Re: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote: > From: Kevin Smith [] > >> And what's the deal, is it canceled or cancelled? : ) > > This is kind of the worst. Previous discussion at >

Re: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Kevin Smith
> > I am also unsure when .whenCanceled is necessary > Maybe in the case where you have a promise-returning function and you want to reject the returned promise upon cancellation. function delayWithCancel(ms, cancelToken) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(re

RE: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Kevin Smith [] > And what's the deal, is it canceled or cancelled?  : ) This is kind of the worst. Previous discussion at Data seems to favor cancelled: -

Re: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Kevin Smith
And what's the deal, is it canceled or cancelled? : ) On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:30 AM Kevin Smith wrote: > Is there a reason to use a Promise as the cancellation token, rather than >> have something that is synchronously inspectable? >> > > The only real downside of coming up with a new interf

Re: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Kevin Smith
> > Is there a reason to use a Promise as the cancellation token, rather than > have something that is synchronously inspectable? > The only real downside of coming up with a new interface is that we have to standardize it. : ) It's a core protocol. I agree that using a promise directly would f

Re: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Bradley Meck
cancellation token, rather than have something that is synchronously inspectable? Even a small class/interface like: ```javascript let cancelled = false; myPromise.then(() => cancelled = true); task[Symbol.cancelled] = () => cancelled; ``` For this reason I do not think Promises are the

RE: Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Domenic Denicola
e rejection path is not necessary. So, if cancelation tokens are the right path, I'd prefer not reusing promises for them. Maybe it argues for easily being able to create a cancelation token from a promise, though. Semi-related: I was recently reading

Promises as Cancelation Tokens

2016-01-04 Thread Kevin Smith
I'm interested in exploring the idea of using an approach similar to .NET's cancelation tokens in JS for async task cancelation. Since the cancelation "flag" is effectively an eventual value, it seems like promises are well-suited to modeling the token. Using a promise for

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-26 Thread C. Scott Ananian
IMO promises should reject if they are "cancelled". The same method that gave you the Promise (for example, an AJAX API) can give you a capability to "cancel" the Promise, ie cancel the pending network operation and reject the Promise (rejecting is a no-op if the operation rac

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-26 Thread Boris Zbarsky
On 8/3/15 8:15 PM, Glen Huang wrote: Ideally, if the same resolve & reject callback combination is passed more than once, the same promise is always returned That's a backwards-incompatible change from what browsers are shipping, right? (I can't think of a use case where

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-08 Thread Isiah Meadows
say that, from the > reaction's point of view, the parent promise's state has changed. > > As I understand, promises are ideal for requesting and transmitting data > without having to care much when the data is available > > > IMHO, that's promises's goa

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-08 Thread Glen Huang
promise, I think it's reasonable to say that, from the reaction's point of view, the parent promise's state has changed. > As I understand, promises are ideal for requesting and transmitting data > without having to care much when the data is available IMHO, that's promises&

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-07 Thread Claude Pache
> Le 6 août 2015 à 04:20, Glen Huang a écrit : > >> promises are fundamentally about chaining data together, not about listening >> for events. > > IMHO, promises are more about reacting to state change and pass down that > reaction. And the reaction I'm propo

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-05 Thread Glen Huang
s behavior. I think .ignore() is more similar to ``` let timer = setTimeout(...); clearTimeout(timer); ``` Trying to imagine setTimeout as a promise that never rejects. > promises are fundamentally about chaining data together, not about listening > for events. IMHO, promises are more abo

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-05 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
ow many here thinks Promises should be cancelable in first place. There's no equivalent like a silent failure in a synchronous like await/generator world and since promises are apparently used as de-facto pattern too deal with that, you'll find hard time to resolve this problem. Once this

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-04 Thread Logan Smyth
try/catch. In synchronous code the only way to achieve this would be `while(true){}`, which is terrible. There isn't really a world where I'd expect that code to execute neither side, because promises are fundamentally about chaining data together, not about listening for events. Instead

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-04 Thread Glen Huang
> Are there some example use-cases where being able to `.ignore` is preferable > to having the promise reject? The purpose of .ignore() is to let promises show disinterest, by disinterest, i mean the situation that whatever happens to that promise, it shouldn't be observable to th

