I repeat the following question in case it was missed.
I have set up a clef (F clef on the top line of the stave: middle C = 4,
clef position = 0) but when I add a key signature it appears well above the
stave. How do I get it to appear on the stave?
Michael Lawlor
I have set up a clef (F clef on the top line of the stave: middle C = 4,
clef position = 0) but when I add a key signature it appears well above the
stave. How do I get it to appear on the stave?
Michael Lawlor
Finale mailing list
In the Symbol Selection dialogue, I cannot find any noteheads with ledger
lines - where are they?
However, in my case I wish to add the ledger line to a black breve!
Michael Lawlor
-Original Message-
From: David H. Bailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Michael Lawlor <[EMAIL
Michael Lawlor
Finale mailing list
Finale 2002
I think I have been following the instructions on how to create ossia
measures (create new stave, add ossia measures to this stave, then hide the
stave). The problem is: when I hide the stave, the ossia measures also
disappear. What am I doing wrong?
Michael Lawlor
Both Jari and Eric suggested "reflow systems across pages" as the possible
cause of this problem. This box is ticked and always has been - I have
never changed it.
Best wishes,
Michael Lawlor
- Original Message -
From: "Jari Williamsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
seem to bypass the spacing process and it is necessary to click on a
measure, with speedy input, and then click somewhere else on the page (or
run music spacing to fix several staves at once).
I have not managed to work out what the real cause of either of these errors
is yet.
satisfactory solution in all cases where multiple transpositions may exist
within a single part. Is this a known bug?
Michael Lawlor
Finale mailing list
articulation and should these all go in the same soundfont bank? I
cannot articulate all of the questions I have here, which is why I was
hoping for some guidance on how the music relates to the technology and if
there are any books or websites that might explain this.
Michael Lawlor
explains the technology from the musical point of view.
Michael Lawlor
Cornetts & Shawms
Director of Concerto San Giacomo, Tempest & Isorhythmics
Finale mailing list
There is a problem I encounter occasionally, using the computer keyboard
with speedy entry, where a note will appear an octave and a sixth higher
than entered. Depending on how this has been done determines how easy it is
to fix, but is it a known problem and is there a solution.
Michael Lawlor
There is a problem I encounter occasionally, using the computer keyboard
with speedy entry, where a note will appear an octave and a sixth higher
than entered. Depending on how this has been done determines how easy it is
to fix, but is it a known problem and is there a solution.
Michael Lawlor
not used for monophonic music, such as
plainsong, but is used to distinguish it from improvised polyphony, such as
Michael Lawlor
Cornetts & Shawms
Director of Concerto San Giacomo, Tempest & Isorhythmics
Finale mailing list
In the document set up wizard, is it possible to define new instruments? I
need to create transposing parts not currently available and do not want to
have to set them up each time.
Michael Lawlor
Finale mailing list
o lose the rest of the parts,
and then the intonation for the rest of the piece. Then adjust the length
of the line for the intonation so it does not take up the whole width of the
page and look ridiculous. Does anyone have a quicker method?
Michael Lawlor
Cornetts & Shawms
Director of Concer
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