Re: best way to organize models that store businesses/hours?

2009-03-17 Thread luxagraf
Alex- Thanks for the suggestions... the 14 fields is definitely an option, but like you said it feels awkward and would make it hard to adapt should things change down the road. Darryl - > Darryl Ross wrote: > The first issue that comes to mind with that idea is what if the

best way to organize models that store businesses/hours?

2009-03-16 Thread luxagraf
Hello all- I'm working of a site that will store various business listings (restaurants, bars, clubs etc) and then I'd like to also track the hours each business is open... The ultimate goal being something like's "open now" feature and other time-related queries of that type. I'm

Re: Running django+apache on my macbook

2008-01-19 Thread luxagraf
Since I wrote that little guide Heather links to, I should point out that while the mod_python bit works fine, the real problem on a macbook with Leopard installed ends up being mysqldb (see ). I never have been able to successful compile a

Re: Introducing DjangoSites.Org

2007-06-20 Thread luxagraf
Ross- Very nice! One thing, When I signed up, at first I forgot to put in the sign-up form and it came back with a "please correct the errors below" message, but didn't actually highlight the errors (using FF2 on a Mac for what it's worth). Otherwise, very nice. cheers sng On

Re: Re: problems turning debug off

2006-12-05 Thread luxagraf
app, must be something in django.flatpages that needs a 404 template I guess. And yes I am running django through mod_python Anyway it works now. Thanks again. cheers sng On 12/5/06, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 12/6/06, luxagraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >

problems turning debug off

2006-12-05 Thread luxagraf
I'm trying to launch a site and every time I turn off django's debugging or python debugging I start getting 500 error pages, but when the debugging is on none of those pages throw any errors? Anyone seen this before? Am I missing something. sng

Help with Contact Form

2006-11-30 Thread luxagraf
Hello all I have a quick question, I just whipped up a custom manipulator for a contact form and, following the suggestion in the django docs, I'm using a HttpResponseRedirect("/contact/thankyou/") to get rid of the post data, but what I'd like to display at that redirect url is a copy of the

Character length issue using core.mail.send_mail

2006-11-27 Thread luxagraf
Hello all I've got an issue with django.core.mail that's driving me crazy... I'm using a custom manipulator to handle the data submitted through a web contact form... everything works great except that when I import and try to use send_mail() from django.core.mail I get strange results

Re: Re: Re: Re: Custom view problems

2006-10-24 Thread luxagraf
with a cleaner way of doing it. Thanks again for taking the time to help. cheers sng <> On 10/24/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 10/24/06, luxagraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Which works and the te

Re: Re: Re: Custom view problems

2006-10-24 Thread luxagraf
e: > > On 10/24/06, luxagraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Russ- > > > > ah. okay that makes sense. I was assuming that entry_set was a > > contruct itself, but it's actually modelname_set... > > Yup. > > > So to make it purely abstract, t

Re: Re: Custom view problems

2006-10-24 Thread luxagraf
can just append as many models as have M2M relations with the first? Or is there a better way to do this? Anyway thanks so much for your help, I've got it working now. cheers sng <> On 10/23/06, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > On 10/24/06

Custom view problems

2006-10-23 Thread luxagraf
Hello all, I'm new to django but I'm figuring things out for the most part. I've built a simple blog app with entries and tags as a kind of starter app... Anyway I'm having a problem with my first attempt at a custom view. What i want to do is show a list of entries that have a given tag so