[IslamCity] News: Students join Muslims for 'day in the life'

2005-04-18 Thread Islahonline
From: mariah memon Subject: News: Students join Muslims for 'day in the life' Students join Muslims for 'day in the life' By Amber Colvin, Daily Staff Reporter March 09, 2005 Instead of learning it in a lecture hall or reading it in a textbook, students can participate in Muslim

[IslamCity] US Reaching Out to Muslim Brotherhood: Report

2005-04-16 Thread Islahonline
US Reaching Out to Muslim Brotherhood: Report Make no mistake about it: we don't deal with the US embassy and any [foreign] contacts should be done via the Foreign Ministry, said Habib. CAIRO, April 3, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) The US State Department has drawn up a memo calling for direct and

[IslamCity] Qatar - DSAI Speech at the US-Islamic Forum Qatar 2005

2005-04-16 Thread Islahonline
From: Nurul Izzah Anwar Subject: Re: DSAI'S SPEECH AT THE US-ISLAMIC FORUM QATAR 2005 Dear friends, Please find attached the latest speech presented by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at Doha, Qatar. Please forward this speech to others as well. Yours sincerely, Nurul Izzah Anwar Forging A

[IslamCity] Conference Aims to Promote Haj and Umrah Services

2005-04-14 Thread Islahonline
Conference Aims to Promote Haj and Umrah Services Thousands of Haj and Umrah service providers will meet in Jeddah to make pilgrims visits to the Kingdom even more enjoyable. Makkah Governor Prince Abdul Majeed will open the first international convention of Haj and Umrah services being

[IslamCity] Launch of Muslim Voice UK

2005-04-14 Thread Islahonline
HELP US TO HELP BRITISH MUSLIMS! PLEASE FORWARD THIS E-MAIL ON TO AS MANY MUSLIMS IN THE UK AS POSSIBLE! LAUNCH OF MUSLIM VOICE UK (MVUK) Online surveys to get the Muslim Viewpoint The MVUK website (www.mvuk.co.uk) launched 1st April 2005. MVUK will survey Muslims online on issues

[IslamCity] CRUCIFIXION Or Cruci-fiction - Ahmed Deedat's Most Potent Book

2005-04-12 Thread Islahonline
From: Asifa AM CRUCIFIXION Or Cruci-fiction - Ahmed Deedat's Most Potent Book This is one of Ahmed Deedat's most potent books which created quite a stir within the Christian world since its release in March 1984. In his usual inimitable style and incisive manner Ahmed Deedat has

[IslamCity] When Friends Hurt Each Other

2005-04-11 Thread Islahonline
ABC 123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When Friends Hurt Each Other By Muhammad Al-Shareef Imam Malik (Rahmatullah alaihi) one day entered the Masjid after Asr. Towards the front of Masjid An-Nabawee he drew closer and sat down. Rasul Allah (SAW) had commanded that anyone who enters the

[IslamCity] The Mother's influence on the children

2005-04-09 Thread Islahonline
ABC 123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The Mother's influence on the children The most prevailing influence anything can have on the child is the influence of the mother. Hence the mother is required to develop virtuous morals and character. Don’t underplay any action of the child even if it


2005-04-09 Thread Islahonline
ABC 123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: OUR CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE A man came to Malik ibn Nabiy asking for advice with his daughter's education. Malik asked him, 'How old is she?' 'One month,' he replied. 'You missed the train,' he said. Ibn Nabiy later commented, 'I thought I was

[IslamCity] Islam Fosters Tolerance, Peace: Ex-Taliban Hostage

2005-04-07 Thread Islahonline
Islam Fosters Tolerance, Peace: Ex-Taliban Hostage “The whole experience had taught me a very valuable lesson, and that is not to believe propaganda that powerful people in powerful places want us to believe,” said Ridleyf CAIRO, December 5

[IslamCity] Comparative statistics Palestinians vs Zionists

2005-04-06 Thread Islahonline
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: From: "Adib S.Kawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Subject: Comparative statistics Palestinians vs ZionistsDate: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 01:06:10 +0200 Not only if Americans knew the attached facts, but also the rest of the world

