:25 AM, Jason Spock wrote King Tony failed to mention the genitals because Men and women have different ones. Corelating them on the Vedic plane of the Unified Field is impossible. It's easier for the TM-org to believe that Storks bring babies. Neat and no fuss. Exc.
this. He's a red blooded guy whowanted to have sex. What's he supposed to do? --- Jason Spock <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:> King Tony failed to mention the genitals> because Men and women have different ones. > Corelating them on the Vedic plane of the Unified> Field is
King Tony failed to mention the genitals because Men and women have different ones. Corelating them on the Vedic plane of the Unified Field is impossible. It's easier for the TM-org to believe that Storks bring babies. Neat and no fuss. Exc. Bevan Looks innocent. Did he
Jimbo bimbo is a bit naive. Maybe he's too futuristic. In this duality based Universe, some enemy will always crop up. Unless fundamental Political reforms take place in third world countries, tuned to present day economy and technologies, problems will continue to persist.
There is no such thing such as Vedic porn. A pussy is a pussy whether it's American or indian or Chinese or African. What kind of moron are you.?? In what way it'll speed up your evolution.?? You complain if Charlie Lutes visits a strip club. Maybe it was a Vedic Strip-club.??
Developing countries like India and China also Subsidise their Agriculture highly. China also gives heavy subsidies to it's industries. This is why Chinese goods are priced artificialy low. Even indian industries have a difficult time competing with Chinese goods because of the
Planetary Acupunture [By Martin Gray] When you reach the immediate area of your pilgrimage
place make the conscious effort to approach with the focussed intention that you are going to plug an electrical appliance into a wall socket. This metaphor is very hel
Is there a Conspiracy to corrupt the Vedic Pundits.??Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 11:56:11 -0700Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Vedic Pandits - etiquette LOL! What they are really afraid of it someone corrupting them! It's hard to keep them down on the farm o
In the long term, Yes Humanity is heading for a better future. But I think at least 20% percent of the world population should practice TM before we get to see the 'Maharishi-Effect' As for me, I'm a sick man. You tell me if you are enlightened.?? jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Would somebody eloborate on this.?? Pyramid scheme not mathematicaly sustainable.?? Somebody tried to sell me a Water Purifier on this scheme. I backed out at the last minute.jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 17:45:02 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] R
Are we going to live in Paradise.?? Happily ever after.?? Heaven on Earth. Jai Guru Dev.jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 18:17:59 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pandits are HERE! Great News- It appears that those in Fairfield have transformed
What I meant is that, Are you a Liberterian.?? Ideologicaly.?? 'North-Block' means Libertarian. ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 13:49:18 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: ShempMcGurk, is in North Block.?? No, I am in the Orion quadrant, next to Al
Sir ShempMcGurk, Am I correct in assuming that you are in the North Block.??
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Farming livestock for 6 billion people is not only expensive but ecologicaly draining. It drains agricultural resources. If all 6 billion become Veg, it's also better for the ecology. Animal fat and cholesterol also leads to health problems and diseases. Scientists are t
Sir Rick, you once mentioned that the TM-org steals from itself. Sombody was robbed at gun-point when he was taking salaries to the TM-tutors. Would you please elaborate when did this happen.?? Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2006 10:29:35 -0500Subject: [Fairf
Would you care to specify what "Scary, Creepy and Weird" stuff which MMY's old Secretary told you.?? Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 13:52:16 -0400Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another corroboration that the Indian TMO are a bunch of thugs At one time I wou
What options are you suggesting, Captain America.?? I remember reading somewhere, a war in Korea would leave 2 million dead in the peninsula. Do you think it's acceptable.?? [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 11:21:32 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'North Korea/The
It's not a clash of civilisations. It's a Clash of Snake-oils. 'My Snake-oil is better than your snake-oil.' Seriously speaking there are three clashs. Between First-wave, second-wave and Third-wave. Not difficult to guess who is going to prevail. "larry.potter" <[EMAI
Islam has solved the problem with 'Temporary Marriages'. http://www.cyberussr.com/adg/posts/iran-tempmar.html http://www.rozanehmagazine.com/julyaugust02/Mayjune02new/in_irantempmariages.html [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 22:01:01 EDTSubject: Re: [Fairfield
- by Dorothy Brewster During the two years I worked as volunteer at Kabul Public Hospital, scores of women came to the Ringworm Clinic with babies and toddlers infected by their mothers long chaderi (a head-to-toe cover with an oblong lattice over the eyes). The in
I wonder what will happen if Al Gore becomes president in 2008.?? Clinton spent the last day of his office signing enviornmental regulations, something he should have done in his first day, and Bush on the first day in his office reversed all those regulations.!![EMAIL PROTECTED
Remember what Churchill once said, "An appeaser is someone who keeps feeding the Crocodile hoping that he would be eaten the last." Anyway Saddam was a horrible economist. The people of Iraq deserved better. The UN created bigger mess in iraq with it's 'Oil for Food' program.
