Mr. Kim,
Thanks again for your excellent question.
My understanding of this feature request is as follows:
- Because clicking-and-dragging from a GoodsLabel in either the
ColonyPanel or the EuropePanel result in 100 units (or if the amount of the
given goods is less than 100 units, the
Hi Caleb,
Awesome, I understand. Thanks for the help!
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 10:30 PM, Caleb Williams wrote:
> In looking at your question, we should be safe. It is up to the translator
> to make adjustments for local syntax. As long as the base string contains
> the variable (i.e. %priceTotal
In looking at your question, we should be safe. It is up to the translator
to make adjustments for local syntax. As long as the base string contains
the variable (i.e. %priceTotal%), the language's syntax can be used.
For example if the an American English phrase is: "The pineapple costs
$2.00." a
Hi again,
My team and I had some questions regarding ticket #199. Here's our current
understanding of the issue:
1) Holding down SHIFT while dragging the mouse on a goods type will allow
the player to select the amount of goods of that type to move
2) Dragging the mouse *without* holding any key
If you are making a change like that, as long as you following proper
formatting styles, how the translated string is input by the translator is
up to them.
I will see if I can dig up an example when I get home.
On Nov 29, 2016 4:31 PM, "Dong Kim" wrote:
Hi again,
Thank you for the poin
Hi again,
Thank you for the pointers! We realized that the panels do resize for
longer JButtons. However, for the messages, I'm not entirely sure if I
understand how the main get translated to other
property files. As an example, I've added the following new key value pa