[jQuery] Re: Adding events to newly added fields

2008-02-07 Thread Juha Suni SC
delegation or Event bubbling and you should find further information. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Accessing jQuery functions from outside

2008-02-01 Thread Juha Suni SC
it with $('a.second') or $('a.third'), you can use .removeClass to remove an individual class, or addClass to add new ones. Of course you can also use css styling for any or all of the classes. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Size YUI Compressor mod_deflate/GZIP

2008-01-30 Thread Juha Suni SC
- and equally alarming. Just a heads up. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: FixedTable Plugin - testing help requested

2008-01-23 Thread Suni
Excellent, you're really getting there! FF works perfect, and I notice no lag or delay at all. IE7 and IE6 work perfect for the header-row, but the left fixed column has some problems: - the actual table rows seem to be slightly shorter in height than the fixed column rows. This causes a

[jQuery] Re: FixedTable Plugin - testing help requested

2008-01-22 Thread Suni
Nice work! Seems to work prefectly in FF. Opera and Explorer give a javascript error. Usually (in my own experience) this is caused by the same error in 95% of the cases: an extra comma after the last property of an object. This also seems to be the case here. Remove the tailing comma from

[jQuery] Re: form element inside div element don't effect by style:display attribute of div

2007-12-31 Thread Suni
Something else is wrong with your code. I copypasted your HTML directly and it works: nothing is shown.

[jQuery] Re: Fixed Table Headers Plugin - Need some help

2007-12-31 Thread Suni
If you manage to pull this off It will be amazing. AFAIK there is no 100% working solution for all A-grade browsers so far. There are many different hacks and scripts (some rather tedious) but I've yet to see one that would work in FF,IE6,IE7 and Opera. I hope you find a way, though I'm rather

[jQuery] Re: help on accessing this inside callback function of a object

2007-12-17 Thread Suni
This is a common js dilemma in js when accessing methods from other methods. Where this points depends on where and how it is called. Try: function MainPage(){ var that = this;// Add this line this.init = function(){ $('#sample').click(function(){ // here

[jQuery] Re: No border on div when there should be?

2007-12-13 Thread Suni
You're missing bottom border style: .css('border-bottom-style', 'solid')

[jQuery] Re: Performance of jquery

2007-12-12 Thread Suni
On 12 joulu, 05:02, Rick Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've seen way too many sites that don't properly optimize images and end up with a 400 KB image trying to download that could easily be optimized to 20 KB and maintain image quality... figure up the difference in performance speed

[jQuery] Re: Looking for a faster way

2007-12-05 Thread Suni
There is a lot to optimize there. I'm sure most of the overhead comes from the each-loop. There is propably other stuff to optimize too, but this looks like where you could benefit the most. Lets quickly go through some problems: $(.crewSchedule tr[id=' + cur.employee_id + '] . + lbl) Your

[jQuery] Re: global error handler

2007-12-03 Thread Suni
I came across the same problem earlier, when trying to create a global way of notifying the user about timed out sessions in ajax-calls. It would be really handy if the global ajax-events would fire before locals. I ended up doing modifications to the jQuery core to make this possible.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery improving performance

2007-12-03 Thread Suni
This might help a bit (not tested): jQuery(tr.Grid_Item,tr.Grid_AltItem).each( function() { // Use tr to skip checking nont-tr-elements var td_nodes = jQuery(this).find('td'); // Get the td nodes with a single select and store them in a variable var Id = td_nodes.eq(2).text();

[jQuery] Re: Click through on stacked elements

2007-12-01 Thread Suni
AFAIK It's not possible this way. The click event hits the topmost element in the viewport first, and then starts bubbling up according to the DOM tree structure. Why not place the element to the front (with a higher z-index) instead? You could set it's opacity to 0 so it's invisible, but it's

[jQuery] Re: .append() problem when used with .each

2007-12-01 Thread Suni
This has nothing to do with .each. You've propably just missed how the selectors and binding work, or how the ajax works. What your script does currently: 1) You create a link and append it to #col1 2) You send an ajax-request (Which is asynchronous, meaning that the script keeps running and

[jQuery] Re: limits using dblclick if too many elements ?

2007-11-28 Thread Suni
Im sorry to let you know: I just tested with your exact code (creating 5000 siteSelector span- elements with PHP) and it still works fine for me, the message gets appended immediately. Tested with jquery 1.2.1. I suggest you first try with another completely different computer. It may sound far

[jQuery] Re: limits using dblclick if too many elements ?

2007-11-28 Thread Suni
Looks like you found the problem :) I tested this without spaces, and indeed the browser (FF) goes mad. It first froze for a minute or so before totally crashing. It appears that if there are no spaces at all (even inside the divs) then something goes pretty badly wrong in Gecko. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: How to access dynamic raw images generated by PHP?

2007-11-27 Thread Suni
Just let jQuery create an img-element that points to the php file: img src=image_script.php?param1=fooparam2=bar / Also make sure the php script outputs correct response headers (content-type etc). -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Can $(document).ready() be put into a separate JS file?

