Re: Digital video control buttons

2001-08-15 Thread John Trentini
Sometimes the Video flickers at the start or, even worse, leaves behind a *ghost* image of itself when navigating your score; in these cases setting the visibility does not help at all. So, as a normal development technique a lot of developer use the *move the sprite* technique. As the the setti

Re: Digital video control buttons

2001-08-14 Thread John Trentini
Hi Mirianam I am not sure that I understend what you want to do with your contrl button but here are some suggestions. mirianam wrote: > Thank you for your response. > Yes I had figured out that the script had to be attached to the sprites and > not the casts. > > This is what I did: > > on mo

Re: Digital video control buttons

2001-08-12 Thread John Trentini
Attach your scripts to the sprite (not the cast members) and your problems will, most likely, disappear. As you change the *cast member* with your rollover script, only part of your script will execute . You could hard code use a script like this: (untested) on exitFrame if rollover (6) then

Re: playing multiple movies in a predefined order.

2001-07-31 Thread John Trentini
All you need is to make a stub projector (documentation at Place all of your movies in the same folder as your projector. For the navigation between movies, one way is to hard code the buttons in each movie to take you to the previous or next movie. A more elegant way would be u

Re: Can I program a MIAW to control the cursor?

2001-06-28 Thread John Trentini
A possible alternative is to use Snapz Pro 2.0.1 to capture excatly what you describe and save it as QT. You talking head MIAW could then just 'open' this QT when required to show the user how it is done. JohnT Gene Fritzinger wrote: > Hi Folks, > I've created a simulated version of a complex

Re: Sound control slider

2001-06-08 Thread John Trentini
I have worked it out! thanks to Carl for putting me on the right track. here's how I did it; not very elegant but it works lika a charm: (D7) on exitFrame sprite(the currentSpriteNum).moveableSprite = True sprite(the currentSpriteNum).constraint = the currentSpriteNum +1 set the

Sound control slider

2001-06-06 Thread John Trentini
Hi guys, My project needs a sound control Vertical slider constrained by the locV of a moveable graphic; no problem here but.. Setting the volume of sound(1) to the locV of a sprite makes the volume increase as the locV increases. I need the slider to work in reverse; that is I need the volume

Re: Sound control driving me crazy!

2001-05-24 Thread John Trentini
>From your last post it would appears that you are using just the one button; you cannot have a multistate button that plays a sounds on each state and, at the same time, perform as the master toggle button. If you post your code and an explanation of how you are implementing your code, we may be

Re: Sound off help

2001-05-22 Thread John Trentini
Now I think I've got it! Your post was a bit confusing. May I suggest , next time, you start with explaining what you want to acheive and then what you need help with. If you just want to play certain sounds on mouse events (mouseUp/ Down, etc.) then you don't need a toggle button but a command

Re: Sound toggle button

2001-05-20 Thread John Trentini
on mouseUp set the soundEnabled to not (the soundEnabled) end HTH JohnT William Miller wrote: > does anyone know or cant enlighten me on how to creat a toggle button > for a project I am almost done with..I have two images for the > different stated and I need the code to make it work!!...I

Re: spritenum reference

2001-05-15 Thread John Trentini
The clickOn function could be the answer but you could you not use a case statement? Something on these lines? ---suggestion only on mouseEnter me case (the rollover) of -- you must know in which channels you sprites are 1 : sprite (the currentspriteNum).keyboardFocusSprite = 1 -- 1 set

Re: Attaching Cursors

2001-05-08 Thread John Trentini
Jon, I sent you a suggestion before; did you get it? Anyhow here it a revised version. The way I do it is as follows: Select the open rectangle Tool with the line set to none and draw a small shape directly onto the stage and set its ink to transparent. Place this shape off stage and then na

Re: Attaching Cursors

2001-04-28 Thread John Trentini
The way I do it is as follows: Select the open rectangle Tool with the line set to none and draw a small shape directly onto the stage and set its ink to transparent. Place this shape off stage and then name the corresponding cast member (ex: Pointer). The following can be a frame script or a

Re: new(#type) madness!

