[IFWP] BOUNCE list@ifwp.org: Non-member submission from [philippe landau ]

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
>Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: BOUNCE [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Non-member submission from [philippe landau ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>] >Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:50:02 -0400 (EDT) > >>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] T

[IFWP] ANNOUNCE: ICANN-Santiago Remote Participation

1999-08-05 Thread Ben Edelman
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society will webcast and facilitate remote participation for the upcoming meetings of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN, ), which will take place in Santiago, Chile on August 24-26, 1999. Options for online par

[IFWP] John Horvath

1999-08-05 Thread Bill Lovell
Very topically considering the latest discussion on censorship, John Horvath now goes on to speak of a 'cone of silence' and, happily, then proceeds to break the cone. http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/2837/1.html Cone of Silence

Re: [IFWP] RE: Coincidence?

1999-08-05 Thread Gordon Cook
yeah, I do remember when you called memust have been at least 2 years ago you sounded dreadfully reasonable It took other people at least 4 to 6 weeks to convince me that you were part crazy alternic/edns crowd and therefore not taken seriously This stuff is far to much off a

Re: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
At 11:23 AM 8/5/99 -0400, you wrote: > > >FYI: > > >A Peek into the Plumber's Pipe >John Horvath 02.08.99 > >What's Wrong with Esther Dyson > >As chairperson of the ignominious Internet Corporation for Assigned Names >and Numbers ( ICANN ), Esther Dyson is perhaps the most prominent >individual

RE: [IFWP] Internet stability

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
At 05:15 PM 8/5/99 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Craig, > >You wrote: >> Okay, we seem to think there is absolutely nothing public about the >> Internet, and that this allows us to finally break free of >> the burden of >> government. > >It happens all the time. >When new ideas get started, th

RE: [IFWP] Internet stability - ICANN Creditability

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
>Of course we all can complain and try to make it better, but if we try to >eliminate it instead, let's be aware of the risk involved. > >Regards >Roberto Whwat risk? This program posts news to thousands of machines throughout the entire civilized world. Your message will cost the net hundr

Re: [IFWP] RE: Coincidence?

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
>Thank you - and none taken that way Jay, I assure you. I see your point, >but don't necessarily agree. OK, editors etc are the conduits through which >the ICANN story must flow, and cortrect me if I'm wrong, you're saying >they're not letting the story get out because they're part of a conspiracy

[IFWP] Re: Internet Stability

1999-08-05 Thread Kerry Miller
> > Judging by this and similar responses in this thread I'd say Rhonda has > > hit a nerve. > > No, not at all. The response is that Ronda (no "h") has placed > herself in a position to not be taken seriously by many in this > process. Her extremist views and insistent that anyone with any

Re: [IFWP] Internet stability

1999-08-05 Thread Greg Skinner
"Craig McTaggart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > (2) AOL and @Home are showing that in the consumer market, brands > count, and the Internet on training wheels is actually something > that is desired among the general public. [...] > My concern is that with near-complete control over local access,

RE: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread R . Gaetano
Hi, Jay. Thanks for answering (comment below): > > At 11:36 AM 8/5/99 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >Jay, > > > >You wrote: > >> > >> See the rest of the story at: > >> > >> > >http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/5139/1.html > > > > > >Would you qualify the article as "objective" or "bias

Re: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread Bill Lovell
At 11:23 AM 8/5/99 -0400, you wrote: > Now there's a breath of fresh air. And from Germany, yet, not that highly touted bastion of free expression, the United States. Assuming that this is not the slickest spoof yet from Dr. Brian Hollingsworth et al., this article goes further in explaining the

RE: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread Jay Fenello
At 11:36 AM 8/5/99 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Jay, > >You wrote: >> >> See the rest of the story at: >> >> >http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/5139/1.html > > >Would you qualify the article as "objective" or "biased"? Hi Roberto, I believe I have already answered this question for yo

Re: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread Jeff Williams
Roberto and all, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Jay, > > You wrote: > > > > See the rest of the story at: > > > > > http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/5139/1.html > > Would you qualify the article as "objective" or "biased"? I would say neither. Rather I would say that is is just plain acc

