Re: [jQuery] JQuery Ajax serialize

2010-01-24 Thread brian
Use parse_str(). But beware that that string has a problem: ?php header('Content-type: text/plain'); $str = 'single=Singlemultiple=Multiplemultiple=Multiple3check=check2radio=radio1'; /* old school way: explode() into pairs, then explode each of those into * key = val */ $pairs = explode('',

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Question

2010-01-07 Thread Matthew Maxwell
I was curious if there was a way to hit the current xhr object in the success callback. I've been tinkering with it, and have been unable to figure out how to do that. The reason I ask is because I am trying to debug an application I've been working on, and sometimes the response XML is not

[jQuery] jQuery/Ajax client storage

2010-01-04 Thread Patrick
I apologize if this is already answered somewhere, as I could not find it... If the client is constantly calling ajax objects and those objects are bringing with them additional jQuery scripts, how does jQuery handle the removal and handling of objects that go away, because they are replace by a

[jQuery] jQuery ajax: Simple web app: Need feedback...

2009-12-26 Thread Micky Hulse
Hi, I want to build a simple jquery-powered web application and I was hoping I could get some advice. The app: 1. User submits form data to server side script. 2. Server side script generates a CSS page and an HTML page. Note: the HTML will just be a bunch of divs. 3. jquery ajax loads the

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Request with non-form Data

2009-12-10 Thread raji
Hi jquery users, I'm attempting to use jQuery to make an AJAX request. I'm able to successfully serialize form data from a POST submission and receive it on the server-side. However, I'd like to do something a little different. Rather than submitting form data, I'd like to submit the id from a

[jQuery] jQuery, $.ajax and reCAPTCHA

2009-12-10 Thread Brett Alton
I'm trying to get jQuery to asynchronously load my recaptcha module, but it doesn't seem to like the fact that echo recaptcha_get_html ($publickey); spits out a mixture of HMTL and Javascript. Here's the code I am trying: script $.ajax({ url: inc/captcha.php,

[jQuery] Jquery, ajax and if-modified-since

2009-12-08 Thread Magnus O.
Hi! I can't get the if-modified-since header to work with jquery ajax. I tried to fet an xml like this: $.get(url, function(xml){ //Do something with response. }, xml); On these requests the if-modified-since is not set. Then I tried like this: $.ajax({ type:

[jQuery] jQuery ajax post issue with IE7 and earlier versions of IE.

2009-12-08 Thread Wesley
I'm using jQuery to do an ajax post on the key up event of a text input box (ajax search). As the user types a jQuery ajax post is made and a delimited string is returned (ex. 12345|Event Name#*#23456| Event Name) with all of the search results. Each result is then split into individual results by

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax BlockUI Database

2009-11-23 Thread Troy Sartain
While searching around I have seen plenty of examples where people query a database and use BlockUI to put up a wait message. When the ajax completes, unblock and display the results. I'm trying to do something a little different. I would like to query a database and use the results as the message

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX call ie7 freeze

2009-11-16 Thread T-J-B
Hi, I have an HTML page which uses AJAX to load in information from Yahoo finance via CSV files and one AJAX call that calls a PHP file and performes some screen scraping. The problem: When these AJAX calls are performing their task it becomes impossible to click any links on the page. It freezes

[jQuery] JQuery AJAX not working.

2009-11-13 Thread Mayank
I have a page that uses a jquery $.get() method to retrieve content from a remote page. Ex $(function(){ $.get(,{parameter1: value1, parameter2: value2}, function(responseText){ alert(responseText); }); }); The above script returns a null or empty string

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax Form from Queness - Text Input Field Disabled in IE6 IE7 ! Works in IE8, Safari, Firefox...