2007-11-27 Thread Suni
if the problem persists. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: limits using dblclick if too many elements ?

2007-11-27 Thread Suni
I tested your code (FF and IE) with up to 5000 span-elements and could not reproduce the issue. The message was appended every time immediately. There is propable something else in the page distracting the process. Please note that when you doubleclick the normal click-event gets also processed

[jQuery] Re: selector to string

2007-11-26 Thread Suni
generally should _avoid_ selecting it again with a selector string (why bother the extra overhead of re-selecting since you already have the element selected?). You can just pass the object as a parameter to whatever functions you might need. What are you trying to accomplish? -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: .eq(variable) causing problem

2007-11-22 Thread Suni
Do you have a sample page where this problem shows up? It would make debugging a lot easier. There must be some other problem at work here. Using a variable as the parameter should not matter, jQuery doesn't even know where the value comes from (from a var or hardcoded). -- Suni On 22 marras

[jQuery] Re: Again on tablesorter and row hovering

2007-11-22 Thread Suni
You can add the !important rule modifier to your css for the hover class so that it precedes tablesorter's css: td.hover { background-color: #0F0 !important; } Hope that helps. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Storing last clicked to check against in future function calls.

2007-11-22 Thread Suni
it } return false; } ); }); This also lets you have several li - elements inside the opening ul's Hope that helps. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter and event handlers on table rows

2007-11-09 Thread Suni
Wouldn't it be best (bug or no bug) to just bind the event to the tbody or table element, and check the clicked row from event.target? This method only needs one event handler binding regardless of the number of rows (so performance is better), it works even when you add rows dynamically, and it

[jQuery] Re: Scripts at the bottom of the page

2007-11-08 Thread Suni
Interesting. I can see the error by clicking the tabs and quickly hovering over them. All the JS-stuff seems to be ok. Only error I can see is that your HTML is incorrect, you are missing a closing /div (the #bodyContainerWide div is nto closed). This causes the DOM to possibly go wicked even

[jQuery] Re: PROBLEM: Adding hover to table rows on large tables

2007-11-07 Thread Suni
basically just bind the event handlers to the parent, such as the tbody or table, check the event.target and act: $('#myTable tbody').bind('click', function(e) { });

[jQuery] Re: Major Problem With Dom Traversal

2007-11-06 Thread Suni
It is very likely that the selection can be optimized a lot, but we'd need to see the structure of the HTML better to give advice...

[jQuery] Re: Emulating css :first-letter

2007-10-17 Thread Suni
thing to look at if you get errors in IE and Opera but not in FF. HTH -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: JQuery Cycle Plugin

2007-10-12 Thread Suni
Amazingly simple and elegant, nice work!

[jQuery] Re: using a var in both functions of a hover(over, out)

2007-10-10 Thread Suni
This is correct. In javascript the inner functions have access to the variables of the outer function. They even retain that direct access after the outer function has returned, allowing you to create private variables and methods (through closure).

[jQuery] Re: Loading image with $.get()?

2007-10-05 Thread Suni
AJAX calls follow the same-origin policy, and the browser won't allow an ajax call to another domain for security reasons. The URL for the ajax call must reside in the same domain as the page it is being initiated from. There are ways around this, one of which is using a server proxy (the url of

[jQuery] Re: Scope and Visibility from Callback

2007-10-05 Thread Suni
Your problem is that within the function you no longer have a reference to myObj, since this no longer points to it. Try this trick (works): var myObj = { foo : function() { var that = this; $(#myLink).click(function(){ that.bar(); }); }, bar : function(){ } };

[jQuery] Re: editing superfish dropdown menu css

2007-10-05 Thread Suni
Thanks Joel. The superfish menu is amazing, no wonder nbc picked it up. I'm starting to use it in an upcoming project and the only questions I had about it were about reskinning. Now you went and solved all that before I had the chance to ask. Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: problems with passing a value via ajax

2007-10-05 Thread Suni
Why not just use $.get directly? This should work: $(document).ready(function() { $('#action_link a').click(function() { $.get('e.php',{test : $(this).text()},function(data) {

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.2.1 and Interface/ui Sortable Bug?

2007-10-05 Thread Suni
Reproduced here with FF 2 on WinXP. As soon as I let go of a draggable the error console goes mad.

[jQuery] Re: When will the API be updated for 1.2.1?

2007-10-01 Thread Juha Suni SC
Excellent work John, 1.2 API much easier to find now. http://jquery.com/api/ still points to 1.1.2 though with no mention of 1.2. Update this with a link to 1.2 too? -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: When will the API be updated for 1.2.1?

2007-09-28 Thread Juha Suni SC
In the meanwhile it would help tremendously if the documentation and API links were consistent in where they point to, and the 1.2 api in the wiki was easy to find. FYI: The 1.2 API in the wiki is at: http://docs.jquery.com/Core (or by clicking jQuery Core in the wiki main page at

[jQuery] Re: Validation plugin site down, Jörn?