[IslamCity] The Beautiful Story of Abu Ghayth

2005-04-06 Thread Islahonline
The Beautiful Story of Abu Ghayth From the signs of truthfulness is fear of Allah and asceticism in life; for the truthful with conviction fears consuming from what is impermissible and bears poverty and hardship for the sake of Islam. If he commits sin then he does not sleep until he

[IslamCity] Malaysia - Delegates abuzz over 'suicide bomber'

2005-04-06 Thread Islahonline
arm against civilian in Palestinian. But yet, stupid leaders still invite and give honour to them to spread their lies. Islahonline URL: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/3/30/nation/10542988sec=nation__

[IslamCity] Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Bible

2005-04-05 Thread Islahonline
From: msapublication Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:40 PM Subject: Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Bible Foretelling of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Bible =

[IslamCity] General Elections and British Muslims

2005-04-05 Thread Islahonline
UNSPUN as-salaamu 'alaykum everyone, With the British General Election widely predicted to be only five weeks away (the most touted date is currently Thursday 5th May 2005), politicians are busy making their pitches to various constituencies. Since the last general elections were

[IslamCity] Salahadeen story

2005-04-05 Thread Islahonline
Salahadeen http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=9864TagID=1In 1187 the Christian King of Karak, Arnat, attacked an innocent group of pilgrims travelling to perform hajj. The attackers, showing no mercy, plundered, tortured the men and dishonoured the women. Whilst killing

[IslamCity] Is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned in the Bible?

2005-04-04 Thread Islahonline
From: msapublication Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:44 PM Subject: Is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned in the Bible? Is the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) mentioned in the Bible?

[IslamCity] best quran citation

2005-04-04 Thread Islahonline
best quran citation http://www.aswatalislam.net/CategorySelectionMadeP.aspx?CatID=1001 *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the

[IslamCity] Huge quake hits Indonesian coast

2005-03-28 Thread Islahonline
From: Zifri Baharudin Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 6:41 PM Subject: Huge quake hits Indonesian coast Huge quake hits Indonesian coast A major quake in the Indian Ocean has hit the coast of the

[IslamCity] The First Stage: Dust

2005-03-27 Thread Islahonline
From: veretest Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 10:43 AM Subject: The First Stage: Dust The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah created Adam from a handful of dust taken from different lands, so the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land. Therefore, from mankind

[IslamCity] The Underlying Spirit of the Deen

2005-03-27 Thread Islahonline
From: veretest The Underlying Spirit of the Deen We have now perfected for you our DEEN, completed our favors upon you and Allah is satisfied with Islam as a your DEEN. [Qur'an 5:3] The word DEEN is a significant term used in the Qur'an and could mean ... way of life, framework for

[IslamCity] WESTERN MUSLIMS ARE DYING TO FIT IN By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry*

2005-03-27 Thread Islahonline
From: International News Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 5:14 AM Subject:WESTERN MUSLIMS ARE DYING TO FIT IN By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry* WESTERN MUSLIMS ARE DYING TO FIT IN By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry* March 17, 2005 I am very worried about the future of my Muslim brothers and sisters in

[IslamCity] Turn off TV!

2005-03-26 Thread Islahonline
Quality Family Time? Television is a big part of society today. 98 percent of homes in America contain at least one TV set, and a third of all homes contain two or more television sets. Parents come home after a hard day's work and sit down in front of their TV, in lieu of sitting down with

[IslamCity] My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge..

2005-03-26 Thread Islahonline
From: Hanna "My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge.." The Pleasures of LearningBy Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed, Ph.D"My Lord! Enrich me with knowledge.." - (Quran, 20:114) The rise of Muslims to the zenith of civilization in a period of four decades was based on Al-lslam's emphasis on learning.

