[Ilugc] Ubuntu vs. CentOS vs. Fedora for my new server ?

2015-04-12 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, Important: This can easily become a flame war - request all to please avoid making this personal and keep this limited to the distros instead of the distro users. (Hate the sin not the sinner.) :-) Am setting up a new public server. This will have our default website as well as all

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] - Exciting opportunity for Linux admins

2013-08-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Geeky FOSS company is looking for the following skills on priority. Opportunity to be associated with a HOT startup. We are seeking a university educated, highly motivated Linux admins. (Minimum of 3 yrs experience. Max of 8 yrs.) Good experience on tomcat is mandatory. Some experience with

[Ilugc] [OT] Challenging Aadhar (UUID)

2012-10-22 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, Slightly off topic depending on how we perceive this. Posting this here as I assume most Free Software people will be opposed to surveillance as a matter of principle. I am sure most people on this forum are familiar with Dr. Stallman's views on surveillance, facebook and mobile phones.

[Ilugc] Query: Tools for monitoring servers

2012-06-24 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We are trying to look into monitoring servers in Beta and Prod environments. The stack: a. 2(more in future) Front End apache httpd/tomcat/Liferay Servers b. Independent CAS-SSO and SOLR servers. c. standalone server running webservices (written in Java) d. 2MySQL (Percona) servers 1

[Ilugc] Help needed in configuring Apache with SSL 123 cert from Thawte

2012-02-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, This is my first time ever that I am configuring a cert. I have read various tutorials but am unable to figure out which variables are associated to which files. Some contextual explanation of each file will also help. I have these files from Thawte. Which variables should I associate

[Ilugc] [OT] Reliable SMTP gateway ?

2011-07-06 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We run a *very* restricted website where people register with their email ids. We need to send confirmatory emails when they register. We were using google-apps till now but traffic has increased and we are looking for a reliable email provider to send approx ~ 100 emails per day and

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Require sysadmin support for tomcat/Java server setup and support

2011-05-24 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We are looking for help us with the requirements mentioned below. We are open to dealing with multiple vendors or individuals for specific areas. We are open to any of contracting to organisations or independent contractors. We are open to hiring the right individual(s) full time too.

[Ilugc] More on freshers planning a startup

2011-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, One word of caution. I would recommend people sticking to facts rather than anecdotes. The golden image of college dropouts starting successful companies if the exception and not the rule. For every successful college dropout, there will be 200 failures. Do not compare yourselves to

Re: [Ilugc] [Lengthy reply] Making a Career in FOSS [New Business]

2011-03-01 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I am usually just a lurker but I HAD to reply to this. 1. For ANY business, cash flow is the critical. Be stingy while spending. You could rent comps rather than buy. You need not have a fancy office in the beginning. Always have cash equivalent to 2-3 months of expenses in the bank. 2. Get

[Ilugc] queries: setting up svn access via apache/ssl

2010-11-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I am trying to set up a svn with access via https. System is some Ubuntu system. I have ssh/root access and am unfamiliar with Ubuntu servers. I have better experience with Redhat and hence you might have to tell me how to find out info. I need to have a svn server which I can access

[Ilugc] how people are gaining money using opensource softwares

2010-10-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We too are making quite a healthy living with Free software. There are a lot of cos. who do so too. You can charge USD/hr kind of rates even for Indian clients and most of them end up with solutions which are lesser than 50% of MS/Proprietary solutions. Most small IT service companies make

[Ilugc] Updates Re: Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash

2010-10-05 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, Am posting this on both ilugc and ilughyd. ___ 2a. Re: Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash http://bitbucket.org/lawgon/avsapdjango 1. Gave up on Kalculate - no response from the co. and no community edition either. Will

[Ilugc] Re: Linux compatible printer (Arun Khan)

2010-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
The OP is querying specific brand/model that are *known* to work from Linux user experience. I recently did quite some research and ended up buying samsung CLP 300 series - specifically Samsung CLP 315. This is a pure printer i.e. no scanning/fax/telephone. Most Samsung devices have Linux

[Ilugc] Kalculate, Tally, GNUCash

2010-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I wanted to maintain accounts of our small FOSS firm. Currently the accounts are being maintained by an external accountant in Tally. I want to start maintaining them in-house (hopefully myself) and in my research I found Kalculate as a promising alternative. But looks like you are

[Ilugc] Best practices? svn as a release mgmt tool in production.

