Try a smaller space allocation.
"willie bunter" wrote in message news:
This post was not answered. Can anybody help me out?
From: willie bunter
Sent: Tuesda
Your z9 already has an internal coupling links and theoretically you can run a
CF lpar in your z9. Since you have a single engine T01, IBM warns against
doing this. You may want to check with your IBM business partner about getting
sub-capacity pricing for IMS. You would pay for the am
Time to reel in the kids. Kill this thread.
"Ted MacNEIL" wrote in message news:
> >Webster's" on a dictionary has no significance - it's just an attempt to
> >cadge some legitimacy by invok
IBM only requires that you keep the last level qualifier intact. You can find
all your IBM datasets if you have a file on disk called **.INSTGUID.BOOK. This
file should have been made available when your system was first installed. You
can read the book by invoking the exec EOXVSTRT for book
I think we ought to kill this thread. Besides we all know he was the Lone
Ranger’s best friend.
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There's a couple of things going on here. First have you checked RMM to see if
the tape is still in RMM? The command below appears that you are trying to
take a tape out the OAM library. I would delete the tape out of RMM FORCE if
still master then I believe the CBRUXxxx exits will delete you
It sort of depends on what you are trying to connect. If you are doing
mainframe to mainframe, its better to do EE. If you have client software at
the workstation you can reconfigure some of the old TCP62 connections to TCPIP
and connect IP to IP if your mainframe application like CICS has the
"Hale, Bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
Most of our tapes move to the scratch pool correctly but I have a few
that will not move and stay in the Pending Release mode. I have tried
numerous options like Confirm Action, Confirm Scratch and resetting the
You can find the tool at You can review
the tutorial if you click on "overview" mid-way down the page. It will not
work with Xcel 2007.
Good luck.
"Jorge Arueira Campos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news: <[EMAIL
You should be good to go especially if you have DB2. The one thing to look at
are the scheduling differences, such as one schedule for everyday with minor
changes every day will change under TWS. There are nuances to the way a person
looks at scheduling that are different. I did a CA1 to RMM
We have done this. The setup of TWS is not difficult but the scheduling of
jobs may be difficult and require staff to be trained to work with TWS. Also,
I don't know if this has been done yet or not but the version of TWS we were
working with required DB2 for historical reporting onlin
You can look at an old informational apar II10372 in setting up your basic
sysplex. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. A parallel sysplex
will definitely take the load off of your other lpars by loading the LOGR
structure in memory. You also have the ability to run true VS
When your plexcfg is in a monoplex, you have two separate systems almost as if
you were to define your systems as "LOCAL." When you say MIM, do you mean MIM
Tape or DASD? Also, are you in a GRS Ring or a basic sysplex. If you are just
moving from 1.4 to 1.7, my guess is that you not only chan
Yes, your VVDS entries will get altered to point to the new catalog. I would
recommend using a export/import to save and restore a catalog if necessary.
Regards, Ernie.
"Rankin, Bob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Can anyone categorically answer the question : does
We should kill this thread, not because anyone may be sensitive to age, but the
subject is "old" and serves no value.
"Shaffer, Keith C WDC31" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news: <[EMAIL
- keith
-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion Li
> I can create it, but I can't delete it -- because I get a JCL error!
Have you looked at VVDSFIX on the IBM web site?
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Hi Rob,
You need to follow the following steps in allowing this to happen. First you
need to allow for ISPF temp files to be allocated under different names in each
lpar which would logically be the &sysname. You can accomplish this by
changing the ISPF global table and creating a local table
> -Original Message-
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 21:26:08
> To:"Ernie Takeuchi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: FW: Can You Master This Japanese IQ Test??
> ...
> This if
This if for those that live in a culturally illiterate world, there is a
difference between Japanese and Chinese.
Something to work on over the weekend!
Chinese IQ Test
Apparently this is an IQ test given to job applicants in China :
"Everybody has to cross the river."
Go to this w
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