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-04 Thread Logan Smyth
case where you'd want to disconnect a promise handler without informing promises farther down the chain, like your `.then(log)` in your example. To me anyway, the proposed `.ignore` seems like it adds boat-loads of complexity with unclear goals. Also to your question about adding multiple ha

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-04 Thread Glen Huang
> On Aug 4, 2015, at 1:32 PM, Andrea Giammarchi > wrote: > > only promises that has passed through their initialization the callback would > be cancelable,and this could be reflected through a `.cancelable` property That's precisely the problem. When you made a mistake an

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
> if used when cancelable is true if used when cancelable is NOT true, so throw if non cancelable On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 6:32 AM, Andrea Giammarchi <> wrote: > my proposal doesn't make abortability accidental, only promises that has >

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
my proposal doesn't make abortability accidental, only promises that has passed through their initialization the callback would be cancelable,and this could be reflected through a `.cancelable` property. We could have `.abort()` throwing if used when cancelable is true ( or not undefine

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Glen Huang
@Andrea @Yad The only thing I'm not sure about is this "some promises have the abort ability, some don't" design. It might seem clear when you first create that promise, but it gets messy when you start to pass that promise around. It's very easy for some function

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Glen Huang
This is a good point. I didn't think about passing the same callback more than once. Ideally, if the same resolve & reject callback combination is passed more than once, the same promise is always returned (I can't think of a use case where promises could stop to work, if promise

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
t; { > clearTimeout(tmr) > reject(new Error('abort promise')) > } > > }) > > p.abort() > > The origin post is here: > > > what do you think about it? > > 2015年8月3日(月) 8:4

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-03 Thread Boris Zbarsky
On 8/2/15 8:43 PM, Glen Huang wrote: You can think it as that each promise keeps a list of its child promises, when the same callback is passed to .ignore() it sets a flag on the corresponding child promise so that when itself resolves/rejects, it won't pass that state to that child pr

Re: Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-02 Thread Yad Smood
ject, self) => { let tmr = setTimeout(resolve, 3000) let self.abort = () => { clearTimeout(tmr) reject(new Error('abort promise')) } }) p.abort() The origin post is here: what do you think about i

Cancelable promises proposal

2015-08-02 Thread Glen Huang
I was discussing with Jake Archibald about cancelable promises the other day. I was trying to convince him promise.cancel() might not be a good idea. But that conversation unfortunately leans more towards on how the abort API should be exposed on fetch. I did provide some thoughts on that topic

Re: Clarification for derived promises

2015-07-14 Thread C. Scott Ananian
And --- apologies for continuing to beat this drum --- you can look at the `prfun` package on npm for a practical example of this use of Promise subclasses and `resolve`. If other folks know of other libraries using these features, let me know so I can recommend other people's code as well as my o

Re: Clarification for derived promises

2015-07-14 Thread Nicholas C. Zakas
Awesome, thank you! -N On 7/14/2015 10:12 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote: Yes. On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:10 AM -0700, "Nicholas C. Zakas">> wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to wrap my head around derived promises and wanted to ask for a

Re: Clarification for derived promises

2015-07-14 Thread Domenic Denicola
Yes. On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:10 AM -0700, "Nicholas C. Zakas">> wrote: Hi all, I'm trying to wrap my head around derived promises and wanted to ask for a bit of clarification around how `Promise.resolve()` works from a derived

Clarification for derived promises

2015-07-14 Thread Nicholas C. Zakas
Hi all, I'm trying to wrap my head around derived promises and wanted to ask for a bit of clarification around how `Promise.resolve()` works from a derived class. Consider this: ``` class MyPromise extends Promise {} var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(42); });

Re: Why the ECMAScript 2015 Promises don't have finally methods?

2015-07-04 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Thanks for the explanation guys. Looking forward to see both of cancellation and finally in ECMAScript 2016! :) (as well as async/await)... On an unrelated note, does anyone know if any of Firefox, Edge, and Safari/WebKit have plans to implement the full ECMAScript 2015 by the end of 2015? On Sun

Re: Why the ECMAScript 2015 Promises don't have finally methods?

2015-07-04 Thread C. Scott Ananian
You can get `Promise #finally` by using a helper library, like `prfun`. But the finally method in particular has a quirk, see the end of: It would be nice to resolve that properly before standardization.

Re: Why the ECMAScript 2015 Promises don't have finally methods?