Pakistan is running with the Hare and hunting with the Hounds at the same time. This kind of dual 'double game' is dangerous. God knows what will be the end result of all this. There are people in 'ISI' Pakistan's intelligence agency who sympathise with the Taliban
Pluto and the three other objects are 'Planetoids'. That is they are in between a planet and an Asteroid. Pluto Demoted; Charon, Xena, Ceres Also Relegated To Minor Status Thursday, Aug 24 2006 Science and Current Events bobhayes 2:06 pm Astronomers have final
Hitler, Stalin, Mao and the other Communists, do they come under this category.??geezerfreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 22:36:42 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Guru Papers by Kramer Posted a few years ago but worth reading again.Excerpt from The Guru Papers:
Sir Rick, MMY is supposed to be invincible. Does he really have diabetes.?? It's not exactly modern ways that created these kind of disorders. All these disorders have been lying dormant for thousands of years. Till the years 1850 the average lifespan of a man was barely
For Females who are going to carry the genes, it is the Quality that matters. She wants the best possible genes for her offspring so that it has a much better chance of survival. For Males, it is the Quantity that matters. He wants to spread his seeds far and wide. As much as p
The United-Nations should send in UN Blue helmet troops into Iraq and maintain them there till stablity is reached. It is their duty. The real culprit is Kofi Annan who just refuses to do that, so that more American casualties can mount on. I think Kofi Annan is an bloody sadis
You are right on the point Sir Dixon. Mechanised agriculture is possible only on a large scale. But the real problem was caused by the Indian government and the indian Parliament. Some 50 years back, They passed a Law called, "Rural Land Ceiling Act." The Act prev
I think we are on the same wavelength. I was thinking of posting this about three weeks ago. I think there is a whole lot of Contradicting and confusing information all over the Net about artificial sweeteners. Sucralose, Asulfame-k, Aspartame, etc etc Some sites alleg
I wonder what Exc. John Hagelin thinks about all this.??Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:32:51 -0500Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Quantum physicists around?? (Was Re: Steorn:Free Energy) > Chew on this, fellows (6 min WMP video):> http://tinyurl. com/kj
A famous Scientist once said, "Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof."Robert Gimbel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 06:39:47 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mayi Amma/Maharishi Levitating? Yes, I remember seeing that show; and I do remember Cav
Perhaps MMY thinks that we all are Swine. What kind of lie or lies would be 'pearls of wisdom'.? A Lie is a Lie.jyouells2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 17:49:00 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Helen Lutes once said, "MMY tricked us into meditatin
It's a huge loss for Naturalists all over the World. Steve Irwin's enthusiasm was infectious. Many a Crocodile around the world would shed a real 'tear' for his sudden untimely death. "new.morning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 15:19:34 -Subject: [Fairfi
-Source: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Published: November 3, 2005 Prions suspected in milk Sheep mammaries shown to contain agents of fatal brain disease. Andreas von Bubnoff The inflamed mammary glands of sheep have been found to contain protein particles that cause scrapie, a sickness sim
http://www.greatwesternvehicle.org/casehistories/questionnaire.htm jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2006 04:07:23 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Premature Claims and Labels of Enlightenment Thank you! I am heartened by your answers. And I did read your
Many Yogis have told me that the Sexual Chakra is the Second Chakra [Orange]. The first Chakra [Red] is the base, also called Mooladhara Chakra in which the Kundalini serpent is Coiled and sleeping. You don't energise the Sexual Chakras to awaken the kundalini. Who told you this
Press statement: September 2, 2006 BALUCHISTAN: INDIA SHOULD LOOK BEYOND THE BUGTI KILLING N.S. Rajaram Indias response to the Pakistan Armys killing of the Baluchi tribal leader Akbar Khan Bugti is deeply disappointing. Instead of a routine condemna
The TM-org preaches "Order and Perfection" to the entire world.!! but it can't set it's own house in order. Practice what you preach. What a Paradox.!! The TM-org lacks compassion. Had the TM-org had been a little compassionate and treated it's members as family, it
Has Maharishi ever given a straight answer on the movement's finances.?? What does the TM-org think of Earl Kaplan now.?? MarkMeredith2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 22:38:19 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I found this rather interesting, the Kaplans & $ E
The TM-org does not mind if you lie to get into the dome.?? Maharishi is right in insisting his meditation be practiced in hs dome. But trying to excert omnipresent control over the peoples lives by preventing them from visiting other teachers is Loony. Besides the TM-org itself te
Sir McGurk, Futurists like Toffler say that we are moving into a Post-ideological, Post-industrial era. Both Capitalism and Communism are essentialy industrial ideologies spawned by the industrial revolution. Advances in technologies will make many of the issues today irrevelant.
