ralphy
environment.plist in your home directory in the .MacOSX folder. You may need to create the .MacOSX folder. So the full path to my file is /Users/ralphy/.MacOSX/environment.plist Code: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? !DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN

Re: [slim] Squeezeplay Mountain Lion Install

2012-09-06 Thread ralphy
I've created an OSX build of squeezeplay with the ability to set the output device and max sample rate. See 'this post' ( for details.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-07 Thread ralphy
-check tomorrow that I have the set-up and definitions right. Anyone else been trying? 1. Quit squeezeplay if it's running. 2. Delete the userpath folder and everything below it in your home directory. Mine is at /Users/ralphy/Library/Preferences/SqueezePlay/userpath 3. Run squeezeslave -L 4

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-07 Thread ralphy
Thanks for tracking this down. I should have known to check if the environment.plist file was still supported in Mountain Lion. Part of the reason I haven't upgraded is Apple keeps dumbing down OSX with every release. Could you post your startup script so everyone can benefit?

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-07 Thread ralphy
nonnoroger wrote: export USEPAMAXSAMPLERATE=9600 As soon as I get time I will try creating the suggested dictionary for environment variables in the Info.plist for the app. I think this should be export USEPAMAXSAMPLERATE=9600*0* Once you've tested the Info.plist PM me the details and I

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-07 Thread ralphy
mbonsack wrote: Does this *require* 7.8.0 LMS, or will 7.7.2 suffice? Thanks! -mark I've tested 24/96 with this version as far back as 7.6.2 any sample rate higher than 96000 requires a 7.8.0 nightly ralphy's

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-08 Thread ralphy
brising wrote: anyone using squeezeslave on an NLSU2 (SlugOS) ? I managed to compile squeezeslave and run it but I only hear white noise. My usb sound card and OSS seem o work ok, I can play music using madplay without any problem. White noise is usually due to using the wrong byte

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-08 Thread ralphy
Thank you for putting the script together. I've updated the announcement post as well. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-09-10 Thread ralphy
mherger wrote: It is based on the 7.8 branch Jul 17, 2012 git check in which I've exported back to subversion as I really dislike git. What a pity (but trust me: git and I aren't friends yet either :-)). How much of a patch would this be to be merged back? -- Michael The entire

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2012-09-15 Thread ralphy
Those messages are in every recent version of squeezeplay I've used. Not connecting to the server is almost always related to squeezeplay not finding an audio device. That's why I included the logconf.lua file. If you enable INFO on audio.decode you'll be able to tell what device if any

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2012-09-15 Thread ralphy
evoz4 wrote: Ok, that explains it, I was trying to use it on a Sunray connected from an Intel SRS. Sunray audio is still SADA even on Solaris 11. Thanks I should be able to build an intel sada version as I have a version of squeezeslave. If you could confirm that the 'squeezeslave intel

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2012-09-19 Thread ralphy
evoz4 wrote: Looks like there is a problem with squeezeslave, although it finds the right device, it will only play the first 6-8 seconds of some tracks, after that it's just hiss. So don't spend any time on it, I'm looking at pulseaudio at the moment for something else, might be able to use

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-19 Thread ralphy
There is an updated 'squeezeslave build for OpenIndiana OSS and SADA' ( on googlecode. Only the OSS version has been tested. ralphy's Profile:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-20 Thread ralphy
nekomatic wrote: I've downloaded Squeezeslave for Mac from , which says it's a universal binary, but when I try to run it on my G3 (Pismo) Powerbook it says 'incompatible CPU subtype'. Is it

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread ralphy
ralphy wrote: What version of OSX are you running? There's no 64-bit powerpc support in the universal binary. It's been on my TODO list for a while, you're the first to actually ask for it. I'll see if I can build a ppc64 stand alone for you to try first. Check back in a few days

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread ralphy
sbp wrote: Hi Ralphy Thank you very much for the Squeezeslave, it is working very well for me, and it even can be synchronised with My Duet and Radio. All my local music files are playing fine and most of the radio stations. But it seems like all my Danish Radio stations can't play via

[slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-26 Thread ralphy
I've built a windows version of SqueezePlay with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS audio device support using portaudio library r1871. It's based on the 7.8 branch Jul 17, 2012 git check in which I've exported back to subversion as I really dislike git. The 'SqueezePlay Windows build'

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-27 Thread ralphy
sbp wrote: I have noticed that you recently have build many different versions of SqueezePlay, so I was wondering if you are planning to make an ARM build as well? No, I have no plans at the moment. Mainly because I don't do cross compiling, it's always been problematic for me and I

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2012-09-27 Thread ralphy
ralphy wrote: I'm currently testing a Windows squeezeplay build in which I've added ASIO and WASAPI support in addition to Direct Sound. It also has the ability to set the maximum sample rate and choose the sound card. I'll start a new thread for that when it's ready. Windows version now

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-09-27 Thread ralphy
It is SQUEEZEPLAY. The squeezeslave screen shot is used to list the devices available to configure SqueezePlay. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] Blog.Logitech: An Open Letter to Squeezebox Fans

2012-10-01 Thread ralphy
cliveb wrote: Ralphy would be a key player in making this work. If you search the forums you'll discover that I won't be making any such changes to squeezeslave. I'd suggest you look at the SqueezePlay port for RPI instead

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-10-04 Thread ralphy
steve-g wrote: Many thanks for this - I've been looking for a Squeezeplay that will handle my hi-res files. By the way it happily plays 192 flacs from LMS 7.7 Yes, flacs work in 7.7, pcm was fixed in 7.8. and you're welcome ;)

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-10-21 Thread ralphy
nunovi wrote: Hi, I'm trying to get this version of Squeezeplay to work via WASAPI with the HRT Streamer II on Windows 7 64 bit. Squeezeslave -L yields the following: * 2: (Windows DirectSound) Primary Sound Driver (119/239) 3: (Windows DirectSound) Speakers (2- Music Streamer II)

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-10-22 Thread ralphy
gorman wrote: Bump on this question. No. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-10-31 Thread ralphy
There's a 'new armhf squeezeslave on googlecode' ( which was built on squeezeplug 5.0 and the latest updates to raspian as of yesterday.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-06 Thread ralphy
jnss wrote: Hi, I am in a process of building a Squeezeslave ASIO by following the wiki. I have managed to solve some problems, however I can't get through this one. Here are the last few lines I get in Cygwin Terminal: lib/libslimproto.a(slimproto.o):slimproto.c:(.text+0x7c5):

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-07 Thread ralphy
jnss wrote: That would be great! Thanks for your help. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-11-09 Thread ralphy
New version ' r158 available on googlecode' ( which automatically uses the default sound device from system preferences, if both the USEPADEVICE andUSEPAHOSTAPI environment variables are NOT set. See post#1 for details.

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-11-09 Thread ralphy
New version 'r158 available on googlecode' ( which automatically uses the default sound device from control panel, if both the USEPADEVICE and USEPAHOSTAPI environment variables are NOT set. See post#1 for details.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2012-11-11 Thread ralphy
chill wrote: Ralphy Any chance you could make Squeezeplay poll for the current default output device and follow it, rather than just latching on to it at startup? That way I could just leave it running. No, since that would require changing the design of squeezeplay. Don't forget it's

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-19 Thread ralphy
It was moved to contrib/makefile.linux26-ppc-alsa-display. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-25 Thread ralphy
jnss wrote: Hi Ralphy, I've managed to build the ppc version and it works fine. Thanks. Is there any way to run squeezeslave thrugh jack server? I would like to add Brutefir convolver to the signal path. I've never used jack with squeezeslave, all the makefiles specifically disable jack

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-11-26 Thread ralphy
SBCC wrote: Hi I'm looking to find a way to change the name of the sound device that is being shown in squeezeslave -L. I've tried in udev ATTR{id}=blah, NAME=blah with no luck. I'm looking at having the ability to use multiple sound cards of the same type in LinuxMCE. I looked at the

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-12-23 Thread ralphy
Saturn94 wrote: Hi Ralphy. I posted this in another thread: You directed me to this thread. I downloaded the version of Squeezeplay from the link in your first post, but the behavior I described has not changed; I cannot get it to play through USB. I thought maybe I also needed