[IslamCity] Youth and interpersonal conflicts

2005-03-23 Thread Islahonline
From: ABC 123 (18:13) "We relate to thee their story in truth: they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We advanced them in guidance:" (18:14) "We gave strength to their hearts: Behold, they stood up and said: "Our Lord is the Lord of the

[IslamCity] A Look At The Powerful Jewish Lobby In America

2005-03-23 Thread Islahonline
From: gabi doc A Look At The Powerful Jewish Lobby In America http://www.rense.com/general27/jlobby.htm Rense.com A Look At The Powerful Jewish Lobby In AmericaBy Mark Weber7-12-2 "It makes no sense at all to try to deny the

[IslamCity] Tafseer Sura Al-Maidah 5:35

2005-03-22 Thread Islahonline
From: la_latino_muslims Tafseer Sura Al-Maidah 5:35 Al-Maidah (The Table) Chapter 5: Verse 35 Ceaseless, Multifrontal Struggle Believers! Fear Allah and seek the means to come near to Him, and strive hard in His way; maybe you will attain true success. In this verse the believers are

[IslamCity] Dutch Muslim Women 'Face Racial Oppression'

2005-03-22 Thread Islahonline
http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-03/15/article02.shtml Dutch Muslim Women ‘Face Racial Oppression’ “Muslim women in the Netherlands take the brunt of religious

[IslamCity] Give Thanks To Allah

2005-03-21 Thread Islahonline
From: sobiaaasrar == Wednesday, Safar 6, 1426 H, March 16, 2005 Assalam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Thank Allah Okay, so I admit I woke up a bit late today. Alright, alright, quite late. My stomach was growling and rightly so. Grabbed a slice of yellow cake and was on

[IslamCity] Pause To Reflect Two Great Words Of Solace

2005-03-21 Thread Islahonline
From: Souladvisor Pause To Reflect Two Great Words Of Solace Daily Reminder wrote: Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, I pray that this reaches you in the best of health and Eeman. As for the prayer, its significance or rather part of its significance is that it empties

[IslamCity] Humbleness

2005-03-21 Thread Islahonline
From: ABC 123 HumblenessShaykh Salman al-`Awdah Humbleness is to know the value of oneself, to avoid pride, or disregarding the truth and underestimating people. As the Prophet sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam said, according to Muslim and others, "Al-Kibr is rejecting the truth and

[IslamCity] Israel Builds New Separation Wall Around Gaza

2005-03-21 Thread Islahonline
http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-03/16/article03.shtml Israel Builds New "Separation Wall" Around Gaza Construction of the West Bank separation wall is in full

[IslamCity] Austrian Minister Backtracks on Anti-Hijab Comment

2005-03-21 Thread Islahonline
http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-03/16/article01.shtml Austrian Minister Backtracks on Anti-Hijab Comment Prokop shifted her ground thanks to the astute action from

[IslamCity] The stories of the Prophets:-The Creation of Adam - Part 1

2005-03-20 Thread Islahonline
From: veretest Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:41 AM Subject: The stories of the Prophets:-The Creation of Adam - Part 1 Today's lesson is entitled The Creation of Adam (AS), however it seems that I will be talking about something else, namely, the submission, humility, surrender, and

[IslamCity] Perfecting Islam Through Generosity

2005-03-20 Thread Islahonline
From: la_latino_muslims Perfecting Islam Through Generosity The Messenger, peace be upon him, never refused anyone and only said the word no when reciting the profession of faith while praying. Once, a bedouin came and asked the Messenger for something. The Messenger complied with his

[IslamCity] A Grandma Who Completed Memorizing the Qur'aan at 82

2005-03-20 Thread Islahonline
From: farhaanah An Interview with Umm Saalih,A Grandmother Who Completed Memorizing the Qur'aan at Eighty-Two Years Old As Read by Dr. Saleh as Saleh Al-Hamdulillaah (All-Praise is due to Allah), the One Who said (what means): "And in truth We have made the Qur'aan easy to

[IslamCity] Malaysia: Weekend Seminar With Azzam Tamimi 2

2005-03-17 Thread Islahonline
From: Dr Musa Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 17:08:52 +0800 Subject: seminar schedule ISLAMIC POLITICAL THEORY WEEKENED SEMINAR WITH DR. AZZAM TAMIMI Seminar Schedule and Topics Session One: Introduction The Era of Prophethood 2nd April 2005 Saturday 0900-1030 Outline of course content

[IslamCity] Our Great Leader - Hasan al-Banna: A Lasting Legacy

2005-03-16 Thread Islahonline
From: isa hamzah Our Great Leader Hasan al-Banna: A Lasting Legacy On the 57th anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hasan Al-Banna (1906-1949), Sheikh Rachid Ghannouchi highlights some of the achievements of the man considered the greatest Islamic reformer of our era. It is out of the

