> You need the device ID - lsusb to list.
> http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html
> > Will this run as root, because the script would need to patch
> > /etc/inittab and then call 'telinit q'?
> No... the udev rule is instead of, not to enable inittab. If you really
> need the
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:25:12 Solor Vox wrote:
> I'd suggest using a udev rule that runs simple script to enable/disable
> your tty. All you'd need to do is match your modem in a udev rule and
> call a script to change your inittab.
> That way it only runs if/when the modem is plugged-in.
> C
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 11:19:33 Craig Falconer wrote:
> Tom Munro Glass wrote, On 29/03/10 11:11:
> > Mar 28 22:56:50 localhost init: Id "ACM0" respawning too fast: disabled
> > for 5 minutes
> Your problem is that init is bringing up the process and failing.
On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 15:56:35 Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 15:39:14 Nick Rout wrote:
> > I am running virtualbox on a windows xp machine with slax linux as guest.
> >
> > windows host is running 1024x768 which sounds pathetic but I am
> > comfortable w
t draw such a big screen?
> slax is booting from an .iso.
A stab in the dark since I don't use virtualbox, but can you set the
resolution as a linux boot option? In other words just as the .iso starts
booting, type:
linux vga=773
I use this technique with VMware Server.
Tom Munro Glass
On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Nick Rout wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:22 PM, Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> > Although I am using Mandriva, I suspect this question would apply to many
> > distros.
> >
> > I need to install Mandriva on several machines, and each installation
to do is
install and configure a master machine, then create some kind of installation
image from this, but I don't know where to start.
Any pointers would be much appreciated.
Tom Munro Glass
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Barry Marchant wrote:
> Just found this. Looks like its distro & qt version independent.
> http://rpmseek.com/rpm-pl/qt-st-plugin-ibase.html?hl=com&cba=0:Q:80:::3
> No dates though
> Barry
Thanks again for your help Barry - I followed the download
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Barry Marchant wrote:
> WHAT is wrong with the reference I gave you Its what you
> asked for.
> Barry
Here is what I get when I search on rpm.pbone.net as you suggested:
You have chosen search in content of rpms.
Display 1 - 1 hits of 1. Search took 0.34
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Barry Marchant wrote:
> What version of Mandriva are you running, The package is available for
> 2007 and 2008. looks like 2008.0 and 2008.1.
> Go to rpm.pbone.net advanced search select mandriva2008 and enter
> 'qt4-database-plugin-ibase-lib'
> Barry
I'm using the f
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, John Rye wrote:
> as root:
> urpmi qt4-database-plugin-ibase-lib
> John
If only it was that simple - that package doesn't exist, at least not in any
media I can find.
There is an old package qt4-database-plugin-ibase-lib-4.1.1-3mdk.i586.rpm I
located somewhere but th
On Thu, 14 Aug 2008, Barry Marchant wrote:
> Hi
> I have been running Mandriva since before mandrake 8.
> 1st question ... what is the app, is the src in a .mdk package? If so,
> install the pkg as per normal, it will go into /usr/src/whatever.
> If it is a tar or similar pkg unpack it to /us
Do we have any Mandriva experts on the list?
I have some questions about how to install a source package and do a custom
build, but thought I'd check first if there is someone here who can help me.
Tom Munro Glass
On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
> http://www.zlib.net/
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib
> And outgoing links therefrom.
> On 1/10/08, Tom Munro Glass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm developing a C++ application using Qt 4 as the primary libr
ing this -
any suggestions?
Tom Munro Glass
On Tuesday 10 October 2006 20:38, Hadley Rich wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 October 2006 18:57, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > For the record, the 6600 chips are noticably more powerfull at little
> > extra cost. The 6200TC version is particularly stripped of speed. As
> > usual, if it's enough for you, go fo
Can anyone comment on the Albatron AGP6200A/AGP6200AL/AGP6200ALQ 128MB card?
I'm not clear what the differences are between these models.
I'm considering getting one for a machine running Gentoo. It won't be used for
games, I just need a basic card with analogue & DVI outputs and a minimum of
On Saturday 16 September 2006 17:58, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> An external modem is the simplest and most futureproof solution.
> Secondhand externals go for less than a new internal.
> If you want to make the software work because buying new hardware is
> against the grain, do not recompile the k
On Saturday 16 September 2006 15:14, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > The modem from 'lspci' is 'Agere Systems LT WinModem'.
