Re: Ten Questions to ask a Prospective z/VM Systems Programmer

2008-04-10 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Do you follow the IBMVM Discussion List? (In which case, if the answer's, Yes you might reasonably expect them to have revised and already know the answers to the other nine. :-) ) A couple of, matters arising that're otherwise apropos of nothing ... Do people who survive on a diet of pizza

Re: something with tn3270 and ssl

2008-02-28 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If you specify the HOLD option on your LOGOFF / DISC command: LOGOFF HOLD -- or -- DISC HOLD do the symptoms change at all? To quote from the HELP ... HOld causes the non-SNA TTY display terminal

Re: Shared *-STAT not available

2008-02-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
and ... purely becasue I'm paranoid ... IPL 190 CLEAR PARM SAVESYS CMS Regards jeff

Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-27 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If I wanted a completely self-contained program (no calls to PIPE, Rexx, etc) then I think I'd be tempted to code a sort routine into the program. After all - the entire, file to be sorted is in-store, it's not going t o be very large (even a rather inefficient bubble sort should be able to

Re: how to wait for dfsmsrm command

2008-01-23 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I have no direct experience of the specific device in question, but would a slow poll on a CP REWIND command do the trick? Say something like ... Do 10 Mounted = 1 CP REWIND 181 If Rc == 0 then Leave Mounted = 0 CP SLEEP 1 MIN End If \ Mounted then Do Timeout Logic

Re: Moving Spool

2007-12-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Richard, If a Q ALLOC shows the SPOOL (DUMP) areas on the pack as being empty, and there's no other data on the pack that should be preserved then, provided the new pack is format/allocated in the same way as the old pack, I see n o requirement to copy the contents. However, given

Good Citizenship Opportunity

2007-12-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
It's been a while but, if I may, I think it's time to repeat my perennial plea on behalf of those who, like me, have good reasons to access this list in, Plain Daily Digest Mode. When possible, could you PLEASE use Plain Text for your messages and ESPECIALLY PLEASE, when possible, avoid

Re: Controlling MONWRITE and the size of its 191 disk

2007-11-07 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Regarding the, problem of perhaps wishing to only collect a subset of the monitor records for, MONWRITE / post-processing activities while still needing a fuller set of records for realtime monitoring, it is really a trivial exercise to write a PIPE that collects MONITOR records ( a la

Re: Z/VM 5.3 and VTAM and GCS

2007-09-13 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Jim, Check out SC24-6098-02 (z/VM Group Control System) Appendix A (Tailoring and Building the GCS Nucleus) - subsection headed, Creating a New GCS Nucleus Build List. Items 7 and 8 at the bottom of page 544 through to the top of Page 547) are what you need. It's terse to the point of


2007-08-23 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hi Anne, Unless you discover a bug in CP (HIGHLY unlikely) then nothing that you d o in a Class G virtual machine can impact the first-level system (other tha n maybe in terms of excessive resource consumption if your system is ahem, inappropriately tuned grin). Maybe it's the, do it all again

Re: 2007 Order of the Knights of VM

2007-08-16 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
The certificate makes a great background for your PC's desktop (I've been using mine since about 30 minutes after I first discovered scanners). The resolution's improved a bit over the years as scanner technology has move d forward. :-) Congratulations and Welcome! Sir Jeff the Builder of

Re: Guest in 31 or 64 bit?

2007-08-11 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
If you have TRACK installed, that'll answer the question on an ad-hoc basis without any further programming effort on your part. Otherwise, if it were me and I were looking for a reliable, programmable interface I reckon I'd be starting to think about writing an extension to QUERY ...

Re: Multiple Logical Operator Consoles... how?

2007-07-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Fred, I hope that you (eventually) find this useful, but I'm going to unhelpfully start by suggesting that you take a step back and delete from your mind the idea that VM has a, console. The VM paradigm is fundamentally different to the OS paradigm - in VM, an y appropriately privileged

Re: Best procedure to migrate dedicated VSE volume to VM minidisk

2007-04-21 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I have had lots of experience with DDR - not recently, but I'm pretty confident that this should still be accurate. I've no experience pre-3330 and the following is written in a 3390 contex t. Assuming you're runnning DDR in a virtual machine and moving from and to the same VIRTUAL cylinders

Re: Historical curiousity question.

2007-03-16 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Chris Langford has already stated the fundamental answer to the original question - I'll re-state it for emphasis before we fly off on too many tangents and it gets lost: To allow complete virtualisation of minidisks of any size up to and including full-pack. Virtualising a full-pack

Re: Issuing HX from Rexx

2007-03-10 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
An Assembler Program That ABENDs ... A little convoluted, and it would need a bit of wrap-round code to generalise it and do things like verify load/start address, but it seems that one could write an EXEC that effectively, HXd based on the following ... load dmsbtp

Re: PSI story

2007-02-28 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
With a small amount of trepidation (but inviting stomping from anybody wh o feels that I'm off-base here) can I remind folk that, on IBM mainframe hardware, MIPS aren't the whole story. There's channels too - and in an I/O-related situation their power needs to be ADDED to the CPU power to

Re: z/VM 5.3

2007-02-06 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Ahah! Guess I just got lucky then! :-) Looks like several nice features in there that I'm unlikely to ever get5 to use in anger. Seen a GA date yet?