[IslamCity] Fw: ban the hacker

2005-03-14 Thread Islahonline
- Original Message - From: Majlis Syura Muslimun UK Eire To: Islahonline Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:58 AM Subject: re: ban the hacker Assalamualaikum Islahonline Thanks for your help. Pls tell othermoderators to ban the following two yahoo id. These two are confirmed

[IslamCity] Influencing the Behaviour of Muslim Youth and Their Parents

2005-03-13 Thread Islahonline
From: Siti Aishah Mohd Selamat Influencing the Behaviour of Muslim Youth and Their Parents by Shahid Athar , M. D. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the factors influencing the behavior of children and how to modify them so that they grow as model citizens practicing Islam

[IslamCity] Taking The Mystery Out of the Middle East

2005-03-13 Thread Islahonline
From: juliesheesh Taking The Mystery Out of the Middle East I'm a living example of how off-base stereotypes can be. I always tell my audiences, 'I want to let you step with me to the inside, to see what a Muslim worldview looks like and feels like, so you can bring it back to your

[IslamCity] Are Muslim youth cultured?

2005-03-10 Thread Islahonline
From: Hanna Are Muslim youth cultured? Are Muslim youth cultured? Do Muslim teens know their Bach from their Rachmananov or their Shakespeare from their Blake? Can they hum Beethoven’s symphonies, name Shakespeare’s tragedies or simply count in Greek?! I am not emotionally

[IslamCity] Youth with a mission

2005-03-09 Thread Islahonline
From: Hanna Youth with a mission Youth with a missionBy Hilal Bhat Srinagar: Ajaz Ahmad Rather, final year social sciences student in a college here, calls it 'literacy in the light of Islam.' Three years ago, the idea of teaching English language to underprivileged children of this

[IslamCity] Friday Prayer Led by Women @ NYC

2005-03-07 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum Clear example of muslim who follows misguidedleaders, they make their own rules and claim they do have the knowledge and yet, they are no different than those hipocrite whoare funding by the kufr to tarnish the true islamic teachings. Wassalam

[IslamCity] In Search of More

2005-03-07 Thread Islahonline
From: Hanna In Search of More In Search of More by Shaden Mohamed When I was a child, Islam to me was just a code of rules. But as I matured, Islam developed meaning for me. By the time I was a teenager, I came to understand Islam as being more than just what I could and could not do.

[IslamCity] Dublin - Integration Tops European Fatwa Council Meeting

2005-03-06 Thread Islahonline
From: Mohammed Fauzi Integration Tops European Fatwa Council Meeting Integration Tops European Fatwa Council Meeting"A Muslim should be effective in his society and help in its welfareand prosperity," said Sheikh Qaradawi.Click to listen to a translation of Sheikh Qaradawi's speech By

[IslamCity] Chat Shows, Nashid Groups, and Lite Preaching

2005-03-05 Thread Islahonline
From: Mohammed Fauzi Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 2:14 PM Subject: Chat Shows, Nashid Groups, and Lite Preaching Chat Shows, Nashid Groups, and Lite PreachingEgypt's Air-Conditioned Islam*By Hossam Tammam, Patrick Haenni**February 16, 2005 The hijab that was the symbol of the

[IslamCity] Re: Book Review: Islamic Economics and Finance: A Glossary (Second Edition)

2005-03-03 Thread Islahonline
From: Zifri Baharudin Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 11:23 PM Subject: Book Review: Islamic Economics and Finance: A Glossary (Second Edition) From: Abdul Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 10:22 AM Subject: Re:Meaning of Arabic Words Used in Islamic Finance Assalamu alaikkum, wrwb,

[IslamCity] Re: Thailand to Explain Harsh Policies to OIC

2005-03-03 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum It is about time OIC made its stand rather than being silent all this while and let the kufr dictateshow Muslim should be treated. As for going forward, OIC should be playing much more ACTIVE role rather than being reactive. Islahonline From: Mohammed Fauzi

[IslamCity] Q-News: Lifting the veil from media eyes

2005-02-28 Thread Islahonline
Islam: lifting the veil from media eyesPress Gazette17 February 2005 "One of the imams from up north called and said ‘the downfall of Q-News will be brought about by the women you have placed in leadership positions," she recalls. "Fuad said to him: ‘If you can find me 200 bearded

