Re: cron oddity?

2006-11-17 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
(someone wrote, regarding different ls output) sudo ls -lGgh /srv/ftp/pub -r--r--r-- 1 14M Nov 7 16:02 GE_Mainline_Ansys ver2.ppt HUH? when I do it manually the output is sudo ls -lGgh /srv/ftp/pub -r--r--r-- 1 14M 2006-11-07 16:02 GE_Mainline_Ansys ver2.ppt As others have

360/30 timing

2006-11-08 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
Jim Bohnsack wrote: Back around 1970 or so, I did a performance study on a S/360-30. At that time, IBM published instruction times somewhere--don't remember where. But I came up with a result that said that a mod 30 was an 18 kip machine. For some reason I have the 360/30 Functional

TCP ports and SMTP clients

2006-10-22 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
Alan Ackerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Usually, high port numbers are assigned to clients. Clients on VM include FTP, TELNET, NFS, and Charlotte (web browser). That is usual for most TCP/IP systems. High source ports are assigned to any client, not just the obvious ones. All the more

3270 data stream

2006-10-12 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
I have scanned GC23-0059-2, 3270 Data Stream Programmers Reference, and sent it to bitsavers. I don't know that it is actually available yet. I do see that Gc23-0059-7 is available from IBM in paper or electronic form. -- glen

Re: block letter routine

2006-08-09 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
The source to older versions of JES2 and JES3 are available, at least I believe they are. It must be in there somewhere. -- glen

Cleaning Fluid

2006-07-21 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anyone still know of a source that sells 3420 cleaning fluid and supplies? In the process of working through these old tapes from Princeton, I'm burning through the small supply I have of the stuff rapidly (2 pints so far), and still have a few

Token Ring vs. Ethernet

2006-06-09 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
Rich Seifert (who worked on the original 10Mbit ethernet) in his Gigabit Ethernet book has some explanation about this. Token Ring requires more complicated hardware, keeping the price higher. The higher price reduces demand, making it harder to reach the economy of scale point. There is a

Dumb IP Question

2006-05-18 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
Tom Duerbusch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From my understanding, when a client connected to the server stack at a particular port, that port is tied up and no one else can connect to it. If I remember correctly, when you FTP to port 21, the FTP server responses with another port that you

Virtual memory implementation in S/370

2006-05-15 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
(I wrote) VAX uses a two level system where page tables are paged. There is kernel space, which isn't paged and holds the first level tables referencing pagable second level tables. z/Archtecture has three levels. (someone else wrote) Actually, z/Architecture has 5 levels. So far, the

Virtual memory implementation in S/370 (a.f.c x-post)

2006-05-11 Thread glen herrmannsfeldt
Marten Kemp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The recent thread about virtual memory sparked a (kind of) idle question: why did the implementation in the S/370 have a two-level scheme (segment and page)? My original thought was that it facilitated definition of discontiguous parts of an address