2001-04-23 Thread John Trentini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Dierdre Dixon wrote: > > btw, is there a searchable archive version of this list, along the lines of > Direct-L? > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTE

Re: Another weirdness

2001-04-21 Thread John Trentini
Your problem were the brackets () Ramesh just removed them. Your script should have read: on mouseEnter me cursor 280 end on mouseLeave me cursor -1 end HTH JohnT Victor Iwan wrote: > Am I doing something wrong again... > > I create behaviors such us > > On mouseenter > cur

Re: Testing

2001-04-21 Thread John Trentini
Hi Fred, This happened to me recently. Just re-subscribe and everything will be fine HTH JohnT Fred Westermeyer wrote: > I have not received any messages in four days can someone e-mail me back so I can >check out my e-mail. > > Thanks, > > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change t


2001-04-19 Thread John Trentini
If you want ot *trace* images to convert them to Vectors you can only do it in Illustrator. If you get the free eXtra Flash Writer for Illustrator from Macromedia you can then save your Illustrator files as Flash (SWF) files to import in Director. HTH JonT jayson wrote: > I need import vector

Re: Object VR

2001-04-15 Thread John Trentini
Very quickly as an intro.. 35mm cameras are just fine but hand holding them is not the best technology to use. In creating an ObjectVR you have to *rotate* the object on its axis and take a number of exposures at equal increments from the same angle and position. For small object this is not a

Re: stubborn hilite in editable text

2001-04-02 Thread John Trentini
(Sheepishly and on tiptoe) Could it be a case of a missing 'updateStage' somewhere, by any chance? JohnT clars danvold wrote: > hello all- > > I'm sure this must be a repeat post: > > I have an editable text member. > At different times its editable property gets set TRUE and FALSE, > dependi

Re: sorry only in italian language

2001-03-31 Thread John Trentini
Go Tab, I actually thought I was replaying directly to Roberto but you are just great! (sheeesh!) JohnT PS. It would seem that re-subscribing fixed my problem of not receiving mail from the list; now everything is working just fine. (happy little 'vegemite' again!) Obviously Netspace bounced m

Re: sorry only in italian language

2001-03-30 Thread John Trentini
Non proprio un programmatore ma interessato, mettimi in lista Roberto Molari wrote: > salve sono un programmatore Director di milano volevo fare una lista per > italiani o comunque creare una comunita di programmatori italiani con > informazioni non solo sulla programmazione ma anche sul

Was Please don't look I am testing

2001-03-17 Thread John Trentini
know one way or the other, off list, of course. Or perhaps someone could offer suggestions? It is like a nightmare, you scream and scream but no-one can hear you! shsss. JohnT John Trentini wrote: > Still having problems receiving mail from the list. > > Ok, ok, it's a joke..n

Please don't look I am testing

2001-03-17 Thread John Trentini
Still having problems receiving mail from the list. Ok, ok, it's a You are just hiding...Yes? Gees you guys...where are you...hello? anyone?? I miss yo? JohnT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To

Please Ignore this: No Mail From List?

2001-03-12 Thread John Trentini
HulloAnybody? Haven't got any mail in the last two days from the list. Was it anything I didn't say? JohnT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, emai

I am not getting mail from the list

2001-03-12 Thread John Trentini
Haven't got any mail in the last two days. Something is wrong (Suffering from withdrawal symptoms, I guess!) JohnT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, e

Re: Desktop Capture

2001-03-07 Thread John Trentini
Sorry I am a PC man but Tab suggested Lotus ScreenCam grimmwerks CameraMan Good Luck JohnT Brad Hintze wrote: > What about Windows? > > Brad > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email

Re: OT Desktop Video Capture

2001-03-06 Thread John Trentini
Or use Snapz Pro on the Mac, you can get it at: JohnT PS. When posting a new query, please start a new thread, don't just piggyback on a different topic. Tab Julius wrote: > That's outside the scope of this list (which is dedicated to Lingo > programming

OT: Comm+Shift+3

2001-03-04 Thread John Trentini
Sorry guys for the OT, Command+Shift+3 (4), is there an equivalent on the PC? Thanks. JohnT [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: burning hybrid CD. . .GOT IT