[IslamCity] UK -IMASE Event : Are We Really Learning - Facing Problems Creatively, Sat 5 March

2005-02-28 Thread Islahonline
ARE WE REALLY LEARNING? Facing problems creatively with Dr Mahbub Gani and Dr Umar Ebrahimsa. Date: Saturday 5th March 2005 Time: 1pm - 5pm Venue: Room 408, Electrical Engineering Building, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ Do you have a love of learning? Would you like the

[IslamCity] Malaysia - Weekend seminar with Dr. Azzam Tamimi

2005-02-26 Thread Islahonline
A WEEKEND SEMINAR WITH DR. AZZAM TAMIMI ORGANISERS : Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF) Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM) Malaysian National Insurance (MNI) THEME : ISLAMIC POLITICAL THEORY DATE : 2 – 3 April 2005 ( Sat Sun ), 9 am – 6 pm VENUE : Dewan Sri Pinang, MNI Twin Towers,

[IslamCity] Austrian Muslim Women at Heart of Defending Islam

2005-02-26 Thread Islahonline
Austrian Muslim Women at Heart of Defending Islam “Austrian Muslim women have indeed made impressive political and social strides,” said Baghajati. By Ahmed

[IslamCity] the 21st of February 1965- Malcolm X 's Martyrdom.

2005-02-26 Thread Islahonline
From: Mohamed Bokreta IN THE NAME OF GOD THE COMPASSIONATE THE MERCIFUL “Do they not Travel through the Earth, and see what the End of those before them was? But the Home of the Hereafter is best, Will Ye not then Understand?” Holy-Quran 12-109. ISLAM’s HISTORIC DIARY

[IslamCity] US - Israeli National to Head Secret

2005-02-26 Thread Islahonline
February 18, 2005 Axis Power, the United States, Chooses Israeli National to Head Secret Police, Forces Prepare For Further Global Conquest By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers From: Patty Blackwell In the latest frightening internal move by the United States


2005-02-25 Thread Islahonline
From: Mahboob Shariff Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 1:58 PM Subject: TIPS FOR ON HOW TO HANDLE PORNOGRAPHY TIPS FORON HOW TO HANDLE PORNOGRAPHY Its hard, especially when youre a teenager and bombarded with images of sexuality: that hot-looking

[IslamCity] Youth is Strength

2005-02-25 Thread Islahonline
From: Siti Aishah Mohd Selamat Youth is Strength By Ashur Shamis The following is a classic article which was first published in The Muslim magazine in July 1978. It has not lost its relevance or importance. Societies in all human cultures give a great deal of attention and

[IslamCity] Islam: Where Are We and Where to Go? A Lecture The Twilight of 'Islamosaurs'

2005-02-24 Thread Islahonline
From: Mohammed Fauzi Islam: Where Are We and Where to Go?A Lecture "The Twilight of 'Islamosaurs'"By Shaikh Abdal-Hakim Murad* February, 17, 2005 Shaikh Abdal-Hakim MuradThis lecture was delivered at Oxford University for the OxfordUniversity Islamic Society on November 6, 2004, as

[IslamCity] Re: Unknown plane fires missile at Iran's nuclear reactor!

2005-02-21 Thread Islahonline
US attempt to ignite another war (see below)...funny thing since NORTH KOREA has publicly admitted havingatomic weapon, why US is not invading them instead? Or perhaps because IRAN is: - ISLAMIC country - rich in OIL - threat to ISRAEL Interesting... From: MA PA To: [EMAIL

[IslamCity] A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam

2005-02-21 Thread Islahonline
A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam Home Search This Site For Comments

[IslamCity] What Is the Status of Women in Islam?

2005-02-19 Thread Islahonline
http://www.islam-guide.com/frm-ch3-13.htm Previous Contents Next Search

[IslamCity] Re: Muslims of Narita, Japan

2005-02-19 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum To all, if anyone living in Japan, pls reply directly to the sister below... - Original Message - From: nazri khalijah - [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 5:23 PM Subject: Re: Muslims of Narita, Japan salam, i want find


2005-02-19 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum While the man made religion (Hindu) followershavealready realised true factof VALENTINES DAY, some Muslim still ignorantly following thechristian celebration of valentines day. What a shame... From: Engr. Meer Sahib HINDUS BURN VALENTINE CARDS - HINDU MORAL OUTRAGE

[IslamCity] Muslim Directory Online Goes Live!