> Most of those should be good.
> > gives the error: 'Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to
> > come up'. ppp.log is (timestamps removed):
> >
> > sent [LCP Co
On Saturday 16 September 2006 14:10, Robert Fisher wrote:
> On Saturday 16 September 2006 1:46 pm, Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> > My neighbour is happy to convert from XP to Linux and I've installed
> > Kubuntu 6.06.1 for him, but I'm struggling with getting KPPP to work
My neighbour is happy to convert from XP to Linux and I've installed Kubuntu
6.06.1 for him, but I'm struggling with getting KPPP to work (sadly he
doesn't have broadband).
The modem from 'lspci' is 'Agere Systems LT WinModem'.
/etc/ppp/options is the default file installed with Kubuntu,
but /
Thanks to all who replied.
On Monday 17 April 2006 22:06, Andrew Errington wrote:
> Good idea. Pick one *you* like, since you might inadvertently become his
> first point of contact...
> I like Mepis, but I think that stock Debian has a lot to recommend it.
I'm a Gentoo/FreeBSD fan myself, b
A new neighbour told me yesterday that the Win98 laptop he uses for email,
browsing and basic Office documents has run out of disk space so he can no
longer update his Norton antivirus files! I've offered to demo Linux to him
and I'm thinking of suggesting Kubuntu since this often seems to be
> Actually, on the nch website, as well as the aforementioned 'scribe' is
> also a program called 'switch'. It is for converting audio to different
> formats.
> My wife does this sort of work too, and frankly it was easy to install the
> Olympus software on a cheap laptop which was running Win 9
On Monday 10 April 2006 20:06, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> > Thanks to all who replied, but apart from running Scribe on Wine it looks
> > like a lost cause.
> Did you track down the Linux converter I mentioned?
No I didn't track this down, but I have a had a play with the free Scribe
software. Th
Thanks to all who replied, but apart from running Scribe on Wine it looks like
a lost cause.
Sorry Craig - I can't provide a sample because we don't have recording
software, only Olympus playback software for Windows.
The Olympus foot pedal connects to usb or a com port. Nick I'm sure you're
My wife does some part time work transcribing Olympus audio files to
Office/OpenOffice documents, but since she became a convert a couple of years
ago, she would much prefer to work exclusively in Linux. I'm looking for some
software to play back Olympus .dss files using a foot pedal to control
On Wednesday 05 April 2006 08:54, David Kirk wrote:
> Better yet, from the everyday PC you could ssh in to the junk PC,
> export $DISPLAY=everydaypc:0 and run your favourite CD burning
> application. It will display on the everyday PC, but run on the junk
> PC using the junk PC's devices. I do
> in the video'd demo you could, for example, wrap a movie window around
> the corner of the cube and have it playing on two of the cube's
> surfaces.
> Whether it updated as you moved the window or the cube around i cannot
> recall.
> more when i find what i did with the damned avi - would he
Thanks for the feedback guys. In the end I discovered the following REALLY
helpful web page "Sed - An Introduction" at
http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html. As it says in th introduction, the
documentation for sed is poor, but it's a really powerful tool if you can
find out how to use it.
I've got several large files that require some repetitive multiline search and
replace operations, and I feel sure that sed can do this, but I can't figure
out how to do it.
The pattern I'm searching for in the input file is "Type=0x21" followed by
"Label=abcde" on the next line, where abcde is
nd it usually
pops up a dialog asking if I want to save the file or open it with some
application that I have to browse for.
How do I make Firefox use/inherit the standard file associations?
Tom Munro Glass
grade your connection unless you ask them
to? I had a letter from Xtra a couple of weeks ago saying that my Surf Flat
Rate account would be upgraded to Jetstream Plus automatically sometime
during November or December. Should I be chasing them to do the upgrade now?
Tom Munro Glass
On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 11:48, Brad Beveridge wrote:
> Upon further reading, the Puretek modem has no firewall, only NAT. The
> Billion does have firewall support.
I'm probably going to run IPCop behind the router anyway, but I figured that
two firewalls are better than one, and the reason for wanti
It seems that JetStream has finally made it over the Ports Hills and is
available in Governors Bay! So I'm looking for recommendations for an ADSL
modem / 4-port 10/100Mbps switch combination.
I've heard good things about the NetGear DG834, anyone around here used this?
useful tool based
on rsync that handles local and remote backups.