2010-09-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We have been using svn for a long time now but want to improve our usage in terms of config mgmt. and release mgmt. Do any of you manage a production svn server for a product co? I want to explore usage of svn in different release/production scenarios. Basically I want to explore Best

[Ilugc] Re: Re: How to protect an idea from getting patented by

2010-08-22 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Seems like if you want to do software business in united states, you have to commit the sin. We are a free software consulting firm. I am a paying member of the FSF. I subscribe to the patent related views of FSF. I also subscribe to the 'pragmatic idealism' view point. Morality and

[Ilugc] Re: repeating Virus on pen-drive

2010-08-10 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I have tried overwriting the exe files using the dd command (find -name *\ .exe ./ -exec dd -if=/dev/zero or some text file of={} bs=512 count=some count enough to override the file size \;) to get rid of whatever code is in the virus. Now this is an interesting problem. It does not seem

[Ilugc] Re: Where can I get digital cert using Ubuntu

2010-07-27 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
--- From Arun To the best of my knowledge, the Indian tax authorities accept personal Dig. Certs. only from selected CAs. --- From Suresh (ilughyd) Of course nic.in provides it only for govt agencies, IDRBT for banks, but you can try ncode, safescrypt, e-mudhra etc. TCS is rather expensive.

[Ilugc] Where can I get digital cert using Ubuntu

2010-07-26 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I am planning to get a Digital Cert and was going through the TCS site - http://www.tcs-ca.tcs.co.in/index.jsp The problem is that they insist on WinXP and IE. Is there any place where I can complete this process using Firefox/Linux (Ubuntu)? Thanks, kc -- K. C. Ramakrishna

[Ilugc] Re: any one can tell which is better php vs java or ruby on rails ?

2010-04-09 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
This is going to be so much fun !!! 1. The comparison itself is not really fair. php and Java are languages while RoR is a language+framework combo. The correct comparison will be php vs. Java vs. Ruby. My order of preference here is 1st Ruby, then Java and then php. 2. php and Java have MVC

[Ilugc] [Commercial] short term python + C skils for custom distro

2009-12-11 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We have an enquiry for building a custom distro based on Ubuntu. We are looking for python and C skills for the work. We are looking for open to full-time or contract basis but will confirm based on signing on the project. Please do send me an email if you have the skills and are

[Ilugc] Re: Suggest a Project management software

2009-09-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Redmine with plugins http://www.redmine.org/ http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/Plugins We use it commercially in our firm: http://rknowsys.com/projmgmt/ We liked it so much that we have donated cash and also are in the process of writing a couple of plugins - for backup and a couple of other

[Ilugc] Kolab is a good MS Exchange Alternative

2009-09-13 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
You can even suggest an MS Outlook alternative. The latest KDE email client runs on QT4 and hence on windows. Whichever solution you choose, try and do this the incremental way. - migrate them slowly - first only 10% of users, then 15%(of total users), then 25%, 25%, 25%. This will mitigate

[Ilugc] https config help needed

2009-07-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I need some help in configuring certificates and https Here is the scenario: 1. Application is Liferay (running in tomcat without Apache) which also has Web Services. 2. There are clients (.NET, ruby..) which access these services after logging is as a special user. 3. Currently both

[Ilugc] [OT] Wireless broadband recommendations?