2001-03-02 Thread John Trentini
Yes please! JohnT home wrote: > I had sent a mail to "ADAPTEC TOAST" > regarding the hybrid problem > ie; in 4.0 u dont get the kind of choice for iso hybrid > so i got a convincing reply if any body with adaptec toast 4.0 > still have problem i can paste their mail and post it. > > regards > >


2001-02-28 Thread John Trentini
Putting a *Subject* on your postings is not only the polite protocol for any list, it will also increase your chances for a reply as many will not even read postings like yours (with no subject) nik max wrote: > hi all, > > another shcockwave question: > i am playing back shockwave audio files

Re: We've topped 3000

2001-02-26 Thread John Trentini
My sentiments entirely. Go Tab!! JohnT Lists wrote: > And thanks to you for hosting us, Tab! > [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Problems, email [EMAIL PROTE

Re: X Music Loop X

2001-02-25 Thread John Trentini
Hi, 1) You must place your sound into an external castLibrary, Make sure that all your movies are linked to this cast library. 2) Don't put the sound file into the sound channels but use lingo; put the following into a movie script in your stub dir on startMovie puppetsound 3, "DoReM

Re: urgent............printscreen

2001-02-09 Thread John Trentini
For God's sake, man! Don't start a new thread everytime you post a follow up. and Stop repeating your posts. Urgent is not really a it?!! (I should have used all caps for this!) JohnT rama krishna wrote: > Hello everyone > printxtra> > As ramesh said > >You can use (the sta

Re: Keyboard Questions

2001-02-08 Thread John Trentini
ie. your first Q. in a movie script put this: on prepareMovie set the exilLock = True end Then on a keyDown script you can process the events (key pressed) by issueing a stopEvent command Example follows: on KeyDown if charToNum (the key) = 27 ---line continues or (the platform s

Re: Flash sending Lingo to Director

2001-02-08 Thread John Trentini
Off the (very) top of my head! Could something like this work? Make a 'blend' from 0 to 100 of the background and put it in a loop. Using a dummy sprite in front of your animation you can then toggle the visibility of your fade. Just a crazy idea. Totally untested andperhaps even ..shhhsh!

Re: FW: Lingo-L Digest V1 #1807

2001-01-31 Thread John Trentini
You wouldn't have a custom palette into score, by any chance, would you? JohnT ian hobbs wrote: > Reply to: RE: screen flash > > ian hobbs wrote: > > >when a new movie is called > >the screen flashes between movies > >only a millisecond or so but enough to be really annoying > >the

Re: Delete an external Cast member

2001-01-31 Thread John Trentini
Chances are your castMember resides inside a n external *SharedCast*, if this is so, you need to update (save) each movie after having removed the offending button from the sharedCast. HTH JohnT Jacques Baume wrote: > Hello All > > I created a button in a movie and i have to the same button

Re: setting boundaries

2001-01-19 Thread John Trentini
Add this to your code: on beginSprite me if sprite(pSprite). locH >whateverYouWant Then if sprite(PSprite).locH I have sprite that is set to follow the mouse vertically using this script > here > > property pSprite > > on beginSprite me > pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum) > end > > on

Re: background sound file

2001-01-10 Thread John Trentini
"LYNN L." wrote: > > > I have a problem concerning a background sound loop. I have two > seperate movies and a single sound loop shared between the two via an > external cast (on a PC Win98). The loop is in sound channel 1 in both > movies. And the second movie starts in frame 2\ Hi Lynn, rather

Re: Protected director dxr files

2000-12-15 Thread John Trentini
Hi Mike, The way I heard it is that only your code is actually protected someone with the know-how can still access your media. Be good. JohnT Mike Atkin wrote: > How safe are these files? Are they hackable? > > Thanks in advance. [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest

Re: Sounds in Channel 1

2000-12-12 Thread John Trentini
Have you left a single frame gap between the soundSprites John AndeanWinds wrote: > I put my background sounds in channel 1 and they don't seem to work(the > first one does but the rest don't). Everything works fine if I put the > sounds in sound channel 2 but If I remember correctly, sound c