2005-02-18 Thread Islahonline ,
Subject: Muslim Directory Online Goes Live! Dear Friends and Colleagues, Assalaamu'Alaikum. The MD Team is pleased to inform you that the re-designed and improved Muslim Directory Online website is now live. With a host of new sections and services on offer, we are confident the new site

[IslamCity] War in Jolo: ABIM calls for UN and OIC Intervention

2005-02-18 Thread Islahonline
War In Jolo: ABIM Calls For UN And OIC Intervention February 16, 2005 - The Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) calls for the active intervention by the United Nations Organization (UN) and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC)

[IslamCity] Muslims of Tibet

2005-02-18 Thread Islahonline
From: saiyed shahbazi Muslims of Tibet Muslims of TibetBy Masood ButtTibetan Bulletin Tibet had pockets of Muslims entrenched within its borders although there is no documentary evidence on how Muslims first came to settle there. In fact, information on Tibetan Muslims in general

[IslamCity] London - Fri 18 Feb: An Audience with Anwar Ibrahim

2005-02-16 Thread Islahonline ,
From: Asim Siddiqui Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 11:04 AM Subject: Fri 18 Feb: An Audience with Anwar Ibrahim Dear Brothers SistersAssalamu alaikumMay this message find you in the best of health and iman, insha'Allah. Please accept this invitation to attend the City Circle on Friday

[IslamCity] UK - islamic events

2005-02-14 Thread Islahonline ,
To help you Utrujj - Knowledge and Creativity Presents :ONE DAY INTENSIVES AND 6 WEEK COURSESDelivered by Shaykh Haythem Tamim [The Utrujj Foundation]*1. FACE2FACEDates: Saturday 12th February 2005Time: 10am - 6pmVenue: Arts Lecture Theatre 4 ,Sheffield University, Arts Tower, Western Bank,

[IslamCity] UK - Anwar - Will Britain betray Human Rights?

2005-02-13 Thread Islahonline ,
Will Britain betray Human Rights? Wednesday, February 09, 2005Anwar’s quest for a dynamic, peaceful, prosperous,caring, harmonious, robust, free, disciplined, liberaland tolerant society FROM OUR LONDON DESKBy Wan ZainulOn Saturday, 5 February 2004, Anwar spoke at an

[IslamCity] Email me: Royal Dutch Shell - Technicals trump

2005-02-13 Thread Islahonline ,
Please email to the original sender directly... From: Zifri Baharudin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Sent: Friday, February 11, 2005 10:23 PM Subject: Email me: Royal Dutch Shell - Technicals trump ... Assalamualaikum If you want to read the following report, pls email me directly by 22th

[IslamCity] USA - 2005 ISNA Convention Poster Art Contest

2005-02-10 Thread Islahonline ,
2005 ISNA Convention Poster Art Contest The Islamic Society of North America would like to announce an artwork contest for the upcoming 42nd Annual ISNA Convention. The theme for this year's 42nd Annual ISNA Convention is: MUSLIMS IN NORTH AMERICA: Accomplishments,

[IslamCity] Jeddah presentation: An interest-free monetary system

2005-02-09 Thread Islahonline
From: Baharudin, Z To: Corporation Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 3:38 AM Subject: Jeddah presentation: An interest-free monetary system Fwd: Sent: 2/6/05 8:21 PMSubject: Jeddah presentation: An interest-free monetary systemAssalamu Alaikum,I would very much like to meet those of

[IslamCity] New Era for North London Central Mosque

2005-02-08 Thread Islahonline
News release from the North London Central Mosque Trust (Reg. Charity No. 299 884) Date: 5 February 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Notes to the Editor: Correction [The added new trustees are: Abdel Shaheed El-Ashaal (Chairman); Mohammed Kozbar (Secretary); Ahmed

[IslamCity] Amnesty international - Former deputy Anwar Ibrahim

2005-02-03 Thread Islahonline
London Event Former deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia,Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) will be given talk at the following event organised by Amnesty International UCL, London. Date: 5 February 2005, Saturday Venue: Room G2 School of Oriental and African StudiesThornhaugh StreetRussell

