begin Joel Hammer's quote:
| I do not know how they look. I am blocking all port 80 activity at
| this time on my firewall.
betcha it's code red. but you *have* patched your apache anyway,
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
| credible attempts being made to exploit this weakness?
what does the request look like? this is the one-year anniversary of
code red, and there are still lots of infected boxen, which devote
two weeks of each month to trying to connect on port 80.
whether the drive needs to go back?
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
begin Bob Raymond's quote:
| Gentoo is non-commercial, and shows no indication of changing.
| There's Xandros (remade Corel Linux), Lindows is sort of a
| half-distro, so maybe it can be counted on the list?
lindows will be a company that no longer exists a year from now.
d from the start, imho, because of its "screw
you" attitude toward the existing base of desktop users and
developers, something that is, unfortunately, epidemic in linuxland.)
the real question is, when the smoke clears it will be red hat, its
sidekick mandrake, and who else among commer§ion=newsflash
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
is prove to ibm the company's
worst prejudices.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
. not only do
they intend to get it adopted through their usual monopolistic
techniques, they intend to make it legally required:
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, an
| sheesh, I guess lonnie has cast one of his spells on me.
sorry to hear it. feel better, get some sun, and painful though it is,
don't get dehydrated.
this, too, shall -- no pun intended -- pass.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and n
where's les? i've seen no posts from him for a long time, and he's one
of maybe a half-dozen people on the planet who know just about
everything worth knowing.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated pap
begin Brett I. Holcomb's quote:
| Thanks. At one time I thought it was hard to get Mosfet Liquid
| themes.
at one time it was.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip any
with your computer?
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archi
never took the approach
that users are idiots.
but suse and the others, who hold the apparent view that the only
users worth having are the ones they don't yet have, and to hell with
existing users, aren't doing anyone any favors, least of all
themselves. the thinking is way too sho
the back, where the tension on the connection
doesn't come into play.
it's a frigging loose connection that coincided with the several times
i tried different things. unbelievable.
thanks, everyone, because i've learned from all of you, even though
the problem was, well . .
about networking could
be put on a postcard, with room for a pretty big picture.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
b-src sub-tools
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archive
begin ronnie gauthier's quote:
| I've been having some periods of DNS nothingness off and on since
| late last night. No idea what is going on. It's been good since
| bout 3pm cst so i guess its back to normal(whatever that is?!?).
this is so, because the apache
worm is mostly making zombies and shutting down to await firther
instructions. (ugh.) but there was backbone trouble over the weekend,
and there has been some flakiness here and there ever since.
dep -- outside the box, barely
wing the fhs is infinitely more complex and frustrating
| than dep would have you believe.
it's not even vaguely complex.
| 6) gentoo would love to have someone with greater understanding of
| the fhs make concrete suggestions for improvements in this respect.
well, good. now you have greate
ot; is that we expected it would show up on /. and
elsewhere, as it has.
if anyone is or was offended, i apologize.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users ma
begin Ken Moffat's quote:
| dep wrote:
| >visit now!
| >
| >it has been online for 44 minutes just now. bookmark it. tell your
| >friends. bring the kids.
| WAP support?
people of all nationalities are invited.
visit now!
it has been online for 44 minutes just now. bookmark it. tell your
friends. bring the kids.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere
d for CDE
| (not-so-Common Desktop Environment). Openwin, the only desktop
| worse than M$'.
well, there were topview and, on linux, looking glass. i don't guess a
lot of either is being sold anymore . . . . .
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
AM hog. I'd suggest downgrading to KDE 1.x
| or adding RAM.
first, this particular machine maxes out at 64. second, that's beside
the point -- linux *ought* to work on a p-133 with 64 megs, and it
doesn't satisfactorily. third, various epoch bugs in kde-1.x have
rendered it obsole
out in the
fever swamp someplace howling "gentoo" over and over. and that would
be, pretty much, it.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailin
| the little train that said: "I knew I could ..." over and over as
| it climbed the hill. You seem to be stuck at "Whatever it is, I'm
| against it."
okay. a novelty distribution based on a children's cartoon book. that
red hat
succeeds in blowing everyone else out of the water in the linux world
(which they have largely already done) because otherwise linux will
die a suicide.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
thing more than editing ~/.xinitrc.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
to have a
quick and efficient and reliable operating system but instead to sell
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linu
nto oblivion. a zillion
motivated linux users can be a powerful force, but not if they're
told they're superfluous. i don't care what happens to unitedlinux,
but i do weep over the missed opportunity to really establish
standards-based linux.
distributions for years
| 7) Not mentioned before, but prompt response from the distro for
| security patches is also important. That would be more essential
| for server users.
this has been a huge strength of all mainstream linux distros i know
of for years and years now.
| 8) Did I m
begin Ken Moffat's quote:
| dep wrote
| >redhat is not fhs-compliant. if it were, i'd be using it.
| What do you use?
right now -- and by this i really *do* mean for the moment -- a
severely hacked SuSE 7.2 on my production machine, and a collection
of various other dis
begin Collins's quote:
| I can only thank my lucky stars that I have stumbled on a distro
| that is not slavishly complient to the FHS, read: the Redhat
| approach.
redhat is not fhs-compliant. if it were, i'd be using it.
dep -- outside the b
n /opt/[dirname], as god intended.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
begin Peter Ruskin's quote:
| Good point about gentoo noticed so far:
| It had KDE *exactly* where I have always wanted it:
| /usr/kde/3/
| /usr/qt/3/
| ...and nothing of it in /usr/lib or /usr/share. I imagine dep may
| be pleased with that.
dep is most assuredly *not* pl
ot;'s motto: "standing athwart
history and shouting, 'stop!'"