i Rick Archer,,, Past Life Regression.??? According to some recent studies, the pyramids were NOTbuilt by slaves.... Jason Spock
...> wrote:>> Sir Rick Archer, I found this comment in another forum. What is your opinion on this.??> > "" I find it amusing that everyone
AntidoteEnd to central planning Thursday July 27 2006 16:49 IST by Sauvik ChakravertiO a central planner, the problem is simple: resources are given and these have to be allocated according to known priorities. However, to those who believe in free markets, the problem is different
Sir Rick Archer, I found this comment in another forum. What is your opinion on this.?? "" I find it amusing that everyone who 'regresses' to a past life seems to have led an exciting existence as a nobleman, diplomat, courtesan, soldier, pirate, painter, musician, etc. Nobody e
his program on people's> backs and I might have set myself up for a very painful old age. --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Many people have injured knees and backs. My wife had to havesurgery on one knee, injured while hopping. on 8/5/06
The Roman empire in it's later stages split into two halves, Western and Eastern Roman empires. The emperor of Eastern Roman empire Constantine converted himself to Christianity. He later on conquered the Western half and thus Christianity became state religion of Europe. Robe
For 3000 years there was no Israel or Palestine. Ever since King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon conquered that territory, that land was continously under foreign rule. The Persians, Romans, Turks, British, etc etc. For 3000 years, that land was known as Judea. Creating an artificial state i
Sore butts certainly yes. Has anybody developed hernia or any other complication from this.?? I think Sudharshana Kriya is much safer. The God of Abraham guiding his accursed people out of Egypt is pure MYTH. No evidence of it exists. gerbal88 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date:
What the hell do you mean, "Enlighten the mind".?? "By applying it through action we enlighten the heart".?? Could you quote exactly where Maharishi said this in his BG.?? You don't enlighten your mind or heart. You enlighten yourself. You trancend your mind.
What is YMMV.??sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2006 01:38:39 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Flying vs. Hopping - Huh. I rather like it. YMMV.
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The creativity comes only from humans. Machines are not creative. What I meant is that technology will be so advanced and versatile that the work can be done by machines. Whatever the Artist programmes into the machine will be replicated.off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrot
Unfortunately, 99% percent of the indian population dont wash their hands properly. Most of them don't even have proper toilets. They defecate in the roadside or in the fields. Oral-fecal contamination is very high in India. 80% of the indian population suffer from chronic stom
The flying program was not wonderful. A total failure. Yogic-flying is the biggest mistake Maharishi ever made in his life. 200 years in the future, if a histrorian conducts a post-mortem on the TM-movement, his conclusion will be, "Yogic-flying destroyed TM - movement." ShempM
India is a warm tropical country. Microbes and pathogens multiply very fast under these conditions. Washing with water is a healthier option. ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 21:18:29 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Breakfast with Blassie How do
No, thats not the way the future will be. Technology will be so advanced that it would be possible to make Unique Custom-made things through machines on a mass scale. Toffler and other futurists call it "Mass Customisation". It's an oxymoron. The buyer himself sitting i
Things are more complicated than that. If a woman does not give birth to a child, wean it, and toilet-train the toddler, then there would be no Second-Wave economy or civilisation to talk about. In the First-Wave economy, Men and Women did all the work together. 80% of the prod
I don't think many people here stab TM, but they certainly take a stab at MMY and the TM-org. Perhaps spending years of training under MMY must have had some effect on SSRS.?? They say MMY was banging all the chicks. At least SSRS is clean on that front. off_world_beings <[EM
Well, I have attended his lectures and read a bit of his articles. He could recite Bhagavad Gita when he was 4 years old. He completed his Physics degree when he was 17 years old. He can speak and write 15 languages fluently. off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Fri, 14
