Re: [EM] IRV's adequacy depends on a two-party system

2011-12-02 Thread Brian Olson
Just the subject line on this is the most amusing thing I've read on this list in a while. Well said, sir! On Dec 2, 2011, at 2:19 PM, MIKE OSSIPOFF wrote: David Wetzel said: s for center-squeezing, that's not really a problem in the US as a whole... Third parties are too small and

[EM] advocacy: Approval is premature compromise

2011-10-03 Thread Brian Olson
so much with the IRV advocates? They recognize that election method reform is important, but then they go all-in on a mediocre reform. Anyway, that's my random afternoon strategy opinion, I could be wrong. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see http

[EM] Election Method API Design

2011-09-13 Thread Brian Olson
There's been some talk lately of publishing good reference implementations of all the election methods we talk about in various forms of description. This inspired me to write up my thoughts on programming election methods. It's in the body of the message below, and also posted as a Google Doc

Re: [EM] Election method simulator code

2011-05-06 Thread Brian Olson
I counter-recommend git. I don't like it. If you like the new 'distributed version control' system style, I recommend Mercurial. also supports mercurial. My own election simulator is also up on google code, also with subversion. It's kinda hidden inside my project for

[EM] WSJ article about AMPAS voting

2011-02-25 Thread Brian Olson Cites our own Warren Smith! Clearly we've been going about advocacy all wrong. Politics is boring, we should appeal to American's fascination with celebrities and sports. Election-Methods mailing list - see for

Re: [EM] Yee-Bolson Diagrams

2011-01-06 Thread Brian Olson
specifically, my results are here: Ka Ping Yee did them first. I think I did them second and bigger and more. I haven't done any in a while, but my source is out there and there are other implementations as well.

[EM] A turd by any other name

2010-03-24 Thread Brian Olson
, don't have that flaw and are just as easy or easier to implement than IRV. A few people have latched onto IRV and promoted it a lot, perhaps somewhat staking their reputations on it now, but really for the same amount of work we could have much better reforms. Brian Olson

[EM] Simulating multiwinner goodness

2010-03-11 Thread Brian Olson
There was a question on the list a while ago, and skimming to catch up I didn't see a resolution, about what the right way to measure multiwinner result goodness is. Here's a simple way to do it in simulator: Each voter has a preference [0.0 ... 1.0] for each candidate. Measuring the

Re: [EM] Simulating multiwinner goodness

2010-03-11 Thread Brian Olson
A couple years ago I moved from the California Democratic Party Machine to the Massachusetts Democratic Party Machine. I'm not sad when my party wins, I'm sad when they run boring stick-in-the-mud establishmentarian candidates. I'd love pressure from other parties to keep them honest, and that's

Re: [EM] Simulating multiwinner goodness

2010-03-11 Thread Brian Olson
On Mar 11, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Jonathan Lundell wrote: As with any choice system based on cardinal utility, there end up being two problems that are not, I think, amenable to solution. One is the incomparability of individual utility measures from voter to voter (and here we're talking

Re: [EM] Two simple alternative voting methods that are fairer than IRV/STV and lack most IRV/STV flaws

2010-01-13 Thread Brian Olson
On Jan 13, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Kathy Dopp wrote: 1. A rank choice ballot method: Any number of candidates may be running for office and any number allowed to be ranked on the ballot. Voter ranks one candidate vote =1 Voter ranks two candidates, denominator is 1+2 = 3 votes are worth 2/3

Re: [EM] just to let you know ...

2010-01-07 Thread Brian Olson
just how these things play out amongst real Americans who aren election theory wonks. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Block group map of Texas

2009-11-29 Thread Brian Olson (All of the states should be available by similar URLs by state postal code. Note the odd XX/xx capitalization.) On Nov 28, 2009, at 6:57 PM, Raph Frank wrote: I generated some pdf maps of Texas. They are pretty big

Re: [EM] Proportional Representation from Ratings Ballots

2009-11-18 Thread Brian Olson
. For any voter or bloc of voters, honest voting maximizes expected utility. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[EM] Explaining PR

2009-09-20 Thread Brian Olson
Catching up from a couple weeks ago, I just wanted to add my short- short version of explaining Proportional Representation that usually gets a good response from people: A 20% group should get 20% of the seats. It's pretty easy for people to be agreeable to that. I think in general it

[EM] multiwinner election space plots

2009-08-13 Thread Brian Olson I think a few of these plots show Single Transferrable Vote behaving badly in the same ways IRV does, with discontinuities and irregular solution spaces. I also ran Condorcet and IRNR using combinatoric expansion. Combinatoric variants of

Re: [EM] multiwinner election space plots

2009-08-13 Thread Brian Olson
On Aug 13, 2009, at 9:18 AM, Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote: Brian Olson wrote: I think a few of these plots show Single Transferrable Vote behaving badly in the same ways IRV does, with discontinuities and irregular solution spaces. I also

Re: [EM] Redistricting, now with racial demographics

2009-07-18 Thread Brian Olson
As this isn't something I really want it's going to be hard to get motivated to work it out. That said I think the way to go about it is to make unbiased districts by my current district, then pick one district with the highest proportion of the desired minority to elevate and adjust all the

[EM] Redistricting, now with racial demographics

2009-07-16 Thread Brian Olson
/ XX where XX is any US state abbreviation. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] A range-voting poll you can vote in

2009-04-22 Thread Brian Olson
Interesting UI. I'd thought about doing something like that but got discouraged when I tried to make it work on Internet Exploder. Had it for Firefox and Safari briefly though. My apps are also still out there, doing simultaneous Condorcet counting, histograms and other methods.

