Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 60-Chris

2005-10-15 Thread DwinnsNM
I am rather new to FeLV but Cornell University has good sites for information on this illness. If the anemia is from FeLV it has to be in the bone marrow which according to what I have read, means the FeLV has been with the cat for a long time. Our vet has our Stinky cat on Interferon and

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 57-Michelle

2005-10-15 Thread DwinnsNM
Yes, Michelle the Interferon message was from Stinky's Mom and I will go to the site you sentfor Revival. The vets are of a notion that if it isn't FeLV than it is most likely cancer. I will go to this site and order some for Stinky. I did tell my vet aboutImmuno-regulin use in catsand he

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 55-Lisa Ward

2005-10-14 Thread DwinnsNM
Lisa: Please, take your cat in if you can. As I am sure you know, the anemia sets in it seems overnight. Our Stinky cat is back in hospital. Her red cell count is down to 13 and that happened from Saturday (Saturday her count was 27) until today. Monday and Tuesday she was eating and

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 56-Lisa Ward

2005-10-14 Thread DwinnsNM
Our vets have Stinky on Interferon everyday, once a day, 1 Ml doses. I don't know if that is best or not however.

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 42-Skunk

2005-10-09 Thread DwinnsNM
Try for recipes for shampoo (they have four I think). Vets also sell Skunk Off shampoo that is supposed to work well (so I have been told). Try a water/Clorox mix on anything that can be bleached if the odor is in the house on your rugs and things. The vets tell me the same

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 9, Issue 14-Buddy!

2005-10-04 Thread DwinnsNM
Way to go Buddy- I am so glad the tests are negative! Yes!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 161-Info from Belinda Robin

2005-09-30 Thread DwinnsNM
Belinda and Robin: Thank you both for the information. Belinda you have been a wealth of suggestions- and support- thanks ever so much. Robin, it is good to hear that your other cats are fine- I sure hope the same of our cats if the second round of testing does show FeLV. Thanks so much to

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 164-Tonya

2005-09-30 Thread DwinnsNM
Thanks so much Tonya. It helps a lot to know there other people out there cheering on Stinky! She is a fighter and if any cat can, I think it will be Stinky. Torti's are like that! They're tough little cats!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 147-Skunk

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
Our dog was sprayed two years ago right in the chest- and I was told the smell could linger on him especially when wet, for several weeks. We tried tomato juice, shampoo, etc., but, nothing worked very well. He did getsprayed though, square in the chest, eyes watering, drooling, etc. "Dogs

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 150 Wink

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
So very glad your Wink is home- I hope the test results will be good news! It is so hard to wait for results and our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 151-Ceaser

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
A prayer for Caesar and good thoughts too!And, to update you all, our Stinky is coming home this afternoon but, this morning she didn't look very well to me. Stinky is stronger but, I fear for her deeply. I know the uphill battle she faces so, I understand if she is too tired to go on but,

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 151-IDEX-SNAP

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
I am new to FeLV but, as far as testing goes, I do not trust testing for more reasons than one, namely, false negatives. I do not know SNAP tests but, I think tests can throw false results and should never be trusted 100% of the time. Speaking from personal experience, I would test and

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 153-Gemma

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
Bless your hearts and our hearts go out to you. I am so sorry about Gemma- so very sorry!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 154

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
Thanks and you're right, Stinky isn't fearful of anything, she goes toe to toe with our 100 plus Lb dog and she usually wins! You're right! We have tobe strong becausethey sure have been and, again, thanks a bunch!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 155

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
Thanks so much Julie and I think you're right, I think it is the not knowing that is hardest! Once we know more than we can plan for that and again, thanks and all our best to your babies!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 156-Stinky is home!

2005-09-29 Thread DwinnsNM
Dear Friends: Our Stinky cat is home, for now anyway! She seems to be a little better. She promptly gave the dog a swat as soon as he got within reach so, she seems her old self again in that respect. The IFA test ( 2nd test ) came back negative! Yes! Now as all of you probably know, we

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 134

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM
Sounds good so far Julie! Wish the best to Wink!

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 135

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM
I cannot find anything in our city code with regard to having any certain number of animals. There are permits, etc., required of kennel owners and inspections regarding this but, nothing at all about the number of animals a person can have. There are of course codes surrounding the

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 127

2005-09-26 Thread DwinnsNM
What is best? Two weeks ago our fourteen-year-old cat Stinky started to isolate herself and than began to lose weight and refuse most food offers. We took her into the veterinarian and he found she has anemia. The anemia is apparently very bad and the veterinarian ran a FeLV ELISE and the