SSRS has tremendous knowledge, and seems to be more practical than Maharishi.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:38:50 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] SSRS in US on India Bombing: Nonviolence will prevail can't help but think SSRS is M's successor to implementing the
Elite group of individuals. Vested interests. Corruption was very high. In fact it's the East India Company which planted the deep culture of Corruption in India, where it continues to the present day. Even Robert Clive was corrupt. When asked why he amassed so much mone
Hey Vajradhatu, Scientists have found out that a raise of one or two degrees in the 'Average Global Temperature' will wipe out most of the tropical Rainforests and turn them into Grasslands or deserts. Computer simulations also show that Evergreen Rainforests are extremely sensit
Hey Jim bitch, So you lick the ass of Jehadi imperialism.?? You want the entire world to be turned into a Islamic Caliphate.?? You and your infernal scatological ideas. First you say that you are against all war, and then you say if Canada or Mexico invades, you would fight. You
Please note, The previous Indian rulers, ie Sultans and Maharajahs were as oppressive as the British themselves. Before the industrial revolution what existed was at best a feudal society with a feudalistic economy where almost everything belonged to the king. Also note, India wa
That's how you became a bitch.?? You are a real asshole.jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 14:02:24 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: excommunication. Ha-Ha!!! Good one! Probably true. The constant, reliable transcending [of TM] does make the intellect
Quantum effects are negligible on the Classical scale. In fact this is what gives our Classical Universe stability. But how did they come up with this figure Square root of 1%...??sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 08:12:49 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re
Thanks Sparaig. I suppose Dr. Hagelin was the first to propose it.?? What are Dr. Domash's theories anyway.?? and why did he leave the movement.? sparaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 08:00:01 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Domash Domash never bought in
I beg your pardon. I don't get it. What I meant was did Dr. Domash was the first to put forward the Unified field theory of consciousness or was it Dr. Hagelin's brain-wave.??blissbunn1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 07:59:00 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re:
Does anyone know the differences between Dr. Domash's theories and Dr. Hagelin's theories.??blissbunn1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 03:35:06 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Domash I'm about to pack up and spend 3 months"in the dome". But what for? After reading the
I thought, It's the TM-org who dumped Rick Archer..?? Perhaps Archer can clarify.?? Please note, You cannot be excommunicated from the Hindu religion or Buddhist religion.bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 00:20:24 -Subject: [FairfieldLife
Not necessarily... bitch. By the waybitch, here is an article you'd enjoy. It's meant for bitches like you,... Jim aka the bitch COUNTY SUPERVISOR CHARGED WITH LEWDNESS Thursday, January 24, 2002 By Sue
Weibezahl A supervisor with the Onondaga County Departm
Are you a bitch.? or else you would not be so upset about it.jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 21:18:41 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Info of interest Hey, speak for yourself, buddy!...Oh...right, you ARE speaking for yourself...bitch...
Be a cha
All witches have already been burnt. Now there are only bitches left.TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 17:02:58 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Info of interest Witch? Where? CROWD: A witch! A witch! A witch! A witch! We've found a witch! A witch! A wit
Is it ethical for you to make such wild allegations on Maharishi.?? Maharishi is a monk and celibate, So the idea of lifemate does not arise. Prostitution exists all over the world. in India, in China, in Iran... Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 16 May 20
er or not there is a measureable difference between them. No-one is going to sponsor the measurements in the first place so the assertion can never be proven to the accountants'
satisfaction.Jacking the price of TM up may be a horrible mistake, but it certainly makes sense from a marketing poin
Sir ShempMcGurk, Have you seen the Maharishi effect.??