2015-07-04 Thread Benjamin Gruenbaum
The reason ECMAScript 2015 promises do not have `finally` is because it wasn't necessary for the initial proposal and things were 'running late' already and it was possible to ship without it. Shipping fast enabled us to include promises in ECMAScript 2015. It is entirely possible

Why the ECMAScript 2015 Promises don't have finally methods?

2015-07-04 Thread Behrang Saeedzadeh
Hi all, I was just wondering why `finally` didn't make it into the ECMAScript 2015 spec's Promises? They seem to me to be necessary for many use cases. -- Best regards, Behrang Saeedzadeh ___ es-discuss mailing list es-discuss@mozilla

Fly: A build system based in promises, generators and co-routines.

2015-06-30 Thread Bucaran
Hi folks I have been fidingly with ES6 for over a year now, but for even longer I have been longing for a more expressive and honestly simpler build system / automation tool. I have dabbled with gulp, grunt and brunch and while they do get the job done and are great in their own way, I feel the

Re: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Brendan Eich
so nice to be able to build one on top of the other, in the way streams are built on top of promises! [gtor]: ___ es-discuss mailing list _

RE: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Domenic Denicola
urity invariants to simply being able to reason about the flow of your code. And it's also nice to be able to build one on top of the other, in the way streams are built on top of promises! [gtor]: ___ es-discuss

RE: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Domenic Denicola
28, 2015 08:15 To: Subject: Promises vs Streams I feel this must have already been discussed but couldn't find any discussion threads, just trying to understand them better. The basic doubt is that I feel promises are more like streams, and that streams are much

Re: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
this must have already been discussed but couldn't find any discussion > threads, just trying to understand them better. > > The basic doubt is that I feel promises are more like streams, and that > streams are much more powerful than promises. With a promise you have a value >

Re: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread joe
Maybe the confusion stems from how Promises were used in ES5? ES5 doesn't support generators, so people ended up adding a sort of psuedo-generator API to their promise APIs, but in reality the concepts solve different problems? FYI, python seems to use promises and event streams together i

Re: Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Boopathi Rajaa wrote: > Why do we have both? Why do we have both values and arrays, not just the latter? -- ___ es-discuss mailing list

Promises vs Streams

2015-03-28 Thread Boopathi Rajaa
I feel this must have already been discussed but couldn't find any discussion threads, just trying to understand them better. The basic doubt is that I feel promises are more like streams, and that streams are much more powerful than promises. With a promise you have a value or an exception

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-03-01 Thread Kevin Smith
> > > > So again the question is: can we come up with a cancellation-token-style > pattern which is JS-ergonomic? > > I tried to discuss some stuff in that direction at > > > I think using a promise in place of a "token i

RE: Cancelable promises

2015-03-01 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Kevin Smith [] > So again the question is: can we come up with a cancellation-token-style > pattern which is JS-ergonomic? I tried to discuss some stuff in that direction at

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-03-01 Thread Kevin Smith
> > > That design seems far cleaner than adding functionality directly to > promises, but can it be made JS-ergonomic? > > The question we need to consider when it comes to a general design for canceling async tasks is this: how does one offer cancellation when defining an a

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-28 Thread Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum
> From: Andrea Giammarchi > AFAIK bluebird did: > /blob/master/ For what it's worth - bluebird is swapping its cancellation implementation in a week or two. You can read about it here:

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Kevin Smith
it likes (or not at all). That design seems far cleaner than adding functionality directly to promises, but can it be made JS-ergonomic? ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Salvador de la Puente González
What is cancelable is the value of the fetch() promise, not the fetch itself. Extending the promise API is extending the concept of control flow and I think this require a separated discussion. To make fetch() to be cancelable should not affect promises at all. TL;DR; I think the cancelable

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Frankie Bagnardi
gt; Ron > -- > From: John Lenz > Sent: ‎2/‎27/‎2015 8:01 PM > To: Andrea Giammarchi > Cc:; es-discuss > Subject: Re: Cancelable promises > > > > On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:49 PM, John Lenz wrote: > >> C

RE: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Ron Buckton> Subject: Re: Cancelable promises On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:49 PM, John Lenz>> wrote: Closure Library's promise implementation supports "cancel":