2009-11-11 Thread Designs by DP
Can anyone look at this page and tell me what im doing wrong? I have the form working in all browsers except IE6, and IE7 html head (just in case of js conflicts): script src=../js/script.js type=text/javascript language=javascript/script script src=../js/SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js

[jQuery] jquery ajax and listening for users exiting the site

2009-11-01 Thread numerical25
I want to send data to a remote site but only after the customer leaves. Its not working and I just want to make sure I am not doing anything wrong. can anyone see anything wrong with the collowing code $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax Request Encoding

2009-10-26 Thread jigs
Hi I am trying to send Hindi अनुयायी characters to my PHP Script. I set request header as ascii, I want that it should store #2309;#2344;#2369;#2351;#2366;#2351;#2368; in database. When I am using form and submit it normally, it stores value #2309;#2344;#2369;#2351;#2366;#2351;#2368 in database

[jQuery] JQuery AJAX

2009-10-24 Thread Ryan White
Hey All, So I am having a weird situation when using the $.ajax method. And have a couple questions regarding this. What I am doing is basically just using this AJAX call to send a 'pixel' back to my server so I can collect stats on events. This event fires once every 30 seconds. $.ajax({

[jQuery] jquery ajax question?

2009-10-07 Thread rosnovski
Hi y'all, Please look at this code: $('ul#navigation li ul lia').click(function(){ var active = $(this).text(); $('#artcontent p').empty(); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'homepage/readarticle', data: $(active).serialize(),

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX call undefined error with special characters

2009-09-21 Thread David.D
Hi, I tried to make an AJAX call using jQuery, the data has special characters, e.g {'data':'ptest/p'}. It seems failed to pass this data in the first place. It will work if i just pass {'data':'test'}. encodeURIComponent and JSON.stringify failed here due to the special character /. Could

[jQuery] Jquery ajax form

2009-09-02 Thread Fregas
I'm using the jquery form plugin from here: Is there any callback function or handling of server-side errors in this plugin so I can now if an ajax action failed? Thanks, Craig

[jQuery] jquery ajax not working in mozilla

2009-08-28 Thread praveen
hi, i use jquery and calling my service function by using jQuery ajax. it works fine in IE and return data in json format but when i run this in firefox this method is not call means ajax method call is not called in firefox. where is problem in code here is my code my service is host on remote

[jQuery] jQuery + Ajax request

2009-07-26 Thread Ayah
Hello! Im trying to build a AJAX request with jQuery, the function should work like this. I have a list of words like this. [code] ul id=searchword_ul li id=searchword_kuken ?=form_open('adminpanel/testformremove')? div style=display:none

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax Postbacks

2009-07-22 Thread gladrinkz
can ant one tell me or give me some shot example regarging jquery ajax post backs or related some documents it will great help for me Thanks in Advance gladrinkz

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax load function

2009-07-09 Thread
Hi all I want to load some url without refreshing the page in my project. I am using jquery for it. It is working but just once. When I cliked it twice its not working. code is like that script function test(){ $(#main).load(; } /script div id=main

[jQuery] jQuery - Ajax and Load question

2009-07-07 Thread Glazz
Hello, I have a function that have this: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'index.php', data: 'id=' + productId + 'qtd=' + quantidade }); This piece of code is working

[jQuery] jquery ajax

2009-06-24 Thread gigamike
Hi, Is it possible to call a http url for ajax query i.e. $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ type: GET, url:;, data: site_id= + site_id, success:

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax Post question

2009-06-12 Thread
$.post(test.php, { func: getNameAndTime }, function(data){ process(data); }); Is one of the examples given for Jquery. Now I am trying to implement Jquery Ajax instead of a custom class we have here so am trying to catch on so bear with me. Above, it shows POST variable func containing

[jQuery] jQuery ajax - can i know if the server is alive ?