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can be pregnant and then have a miscarriage. Jason Spock at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ha Ha, My keyboard has a problem with the letter "O' . The o's run off without control.No man in his right mind would call his Secretary into his bedroom at 4.00'am at Night and ask her to r
In a Pure Capitalist economy, things are dictated purely by 'Demand and Supply'. In a competitive field where there are 40,000 TM teachers and other Spiritual cults, Is it wise for the TM-org to fix such high, exorbitant price for TM..?? I think, Somebody is misguiding Ma
Yes, everything including distant planets have an effect on us. There is a Super-Massive Black-Hole in the centre of the Galaxy. It also should be included in the Jyotish calculations. As for karma, It's a case of Chickens coming back home to roost. bob_brigante <[EMAIL
Thanks Sri. Brigante. The first point is inaccurate. Draupadi's sari kept extending on and on. Unfortunately, the second point is true. There was a lowering of the status of women as time went on and on in India. Dogmas like Dowry, Sati, and Devadasi system etc etc came
Creations Columns by Nanditha Krishna The equals of men I was recently researching the women
of ancient India when I came across a startling piece of information. Seventeen of the Seers to whom the hymns of the Rig Veda were revealed were women Rishikas and
Sorry Pal. Horses for courses. This forum FFL is overcrowded with too many posts. I just can't put my best here. I don't know how many people would read it. By the way, this is a serious topic about Hygiene. You don't seem to see the seriousness of it.?? It's
If this is true, then it's sad. A seer who renounced everything should never initiate relationships. He must have done quite a lot of backing off. Could you give some examples where he backed off, after attempting to initiate.??Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Wed,
Is it possible, you must have really offended AuthFriend in your previous incarnation. Maybe that's why she torments you.TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 09:16:58 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi from Curtis Good to hear from you. I agree wholehearted
What is this medication you are refering to.??Authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 01:23:39 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi from Curtis There's no comparison, Shemp.Now go take your medication, please.
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Jokes apart, Sir Archer mentioned that it wasn't a One-Way street. If the women did initiate and Maharishi was forced to Satisfy their sexual urges, then It's not really Maharishi's fault. He can't say NO and disappoint his disciples.?? ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wro
For both Sir Archer and Sir McGurk, What I asked was, Who made the first move and tried to initiate sexual contact..?? Maharishi or the 5+ women..?? If the 5+ women did initiate and force Maharishi to do it, then Maharishi might have obliged just to satisfy the 5+
How many of them are "Christians".? Are Rumsfeld and Condi True Believers.?? By the way, Hypocrites exist in all religions. Even the Communists were Hypocrites. TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 08:45:40 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'From PSY
The Word Planet means Wanderer. The Ancient Greeks could distinguish between Planets and Stars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_astronomy MarkMeredith2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 14:38:09 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Jyotish Hindus did mak
Have you seen the Witch-Hunting that still goes on in remote parts of India.? There was a program on National-Geographic on this. The Astonishing Parallel between the medival European Witch-Hunting, was this Only Old Widows who had property, but Nobody to defend them or prote
After Maharishi reaches Samadhi, The Girish group needs Dr.Nader and Dr.Hagelin who have the Spiritual-Intellectual base to keep bringing in the Cash-flow. After Maharishi, Dr.Nader and Dr.Hagelin are the only Cash-Cows left. Without them I don't' see how the organisation would
Yes Yes, modern technology should be used. The Super-Massive Black-Hole in the centre of the Galaxy also should be included in the Jyotish calculations. Now you know it's position..!! Qntmpkt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 03:40:26 -Subject: [Fairfield
I think China has the same reverse traffic rule. Some countries drive on the right side of the road, some on the left side. Adapting to this would be more difficult that traffic lights.ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 00:08:23 -Subject: [Fairfiel
Not at all friend. I am not Anti-Clinton. What I am trying to say is that Clinton lacked foresight and shrewdness that particular instance. jim_flanegin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 23:26:58 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy --
Sir James, Are you from Maldives.?? My initator who taught me TM is right now in Maldives. Give me your E-mail add. I'll give you his number. I don't know which island exactly he's in. This is a peculiar, unusual forum Sir James. You'll get used to it. SweetMaldives <[EMAIL P
Except for one small detail, Semen on a blue dress... This is tricky subject. If Clinton had pumped his Load into Lewinski's ass, there would have been NO EVIDENCE at all..!! MarkMeredith2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 08 May 2006 15:40:55 -Subject: [Fairfiel
Columns Right Angle Burden of faith Saturday February 25 2006 16:56 IST Swapan DasguptaThat began as an act of not-so-innocent bravado in Denmark last September has ceased to be a laughing
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Is there any connection between Devil-worshippers and the cult Klu-Klux-Klan.??Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 08:43:47 -0400Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Mind War by Valley/Aquino- How We Got Brainwashed on Iraq' Is this by the famous Satanist Michael Aquino, fo
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