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread John Lenz
On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:49 PM, John Lenz wrote: > Closure Library's promise implementation supports "cancel": > > > > > A promise is cancelled only if all the "ch

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread John Lenz
Closure Library's promise implementation supports "cancel": A promise is cancelled only if all the "child" promises are also cancelled. On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Andrea Gi

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Samuel Giles
--promise > > > > But I agree once you've made Promises more complex than events ( xhr in > this > > case ) nobody wins :-/ > > > > Although, specially for fetch or anything network related, there > **must** be > > a way to bloody cancel that! > >

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-27 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 11:43 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote: > AFAIK bluebird did: > > > But I agree once you've made Promises more complex than events ( xhr in this > case ) nobody w

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-26 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
AFAIK bluebird did: But I agree once you've made Promises more complex than events ( xhr in this case ) nobody wins :-/ Although, specially for fetch or anything network related, there **must** be a w

Re: Cancelable promises

2015-02-26 Thread Kevin Smith
to say that promises are simply transparent containers for asynchronous values. Control capabilities should therefore be represented by a separate abstraction. This will help keep complexity at the edges. Has any library experimented with the cancelation token approach yet? On Feb 27, 2015 1:46 AM

Cancelable promises

2015-02-26 Thread Anne van Kesteren
As a heads up, there's some debate around the fetch() API how exactly request termination should work and how that affects promises: The WebRTC WG has also been discussing canceling in the context of terminating a request for permi

Re: Handling error in Promises

2015-01-13 Thread Jeremy Martin
-improvements (long, but talks > about a couple potential/proposed solutions) > > -Jeff > > > On 1/13/15 7:44 AM, Marius Gundersen wrote: > > A `promise.done()` method that throws if it receives a rejected promise > has been discussed, but the consensus seems to be t

Re: Handling error in Promises

2015-01-13 Thread Jeff Morrison
15 7:44 AM, Marius Gundersen wrote: A `promise.done()` method that throws if it receives a rejected promise has been discussed, but the consensus seems to be that browsers instead should report on rejected unhandled promises that are garbage collected. This is already implemented in Firefox (a

Re: Handling error in Promises

2015-01-13 Thread Marius Gundersen
A `promise.done()` method that throws if it receives a rejected promise has been discussed, but the consensus seems to be that browsers instead should report on rejected unhandled promises that are garbage collected. This is already implemented in Firefox (at least in the DevTools edition), where

