Hi Patrick,
You might use sim2powersdr.exe from here:
This program converts other 96 kHz .wav files to the PowerSDR
format. Maybe it will not convert all possible 96 kHz .wav
files, but it is a simpåle program available as source code.
Leif / SM5BSZ
Hi All,
Noise blankers are sometimes very efficient in reducing man made
noise. It is well known however that strong signals within the
blanker bandwidth often renders the blanker useless.
Today, with SDR technology it is possible to do much better, but
as far as I know not very much work has yet
Hi All,
> > What I want to see is someone design a tuneable preselector with many
> > adjustable parameters.
At these frequencies and with a load impedance of 50 ohms
you can come a long way with a good 1 mH inductor and a
tuneable capacitor in series with the antenna. The 1 mH
inductor is in the
Hi Jeff and all,
> But I do some longwave listening with my old Kenwood TS-850/HF
> vertical and often hear European AM broadcast stations in the
> 150-200 kHz range even from my QTH in Missouri. Radio France
> Inter can often be heard from local sunset until
> sunrise in Europe on 162 kHz. The
Hello Mark,
Man made interference is typically very different from
white noise and in principle possible to eliminate.
Something that is present over many MHz bandwidth is
a strong signal that could be evaluated with very
high precision and then subtrated provided one looks
for it in a wide bandw
On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 01:21:51 +
Jim Jannuzzo wrote:
> There are several processes that can stop the computer
> with a long deferred procedure call. I suggest that you
> download dpclat.exe from thesyscon.de, and run it. This
> will confirm that your problem is indeed with a DPC spike.
Hi Mark,
> Just got a (relatively) inexpensive headset with boom microphone from
> Yamaha. It says it has flat response across voice spectrum.
> Questions:
> 1.Is it worthwhile to use the SDR software to check this? Will it be
> accurate?
To check you need an audio signal with flat res
Hi All,
The beauty of SDR is that we have the RF signal in digital form.
In this discussion of AM detect algorithms it could be very
useful if those of you who observe signals that are not
detected well would make raw data files available.
In case a bad audio quality is observed with a particula
Hi Brett and All,
> Mostly on strong AM ham transmissions on 80 meters, the homebrew receiver is
> clear, the 3000 is nasty.
> I do not remember anything like this on the 5000 I had a few years ago.
> I think I would like to go back to an older version of psdr which seemed to
> work better fo
Hi Robert,
> There are many hams that swear up and down that their K3's are software
> defined. I try to explain to them that their k3 rigs are software
> enhanced, but not truly software defined.
> Many hams including some very bright engineers that are in the club
> still think that their
Hello Brian,
> My opinion is that with digital processing it is impossible to eliminate the
> delay completely, so if sidetone is preferred it needs to be generated at
> the key.
It is not impossible at all. One just has to avoid errors.
The PowerSDR software runs fine with a Delta44 soundcard
Hi Brian,
> > I have tested the different parts of the delay with Linrad, and
> > I have also tested PowerSDR on the fast computer. The delay I
> > find with PowerSDR is what should be expexted. The delay depends
> > on the ASIO buffer size and on the DSP buffer size. With both
> > set to minimum
Hi All,
On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:33:28 -0500
"William H. Fite" wrote:
> Nonetheless, what is evolving is the shared understanding that in order to
> extract all the delicious juices from the SDR-fruit, one probably needs to
> devote a powerful machine to that purpose.
> On Sun, Nov 20, 2011
Comcast is blocking my mail.
Do you have another E.mail address?
Leif / SM5BSZ
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/fl
Hi Alfred,
> You can see it on the waterfall. I always operate with the panadaptor
> and waterfall displayed, and can click on the signal of interest. I was
> wondering if you had an automatic way of doing that.
No. There are typically many signals and I have no idea
about what the operator wou
Hi Alfred,
> CW we'll get to in a moment, but I don't consider AM or FM to be weak
> signal modes.
Agree:-) Nevertheless I found it very useful to use high
power and enhanced detect methods in VHF contesting.
With a kW transmitter I could work dozens of small stations
in Helsinki from my QTH in
"K0DAN" wrote:
> You're right, there's many types of noise. A few (for example ignition
> pulse) is easily handled
> but that damn propagation frying noise, power
> supplies, splatter, etc., are another matter altogether.
Yes. I am trying to build a library of interference problems.
Hi Alfred,
> The signals I am talking about are at or just below the noise level.
> Once the signal is +3dB or better then NR can make it more pleasant to
> copy because I find it less fatiguing, but it certainly would be
> copyable anyway.
That is what I have concluded from making some tests.
Hi Tony,
> There is a lot of literature on this subject, just a Google away. There are
> also labs devoted to developing commercial applications of DSP noise
> reduction. Here are some links:
> http://www.dspalgorithms.com/products/nr.html
> http://www.bhi-ltd.com/
> http://cache.freescale.com/
Hello Dan,
> I have read, and now believe, that analog rigs with
> their crystal filters lengthen the noise pulses,
> making them harder to get rid of
Yes. That is absolutely true. Here is an extreme example:
Static rain needs a sampling
Hello Bill,
> Part of the problem may be a matter of PC processing power forreal-time
> noise removal. I use audio editing software on my PC that does an
> outstanding job of removing complex noise from audio recordings.
> However, it takes over 10 seconds to clean-up 1 second from a recording,
Hi David and all,
> Just found a nasty little "feature" in Win/Vista and Win/7, named
> "audiodg.exe". This is a "required" audio driver that attempts to
> isolate processes audio routing graphs for security purposes. Problem
> is, the cure is almost as bad as the disease they are trying to
Hi Zack,
> Does anyone have any thoughts as to the source of the spurs
> on 50 Mhz at my QTH? Please see the first photo here. I
> would really like to eliminate them if possible.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/10025089@N05/?saved=1
I suggest you take notes where the strongest signals are.
Hi Mike,
> Here we suffer a lot with EU stations tuning right on top of the DX
> signal, a simple notch removes them enough to be able to make out what
> the DX
> station is sending underneath.
> The 25hz filter is great, but doesn't help like a notch does when the
> QRM'er is on the same fr
Hi Neal,
It should not because it would be a waste of resources for
absolutely no reason.
SDR-14 and SDR-IQ use USB 1.0 and they can do something between
160 kHz and 230 kHz depending on hardware and operating system.
The fastest system I have seen was a Linux machine.
The latency is determined b
Hi All,
There have been discussions over the years about AGC in "good
old analog recevers" as compared to AGC in modern receivers that
use DSP for the final filters and the AGC.
It is not obvious what kind of testing one should perform to find
out whether an AGC design is good or not so good. I h
I am sorry.
I have publicly made unfounded accusations against Flex Radio.
I now know that I was wrong. Flex Radio has an amazing algorithm
"Wide Band Image Rejection" that finds the appropriate complex
coefficients for image cancellation very fast.
When testing the filters in SDR softwares I m
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