No cash but want a sweet Fjord?

2005-07-11 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Listen I really need to move a yearling filly due to the necessity to be all over N.A. this winter. Therefore, I am willing to consider trade for a car/truck/tractor/buggie, etc. Anyone looking for a beautiful Fjord but ha

Yearling Filly only $1,800 USD

2005-06-01 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> For Sale Purebred Registered Fjord Filly A darling little girl for sale. Randall's Erica (C-2703) born April 09 2004. Out of Leader Lane Elsa (C-2045) (sired by the venerable Lukas C-795). Bloodlines include G

Only 2200 Canadian Dollars

2004-12-03 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Make that special boy or girl very happy! A darling little girl for sale. Randall's Erica born April 09 2004. Our of Leader Lane Elsa (sired by Lukas C-795). Bloodlines include Grabb, Dragtind, Uredd. Filly f

Picky Eaters

2004-08-12 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Re Picky Eaters, Yes there is no question any fjord I do or have owned have been picky eaters. They pick one field clean and then move onto the next and pick it clean too. They simply seem to leave inedible weeds for me

Filly & (Not her mom) Trained Mare for sale

2004-07-05 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You know the feeling? I have three horses, want to keep two. FOR SALE Randall's Erica - paperwork in transit DOB April 9 2004. Sire Coleman's Eric, Dam Leader Lane Elsa. Grabb, Dragtind, Uredd bloodlines. Learni

Getting rid of ticks

2004-06-07 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I am afraid I cannot add much to the conversation on ticks. Up here in Ontario, Canada most of our ticks are the two-legged kind that were elected to office. The only thing that seems to work on them is a democratic e

Re Barter and busy trainer

2004-06-03 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Gail thanks for the comments...a good trainer would likely be busy with their own stock... Seems to me then that this scenario simply involves the wrong person for the deal. Obviously I am looking for someone without

Neat Barter Idea?

2004-06-02 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hey I think I have a pretty cool idea. Let me run it by you and see what you think... Here is the scenario. I own a 2000 born Fjord mare who is exquisite and simply wonderful. She leads, ties, grooms, etc very good but is

Unheathy Foal?

2004-05-03 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi guys, listen my first little foal Erica may be sick I am unsure. Here are the signs/symptoms 1) Bad Diarrehea 2) Black circles under eyes and stuff appears to have been in a boxing match 3) Hair off all around the nose

Foal Question

2004-04-22 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hello listers, I had my first foal a couple of weeks back and I am wondering a couple of things. The little dear is standing for brushing, holding well as I hold tight, allowing me to lift all four feet without trouble a

Hijinks in the barn...or pasture

2004-04-06 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Randall's Farms in Beamsville Ontario are pleased as punch to announce the birth this morning of Leader Lane Elsa's first foal. First our thanks go to Rick and Liz Leader for breeding such a wonderful Lukas daug

Why Wait 2 1/2 years for a colt or filly?

2003-12-16 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yes, as mentioned on these posts recently, you could wait two and a half years on a colt or filly waiting for riding age to arrive. There is certainly some merit in that in terms of bonding etc but it is a long, long time

Re: I have a 5 month old PMU fiord cold.

2003-11-06 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I read your post in the last digest including "I have a 5 month old PMU fiord cold." I am sorry to hear you are under the weather, unfortautnely it is that time of the year. Five months however is not good a

One letter missplelled?

2003-10-22 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "...She is the first to the gate and she will follow you everywhere. Her name is Lissie..." I enjoyed your post and thought it was ironically funny. The way you wrote it are you sure one letter isn't wrong i


2003-10-01 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Young stallion Coleman's Eric For Sale. DOB June 10, 2001. Registration [CAN] 2461. DNA on file. Brown Dun, no white markings but lovely zebra stripes on feet. Green broke, halters, trailers and leads well. A real pu

Mr. Barter often a forgotten man

2003-09-19 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> My name is Peter Randall and I live on a 50 acre Fjord farm in Niagara Ontario Canada. We are about an hour and a half from Toronto and 30 minutes from the US border. I have no idea where you are all at, which makes what I

Your contact info

2003-09-04 Thread W. Peter Randall PM CHRP
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall PM CHRP" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED], I'm updating my address book. Please take a moment to update your latest contact information. Your information is stored in my personal address book and will not be shared with anyone el

west nile vaxxine???

2003-03-25 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> That's exactly what I have been debating whether or not to give my fjords the west Nile shots at 30 per visit per horse plus 35 farm visit fee. Usually these things are blown out of proportion and obviously the vacci

6 Feet

2003-03-07 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You commented, "They even graze under the fence for about 6 feet out..." You have Fjords or giraffes??? LOL. - W. Peter Randall [demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a na


2003-03-05 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Last summer at Randall Farms, I chose and install a fencing system which I believe to be perfect for Fjords, attractive and superior to most any other. We used 5 inch wooden posts at 12 foot spacings with six inch post

Stop making me search through two databases...

2003-02-20 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Do you think we are ever going to be able to get the Canadian and American databases combined, correlated or available for cross searching? North America is one. very inter-connected and dependant continent. Horses mov

[no subject]

2003-02-17 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Carole you are quite correct when you say, "NOT EVERY HORSE IS RIGHT FOR EVERY UYER!" and of course, "not every buyer is right for every orse." (smile) [demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type


2003-02-10 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> More of a paragraph than a caption but I think this would be funny to see on a T shirt (Fjord looking back talking to driver) "Gee haw, gee haw, gee you sure are giddy. They oughta cut back on your swe


2003-02-06 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I cannot speak for horses, as we have never used anything but synthetic wormers on them. However, when I was younger and living in B.C. I nursed back to health an abandoned and near dead Doberman that I named Joker. He w

PMU/Jord?Cleanign Feet

2003-01-09 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1) What the heck does PMU stand for? Pregnant Mare Urine? What is special about a PMU horse? 2) Well done, Jord, loved the personification, enjoyable message. 3) Did everyone read that about not cleaning your horses feet

Crossbreeding against Nature or natural?