2009-06-11 Thread Veeru
Hi there friends i was wondering if i could acheive this make an ajax request using jquery and know if the server is alive even before the request is sent. For example, i have a div, that changes to Connecting to server...Connected to server, sending requestRequest complete - showing the

[jQuery] jQuery, ajax, json, php

2009-06-11 Thread David .Wu
If I send a json format to php, how to get the value from php? for example front page script var jsonStr = '{name: David, age, 23}'; $.ajax({ url: 'json.php', type: 'POST', cache: false, data: {json: jsonStr}, success: function(data) {

[jQuery] jquery, ajax and flot

2009-06-03 Thread abhis...@uottawa
Hi, I'm kinda a newbie to jquery and am stuck with a project I'm trying. I am using the flot graphing library to plot a couple of graphs. But I want to be able to load different data sets into my graphing canvas by using ajax. Here is what I have so far: script type='text/javascript'

[jQuery] jQuery ajax 404 error

2009-06-02 Thread raymond
Hi, all. I have extremely annoying issue for my project, which made me keeping 3 days on it. I used jQuery.ajax, but it gets all time 404 error, although target url is still available. When I have checked with firebug console, yes, it shows target url with red color, which might mean that no file

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax breaking in IE..... please help!!

2009-05-26 Thread yrelkin
I am developing a VoIP Customer Portal with jQuery/Ajax. Everything works fine in Firefox, but in IE and Safari, the JS breaks. I used MS Script Debugger to get a backtrace, and i find that the breakpoint is at a jQuery Ajax call: var AJAXURL = 'app/ajax.php'; $.ajax({

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax grid

2009-05-26 Thread dev
Hello, We are starting a new ASP.NET MVC application and want to use an jQuery Ajax grid. I came across following options: - jqGrid (better than Flexigrid because it supports editable cells) - Flexigrid (looks better than jqGrid) - tablesorter - Ingrid - jqGridView - OTHERS? Which is the best

[jQuery] [jQuery AJAX]

2009-05-06 Thread Rogue Lord
I am using the jquery.form.js addon, and I was wondering if there was a way that I could add something to check for a certain string in resulting response? I am having a form sending an AJAX request to the server which then places the result into the div that is used for responses but I am unsure

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax SUCCESS: using 'THIS'?

2009-05-01 Thread phpdevmd
Hello, I have the following jquery ajax request: html head script type=text/javascript src=jquery-1.3.2.min.js/script /head body a href=# id=yt1Approve/a script type=text/javascript /*![CDATA[*/ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('#yt1').click(function(){

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax Error in Firefox 3.0.8

2009-04-22 Thread Geo..
Hi friends I tried to develop an ajax request using jQuery It works fine with IE and Even Chrome But I always getting same error in firefox 411 Length Required On firebug error shows on jquery.js line no 19 my code is given below $.ajax({ type:'POST',

[jQuery] jQuery $.ajax and dataType

2009-04-10 Thread Snef
Hi, When using the $.ajax functionality i came across some things. You have to set the dataType option in order to get the correct data at success(). Now I have an ajax request that can return some html or json. Both use the correct content-type header. Now I see in the httpData function of

[jQuery] jquery, ajax success but wont load htl() ???

2009-03-24 Thread Mathew
i had this working at one point but was still cleaning up the php. and now it wont load my entries at all using html() i see the response from success in firebug console and if i use text() it loads the html code in the div i assign but when using html() to render results it does not load

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Forms Question

2009-03-13 Thread MonkeyBall2010
I'm using the jQuery Validation and jQuery Forms plugins on my Submit Form. I have the validation portion working correctly and the AJAX submit working correctly. However, I would like a few things to happen after the user has submitted information. I would possibly like to show a simple loading

[jQuery] Jquery ajax doesn't work in firefox on my site, once it used to be.

2009-03-06 Thread Makara Kao
Hello everyone, Recently I have just created a site using CodeIgniter with JQuery. And in the past, it worked just fine. But recently I don't know why I got error message in FireFox(3.0.6) through firebug and there is no result displayed in my site. However, it works just fine in IE and other

[jQuery] jquery ajax tabs with normal forms

2009-03-02 Thread Iswaria
Hi, I am using jquery ajax tabs. In one of the tab, i am using a form ( i didn't use jquery form). while submitting the form, it is going a fresh page. But i want to retain the tabs. Any suggestions? Regards, Iswaria

[jQuery] JQuery Ajax XML

2009-02-27 Thread
I have tried searching solution to my problem with JQuery AJAX with XML document. I am trying to access XML document from the Library of Congress. The URL is:

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX File Upload

2009-02-24 Thread GooseusTheGreen
I know, not possible to do without hidden iframe hacks and such and there already exists a couple of extensions which add this functionality by abstracting these hacks out of our sight... however, I ran across this article here:

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax one request, multiple answers problem

2009-02-20 Thread Jsbeginner
Hello, I've been working on a jquery projet (with the lastest stable version of jquery) that retrieves information using json from a php script that requests information from an API. The script lists all the different extensions with a status colomn that says what it's doing (waiting,

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax XML not working in IE6(most people)

2009-02-16 Thread patrick
Hello, I have been looking at this for a few days now and I am not having any luck. I am using jQuery 3.1.1. I don't think I have any character encoding issues, all files are in UTF-8 format. Is it possible that I left a header out when creating the XML file - like the doctype=text/xml? If so

[jQuery] jquery / ajax

2009-02-12 Thread weidc
Hi, i got a radio button. if this radio button is checked it shell send the value of the button to a .php document. didn't used ajax at all so i don't know how to do this. at the moment i tried something like this: $(:radio).click(function() {

[jQuery] jquery, ajax, and search engines

2009-02-07 Thread jhm
I've noticed when I fill in dynamic content on a page using jquery that when you view source you don't see the dynamic content. So I'm wondering if search engines don't see it as well. It's obviously a serious consideration. Thanks!

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax, getting data returned from my PHP script

2009-01-16 Thread gemmes
Hi All, I created a form and decided to add some AJAX. What I want to do is add a span class=required*/span next to my required label elements and change to span class=valid*/span when the AJAX blur event validates each of my fields. My problem, when I run the script I get no data returned

[jQuery] JQuery ajax loaded pages lose scripts

2009-01-12 Thread Clumsy Hamster
When using the JQuery ajax to inject a page into another page, I lose the script file access from that page. I've tried reloading the script using $.getScript but with the JQuery UI I get a stack overflow on line 509. Here is the code I use for getting the external file: $.ajax({url:

[jQuery] jQuery ajax Samples

2008-12-27 Thread JQueryProgrammer
Hi All, I was wondering whether I could find any good basic examples for $.ajax where I could find how to use the options of the $.ajax. I wanted to see how we can use the dataType: 'xml' / 'json' / 'html' etc options to capture respective data and use them. provides very basic

[jQuery] jquery ajax-built page with embedded ajax code issue

2008-12-12 Thread ray
i've got a page where the body is dynamically generated/regenerated using ajax with clickable links, using the following snippet to replace the maintext div w/ the output from the ajax.php script: $('.ajax_link').click(function() { clicked_link_id = $(this).attr(id); $.ajax({

[jQuery] JQuery Ajax get function BROKE in Safari 3.2.1 (latest)?!

2008-12-03 Thread Serb
Ok, I'm using the simplest possible jquery ajax get call to execute a database call in another php file (since I switched from using a really nice prototype powered function thinking it was prototype's fault for not working in Safari), but I can't get it working in the latest version of Safari no

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax load problem

2008-11-13 Thread Shazzaam
Hi, I am using jQuery 1.2.6, and also have Prototype and Scriptaculous 1.8.1 in my page. I have pretty much everything working without receiving any javascript errors, but for some reason the ajax load script is not working: jQuery(.tablesorter tbody, #tab).load(path, data,

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax load()

2008-11-10 Thread adwivedi
Hi, I am using the command, $(#divId).load('url'); my development is in J2EE(JSP). The problem is the content loaded by this command is not accessible to other jquery scripts. like if i have cascading dropdowns. the user selects first dropdown, based on its value the other dropdown gets loaded.