2007-09-07 Thread Suni
syys, 22:33, Jean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I cant see the site a long long time ago =/ On 9/5/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Suni schrieb: Cant reachhttp://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/, it just gives me a blank page. I'd love to see all

[jQuery] Re: jQuery functionalities

2007-09-07 Thread Juha Suni SC
: $.parseJSON.safe = true; You can find the code here: http://jollytoad.googlepages.com/json.js Regards - Mark Gibson-- Suni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Will add the jQuery team more functionalities integrated in the framework, like working with cookies, hash, json, ajax in next versions? Sometimes, it's

[jQuery] Re: Capture click on parent and prevent capture to child anchors

2007-09-06 Thread Suni
On 6 syys, 15:50, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You should be able to do that using event.target. Try this: $('ul').one('click', function(event) { if ( !$(event.target).is('a') ) { // your code here } }); This is normal bubbling and should be used more :) But in this

[jQuery] Validation plugin site down, Jörn?

2007-09-05 Thread Suni
Cant reach http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/, it just gives me a blank page. I'd love to see all the comments and documentation, since I'm having lots of problems using the additional-methods.js (gives javascript- errors in FF).

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter 2.0 force update?

2007-09-04 Thread Suni
-parameter though, so it would have still required a tweak there to use config.sortList if the list-parameter was empty. HTH -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: TableSorter 2.0 force update?

2007-09-04 Thread Suni
Actually it maybe should be as below, in case the function for the update-event ever changes :) .bind(reSort,function() { $this.trigger('update'); var sortList = config.sortList; $this.trigger('sorton', [sortList]); })

[jQuery] Re: [UPDATE] jqGalView (yet another image gallery)

2007-08-28 Thread Juha Suni SC
need a great showcase site that would group all these polished effects, plugins and code in one place. -- Suni - Original Message - From: Benjamin Sterling To: jquery-en Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 7:12 AM Subject: [jQuery] [UPDATE] jqGalView (yet another image gallery

[jQuery] SITE SUBMISSION - www.fulltiltpoker.com

2007-08-01 Thread Juha Suni SC
/js/common.en.js for more information. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Selector challenge?

2007-07-13 Thread Juha Suni
PHP code so that it gives a specific class to the input fields that have an error, and use that to select them. If those won't do, I'd suggest you post some sample html to work with. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Selector challenge?

2007-07-13 Thread Juha Suni
Gilles (Webunity) wrote: Given this query: jQuery('.formError:first', this); I basically have this question: How can i find the first input element, before an object? How about jQuery('.formError:first', this).prev(); That should do the trick. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: How to re-select?

2007-07-03 Thread Juha Suni
understood you correctly you already have i defined and want to reuse it later to select all inputs within? so if: var i = jQuery(#i); then: i.find('input'); should do the trick. -- Suni

[jQuery] AJAX response randomly ends prematurely. Any ideas?

2007-07-02 Thread Juha Suni
irrelevant since I really don't think the code is to blame here. What could either cause the server to send clipped responses, or to make the browser evaluate the response as complete when in fact it might not yet be? -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: Javascript question: Get elementid inside an element

2007-06-01 Thread Juha Suni
Well id's really should always be unique. But if you really want to do this, try: alert($('#001').children('#0011').html()); - Original Message - From: Mark To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 5:22 PM Subject: [jQuery] Javascript question: Get

[jQuery] Re: Bug in jQuery implementation of EXT, works with other libraries.

2007-05-04 Thread Juha Suni
the hardcore who love digging through the source and the forums. Anyone jQuery users need some help in starting with Ext, I'll gladly offer some if I can. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: jqModal via POST ?

2007-05-02 Thread Juha Suni
can have only one SSL-host per IP (on port 80 anyway). The server needs to send the certificate before it gets the information on what particular domain / path was accessed, and it has no idea on what certificate to send if there are several. This can lead to undesirable results. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and EXT not working at all

2007-04-24 Thread Juha Suni
% sure this is your problem, either wrong filename, directory or missing file altogether. HTH -- Suni oscar esp wrote: I have followed all steps however I got an error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'style' is null or not an object My code: html head link href=ext-1.0/resources/css/ext

[jQuery] jQuery and EXT not working at all

2007-04-17 Thread Juha Suni
that some people in here were (apart from John himself, obviously) part of the strike team to help with the integration of jQuery and ext. Thanks in advance. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: AJAX datagrid (paging sorting) with jQuery?

2007-04-17 Thread Juha Suni
about this). There just isn't that much documentation. -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and EXT not working at all

2007-04-17 Thread Juha Suni
cosidering jQuery-Ext? Who is primarily responsible for that stuff, is it Jack, John or should I just post them either here or maybe the dev-list, or at the Ext-site forums? -- Suni

[jQuery] Re: jQuery selectors speed improvements - A different perspective

2007-04-04 Thread Juha Suni
, but maybe not wonders. And I know some stuff is beyond the creators of the library but would rather require speed optimizations from the browsers etc. And by no means am I saying that jQuery is doing badly, quite the contrary. The reason I want more is because its so good :) -- Suni