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux-sxs
ginal sender's
| address.
| I hope this crap doesn't become wide spread!
the suse list is like that as well. very annoying.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
n one goes to a company's home page, as in,
and cannot from that home page figure out what the company is or
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
could say "too bad elvis is dead," and within a
cycle or two you would would inform us, "well, i'm not dead, but i
run gentoo."
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
begin Joel Hammer's quote:
| I would like to install motif since opera 6.01 seems to need it.
i think that if you have qt aboard, you should be fine. is this
something you've encountered with the 6.01 upgrade, while 6.0 worked
dep -- outsi
ue, but I'm not sure
| how to proceed. Anyone ... ?
you need a line, the syntax of which is, if i remember correctly,
"virtual XXX YYY" specifying your screen resolution. this should be
in the subsection display, right before the "end subsection" line.
Virtual 800
. which is unconscionable, imho.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info
it all out. nothing even
remotely close to this is possible with kde splattered all over /usr
or /usr/local.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mail
compile fails though "make install" was done
on the first one, a broken desktop is the result. which is to say
that putting desktops in /usr was done for the convenience of red hat
software, and for no other reason.
dep -- outside the box, barely within
d as opposed to a serious issue, it's
not likely to be resolved.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
e, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
begin Ken Moffat's quote:
| jeez! Windows based security model.
or, to put in another way:
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paper
begin Ken Moffat's quote:
| Any opinions on Lindows?
it reportedly has the user run constantly as root.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users ma
ng filenames on Unix?
burn a kernel with support for the joliet extentions or load the
module for it -- the name of which i do not know.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
begin Collins's quote:
| It must be a rough day for those with respiratory problems.
especially if they don't have gentoo.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated papercli
it takes a little while to figure out, but when you do, it's
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip any
begin Net Llama!'s quote:
| On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, dep wrote:
| > begin Shawn L Johnston's quote:
| > | New article on The Register
| > |
| > |
| >
| > "SuSE powered by OpenLinux"?
| That has to be a typo
begin Shawn L Johnston's quote:
| New article on The Register
"SuSE powered by OpenLinux"?
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated pap
for those to whom wild animals are interesting, this, which has
nothing to do with computers:
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip
any other. this is a *good* thing -- a maoist fealty to purity of
thought along a specific set of ideological rules invariably leads to
the fate that maoism has suffered.
| I do not think it has anything to do with liberty of choice but
| with principals and having a clear agenda.
and, insofar as l
ables in some goofball nutty
nonstandard file out in the back 40 someplace. things you put in
.profile are of no consideration there. which makes me want to visit
a weedeater on their manly parts. such as they are.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
begin JOSEPH EDWARD.'s quote:
no, no, no. you picked the wrong address. you're looking for
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
ry back in a little bit. sorry.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
he sounds just a tad cranky about it all.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux-sx
begin Kurt Wall's quote:
| Still optimistic, dep? I, for one, am glad *that's* over. Nothing
| like having my hope clubbed to death like a baby seal to start my
| day off right. I should have known better. Once again, Caldera has
| snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Fscki
begin Condon Thomas A KPWA's quote:
| So, like, what you are saying is that the linux-users should turn
| out UserLinux?
yup. except that it will be called "skippy standard linux" and ought
to be slavish in its adherence to the lsb and fhs.
inux in
the first place, right?
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
| distros in the manner in which they see fit. So, Skippy Linux could
| be "Powered by UnitedLinux" and contain all the desktop goodies
| that he'd want for his distro. Regards,
no, in fact they went out of their way to say that a desktop distro
*may not* carry the unitedlinux
turns out, it's another way to get rich off of linux without having
any actual users. the desktop crowd was told to go pound sand, in
about that many words.
full story is top item on lnm.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no ani
well, i suspect that there are going to be some pink slips, whose
recipients will consider it less of a non-event. also, there's no
mention of gnome -- they're gonna standardize on kde-3.0.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no ani
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
begin Collins's quote:
| I'm presuming that dep knows exactly what he is doing; he certainly
| has in the past. I just find the (somewhat varying each time)
| banners at the top of the "you may already be a winner" type to be
| abominably poor taste.
