SAS Procedurenames and --components

2005-09-08 Thread Thomas Ramseier
G'day Thank you all for your help. Finally, I took the "MXG-approach": Source Member ADOCSASU contains a complete list of all procnames and their corresponding SAS-component. Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereit

SAS Procedurenames and --components

2005-09-08 Thread Thomas Ramseier
I can find out which SAS-procedurename belongs to which SAS-component? Thanks a ton and have a good one Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Architekt Monbijoustrasse 74 CH-3003 Bern Tel

AW: How tell name of originating load library?

2005-08-16 Thread Thomas Ramseier
, Wouldn't it be possible to front-end the LOAD-, LINK-, ATTACH-, XCTL-SVCs etc. to get the necessary associaton from the DCB to the DSN? Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Arch

How tell name of originating load library?

2005-08-16 Thread Thomas Ramseier
, Wouldn't it be possible to front-end the LOAD-, LINK-, ATTACH-, XCTL-SVCs etc. to get the necessary associaton from the DCB to the DSN? Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Arch

AW: I need Coupling Facility Structure information.

2005-08-15 Thread Thomas Ramseier
tdowns.htm /end of shameless plug Hth Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Architekt Monbijoustrasse 74 CH-3003 Bern Tel.+41 (0)31 323 01 00 Fax +41 (0)31 325 90 30 [EMAIL

FICON Express2

2005-08-10 Thread Thomas Ramseier
il Fail 01 2 FC_S Y0.6 6.4 9.6 619K 6M 26K 1M 02 2 FC_S Y0.8 1.6 5.5 00 30K 128K 03 2 FC_S Y0.7 6.5 9.7 630K 6M 25K 1M 06 2 FC_S Y0.6 1.2 5.5 00 31K 133K Hth Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesam

AW: Mainframe in the DMZ -- organization of operations

2005-08-10 Thread Thomas Ramseier
that no event from "outside" may generate an immediate action in a production system. Hth Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Architekt Monbijoustrasse 74 CH-3003 Bern Tel.+41 (0)31


2005-08-03 Thread Thomas Ramseier
Hi Frank Vey smart; works like a charm! Thanx a ton Thomas Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Architekt Monbijoustrasse 74 CH-3003 Bern Tel.+41 (0)31 323 01 00 Fax +41 (0)31 325 90 30 [EMAIL


2005-07-28 Thread Thomas Ramseier
Good morning Frank >If you show me the complete set of DFSORT control statements you'd like to use with symbol:, I might be able to come up with a way to generate them dynamically so that they use the equivalent of symbol: to do what you want. The SMF30-Job is shown below: //SORT0020 EXEC PGM=I


2005-07-27 Thread Thomas Ramseier
SMF30HPT,0523,04 * END OF SYMBOL GENERATION Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thank you all and have a great day Thomas Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum /


2005-07-26 Thread Thomas Ramseier
The nice thing with ICCs is that you can define your consoles/nonsnas shared with just 1 CU and w/o the need of explicit device candidate list(s). We just replaced our 2074s thru ICCs and are very satisfied with this solution. hth, cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier

AW: How to access return codes of previous jobsteps

2005-07-26 Thread Thomas Ramseier
,3)),4,'0') ltrl = ' *Step Abended: S'sab'/U'uab'*' End line = lprf''ltrl Cheers Tom Thomas Ramseier Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation BIT Betriebszentrum / Bereitstellung / Host Informationssystem-Archite

AW: How to access return codes of previous jobsteps

2005-07-25 Thread Thomas Ramseier
n would be highly appreciated. Thanks again and have a great week Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Edward E. Jaffe Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Juli 2005 17:39 An: IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU Betreff: Re: How to access return codes

How to access return codes of previous jobsteps

2005-07-22 Thread Thomas Ramseier

AW: How to access return codes of previous jobsteps

2005-07-22 Thread Thomas Ramseier
Rc(dec): 03 Rc(hex): 0003 Schtepp 004 Stepname: STEP3APgmname: IKJEFT1B ***bypassed due to cond*** >Schtepp 005 Stepname: STEP4 Pgmname: IKJEFT01 *currently executing step* Schtepp 006 Stepname: STEP5 Pgmname: IKJEFT1B ***waiting for execution** Hope th

AW: Job statistics

2005-07-07 Thread Thomas Ramseier

Z-Platform "Benchmarking"

2005-06-09 Thread Thomas Ramseier
quot;benchmarking" with some more accurate parameters and values? What were they? - If we could show more reasonable parameters resulting from other studies, this could be a big help. Thanks a ton for any suggestion(s) Tom Thomas Ramseier Systems Engineer / Mainframe Systems