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-12-24 Thread ralphy
Kvaks wrote: In addition to the unspecified default, I have tried to connect to the outputs 0, 3, 12 and 13, and they all display the same behavior: Squeezeslave pauses for about 20 seconds (I presume it's trying to connect to an audio device) and then exits. (squeezeslave -I correctly

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-12-24 Thread ralphy
Saturn94 wrote: I did read post #1 several times, but I just don't have the computer knowledge to understand most of it. :( I guess I'll just leave this for the more advanced user and stick with streaming via wifi for now. I appreciate your attempt to help. :) Try setting the usb

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay - what's the latest version?

2012-12-30 Thread ralphy
castalla wrote: I just wanted a windows 32 bit version. Sounds too complicated for me to achieve. See 'this post' ( for a current win32 build with a few extra

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-01-03 Thread ralphy
PMusic wrote: Works as well perfectly for me on Mac mini and MLhowever after installing the 158.dmg package, the sampling rate of my MuFi VLink 192 XMos converter displays always a 192KHz sample rate, independently of the source FLAC being streamed (I've tried with 44.1, 88,2 and 96), is

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-01-06 Thread ralphy
PMusic wrote: In fact I didn't use the 142 package as I just recently migrated from Squeezeboxes to Mac Mini with an external DAC to be able to play hi-res files from Qobuz or HDTracksso I do not know about the previous behavior of this package. The only thing is that I don't know

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-01-06 Thread ralphy
PMusic wrote: Just, downloaded and installed the r192...first of all thank you, yes it does change according to incoming file sampling rate, however it is fine up to 48KHz but doesn't go above. I've tested with two different true 24/96 FLAC files but my DAC is then showing 24/48 only, any

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-01-07 Thread ralphy
SBGK wrote: Ralphy, any ideas why 96/192 Wavs are not playing ? Can you describe what part(s) of post #1 are not clear? To play sample rates higher than 48000 you MUST set the USEPAMAXSAMPLERATE environment variable as laid out in the first post. Otherwise anything above 48000 is down sampled

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-01-07 Thread ralphy
PMusic wrote: Fine, I made the script which runs fine on ML, however how can I make the script to be launched automatically when starting the Mac? (The Mac is headless, so I need to launch a VNC to connect on it) Does that mean you can play your hires files now? I have no idea about the

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-01-08 Thread ralphy
SBGK wrote: Charming What part of my post made you think that I had not set the environment variables correctly ? Can you describe your thought processes in replying in such a brusque manner ? Really? It was a serious question. I would update the post if parts of it are unclear. I was

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-01-08 Thread ralphy
SBGK wrote: I have changed the file type settings for WAV to disabled except for PCM which is native, would these changes have caused it to no longer work? What HOSTAPI are you using? ralphy's Profile:

Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2013-01-12 Thread ralphy
MarcelG wrote: So, I got the Pogoplug. However, I didn't get the P02, I got the Pro...the P01. And because of that (and mostly because I no nothing about linux) I could not follow through with the instruction you posted on, as I ran into issues with installing the

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-01-22 Thread ralphy
the use. My question to RALPHY: How are you reading out the MAC adress? It's the same as the official build, which says this in the code; //take the first found mac address. //todo: can we be smarter about which is the correct address Musiclover wrote: Is this done once during the installation

Re: [slim] Community SB: expansion infrastructure

2013-02-25 Thread ralphy
'LIRCd' ( is probably what should be used on the Community SB to handle sending/receiving IR. It's been around a long time and is well tested. The current board has a db9 serial for which there are many IR S/Rs available, it doesn't have to be used for the serial tty login.