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax Data url encoding

2008-11-07 Thread M_h
Hello, Im doing a simple ajax request: $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: 'action=linklink=' + v, url: getLocation('?switch=link'), dataType: 'json', success: function(json) { showMessage(json.msg, json.status); } }); v in data is url like http://localhost/pub/file? a=g=1746p=00s=13;

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax vs base Ajax approach

2008-10-18 Thread bookme
Hi, Jquery is gr8 I agreed. But when I am working on a registration page then this jquery is not providing me seamless effect. There is two select box - drop down 1 State 2 City when ever a user select a state correspondingly city comes in city drop down. I used two apprach for this 1 Ajax-

[jQuery] Jquery/Ajax expert

2008-09-13 Thread ab2qik
A Jquery/Ajax expert required for a mobile phones company. The work is to cover intranet in UK and India for the call centre team. Your input will primarily be on Jquery. Your experience will cover sliders, collapsible lists, drag/drop, ajax requests to D.B etc Its expected you have

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax usage question

2008-08-25 Thread peter
Currently, I use jquery's ajax function to create dymanic pages. But I don;t think I understand to to correctly make jquery event listners respond to the the DOM elements that I added via ajax response. I'll give an abrevated example below The function of the below script is to pop an alert box

[jQuery] Jquery AJAX data (querystring restriction)

2008-07-12 Thread raj
Hi Guys, I have been using JQuery for quite some time now but I am now stuck with a problem. I have a form with multiple fields and in one of the field (comments) user can use it to provide huge comments (say more than 2500 characters). I dont know how to send this through JQuery since IE has a

[jQuery] jquery ajax post not working

2008-07-11 Thread Tom Shafer
I am trying to use ajax post to simply send a form field to php and return it to a div Here is what I have $(document).ready(function(){ $(#addLinks).submit(function() { $.ajax({ url: 'addLinks.php', type: 'POST',

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax does not support HTTP Streaming ?

2008-06-23 Thread localhost
Hi everyone, I want a solution to keep a connection open with my client so he can get almost a live update and also we don't want Ajax to connect every few minutes (we are building almost real-time web game) I came a cross this nice article which tell you

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax content

2008-05-09 Thread vince
Hi, iam loading with the jQuery Tab UI in touch with the ajax function, remote dynamic content. After jQuery has load the content, i would like to use jQuery over again in my template. But , i cant use jQuery again in ajax loaded content ... ! Is there a way to solve this problem? vince

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Autocomplete with ASP .NET

2008-05-06 Thread Lokesh
Hi, How can I use jQuery AJAX Autocomplete script to call my AJAX method from ASP .NET instead of php.

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX IE Error

2008-05-06 Thread MediaJunkie
The offending jQuery code: $.ajax({ type: POST, url: /?ct=ratingrt_v=rrrt_rk= + markerObject.number, dataType: html, success: function(dataSet)

[jQuery] JQuery Ajax Form Plugin

2008-05-04 Thread Pedro Mendonça
Hello, I'm trying to implement the Form plugin in my site, but I have a problem. I use ajaxForm to make the form send the variables to email.php that interpret the httpPOST variables and send mail by php. This is working correctly in IE 7 but when I use firefox,

[jQuery] Jquery AJAX form submission

2008-05-01 Thread Ramanathan RV
Hello, I am currently using Jquery's post method to submit a form. And I use the responseText to update certain other DIV in the page. Since I am migrating the All-No-AJAX pages to AJAX pages, I am forced import the entire HTML (not data alone) with Javascript into the existing DOM. Unfortunately

[jQuery] jquery ajax post issue

2008-04-28 Thread Ram
Hello, My target page that which I would be loading via ajax has some java script to be executed on page loading. When I send the request directly thru the browser, it works fine. I mean the script gets executed. But if I load the page thru jquery ajax post method, the script doesnt get invoked.

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax and Struts Issue

2008-04-28 Thread RecursiveBrain
Hi Experts - Jquery is able to call the regular servlets defined in the web.xml but was not able to call the struts action servlet? Any insight into the issue would be of great help!! Thanks,

[jQuery] Jquery, AJAX and MySQL update

2008-04-11 Thread Chris Jones
Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. I've been reading tutorials and others online to try and create a sortable drag and drop list which updates a mysql table using AJAX. After a few hours of head scratching I finally got most of it, but I'm stuck on the bit that passes the

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Dynamic File Download

2008-03-05 Thread Travis Fisher
I've got an export functionality built into my site, whereby users can choose which rows of a data table to export. They export by clicking an Actions dropdown and choosing Export. This triggers an AJAX call that posts which ids to export to a PHP script, which, in turn, builds an Excel document

[jQuery] Jquery AJAX Email Client ???