2009-07-14 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, Has anybody used wireless broadband services in India? I was looking to subscribe to one but not sure which one to buy. Google hasn't really helped. I (and many people I know) have had very bad experiences with Tata Indicom in general (telecom as well as internet/broadband, billing

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] LDAP/OpenDS consulting required

2009-06-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
One of our clients is trying to implement Single-Sign-On (considering OpenSSO) for Liferay for a mildly complex scenario. We need to talk to somebody good with LDAP/OpenDS on Linux/Unix. We need to discuss on which is the best approach with somebody who has worked with single-sign-on in large

[Ilugc] [OT] Safer domain search

2009-06-03 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I have been searching for a domain name for a new service we were planning to launch. I shortlisted a few good ones which were available and went back to register them the next week. To my surprise, I found them not available. These are not common names - they are very specific to a

[Ilugc] FOSS app released

2009-05-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We have released a Free application on rubyforge quite sometime back. In addition to the source code, we are planning to host it for free for the Free Software Community. The tool is basically a filtering mechanism of community ideas based on 'widsom of the crowds'. 1. Any registered

[Ilugc] Re: Configuring squid to block the systems on a network

2009-05-05 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I searched to see if I have any old acl lists but couldn't find them. I did this a long time back but remember enough to give you a start. For the actual syntax, there are a *lot* of articles on the net. 1. You will have to define groups of computers(IP addresses) or users(people). 1.1 Lets

[Ilugc] Re: Recovery with testdisk

2009-05-01 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Updates: While trying to recover, I had another idea, if you remember, I theorised that Simple backup and restore created a directory in /media. Following up on that theory, I used testdisk to go to /media/KC in the old partition of my laptop harddisk and lo behold, the directory did exist and

[Ilugc] Re: Help needed - recovering formatted ext3 (Ravi Kumar Tenneti)

2009-04-29 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Please try http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk and post the details. Thank you. I did download Testdisk but was not sure whether I should use it. I did use it after you recommended it and it worked like a charm. Its absolutely fantastic. It showed me all previously deleted partitions, the

[Ilugc] Help needed - recovering formatted ext3

2009-04-28 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I recently installed ubuntu 9.04 and reformatted my hard drive. I had taken a backup before I attempted this but the restore failed after the installation. I had re-allocated partitions of my harddrive and know for a fact that the previous sectors were not overwritten. In fact with a

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Liferay and Alfresco developers needed

2009-04-09 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We are looking for Liferay and Alfresco developers - either full time or contract basis. At least 1 year of experience in Liferay/Alfresco. Employee will have to relocate to Hyderabad. We can be flexible on location of Contract developers. Compensation will be above industry average.

[Ilugc] STPI mandating MS technologies!!

2009-03-30 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I was planning to get my firm registered with the STPI and noticed a very curious pattern. Most downloads from STPI are in MS formats (doc, xls...)- http://www.hyd.stpi.in/downloads/download.html Also STPI is asking exclusively for power-point presentations. I was wondering if there

[Ilugc] Re: Configuring LAN with BSNL DataOne (Sahid Khan (?????))

2009-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi, There are 2 solutions apart from iptables: 1. Hardware solution: Buy a hub (~ Rs. 600 for 8 port I think - dont remember exactly but very cheap) and connect both machines to this. You will have to set them to DHCP and they will get LAN IPs from hub. This way you can add more machines and

[Ilugc] Re: Configuring LAN with BSNL DataOne (Sahid Khan (?????))

2009-03-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Please find correction below. Hi, There are 2 solutions apart from iptables: 1. Hardware solution: Buy a hub (~ Rs. 600 for 8 port I think - dont remember exactly but very cheap) and connect both machines to this. You will have to set them to DHCP and they will get LAN IPs from hub.

[Ilugc] (no subject)

2009-02-18 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
selva_...@yahoo.com wrote: I wanna make my team interactions, coordinating day-to-day activities, scheduling etc. through web. Can anyone pls point me to some effective web service for this. I think you are looking for basecamp - http://www.basecamphq.com/

[Ilugc] Re: [OT][COMMERCIAL] need a web designer (Mano)

2009-02-17 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi Mano, I seemed to have missed your original email. We have a good xhtml/css person in-house. He is currently involved with spread.kde.org Please do get back to me if this is still open and we can figure out if we can help you. Thanks, kc K. C. Ramakrishna www.rknowsys.com

[Ilugc] [OT][COMMERCIAL] J2EE (Liferay) contractor required for 2-3 months

2009-02-16 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, We are working on a Liferay based project and require a full-time contractor for 2-3 months. Required: At least 1.5 yrs experience in J2EE. Liferay exposure will be a big bonus. Reasonably good acads expected. Preferably B.Tech, MCA. May lead to permanent position if candidate is

[Ilugc] Re: PDF Editing using OpenOffice 3.0 (Shrinivasan T)

2009-01-30 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi there, If you are not particular on using OpenOffice, you can try 'pdfedit' available on sourceforge. It works pretty well for me barring an occasional crash while handling large documents - no data loss ever though. If you are specifically interested in OO 3.0, ignore this. Thanks, kc K.