Re: Re: rollovers on enterFrame

2000-12-05 Thread John Trentini
Marcus, rather than setting the visible of your rollOver sprites, place them at a locH outside the stage (-2000) and just change their locH on rollOver. HTH John Marcus Brooke wrote: > > > > > Is there a simplified script to do the same as my enterFrame script, but > without the rollover spri

Re: masks and movement

2000-12-04 Thread John Trentini
Hi Maria, Take a look at "Shining a Flashlight with alpha channels" and/or "Making a Magnifying Glass" by Gary Rozenweig on Director On Line. John [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages to the list, emai

Re: Changing member of sprite over and over..

2000-12-01 Thread John Trentini
You forgot a piece of code ( the locV) in the second if: if the locV of sprite 2 > 1890 sprite(2).member="leftgrass3" if the member of sprite 2 ="leftgrass3" and the locV of sprite 2>1890 sprite(2).member="leftgrass4" HTH John Kev wrote: > > > > > if the locV of spr

Re: Re: colors & RGB mixing

2000-11-29 Thread John Trentini
Hi Mats, The link you have provided is not functioning but thanks for sharing this, I read you first post and, although unable to help, was very interested the possible solution . John Mats Leidö wrote: > I sent the mail below the lines to lingo-l the 24th of october. I > haven´t had any re

Re: re-quicktime framerate

2000-11-27 Thread John Trentini
Hi Jean-Louis, I was afraid you would have a good reason for wanting the frameRate. In that case I can't help you but I have a feeling that a little application could be written (in some programming language?) that could access that info from the Quicktime Pro player. Your problem will be that

Re: keyDownScript

2000-11-27 Thread John Trentini
Hi Frank, Once you have set the exitLock to True you have to manually *trap*(stopEvent) each keyDown event you want to control: on controleerExit if charToNum(the key) = 27 or (the platform starts "Windows" and ¬ the optionDown and the keyCode = 118) then --The escape key code is --differe

Re: need urgant help....

2000-11-26 Thread John Trentini
Hi Tom, tom phillips wrote: > 2. How do I make 5 sprites move round half the stage > randomly but stay on their half and stay on the stage. > (The stage is split vertically down the middle) First you create a rectangle (from the tool palette) that takes up half your stage. Make it transparen

Re: quicktime framerate

2000-11-26 Thread John Trentini
Hallo Jean-Louis, If you use Quicktime Player to get Info you must select *Video Track * (by default it is set to movie) from your options (left hand dropDown menu) and then you can select FrameRate from the right hand dropDown menu. I don't know if you can access this info through Lingo thoug

Re: locH

2000-11-23 Thread John Trentini
OOPS! Just realised that your code was following your post. My previous post would still apply but you could animate a *place holder* in an empty channel (say: 10) and substitute the relevant cast member as you need: case (the rollOver) of 1: set the member of sprite(10) to logo set the locH of

Re: locH

2000-11-23 Thread John Trentini
There is a function *rollOver()* that returns the spriteNum whenevere the mouse is rolled over that sprite. In your situation a case statement would help: on enterFrame case (the rollOver) of 1: do your tweening here --or go to a marker or whatever 2: do this instead 3: whatever else 4:

Re: Re: alpha in quicktime?

2000-11-23 Thread John Trentini
Or you can re-render the animation against a white background. An other way is to export your QT as a Pict Sequence, (you can do this in QuickTime4-Pro or After Effects) and change the background to white in Photoshop and then re-compile the pict Sequence as a QT Movie. All in all, if it is only

Re: RollOver Buttons?

