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Bruce Lightsey
Database Manager
MS Department of Information Technology Services
601-432-8144 |
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Somewhat off topic - my storage admins are looking at defining the largest
reasonable CKD device for a DS8300. We currently use Mod-3, 9, 27, and 54
definitions and would like to know what is a useful very large size in the
real world for large, less-heavily-used devices.
Bruce Lightsey
We just put in a 114 and run z/OS on 2 LPARs and z/VM on 2 other LPARs with
several guests under the VMs
As a POC your approach will work but there are a few things to consider for the
long run.
1) Unless you are running your CPs at full throttle, Linux will do much better
on IFL engines which a
inframe replacing
the one it knows.
Thanks for any replies,
Bruce Lightsey
Database Administrator
Mississippi Dept. of Information Technology Services
3771 Eastwood Drive
Jackson, Ms 39211
istency of
interface is a benefit.
Yep - we want Nirvana, but what do we need to get the job done with no
holes in monitoring and functionality. Oh, affordability is nice, too.
Opinions and advise appreciated, sales pitches ignored - thanks,
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information Technolo
We are having a connection issue with a couple of our linux guests that
simply proves I don't know what I'm doing AND I can't seem to RTFM
Environment is Suse 11 guests on z/VM 6 trying to connect to z/OS 1.12 on
a z196,
The first 8 guests work just fine - z/OS IP address is 192.168.4.
Hard part is done.
Now become the instance owner ( or dbadm or secadm depending on how your
security is configured ) and grant the user connect on the database and any
other useful things they need ( like, maybe, select on a table or two).
If the user will actually be logging on to the Linux guest
DB2 LUW runs quite well on Linux under z/VM and, for us at least, requires
fewer resources per server than the AIX boxes we came off of. Our VM LPAR
has no CPs defined to it - only IFLs. For us, the only need for CPs is to
run z/OS and to pay CA. If I could get the WebSphere crew to move off of
biased toward Linux on Z ) and is there a benefit from running on DB2
LUW over DB2 z/OS or vice-versa ?
I have a couple of RedBooks but any decent whitepapers, RedBooks,
RedPieces, etc will be gratefully accepted.
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information Technology Services
301 N
hy these licenses vanished all-of-a-sudden would be
greatly appreciated - can't find anything suspicious in any of the logs :
DB, system, or tripwire
Any suggestions on any specific log to look in on the system side also
welcomed - SuSe linux and I are just getting acquainted with ea
mystery solved - idiot at the keyboard !
VM lpar is set to EASTERN time, we are in Central time, STCK is GMT ( UST ?
). Dunno how it got botched, but it does explain how several dozen z/VM
linux guests all agree that the time is 1 hour off. IPL time for the VM
lpar !
Thanks for the input from a
Currently it is 08:43 CST
br...@taxdbp01:~> date
Thu Nov 19 07:43:17 CST 2009
user MAINT on z/VM shows that it is 08:43
Raymond J"
Sent by: Linux on cc
can some one point me toward the setting I need to twiddle for getting the
time on a linux guest to match the time on the z/VM ?
hardware clock is set to UTC,
z/VM shows the correct time for this time zone ( U.S. Central Standard ),
yast has the correct settings,
linux guest is 1 hour slow - even
I am aiming for 1+1=10 all your logic gates are mine !!
Scott Rohling
Sent by: Linux on LINUX-390@VM.MARIST.EDU
390 Port
You also need to go into Xming's directory ( C:\Program Files\Xming on my
machine ), bring up X0.hosts in notepad, and add the hosts that will be
permitted to connect to your desktop ( I prefer using IP addresses rather
than names - a dns/internal political issue )
David Boyes
one more view -
3 of my great uncles were marines - 1 in 1918, WW1 in France. The other 2
in the Pacific in WW2.
All 3 agreed that the terms SNAFU and FUBAR were in general use by the
enlisted Marines even before their time(s).
Was the subject of several memorable conversations at family reunions w
It appears, for our environment, that ALL of the work coming through ddf
to the z/OS DB2 is elegible for the zIIP with the exception of calls to 2
of our stored procedures - one is REXX and the other calls an external
product that executes Cobol and Assembler routines that don't make use of
ooked at the SMF data for cost.
We do have an issue with a single application using a type-4 jdbc
connection that can't talk via the new connect - but I think that is a
java-specific error and would be a problem on any platform - not just the
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information Te
My Connect server is at 256M with 768M swap ( dunno how it landed there ) -
I usually have around 60 connections through it and expect to see up to 500
or so.
Nothing like your slow down yet - though it sounds like our typical luck.
Last time I saw anything similar on DB2 for z/OS was when I didn't
OK - thank you. Your short confusion actually helped clear up some of mine
- not all, but enough for this trip.
We will try 512M of main and keep a close eye on swap for now.
Adam Thornton
Sent by
Bear with me while I'm learning, please.
you say to reduce the real for my virtual machine from 246900k and the swap
from 3G ? My DB2 is already complaining that there is not enough memory to
allocate any bufferpools - so I would have guessed growing the real to 1G.
Maybe you were looking at the
I'm finally in the process of firing up some "boxes" under VM to replace
some aging AIX critters and I could use some advise as to real memory and
swap allocations for these new guys.
1st victim was a DB2 connect enterprise unlimited server - cut it to
production 2 weeks ago and everything is good
We are just now setting up our first hipersocket connection(s) from z/VM
and linux to z/OS and will primarily use this first cut for DB2 connect to
talk to DB2 on z/OS. Does anyone have a guide for the MTU size? ( redbook,
whitepaper, etc )
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information
It isn't a commercial application - it is the case management software
written by the US federal court systems and "given" to us so that we can
try to adapt it to state/county court use. The federal model is all
RHEL/intel - we haven't the manpower/resources to do that so we must either
put it on z
t;free" software.
If someone would be willing to field some questions, would you please
contact my co-conspirator off-list ( ).
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information Technology Services
301 N. Lamar St., Suite 508
Jackson, Ms 39201-1495
(601) 359-
I can't seem to find one - has this been put into the repository yet or do
we need to try building our own?
For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Can anyone tell me if there is a Java 6 included in the install of the
s390x version ? If not, can I get a link to a download for a jdk or sdk ?
For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
found the IBM link for jdk downloads - now a different question.
Will the 31-bit jdk work - and work well - in a 64-bit linux environment.
We run the 32-bit java on 64-bit AIX without any difficulty since quite a
few of our apps refuse to work with the 64-bit java. Don't have any
experience in the
- what else need to go into the toolkit ?
Bruce Lightsey
Mississippi Dept. of Information Technology Services
301 N. Lamar St., Suite 508
Jackson, Ms 39201-1495
(601) 359-2644 voice (601) 359-1394 fax
We are looking at the possiblity of running Informix on Suse10 under VM -
any success stories on this combination ? I know that I've heard Oracle,
DB2, WAS, and other "interesting" software being nicely compatible - but
has anyone played with Informix yet ?
Bruce Light
We were recently in a similar exercise - but on z890. The particular box we
were putting the last LPAR on had 1 couple facility, 1 z/OS lpar with 2 cp,
and 1 free processor. Had to add a new lpar with DB2, WebSphere, etc on
z/OS for a grandiose scheme from upper levels. Original scheme from above
I thought lime disease was from squeezing too much of the juice into a gin
& tonic and a backtick there would make one fall off the barstool - must
fight such a dangerous affliction !!
Rob van der Heij
As Rich said - the process is pretty generic for the *x platforms. I've
done AIX and Linux (Intel) - still waiting for the opportunity on zLinux.
Look at
and the Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers in particular. Pretty good
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