[IslamCity] The Physical Act of Prayer

2005-02-02 Thread Islahonline


2005-02-02 Thread Islahonline
From: abubakr alsadeek Subject: WOMEN'S LIBERATION THROUGH ISLAM http://www.beconvinced.com/women/LIBERATION.htm About Islam Comparative Religion Science in Quran Women in Islam

[IslamCity] URGENT ALERT: No War on Iran

2005-02-02 Thread Islahonline
- Islamic Human Rights Commission - 1 February 2005 URGENT ALERT: No War on Iran IHRC calls on all campaigners to write to their Foreign Ministers to protest against any possible

[IslamCity] UK Muslims Urge Inclusive Holocaust Memorial Day

2005-01-27 Thread Islahonline
http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-01/26/article08.shtml UK Muslims Urge “Inclusive” Holocaust Memorial Day “Israel has also committed mass killings. It is

[IslamCity] India train fire 'not mob attack'

2005-01-23 Thread Islahonline
From: Shah Arkani Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 10:00 PM Subject: India train fire 'not mob attack' Assalamu alaikim, dear readers: You may recall what Hindureligious zealot filled with hartred did to Muslims minorityin Gujrat, India in 2002.In deed it was a carefully

[IslamCity] Qaradawi visit - Zionists try to undermine London Mayor

2005-01-22 Thread Islahonline
UNSPUN as-salaamu 'alaykum everyone, Readers may recall that last July 2004 the pro-Israeli lobby in the UK went intohysterics when it found out that the government had refused its request to ban the visit to the UK of the popular Muslim scholar, Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In particular,

[IslamCity] The right to rule ourselves

2005-01-20 Thread Islahonline
From: Mohammed Fauzi Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 2:04 PM Subject: The right to rule ourselves The right to rule ourselves For nearly a century, democracy has been denied to the Arabs by thewest. There is little sign of that changingAzzam TamimiFriday January 7, 2005The Guardian

[IslamCity] UK - FOSIS Bulletin

2005-01-20 Thread Islahonline
Title: FOSIS | The Federation of Student Islamic Societies in the UK & Ireland | www.fosis.org.uk

[IslamCity] Where are you, brothers in Islam?

2005-01-19 Thread Islahonline
From: Luqyan Tamanni Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:58 AM Subject: RE: Where are you, brothers in Islam? - OOT Assalamu'alaikum Brothers and sisters I am from Aceh but live in Jakarta, and has been there seeing the impacts of tsunami. I can feel howmy brothers in Sri Lanka feel. In

[IslamCity] Financing Property Projects in United Arab Emirates ??

2005-01-19 Thread Islahonline
From: NURADLI RIDZWAN SHAH BIN MOHD DALI To: 'khurshid husain ' ; ' Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 9:01 AM Subject: RE: Islamic Financing Waalaikumsalam Dear Brother,I am not sure whther there are any banks in Malaysia would be interested inprofit sharing project financing because

[IslamCity] UK - A Night for a Million

2005-01-19 Thread Islahonline
PRESS RELEASE 17th January 2005 Islamic Relief’s Night for a Million Islamic Relief, a UK based charity with global reach, has launched a campaign to raise £10 million to support the relief and reconstruction efforts in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. More than £6 million has been

[IslamCity] !* My Mother *!

2005-01-18 Thread Islahonline
From: Bint ul Islam

[IslamCity] =?iso-8859-1?Q?ABIM:_'War_on_terror'_Hampers_Muslim_Aid_For_Tsunami_Victi?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?ms?=

2005-01-18 Thread Islahonline
ABIM: ‘War on terror’ Hampers Muslim Aid For Tsunami Victims Source: Malaysiakini.comBy Fauwaz Abdul Aziz12 January 2005 - Arab and Muslim groups seeking to offer financial aid to victims of the Dec 26 tsunami disaster have been

[IslamCity] Listen to wonderful lectures:

2005-01-17 Thread Islahonline
From: inviteyoutoislam Listen to wonderful lectures: Listen to wonderful lectures:Why Should you Be A Muslim (Audio)http://english.islamway.com/bindex.php?section=lessonslesson_id=39scholar_id=5Please visit the Audio/Video section