2002-12-27 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that the Fjord is a wonderful, special horse and indeed a treasure. Something that needs to be preserved, not changed. Consequently, I - no doubt like most of you - have

re sensitive issue

2002-12-23 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Beautiful pictures, a merry Christmas to the rescuers, the youngsters and all. Lucky they saw Christmas at all. For what it's worth re sensitive issue. We may have to advertise and blackball a breeder because he/

Slaughterhouse thread

2002-12-19 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Andy, I certainly apologize to you if you were offended by my remarks. No offense was intended. It was a question, "How does one become numb enough to work in a slaughterhouse?" Emotional? Yes, but an hone

like lambs to the slaughter...

2002-12-16 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I made the big mistake of reading the posting detailing the slaughterhouse procedures at work...unfortunately it was not a post that left anyone calling themselves human, with dry eyes. In a former life, as a musician in

Deck the fields...

2002-12-04 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> One simply had to enjoy that email header in the last digest, "Spread Manure, Holiday Cheer"... [demime 0.99c.8 removed an attachment of type text/x-vcard which had a name of W. Peter Randall PM CHRP.vcf]

Re: Backyard breeder

2002-11-12 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> The only way I could figure out "backyard breeder" was in reference to the amount of land one owned or had use of. If someone was trying to breed a mare on a two acre lot, then they could indeed be called a &quo

What's the price on...

2002-11-07 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I find these threads about "High Prices of Fjords" truly amusing. Even BDF Titan (a potential top, top sire with superlatives bloodlines - and what can beat a Gjest X Stine?)) was only listed at $12,500. Your

Dogs and horses

2002-10-31 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'll add my two cents (perhaps a nickel) on dogs and animals vis a vis horses. You may remember that a while back I posted a message asking what to do about the herding dog I had purchased and my horses. At first

perfect horse

2002-10-25 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Re "Has anyone ever see the perfect horse?" See there's the rub. A wise man once said, if he ever saw the perfect horse he'd shoot it, for why would we breed further? We are individuals and so are

Re: Survey

2002-10-18 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Well Carole your survey was certainly a mouthful... Some questions like; do you own a stallion? how many mares? etc fall under the category of survey, I agree Others however such as; Do you know what went into the


2002-10-09 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Not the only people . Gagliardi's near Fenwick also have a fjord. Ah exactly why I posted that so somebody would prove me wrong and I would make a new contact. Any details in terms of contacting? Thanks P

Re Fjord farm visits

2002-10-07 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Re" From there it was on to Niagara Falls to be a tourist for a day " Ursula and Brian, do feel free to drop in on us next time. We are the only people with Fjords near Niagara (5 minutes from QEW). John

Young Studs

2002-09-17 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Questions for those of you that pasture breed. Say you have a couple of mares in the field and you want to bring in a young, untried stud colt to pasture breed them and live with them. What are the chances they will get

Long rehash posts...

2002-08-14 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Okay it is definitely time to say this. Hopefully the moderator will add his bit to this after I do mine. PLEASE, PLEASE copy an excerpt of the message- the key point - and respond to it. NOT THE WHOLE FIVE PARAGRAPH MESS

To foal or not to foal...

2002-08-09 Thread Peter Randall
This message is from: "Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Congratulatiosn on your filly out of Erland...on the other side of the spectrum is where we lie. My mare is due July 24th. Yep, July. Vet looked yesterday (Aug 8th) and said he saw no visibel signs but really has no id

Herding dogs

2002-07-24 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thanks for all the advice re the new "herding" dog will keep you informed. It is not so desperate as "find him a new home". It is easily solved by tying him up when horses are at his (backyard) end of

Looking for stallion

2002-07-24 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I am looking for a stallion in the southern Ontario region. My mare is due and I would like to breed her back very soon to move her foaling earlier in the year. Would be interested in knowing who is standing in the

Re: Dogs\Flies and Foals

2002-07-23 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply was: "However, in nature horses roam over a large area and their dung does not pile up in one place, attracting flies. Also they are not fenced so they can seek relief in dust, shade, water etc." -

Dogs\Flies and Foals - Good title for a message to the list, no?

2002-07-22 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> A few things from the Niagara Region in heat struck Ontario... 1) Re: "Only thing works around here is a flyswatter" I found that quite amusing. I myself can't help but think about flies and horses in a d

Re: Answers to Novice Questions

2002-06-03 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> You Fjordhorse people are priceless!!! I got just the answers I was expecting to my questions (see digest 126). Many people emailed me privately and I thank you all so much for your information and gift of sharing kn

new questions for the list

2002-05-31 Thread W. Peter Randall
This message is from: "W. Peter Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I wonder if this will make it to the list? I have been reading the list avidly for the few months now since I have joined and have enjoyed it very much. I really don't know how to post a message to the list thoug

two little things

2002-05-08 Thread W. Peter Randall
once had a bad foot and...   not half a page of steves previous sore foot message.   2) How do I post a message.  never figured this out yet.   Thanks W Peter Randall The Randall Family Fly Rd Fjord Farm