2008-02-14 Thread KONIU
Hi, Does anybody know an ajax email client like this one ona dojo ??? but in Jquery.

[jQuery] Jquery Ajax dropping special characters

2007-11-26 Thread damitha
I am trying to send an mysql query to the server from a client programme by using the jquery $.ajax({}) function. The query string comprises of + sign which is used to assign student grades (such as C+). The server side programming is in php. However I have realized at the time of sending the

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax throws parseerror in IE

2007-11-16 Thread 1Marc
When using jQuery Ajax, I am receiving a parseerror in IE (Firefox Safari work). Has anyone run into this before - and know how to fix it? Or something I can at least try. CODE object = { path : 'data.xml', data : 'lat=40.935lng=-125.000' } $.ajax({ url: object.path, data:

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX Docs

2007-10-31 Thread Dave Buchholz
Are there any resources for newbies that explain how to do AJAX calls with jQuery ? Thanks, Dave Buchholz

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX load and encoding/charset problems

2007-10-22 Thread Jesse Klaasse
I have already spent hours and hours on the following problem. I am using jQuery's AJAX load method in order to put a portlet in a DIV. The portlet url is:

[jQuery] JQuery AJAX with .NET - Limitations

2007-10-04 Thread AndyP
I noticed the following problem in using jquery AJAX with .NET: NOTE: I don't have the below problems if I use AjaxPro, just wanted to do the same with JQuery. Is this is possible, or should I just stick with AjaxPro. 1) Cannot return a Datatable to the callback function

[jQuery] jquery ajax problem

2007-09-25 Thread luigi7up
Hello everyone, I think Ill go go nuts! I already posted something about problem Im facing with but I didn't get the right answer so Ill try again by expaining my problem further. My PHP website is organised in following manner: MAin file is index.php and it includes other files. So, my

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax Bugs?

2007-08-20 Thread F8R
I have use jQuery to send AJAX call to PHP script using POST. It's always execute error function callback. I check using FireBug Firefox extention, the passed XMLHTTPRequest to error function callback has some of this value : readyState : 4 status : 200 responseText : {The expected response}

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX w/ ASP.NET

2007-07-25 Thread mrandolph
For the life of me, I cannot get jQuery working w/ ASP.NET. My front- end seems to call the .NET script, but once the script is processed, it's forwarding the browser to the ASPX result page rather than just returning the values. I've tried using $.ajax, $.post, the form plugin, just about

[jQuery] jQuery AJAX working in Firefox but not IE

2007-07-25 Thread Josh A.
Hey folks, So here's example code: a onClick= $j('#points_1').fadeTo('fast', .1).load( '/points/scroll', {sm_id: 1, ps_id: 13}, function() {$j('#points_1').fadeTo('fast', 1);} ); You can see it in action (or inaction using IE) at and clicking any Prev

[jQuery] JQuery Ajax

2007-07-06 Thread latinomigs
Hello, I'm learning JQuery and Ajax, but i'm not using JQuery's built in Ajax method (wanna learn about Ajax on its own before I use JQuery's methods). A problem i'm running into is that I have functions in JQuery that I want to affect objects loaded by the remote scripting, but these functions

[jQuery] jQuery Ajax pagination

2007-06-17 Thread Web Specialist
I'm looking an example using jquery for grid pagination with ajax(database hits) support. haves a great example but using xml data. I'll want to use json instead. Do you know? Cheers

[jQuery] jQuery, Ajax Form and memory usage

2007-06-05 Thread Vivi
Hi guys. I am discovering jQuery and i find it very attractive and useful. I just have a problem : I used to have a form which allows me to display pictures submitted on my website (to moderate them); it displayed 100 pictures at a time and for each picture, i choose if i delete it or not. It