2005-01-16 Thread Islahonline
From: Abdullah AM Let Us Be Muslims (Vol. V) HAJJ - AN ALL TIME RECORD SELLER BOOK FREE AVAILABLE Which Muslim, Christian or Jew does not know the name of Ibrahim (peace be on him)! Two-thirds of mankind revere him as their leader. The Prophets Musa, Isa and Muhammad, peace be on

[IslamCity] Re: Tsunami Wars - Facts You Should Know Before Sending Donations to Indonesian Government Agencies.(pls read NewsWeek article)

2005-01-16 Thread Islahonline
Assalamualaikum Pls contact the brother directly... - Original Message - From: Zifri Baharudin To: Zifri Baharudin Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:35 AM Subject: Urgent - coordinating aid to Aceh Dear all Re: Aceh aid I am writing to all fundraisers/NGOs/Charities

[IslamCity] Re: Hijab shop - New Jordanian Hijabs

2005-01-16 Thread Islahonline
ring hijab in this advertisement is the right way to wear the hijab where her neck is also can be seen...just need an explaination...thank you..wallahua'lam - Original Message ----- From: Islahonline To: hidayahnet Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 1:02 AM Subject: Hijab shop - New Jordan


2005-01-14 Thread Islahonline
The west and jewish control the media, that why none/very fewof muslims effort being aired in the public media... they have their hidden agenda to brainwash the public... From: Engr. Meer Sahib Sent: Monday, January 10, 2005 3:51 PM Subject: ARAB MUSLIMS' GENEROSITY DOWN PLAYED BY

[IslamCity] Jermaine Jackson Embraces Islam (Michael Jackson Bro)

2005-01-12 Thread Islahonline
From: Yehia El Araby Jermaine Jackson In a starling Interview, Jermaine Jackson, brother of world-famous star Michael Jackson, tells

[IslamCity] UK - Pro-Israel Lobby Targets Mike O'Brien MP

2005-01-12 Thread Islahonline
as-salaamu 'alaykum everyone, Many of our readers will be familiar with the regular anti-Muslim rants delivered by Melanie Phillips (Mel P: 'Very Scary Spice' as we call her at UNSPUN). Mel P is a prolific writer and a zealous supporter of Israel. She has regular columns in the

[IslamCity] Indian Mosque Caters for Tsunami-hit Hindus, Christians

2005-01-08 Thread Islahonline
From: abdu algi Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 6:30 PM Subject:Indian Mosque Caters for Tsunami-hit Hindus, Christians http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2005-01/02/article08.shtml Indian Mosque Caters for Tsunami-hit Hindus, Christians

[IslamCity] UK - MAB condemns decision by RBS to close Friends of Al-Aqsaaccount

2005-01-06 Thread Islahonline
Press Release: MAB condemns decision by RBS to close Friends of Al-Aqsa account The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) is extremely concerned at the

[IslamCity] Acheh - adopting muslims orphanage

2005-01-05 Thread Islahonline
From: IslahGateway Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 1:20 AM Subject: Acheh - adopting muslims orphanage Mohd. AzniAbas To: AllDear All,I just received a call from my friend Dr. Aminuddin Natar, whose told me toask anybody who interested to adopt muslim children

[IslamCity] Dangerous 26

2005-01-03 Thread Islahonline
I am not sure of these dates, perhaps someone can verify that. From: Norlie Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 1:14 AM Subject:Dangerous 26 Coincidence? Of course not. Year Month and Date Place of Earthquake 2002 December 26 China 2003 December 26 Iran2004 December 26 South

[IslamCity] Touching Story! A must read - Please post to all your friends

2005-01-03 Thread Islahonline
From: Mike Ghouse Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:50 AM Subject:.Touching Story! A must read - Please post to all your friends http://www.indianexpress.com/full_story.php?content_id=61781THE INDIAN EXPRESS, DECEMBER 30, 2004Caring has no religion, ask this Jamaat chief in a


2004-12-29 Thread Islahonline
From: Shuman Mumtaz Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 7:05 PM Subject: HOW TO MAKE YOUR HUSBAND HAPPY? In The Name Of Allah, Most Gracious and Most MercifulAs'salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuhHOW TO MAKE OUR HUSBAND HAPPY?1)Use your charm to win the heart of your husband:all

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