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2013-03-08 Thread ralphy
bitbanger wrote: Here's the url to the patch file I just mentioned in my previous post regarding the patch to squeezeslave to allow lcdproc to be on a different host than localhost. For those wanting to just see the

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2013-03-14 Thread ralphy
sle118 wrote: Ralphy, thanks for keeping this tool alive! I am using a sub $50 SOC based computer (RK3066 armhf) running Picuntu to expand my set of logitech hardware zones and to have a server that I can bring around with me on the road and at parties. There is a server running

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-04-03 Thread ralphy
Did you set USEPAMAXSAMPLERATE as well? The default is 48000. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-04-03 Thread ralphy
That is an old version. Try using the squeezeslave.exe from the latest squeezeslave link in post #1. ralphy's Profile: View this thread:

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2013-04-04 Thread ralphy
Peng wrote: Hi Ralphy, Do you have anyone interested in playing high resolution (88.2, 96, 172.4, 192 kHz) FLAC files with Squeezeslave? (I for one would like that.) [If you'd like some help with that -- and are willing to integrate code changes into your sources, I could try to help out

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-05-23 Thread ralphy
bengaldave wrote: Hello, I am unable to install applets on squeezeplay on the mac. I just downloaded and installed version 7.8.0 r158 The menu choice for settings-advanced-Applet Installer When I click, I can see the button depressing, but nothing happens. I am still new to

Re: [slim] Installed OS X 10.8.4. - Squeezeplay no longer outputting sound

2013-06-07 Thread ralphy
Shutdown squeezeplay and then delete the SqueezePlay preferences folder in your home directory. Mine is located at /Users/ralphy/Library/Preferences/SqueezePlay ralphy's Profile:

Re: [slim] DirectIO.dll...???

2013-06-11 Thread ralphy
directio.dll is required by your audio driver not squeezelite or squeezeplay directly. You can download an installer for it from Download the MASM 32 Implementation-Setup Pack file which has a .pdf extension but is really an installer. You just need to

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-06-17 Thread ralphy
flimflam wrote: Thank you so much, you have pre-empted my request - this opens up more options to avoid the noises than just downsampling server side to 44.1k. I have downloaded and am using it fine. I wasn't sure how to define the variables though - I thought I should keep

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-06-17 Thread ralphy
I experience the same issue using an optical cable from the built-in output on my mini to the receiver. Start by turning off sound effects in squeezeplay Settings-Audio Settings-Sound Effects-None This fixes the constant switching back to 44100, at least for me, when playing non 44100

Re: [slim] Dead SB Classic

2013-06-19 Thread ralphy
Might be worth taking a chance on 'one of these' ( Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *2*-Squeezeslaves, *3*-Squeezeplays, *3*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Playback comes to iPeng

2013-06-30 Thread ralphy
for LMS 7.8' ( in my setup. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *2*-Squeezeslaves, *3*-Squeezeplays, *3*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' (

Re: [slim] Squeezeplay - keyboard layout - key for Turn on/off ?

2013-07-08 Thread ralphy
Capital Q from Now Playing. Doesn't work from the menus. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *2*-Squeezeslaves, *3*-Squeezeplays, *3*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] What to buy next?

2013-07-28 Thread ralphy
'here' ( export SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER=1 I autostart squeezeplay at login and my screensaver kicks in as usual. I'm still running 10.6 so it may be that this no longer works with a more recent OSX. Ralphy

Re: [slim] What to buy next?

2013-07-28 Thread ralphy
Ant wrote: hi Ralphy thx for that advice. I am still new to OS X and have no experience of terminal, but I will look to trying that out. However I have just installed squeezelite and while it seems to work there also seem to be terrible sync/buffer issues at least while playing

Re: [slim] What to buy next?

2013-08-03 Thread ralphy
Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *2*-Squeezeslaves, *3*-Squeezeplays, *3*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] Is there a plugin to adjust stereo balance or play just one channel as mono?

2013-09-17 Thread ralphy
Have you tried going to Settings-Player-Audio-Output Channel Mode at the bottom you can choose to have only left, only right or both? Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Squeezeslave, *3*-Squeezeplays, *4*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' (

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2013-10-14 Thread ralphy
-headless-squeezeplay-emulator-for-linux-(alsa-only)). Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Squeezeslave, *3*-Squeezeplays, *4*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] How large is your local music library ?

