begin  Roger Oberholtzer's  quote:

| I only encounter them when doing an upgrade. All this really dumb
| confusion of /opt/kde vs. /opt/kde2, and $HOME/.kde vs. $HOME/.kde2
| and $KDEDIR vs. $KDEDIRS and Desktop vs. Desktop2. This is a big
| part of what keeps screwing up the config files...
| In a kde2-only system, why are both needed? Is Caldera the only one
| that has both sets of things?

no, suse does some stuff with them which defies rational explanation. 
i suspect that part of the reason i've had great success with kde is 
that i do not try to do things with multiple versions on the same 
machine at the same time. that way lies madness.

instead, i have three symlinks: /opt/kde, which points to whatever kde 
i'm using; /usr/lib/qt, which points to the qt appropriate to the kde 
in use; and ~/.kde, which points to my kde configuration files. when 
trying new versions, i change these symlinks to point to the new 
stuff, with ~/.kde being a copy of my old configuration files. if 
some application fails to work because of the guys didn't keep config 
file backward compatibility, i nuke it and let it build a new one 
which i then modify as needed. this way i can test new versions while 
keeping the old version pristine such that i can return to it; when 
the new version is stable, i switch entirely to it. (truth is, i've 
never had to go back much and certainly never for long.)

there are those who would rather employ the elaborate recipes that 
purport to allow kde-1.x, kde-2.x, and kde-3.x stuff to run at once. 
these are imho highly questionable. also, i doubt that they work 
reliably. my brute-force method works every time.

dep -- outside the box, barely within the 
envelope, and no animated paperclip anywhere.
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