LL:DDV: Free the refugees - rally

2000-09-08 Thread Judith Anne McVey
Free the refugees-free the refugees-free the refugees In Refugee Week. RALLY 2pm, Saturday 14 October. at the State Library, cnr Swanston and Latrobe sts to march to government offices Those of us who oppose the detention of people seeking asylum and refuge in Australia must build a

LL:AA: 2 important S11-type updates

2000-09-08 Thread David Glanz
Dear all, 1) If it's not already clear, the main assembly point for the blockade on S11 is Queensbridge St (opposite the front entrance to Crown Towers) from 7am. 2) You might have heard that the renowned ecofeminist Dr Vandana Shiva is speaking at a conference put on by RMIT on S10 (Sunday

LL:AA: Refugee Action Collective Statement

2000-09-08 Thread Judith Anne McVey
Refugee Action Collective-CAMPAIGN STATEMENT No to racism-Free the refugees WE, the undersigned, are writing to protest the treatment of refugees seeking asylum in Australia. Under present Australian laws, these refugees fleeing intolerable circumstances are subjected to mandatory detention.

LL:ART: Chicago Tribune: Aborigines want share of Olympic stage

2000-09-08 Thread Trudy Rod Bray
Chicago Tribune http://www.chicago.tribune.com/version1/article/0,1575,SAV-0009060232,00.html ABORIGINES WANT SHARE OF OLYMPIC STAGE By Uli Schmetzer Tribune Foreign Correspondent September 06, 2000 BOTANY BAY, Australia By the eucalyptus trees on the bay where the first white man landed to

LL:QUERY: Volunteers in East Timor.

2000-09-08 Thread esther margalit
To who it may concern, I am a 20 year old Australian student from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, who has been working as a volunteer for the past 9 months in Israel. I spent five months studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and working as a volunteer English tutor for

LL:PR: Workers Liberty flier

2000-09-08 Thread leon parissi
Unite, organise, activate, solidarise Attack capital at its heart From the World Economic Forum, the bosses of global capital will go away to push forward their plans for profit. What will we do? Here are some suggestions: 1. Stay united. The bosses of the big corporations represented at

LL:QUERY: Homelessness-- organising for change?

2000-09-08 Thread Ria Strong
Is anyone interested in organising for change (or establishing self-managed projects) around homelessness issues? Here in Melbourne, we are in the midst of consultations around the Victorian Homelessness Strategy: http://hna.ffh.vic.gov.au/vhs/index.htm (I have been invited to join the


2000-09-08 Thread toni bloodworth
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] David E. Steitz Headquarters, Washington, DC September 7, 2000 (Phone: 202/358-1730) Lynn Chandler Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (Phone: 301/614-5562) RELEASE: 00-137 LARGEST-EVER OZONE HOLE OBSERVED OVER ANTARCTICA A NASA spectrometer

LL:QUERY: Hanan Ashrawi

2000-09-08 Thread Diana . Rice
Hi! I've just sent you a link to Hanan Ashrawi's organisation Miftah, the link is http://www.miftah.org/ Coincidentally, I've just returned from 10 months OS work in Palestine (we spotted Hanan in Ramallah once, and devoured everything we could find that she's written). As well, I work with

LL:ART: Army powers law not ready for WEF

2000-09-08 Thread S.P
Army powers law not ready for WEF http://www.abc.net.au/news/2000/09/item2908081413_1.htm The Federal Government's new defence call-out law may not be in place in time for the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Melbourne next week. The law lays down provisions for the Government to call out the