2000-11-21 Thread John Trentini
Hi Bob, Are you using a *shared* and linked castLib for this? It sounds like the bOver cast member is missing or has changed position whithin your castLibs. HTH John Bob Solomon wrote: > Hi, > > I've created some rollover buttons. Here's an example of the scripts I > used. It seems to wo

Re: Lingo for checking out the performance of the computer system

2000-11-14 Thread John Trentini
Hi Rob I'm having the same problem (sort of) as Michael, could you elaborate on how to create a multiple bit-rate mpg video? Thanks John Robert Wingate wrote: > > Try encoding your video as a single multiple-bitrate mpg video file. > Then different machines can play it @ the quality each

Re: projector win2k-plyaing in win98 issues

2000-11-08 Thread John Trentini
Hi Dr. Daniel D. Errampalli, Are you running the projector from the CD? Running it from the hard-drive considerably improves performance. Are you using a Stub Projector? Compiled Projector are slower. OT: Never knew the play back could be *not exciting* (exiting means: going out (Uscente)). I'

Re: digital video-help-moving the play head to a specified frame

2000-11-07 Thread John Trentini
Hi Dr. Have you looked into *movieRate*: sprite().movieRate = 0 --this stops the video Whatever triggers the navigation could also stop the movie. You explanation is not very clear as to what is happening and what is expected to happen. John "Dr. Daniel D. Errampalli" wrote: > hi, > need

Re: 4 - player game X-Tended post

2000-11-02 Thread John Trentini
Woah! Down boy, down! Do you bite as well? Jonas Brink Worsøe wrote: > Leon, > > Anders wrote a very helpful script for you. > If you want keyUp- and keyDown events in that, store the state and react when it >changes. > Enough hints. Figure it out! > [To remove yourself from this list, or


2000-10-26 Thread John Trentini
Well, what do you know!? Learn something new every day! The quit button in my projects never really exit the projector but takes you to a credit/closing page from which the projector will exit, so I was totally unaware of the halt command. Very handy! Thanks JohnT. "Leif E. Wells" wrote:


2000-10-26 Thread John Trentini
If you have attached the script to a sprite try this: on mouseUp quit end JohnT. rt1 wrote: > CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE??? > > I am looking for a piece of lingo code that I can attach to a 'sprite' in > Director 7, which will enable the user to quit the projector using the on > mouseU

Re: Creating Examples

2000-10-25 Thread John Trentini
For the Mac take a look at Snapz Pro 2. It looks promising and you can find it at: HTH John Alan wrote: > > Hi All, > > > I have a couple of the games coded and tested. I need to include a sample play > of the game as an introduction to

Re: 1-Bit mask on-the-fly or better solution

2000-09-24 Thread John Trentini
Hi Richard, In Photoshop, after you have made your jpgs, make Masks from each one of them where white represent your transparent areas and black your visible image (you can do this by creating alpha channels, paths or just simply quickMask techniques). Convert these Masks first to GreyScale (Im

Re: Those pesky Xtras!

2000-09-19 Thread John Trentini
Hi Mark, What is *Insert-->Ole Object*? I have seen this mentioned before but cannot find it in my version (academic) of D 7.02. Could it be a function only available to the pro version? Cheers John "Mark A. Boyd" wrote: > snip > It sounds as if you did an Insert->OLE Object to get them i

Re: QTVR flashing

2000-09-18 Thread John Trentini
What about placing the QTVR sprite off stage and setting its visible to true before changing its Loc back to the stage on a *on prepareFrame* or *exitFrame* script? Haven't tried but should work?! John Brad Waite wrote: > > Here's a code snippet: > > sprite(18).visible = 0 > sprite(

Re: masking object

2000-09-15 Thread John Trentini
Hi Colby, Put a 1 bit image (the shape you want to use as *mask* - black being the invisible part-) in the castLib immediately after your *scrolling object* castMember (this has to be an image). Then set the ink of this member to *Mask* when you place it in the score. This should do the trick.


2000-09-08 Thread John Trentini
I really wish you learned, once and for all, to put a subject to your posts. It is good practice and also good manners |:-[ John sundeep bhatia wrote: > > hi jayson > go to file-- preferrences and enable "animate in background" and do the same > while making projector and u have all the luck

Re: sound loop

2000-09-06 Thread John Trentini
Hi Pua First of all you should put your sound file cast member in a separate, shared CastLib (this will be linked to all the movies in your project). Make sure that the sound file is set to *loop* in the cast member property box. Then put this movie in the movie that you want to initialize the