[Ilugc] F/OSS Support for Enterprise, Education and Domestic purpose

2009-01-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Ravi Jaya ravi.goglob...@gmail.com wrote: Dear Luggies, I am interested to know form you, does any IT service company in India who provides F/OSS Support for Enterprise, Education and Domestic users in their day to day operations. To migrate from

[Ilugc] Re: Anyone at MIT, GOI listening?

2009-01-15 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
We definitely need more activity here. I don't know how many of you read this: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/01/04/microsoft-edgi-secrets/ Recently we have volunteered to contribute to IT systems for Lok Satta Party. We are trying to provide all solutions using FOSS technologies. We have plans to

[Ilugc] Re: This is T.Arulalan, doing M.C.A in Saveetha Engg College(Mohan R)

2009-01-12 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
have an excellent understanding of the Internet, joy in life in addition to high paying jobs waiting for you :-) எல்லாம் சூப்பர்.. ஆனா இவ்ளோ தெரிஞ்சுகிட்டு கடைசியா சம்பளத்திக்குத் தான் வேலை பார்க்கணுமா? ம்ம்ம்... Translation please!! I am from AP and can't read Tamil. Thanks, kc K. C.

[Ilugc] Re: This is T.Arulalan, doing M.C.A in Saveetha Engg College

2009-01-11 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi Arulalan, TCP/IP is the underlying architecture of the whole Internet. The power of these protocols is surpassed only by their simplicity and elegance. I have worked on various Internet protocols for Lucent and Conexant and I think TCP/IP are the most elegant, simple and powerful protocols

[Ilugc] Re: Employee Agreement of a FOSS company

2008-12-03 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I am part of a FOSS based consultancy. We work only with FOSS technologies. Even our development environments are Fedora and Ubuntu. We only have one laptop with Windows (bundled when bought). We use that laptop for IE compatibility. We do have agreements where employees assign all copyright

[Ilugc] Tutorial - hosting on AWS

2008-11-21 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, I finally got round to writing down howtos for hosting on AWS. The tutorials are released under FDL. The latest tutorial is hosting with Ruby Enterprise Edition and Phusion passenger. There is another link which is a tutorial for hosting with mongrel.

[Ilugc] Re: Error while installing rubygems-0.9.4 in fedora core 6 (Vamsee Kanakala)

2008-10-02 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi, You will find the rpms at www.rpmfind.net If you need to be up to date - install the latest from source but in most cases, rpm should work fine. kc K. C. Ramakrishna rKnowsys Technologies www.rknowsys.com ___ To unsubscribe, email [EMAIL

[Ilugc] [COMMERCIAL] Looking for liferay developer - 2-3 yrs experience

2008-09-19 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, As you know, we are a pure FLOSS firm based in Hyd. We are looking for a competent Liferay developer. Min 2 yrs in J2EE and min 1yr in liferay. Experience on Hibernate required. Please apply with detailed resume with academic details too including % from 10th onwards. Salary/perks will

[Ilugc] Solution - Skype on Linux

2008-08-20 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
Hi all, You can add the skype repository in Ubuntu: System - Administration - Software Sources - Third party software Click on 'Add' in URI add 'http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ Distribution: stable components: non-free This will ensure that you always get the latest updates too.

[Ilugc] Re: Sify Vs Linux Consumer Forum (Raja Subramanian)

2008-08-20 Thread K.C. Ramakrishna
I would recommend not to go for any cable at all. I have tried 2-3 cable vendors and all of them suck big time. Hathway, Sify included. In my experience - DSL is much more reliable. Airtel and BSNL are pretty good. I have been using Airtel ADSL for more than 3 yrs in my office (10 employees)