Re: Question re: Hercules

2006-10-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Alan / David / Adam, Thanks for your responses - it would seem that my understanding of the rules is not at odds with yours and that such a strategy is at least acceptable from a legal / contractural standpoint. Support of old DASD geometries was my specific thought - but I love the idea of,

Re: Question re: Hercules

2006-10-18 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
NO you can not run VM - any version - under Hercules. Now, this is one of those, But why would you want to do this? questions , but howabout running z/VM in a Hercules that was itself running under Linux in a virtual machine that was being delivered using the same z/VM a s was running,

Re: Saving a backup copy of NSSs with no tape drive

2006-09-12 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
To save into CMS files, somebody would have to teach CP how to WRITE CMS files - MUCH more challenging than its current ability to (simply) read them. (SAVESYS needs to be a CP function - just because most SAVESYS commands are executed within CMS doesn't mean that we can simply throw away

Re: Saving a backup copy of NSSs with no tape drive

2006-09-11 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
To protect oneself from rapid depletion of backups given a, Post me when the SDF changes situation and a beserk SDF-generator one simply needs to apply a minimum age on any backup-to-be-deleted. Couple that with a maximum-versions-to be-retained mechanism plus a notify-when-backup-

Re: VM directory entry for shared DASD

2006-09-08 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Unsurprisingly, it looks as if I need to clarify a little ... Tom's not happy with, assuming R/R support for Reloc 0 Minidisks. My take here is that CP is not unilaterally adding any R/R activity - if the disk at Reloc 0 is a VSE minidisk and VSE doesn't issue any R/R then CP won't either -

Re: VM directory entry for shared DASD

2006-09-07 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Well Alan, as you've, Opened the floor for discussion - here's my two penn'orth on how I think it SHOULD work. I think we're all pretty-much agreed on Virtual R/R support within a single VM image, it's when to issue a REAL R/R that's the sticking-point. I would contend that a REAL R/R should

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-27 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Somebody please pass me my hat - it's lunchtime. I'm astonished and delighted.

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Er ... meanwhile back at the original problem ... Folks, Ed is reporting that EVERY attempt to issue CP IPL command to ANY vdev is ALWAYS generating HCPCLS174E on a system that is otherwise runnin g happily. Now, sorry and all that, but I just don't buy the idea that thes e symptoms match

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-26 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Hello Alan, Seriously, what in your opinion are the odds that a problem with a paging volume on a running system that's having NO OTHER paging problems could produce the symptoms of ONLY and ALWAYS failing on IPL vdev? Replacing paging volumes might be simple and easy but -given the symptoms

Re: z/VM paging problem

2006-07-25 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I've been sitting on my thumbs ever since this thread started, expecting the, Ahah! post at any minute ... but it's not arrived. If I'm reading the problem definition correctly we have a consistent, repeatable problem - that alone makes me suspect that it's not a dodgy chunk of pagespace.

Re: MDC, Storage, xstore, and cache on External dasd.

2006-07-12 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
On the, Get close to the application thread, remember that any I/O request satisfied from MDC is likely to be satisfied (on modern boxes) in less than a microsecond. Even cached, anything that involves a conversation with a channel is going to experience a service time that is several orders

Re: duplicate dasd volume serial numbers

2006-06-30 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
In this specific instance (I wanna move a dedicated paging volume) wher e the data contained on the pack is purely ephemeral and only relevant unti l the next SHUTDOWN, it can be worthwhile to know that, once CP's recognise d a CP-OWNED volume at (usually) IPL time and added it to the CP-OWNED

Re: Volume with minidisks has no allocation information

2006-06-27 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
Further to the comments regarding sharing of DASD between CMS users and OS - this was routine behaviour at a former employer of mine (back when DASD was always in short supply). We would format the DASD on the OS side , allocate a dataset covering the back end - and then zap the VTOC to flag

Re: Emulated tape/ECKD disk

2006-05-19 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
This really needs to be core VM function ... David, Let me reiterate that comment as I understand it, because I think it's possible to interpret the scope of what you mean by, Core VM function i n different ways - and it's a definition that we need to agree upon if we'r e to have a fruitful

Re: Emulated tape/ECKD disk

2006-05-17 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
I recall how excited I was when I first learned about the *CCS support mechanism that is used to support VTAM logon terminals in CP. The concept of having an RDEVBLOK as the gateway to a server (didn't call 'em servers back then - big mistake) opened up so many possibilities for device

Re: zVM 5.2 ESAMAP and MXG

2006-04-05 Thread Jeff Gribbin, EDS
This has now been resolved. MXG Update 24.035, available from Merrill, addresses the problems. Many thanks to all who contributed to identifying and resolving this problem. Regards Jeff