as do i; however, i f
his presupposes that they announce the right stuff and
further presupposes that they pull it off, but i awakened this
morning more optimistic about the future of distributional linux than
i have been in a couple of years.
the opening exists for them now to do it right. fingers crossed,
mentary on this
| addressing the fact that the documents mailed out could well be
| private, proprietary data, or anything else that one wouldn't
| want broadcast all over the Internet.
you mean a commentary like this one?
begin Kevin O'Gorman's quote:
| > From: donnagrove23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Subject: Cellspacing
| >
| > Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
| > name=Reso Certification Form.doc
| > Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
thanks to many persons who must for obvious reasons must remain
nameless, we have a little more:
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip
begin Tony Alfrey's quote:
| SuBoDeraTiva
| (sorry!)
turdera is available, though.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://
begin Tony Alfrey's quote:
| SuBoDeraTiva
| (sorry!)
nah. already trademarked.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://
joint announcement thursday from suse, turbo, caldera, and conectiva:
*everybody* is being *really* tight-lipped. guesses?
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no
d for two software patents we wait until we know
what they're up to before attacking them. there's a certain segment
of the linux community that seems to love nothing more than a good
lynching, to its and linux's detriment.
dep -- outside
he sqlserver
installation has actually hiven the admin account an actual password,
sqlsnake, a/k/a spida, can't do anything. i wrote a little about it
last week:
dep -- outside t
fter i set it up. it's at:
let it be noted that charter is pretty clueless about a lot of things
-- they were nimda heaven -- so you're pretty much on your own. also,
they have never heard of linux.
but once it's set up, it
purport to allow kde-1.x, kde-2.x, and kde-3.x stuff to run at once.
these are imho highly questionable. also, i doubt that they work
reliably. my brute-force method works every time.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no an
have *never* had it
blow up on me. i do compile it myself, and i do pay attention to my
hardware, and i suppose both of these might enter into it. but of the
various complaints against it -- and there certainly are some --
instability has never been one around here.
begin Kurt Wall's quote:
| Scribbling feverishly on May 23, dep managed to emit:
| >,10801,71
| >411,00.html?nlid=AM
| Bummer. 2,500 seats is a lot of lost revenue...
try 9,700 seats:,10801,71411,00.html?nlid=AM
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http://linux
chips and won't run on
earlier ones; the lowest common denominator is i386. and suse rpms
might or might not work, depending on where suse puts stuff compared
to where ed 2.4 did. among the leading differences is /etc/.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
sh to put it on every machine here.
also, 2.4 had both lilo and grub, though the latter was the default, i
believe. i remember distinctly not liking the change, but being
satisfied that lilo was also provided. and i believe that the version
they provided actually worked.
ra didn't ship glibc at all, sticking to libc5,
until col 2.2.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
ause there are people who don't know about it. i
only wish there were a console version of it.)
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list
thing like
| that?
all on freshmeat, i think.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
begin Harry G's quote:
| Bill Gates is a die hard Democrat.
and his father bought full-page anti-bush ads in major newspapers. and
it was algore who met privately with msft execs and employees during
the 2000 campaign -- press not allowed.
dep -- outsid
plain-text editing, including
configuration files. which if edited properly will prevent such
things as the same message being sent four times.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
though i was surprised that you did not provide an sxs on his
acquisition . . .
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http:
tting stuff being added?
it would help if you could give a little bit better description of
what you're talking about here.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
i really do think that distributions are too much interested in the
next quarter, and not interested enough in what brung 'em to the
dance in the first place.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no anim
s not to use red hat), mandrake doesn't. debian is
findamentally at about the same place 2.4 was, though they'll be
sending along a new distribution soon -- is is leap year yet? --
which pretty much leaves slackware. there is no linux qua linux, in
the sense that 2.4 was. i think ther
begin Tony Alfrey's quote:
| On Sunday 12 May 2002 08:01 pm,dep wrote:
| > a modern distribution based on 2.4, with
| > everything simply updated to newer stuff.
| Isn't that what 3.1 was supposed to be?
yes. i believe the crucial word here is "supposed."
well, suse; debian is
debian and slack is slack; mandrake tends to be rh only broken. and
so on. and fact is, the distro i want to be running is caldera 2.4
upgraded to the current century.
suppose a recipe for this could be cooked up?
dep -- outside the box, ba
begin [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s quote:
| *** Thanks Gerry & Dep for the crash course! I got the context
| wrong by not understanding what the share value drop really ment.
actuallythe drop in share value isn't *directly* tied to what the
company is doing. it's based instead on w
t, they'll turn a profit.
all the rest is simply speculation as to how they might
better/sooner/more to our liking bring or have brought this about.
which to me would mean an up-to-date equivalent of caldera openlinux
2.4, which i think was probably the best linux distribution ever.
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list -
r us, we're trying to stop the bleeding,
| so please buy from us".
| I wonder if Caldera will exist a year from now.
fyi, i've got a piece on it up now:
layoffs were today. also, the revenues r
dep -- outside the box, barely within the
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
Linux-users mailing list - http
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