Re: [EM] Burlington 2009 IRV election pathologies - updated web page

2009-03-30 Thread Brian Olson
I'm late to the party, but I downloaded their vote data and ran it through my software and wrote up a page on it here: I think the most important point is the fundamental failure of IRV as itself, not any quibbling over a bad

[EM] Voting space graphs, varying sigma

2008-12-03 Thread Brian Olson Tight population grouping at the left moving to widely spread on the right. Brian Olson (Sent from my iPhone) Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Yee/B.Olson Diagrams (YBD's): the next step

2008-12-02 Thread Brian Olson
Disorganized thoughts: Standard deviation could be considered to be interchangeable with the spacing between the choices. Wider spacing is equivalent to tighter standard deviation. I keep imagining a way to explain this as starting with a blank black space and colored dots representing the

Re: [EM] Why I think IRV isn't a serious alternative

2008-11-26 Thread Brian Olson
On Nov 26, 2008, at 5:53 AM, Greg wrote: Greg, you didn't actually say that IRV is good, you just said that it's unlikely to be bad. Huh? One reason I think it's good in part because it's very likely to elect elect the Condorcet candidate, if that's what you mean by unlikely to be bad. Some

[EM] Why I think IRV isn't a serious alternative

2008-11-25 Thread Brian Olson
There's been a lot of discussion lately started by people who advocate IRV. I'm mystified. Really? You really think IRV is a good system? I've spent so long considering it to be pretty much junk that I really am confused by that position. Here's my summary of why I think IRV is junk.

Re: [EM] Why I think IRV isn't a serious alternative

2008-11-25 Thread Brian Olson
Greg, you didn't actually say that IRV is good, you just said that it's unlikely to be bad. Why bother with something that's unlikely to be bad when we can just as easily get something without that badness? Oh, and actually it _is_ likely to be bad. See that first graph? See how over

Re: [EM] IRNR question

2008-10-19 Thread Brian Olson
Hmm, only kick out the losingest loser. I kinda think there would still be discontinuities, but it might be better. Probably worth trying. Now I just need to code that up and run the diagram code. Dunno when I'll actually get around to that. Has anyone checked what happens to regular IRV

Re: [EM] Populism and Voting Theory

2008-10-17 Thread Brian Olson
-per-buck we can get out of changes to work on. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Fixing Range Voting

2008-10-16 Thread Brian Olson
On Oct 15, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Peter Barath wrote: I'm not sure I would vote honestly in such circumstance. Let my honest rangings be: 100 percent for my favourite but almost chanceless Robin Hood 20 percent for the frontrunner Cinderella 0 percent for the other frontrunner Ugly Duckling I

[EM] Fixing Range Voting

2008-10-14 Thread Brian Olson
process. Needs to be experimentally (in simulator) checked, though. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] Fixing Range Voting

2008-10-14 Thread Brian Olson
On Oct 14, 2008, at 12:11 PM, Raph Frank wrote: On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Brian Olson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Once upon a time, I designed an election method to fix the strategy problem with Range Voting. The method I call Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings (IRNR): 1. Collect ratings

Re: [EM] Why We Shouldn't Count Votes with Machines

2008-10-06 Thread Brian Olson
against electoral malfeasance is probably through the political and legal processes, and through the vigilance of the citizenry. We'll never make a system so mathematically perfect that we don't still need those other things. Brian Olson Election-Methods

Re: [EM] A computationally feasible method (algorithmic redistricting)

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Olson
the desired result. It could even wind up that the best way to solve for the desired goals is to have a computer do 99% of the work and have a human come back and clean up the edges. Since it's subject to the same scoring in the end, the human couldn't deviate too far from the ideal mapping. Brian

Re: [EM] A computationally feasible method (algorithmic redistricting)

2008-09-02 Thread Brian Olson
, on my one puny computer! With more it'd only get better! Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

Re: [EM] A computationally feasible method

2008-08-31 Thread Brian Olson
sets. Maybe different parties or candidates try to find alternatives where they would do better. If nothing is found then the first found set is declared elected. Brian Olson suggests this approach for his anti-gerrymandering proposals. and

[EM] language/framing quibble

2008-08-28 Thread Brian Olson
underrepresented groups is inconveniently long, but is the best mix of connotation and denotation that I can think of right now. Just some things to think about so that once we've figured out what the best possible election method is, we'll be ready to switch into advocacy mode. Brian Olson http

Re: [Election-Methods] USING Condorcet

2008-06-30 Thread Brian Olson
win, you don't get any say over which of the others might get elected. Vote on as many choices as you feel informed enough to vote on. Brian Olson Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info

[Election-Methods] Bullet Voting in the wider media

2007-10-07 Thread Brian Olson
In case anyone's interested in what the general public are hearing about voting strategy. ballot_query_to_bullet_or_not_to_bullet Election-Methods mailing list - see for list info