Tom Munro Glass
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 16:37, Michael JasonSmith wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 16:20, Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> > I'm using an in-house IMAP server to store my users' mail, and I've
> > discovered archivemail which I run from cron to compress messages more
> > th
Ideally I would like to be able to use a standard mail client such as KMail
(or Outlook) to view the archives, accepting that it may be considerably
Tom Munro Glass
Thanks to all who replied to the question - it's given me a number of options
to consider.
On Wed, 08 Oct 2003 13:08, Matthew Gregan wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 08, 2003 at 12:36:14PM +1300, Peter Glassenbury wrote:
> > What about using $0 (whole line) and
> > length($1),length($2),length(
?? = Here is some free form text from command
Any ideas?
Tom Munro Glass
Thanks Tim. It's easy to find suppliers with Google, but that doesn't tell you
how helpful the companies are. I'll give Ascent a call later today.
On Thu, 04 Sep 2003 01:48, Timothy Musson wrote:
> I can recommend Ascent:
> http://www.ascent.co.nz/
> They're based in Wellington but use
make menuconfig does seem to be the closest thing to an answer for Gentoo, but
even that is not exhaustive in the information it provides. And how do I find
out what other distros include in the kernel?
Since this will be a server, I won't be wanting any exotic peripherals but
what is important
of RedHat 9, Debian or
So how do you find out if your preferred hardware components are supported -
there's gotta be a web site somewhere with this information?
Tom Munro Glass
Thanks Nick. Yet more information to try and remember!
> usefule article here on screen
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6340
d, 03 Sep 2003 12:35, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 12:13, Tom Munro Glass wrote:
> > Yes, the larger installation will be very remote - in England!
> That shouldn't put you off, I co-admin a bunch of FreeBSD machines in
> the UK, only 300ms away over 23 hops ...
Getting slightly OT, but could you suggest some reputable local hardware
suppliers? I've built my own PCs in the past but in recent years I've found
it hard to match the price of suppliers such as Dell, especially for servers.
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 11:29, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> I don't know
Yes, the larger installation will be very remote - in England!
Downloading updates won't be a problem, but rpm hell might be! I've only had a
few hours playing with RH9, so I've yet to encounter that particular torture.
I don't mind command-line admin providing I know how to drive the individual
Hi Chris,
I thought I might get a Gentoo vote from you ;-) Must admit that I'd probably
find Gentoo easiest to work with, but maybe it's time I was less one-eyed!
Thanks for the Scyld link - looks very useful.
Tom Munro Glass
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 10:41, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
This installation is for a very small network, but if it does everything
that's required I'm likely to get the job of introducing Linux servers into a
medium size company that currently has half a dozen NT4 servers and around 50
Tom Munro Glass
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 10
h I'm much more familiar
with Gentoo.
Good advice about the processor/disk speed Jim. I will definitely be using
SCSI and would like to use raid but it's too expensive.
Tom Munro Glass
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 10:41, Jim Cheetham wrote:
> Having a good relationship with the hardware supplier i
I was wondering about FreeBSD but have read about there being hardware
compatibility problems with some Dell machines ... not that I have to use
Dell. Perhaps my question should have been "any hardware/distro combinations
recommended for a server?"
Tom Munro Glass
> Previously I&
advice about setting up a production server would
be much appreciated.
Tom Munro Glass
> There are other ways to access smb shares:
> in konqueror travel to the url smb://machine/share and a
> username/password dialog will pop up.
Odd - this seems to work for some shares but not for others. It's almost like
it's connected to some shares as a Guest and therefore isn't able to read
ing their own username and password. Ideally I would like them to
be able to set up their own mount points, but I could live with root having
to set it up for them.
Any suggestions,
Tom Munro Glass
(now using KMail)
Title: RE: Mounting (and unmounting) SMBFS
Sorry Nick and everyone else on the list. Despite me selecting plain text format, Outlook still sent the message as HTML. I'll be switching over to KMail ASAP!
> -Original Message-
> From: Nick Rout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:
use I can't find a way of getting the logon password. Is there a solution to this?
Question 2: Since I'm mounting the network shares when the user logs on, should I umount them before he/she logs off, and if so, how can I do this automatically?
Tom Munro Glass
nd reverse engineering capabilities? Any recommended packages?
Tom Munro Glass
and ModelMaker for class design, so I'd like to hear what tools you recommend?
Tom Munro Glass
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