Handling error in Promises

2015-01-13 Thread Boopathi Rajaa
``` Promise .resolve() .then(function(){ throw new Error('asdf'); }); ``` Bluebird: (errors thrown - Good),js,console native ES6:(errors not thrown),js,console Shouldn't all Uncaught errors be thrown, instead o

Re: ES6 promises: [[AlreadyResolved]] – needed?

2014-09-24 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Figured it out: This is needed for “locking in”. Quoting [1]: > A promise is _resolved_ if it is settled or if it has been "locked in" to > match the state of another promise. Attempting to resolve or reject a > resolved promise has no effect. [1]

ES6 promises: [[AlreadyResolved]] – needed?

2014-09-24 Thread Axel Rauschmayer Each resolving function R uses R.[[AlreadyResolved]].[[value]] to prevent the same promise from being resolved twice. Question: Couldn’t R.[[Promise]].[[PromiseState]] be used, instead? -- Dr. Axel Rauschmayer a

Structured cloning/transfering of promises (and streams)

2014-06-13 Thread Domenic Denicola
FYI, I've started working out how structured cloning could work for promises: This is part of a larger initiative to figure out the story for both structured cloning and tranferability for both promises and the upcom

Re: Re: Promises, the middle state : negociation

2014-05-15 Thread Calvin Metcalf
l).then(check).catch(doStuff); } ``` On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Michaël Rouges wrote: > I don't pretend that impossible to do with current promises. > > I'm just saying that we can get a complexity that could be easily avoided. > > And a catch/then doesn't allow to

Re: Re: Promises, the middle state : negociation

2014-05-15 Thread Michaël Rouges
I don't pretend that impossible to do with current promises. I'm just saying that we can get a complexity that could be easily avoided. And a catch/then doesn't allow to return in the first promise onFulfilled, without embedded promises. I think a practical example might better

Re: Promises, the middle state : negociation

2014-05-15 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
every > effort to resolve it, by any way. > > Progammatically, we can wish the same. > > By example, we can have : > > an error to ignore > an error that requires to execute other operations leading to > > a rejection > a continuation > a retry > > To cover al

Promises, the middle state : negociation

2014-05-15 Thread Michaël Rouges
example, we can have : - an error to ignore - an error that requires to execute other operations leading to - a rejection - a continuation - a retry To cover all these cases, in the current promises state, we can have (a quite) complex promises, easily solvable. My idea? the

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Kevin Smith
It has been shown that delayed registration, in general, is useful. However, it has not been demonstrated that delayed registration of a primary error handler is necessary. If use cases have been provided, then please provide links. Otherwise, let's not use ad hominem in place of logic. { Kevin

RE: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Nathan Wall
+1 Nathan Domenic Denicola wrote: > A well-known problem with loops, as implemented in various programming > languages, is that infinite loops are silenced by default. Consider the > following program, which simply adds some numbers in a loop: > > ```js > var sum = 0; > while (Math.random() <

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
Kevin I have no idea which library you are using but if you do this: ``` fetchUri("";).then(response => { for (let header of repsonse.heders) // Note the misspelling! console.log(header.key, header.value); }).then(Object, function error(e) {

RE: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Domenic Denicola
You have been given examples in several previous conversations, but have chosen to not find them convincing. I (and others) tire of rehashing this argument with you monthly. I instead responded to the novel content of your post, which was some sort of attempt to claim that a language feature al

RE: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum
ccurs within it even if that error is completely unhandled by the promise flow. Different libraries that implement promises handle errors differently. For example bluebird[0] writes the stack trace to stderr (or console.error) if the rejection is unhandled by the start of the second turn. I quo

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Kevin Smith
Domenic, First, your caricature of my position is patently ridiculous. Second, can you or someone else offer a clear use case which requires undecidable error handling semantics? I have asked for examples several times and so far I haven't seen anything convincing. Usually that indicates that t

RE: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Domenic Denicola [] > which should cause the program to report an infinite loop as the condition > will never be true. On the other hand, sometimes we forget how loops work entirely in a moment of CSS-induced amnesia, and feel dumb on public mailing lists. Um, t

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Kevin Smith
> Requiring early registration prevents the use of futures as value > containers; i.e. kicking off an operation and storing the Future somewhere > so anyone can use it at a later date. > One can always do that, provided that you register an error handler *before your call stack is cleared*. { Kev

RE: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Domenic Denicola
A well-known problem with loops, as implemented in various programming languages, is that infinite loops are silenced by default. Consider the following program, which simply adds some numbers in a loop: ```js var sum = 0; while (Math.random() < config.loopLimt) { // Note the misspelling! sum

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
an improved error handling policy would be very, very good to > have, though. > > > On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Kevin Smith wrote: > >> A well-known problem with Promises, as implemented in various Javascript >> libraries, is that program errors are silenced by defa

Re: Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread K. Gadd
:40 AM, Kevin Smith wrote: > A well-known problem with Promises, as implemented in various Javascript > libraries, is that program errors are silenced by default. Consider the > following program, which simply makes an HTTP request and then prints out > the HTTP response headers: >

Promises and Decidability in Asynchronous Error Handling

2013-10-21 Thread Kevin Smith