2013-10-26 Thread ralphy
services) Total Tracks: 25,856 Total Albums: 2,246 Total Artists: 850 Total Genres: 105 Total Playing Time: 1995:12:33 Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2013-11-14 Thread ralphy
/master) for details. Installation details have be updated in the first post of this thread. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (https

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-11-16 Thread ralphy
I've uploaded a new 'OSX squeezeplay r328 package' ( See the first post in this thread for details. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5*-Squeezelites

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2013-11-18 Thread ralphy
I've uploaded a new 'Windows squeezeplay r328 package' ( See the first post in this thread for details. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2013-12-08 Thread ralphy
is the default output device in system preferences then squeezeplay will use it without any further changes, otherwise you need to get your hands dirty with a little scripting. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave

Re: [slim] Squeezeplay won't connect (suddenly)

2013-12-27 Thread ralphy
Shut down Squeezeplay and try deleting the userpath folder, mine is located at. C:\Documents and Settings\Ralphy\Application Data\SqueezePlay\userpath and start squeezeplay again. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5

Re: [slim] Squeezeplay won't connect (suddenly)

2013-12-28 Thread ralphy
. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] Logitech SqueezeBox replacement for under $30

2014-01-15 Thread ralphy
version works for you before replacing the original binary. Something like ./squeezelite-armv5te -d all=debug Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays, *5*-Squeezelites 'Squeezeslave' (

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2014-03-02 Thread ralphy
times. Newer builds will be located elsewhere, as googlecode has removed the ability to add files for download. Been testing googledrive, but I'm not too impressed with it, so may change again. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2*-Squeezeplays

Re: [slim] Make SB Classic silver

2014-04-16 Thread ralphy
aubuti wrote: I'm pretty sure the faceplate of the white SB3 is silver, but I'm not 100% sure of that. I can confirm that the faceplate on the white unit from slimdevices is silver as I have one. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1*-Squeezeslave, *2

Re: [slim] Make SB Classic silver

2014-04-17 Thread ralphy
sand wrote: Thanks! From your experience, which is a better match for silver gear, the black with silver or the white with silver? I like the look of my black/silver sb3 a lot more than the white/silver combo. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio *1

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2014-05-15 Thread ralphy
. Also having issues with no audio on spotify, sometimes have audio, mostly no audio. Does anyone have any ideas what I could try? You need to have wma support installed on the server (lms) as squeezeplay does not support wma directly. Look for the PlayWMA plugin. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-03 Thread ralphy
) Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-04 Thread ralphy
, sounds like your solution is much cleaner. Thanks in advance. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-05 Thread ralphy
. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to try it out last night, hopefully tonight. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2014-06-08 Thread ralphy
get.amped wrote: Just FYI, Chrome flags the .exe from mediafire as malware. Thanks for the heads up. I've uploaded r417 in a zipfile, hopefully that works better. If you've already downloaded r413, there no need to get r417 as the only changes are for Solaris. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-11 Thread ralphy
connect and play the stream. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-12 Thread ralphy
. I shall, at some point, by dint of trial and loads of error, find out how to stop this. This is what happens to me with sox and flac, but using the older script verion. I'll retry sox with the newer script to see if I get the same behaviour. I'm running debian 7 32-bit. Ralphy *1*-Touch

Re: [slim] Yet another thread on replacing squeezebox devices

2014-06-12 Thread ralphy
PasTim wrote: Yes, please and thank you. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2014-06-24 Thread ralphy
New squeezeplay osx builld 7.8.0r417 now available on 'mediafire' ( See post#1 for details. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' (

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Mac OSX

2014-06-24 Thread ralphy
I've put together an experimental osx x86_64 jivelite build. It's available in the Jivelite/osx folder on 'mediafire' ( View the jivelite-0.1.readme file in that folder for install details. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2014-07-05 Thread ralphy
New squeezeplay 7.8.0r430 packages for Solaris SPARC and OpenIndiana Intel now available on 'mediafire' ( See post#1 for details. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *4*-Classics, *2*-Booms, *1*-Reverted UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' (https

Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezePlay for Solaris and OpenIndiana

2014-07-05 Thread ralphy
/4q8dvq20iyz9e/Builds). The package includes the libsoxr resample library, and used system packages for all codecs. For mp3 decode using libmad instead of mpg123 you need to install libmad from sfe-encumbered package repository. Same for wma and alac decode, you need to install ffmpeg from same. Ralphy

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