A well-known problem with Promises, as implemented in various Javascript libraries, is that program errors are silenced by default. Consider the following program, which simply makes an HTTP request and then prints out the HTTP response headers: fetchUri("

Interesting: "A Simple Visual Model for Promises"

2013-10-18 Thread Mark S. Miller
At <>. I enjoyed it. -- Cheers, --MarkM ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-04 Thread Yusuke SUZUKI
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 3:39 AM, Brendan Eich wrote: > Yusuke SUZUKI wrote: > >> Make sense. So microtasks won't be introduced yet, but Promises and >> asynchronous execution semantics (enough for Promises) are introduced into >> ES6. Is it correct? >> > &g

Re: Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-03 Thread Mark S. Miller
Yes. The only immediate correctness constraint needed in ES6 and the immediate DOM timeframe is the "empty stack" requirement Stated at <> as "4. Assert: the execution context stack is empt

Re: Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-03 Thread Brendan Eich
Yusuke SUZUKI wrote: Make sense. So microtasks won't be introduced yet, but Promises and asynchronous execution semantics (enough for Promises) are introduced into ES6. Is it correct? And enough for modules. And really, as dherman points out, the event loop and shared state concurrency

Re: Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-03 Thread Yusuke SUZUKI
loop itself > into the language. The only requirement is that promises are async WRT the > calling code. Delivery at the end of the current turn is allowed. > Object.observe will require that we define an order, but until then, hand > waving is sufficient. > Make sense. So microtasks won&

Re: Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-03 Thread Alex Russell
On 3 Oct 2013 08:23, "Yusuke SUZUKI" wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm very interested in implementing Promises and integrating it to ECMAScript engine (e.g. V8, SpiderMonkey, JSC) > > Last night, I saw the meeting notes of Sep TC39 meetings carefully and I was very surpri

Are Promises and Microtasks introduced into ES6?

2013-10-03 Thread Yusuke SUZUKI
Hi, I'm very interested in implementing Promises and integrating it to ECMAScript engine (e.g. V8, SpiderMonkey, JSC) Last night, I saw the meeting notes of Sep TC39 meetings carefully and I was very surprised that it is said that Promises will be introduced into ES6. It refers the micro

RE: Subject=Re: Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-08 Thread Domenic Denicola
(but usually does). From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Sent: Sunday, September 8, 2013 20:25 To: To=; Subject: Subject=Re: Re: Promises: final steps Tasks in C# throw the recorded exception when the Task is finalized by

Subject=Re: Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-08 Thread
> Tasks in C# throw the recorded exception when the Task is finalized by the > GC if it hasn't been handled by user code, though I don't know if something > similar could be supported for ES7 Promises nor whether or not that makes > sense for ES7 promises either. This is

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-08 Thread Aymeric Vitte
WebCrypto (ie real working case not using WebCrypto rewritten with WebCrypto promises), as explained I am using 'done' despite of the fact that it might be removed, because I don't see why I should use 'then' if I am not chaining anything. As explained again, the example

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-08 Thread Anne van Kesteren
(Added back the other lists.) On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 3:58 AM, Brendan Eich wrote: > Let's put done back in. It's the right thing. Given what has been said thus far my inclination is still to leave it out initially and g

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Kevin Smith
> Please do. > You're not going to like it, which will explain my hesitation : ) Think of all promises as existing in a forest, where "root" promises are created using the Promise constructor and "child" promises are created using `then`. Promises with [[Value]

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Kris Kowal
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Ron Buckton wrote: > Tasks in C# throw the recorded exception when the Task is finalized by the > GC if it hasn't been handled by user code, though I don't know if something > similar could be supported for ES7 Promises nor whether or not tha

RE: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Ron Buckton
Tasks in C# throw the recorded exception when the Task is finalized by the GC if it hasn't been handled by user code, though I don't know if something similar could be supported for ES7 Promises nor whether or not that makes sense for ES7 promises either. Having Promise rejections

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Mark Miller
On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Kevin Smith wrote: > > It's not clear to me why this, or your `Promise.throw`, is better than >> >> ```js >> somePromise.done(...) >> // or >> somePromise.then(...).done() >> ``` > > > Not *much* better, I'd say, but IMO a `done` method which accepts a > callback o

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Mark Miller
isional idea that preserves our desire > to not introduce new features to promises themselves, requiring user choice > at authoring time, might be some kind of `console.unhandledRejections()` > function which returns you a snapshot of the current unhandled rejections > bucket. > Tha

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Kevin Smith
> It's not clear to me why this, or your `Promise.throw`, is better than > > ```js > somePromise.done(...) > // or > somePromise.then(...).done() > ``` Not *much* better, I'd say, but IMO a `done` method which accepts a callback overlaps too much with `then`, and a `done` method without a callbac

RE: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Domenic Denicola
From: Kevin Smith [] > Indeed, for a non-GUI embedding like Node, they *must* be debuggable using > just a console. This is an important point. A provisional idea that preserves our desire to not introduce new features to promises themselves, requiring user cho

Re: Promises: final steps

2013-09-05 Thread Kevin Smith
Hi Kris, Thanks for the details! This gives us an idea what a "promise monitoring" feature might look like in a browser's developer tools. I think such a feature would be really cool, but I believe that promise-using programs ought to be debuggable using just a console. Indeed, for a non-GUI em

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