[IFWP] Esther Dyson writes:

1999-08-05 Thread Jay Fenello
In response to: >http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/5139/1.html > >Not only is Esther Dyson the Interim Chairman of ICANN, she is also >currently the chairman of EDventure Holdings, a small but diversified >company focused on emerging information technology worldwide. She is a >member of

Re: [IFWP] Internet stability - ICANN Creditability

1999-08-05 Thread Jeff Williams
Roberto and all, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Ronda Hauben wrote: > > > > So the only way to argue for ICANN to exist is to threaten > > that something > > worse will happen if it doesn't. > > > > That makes clear that ICANN is illegitimate. > > > > And those who argue that you can't complain abou

RE: [IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread R . Gaetano
Jay, You wrote: > > See the rest of the story at: > > http://www.heise.de/tp/english/inhalt/te/5139/1.html Would you qualify the article as "objective" or "biased"? Regards Roberto

RE: [IFWP] [Fwd: Generalisimo Sola (DNSO) rebuffed.. was: [ga] Santiago DNSO GA Chair]

1999-08-05 Thread R . Gaetano
Planet Communications Computing Facility wrote: > Generalisimo > brings back memories of that great personage Franco, a man of > power, a man > for women. There are very few men left in the world with > such claims, Thanks heaven. Roberto

Re: [IFWP] RE: Coincidence?

1999-08-05 Thread Nick Patience
At 11:07 AM 8/5/99 -0400, you wrote: >At 09:24 AM 8/5/99 , Nick Patience wrote: >>Thank you - and none taken that way Jay, I assure you. I see your point, >>but don't necessarily agree. OK, editors etc are the conduits through which >>the ICANN story must flow, and cortrect me if I'm wrong, you're

[IFWP] What's Wrong with Esther Dyson

1999-08-05 Thread Jay Fenello
FYI: A Peek into the Plumber's Pipe John Horvath 02.08.99 What's Wrong with Esther Dyson As chairperson of the ignominious Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ( ICANN ), Esther Dyson is perhaps the most prominent individual affecting the future of the Internet as we move in

RE: [IFWP] Internet stability

1999-08-05 Thread R . Gaetano
Craig, You wrote: > Okay, we seem to think there is absolutely nothing public about the > Internet, and that this allows us to finally break free of > the burden of > government. It happens all the time. When new ideas get started, they are largely financed with public resources (=governments w

RE: [IFWP] Internet stability - ICANN Creditability

1999-08-05 Thread R . Gaetano
Ronda Hauben wrote: > > So the only way to argue for ICANN to exist is to threaten > that something > worse will happen if it doesn't. > > That makes clear that ICANN is illegitimate. > > And those who argue that you can't complain about ICANN or you will > only get something worse, show that

Re: [IFWP] RE: Coincidence?

1999-08-05 Thread Jay Fenello
At 09:24 AM 8/5/99 , Nick Patience wrote: >Thank you - and none taken that way Jay, I assure you. I see your point, >but don't necessarily agree. OK, editors etc are the conduits through which >the ICANN story must flow, and cortrect me if I'm wrong, you're saying >they're not letting the story ge

Re: [IFWP] Internet stability

1999-08-05 Thread Craig McTaggart
Karl Auerbach wrote: > There is a need for coordination of things like TCP port numbers and other > things that go on at the transport level and below. The IETF, W3C, and > IANA have done a fine job of that. All they need is a bit of money to pay > for a couple of people at IANA to keep track o

[IFWP] Santiago Agenda

1999-08-05 Thread Kerry Miller
http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/icann/santiago/ "Agenda Summary. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will hold its third public meeting series on August 24 through 26 in Santiago, Chile. The meeting series will include meetings of the DNSO Constituency Groups and the

Re: [IFWP] RE: Coincidence?

1999-08-05 Thread Nick Patience
At 06:16 PM 8/4/99 -0400, you wrote: >At 06:04 PM 8/4/99 , Nick Patience wrote: No!! Shocker! The press - even the tech trade press didn't understand about vulnerabilities in their bind! Come on, most of the trade press move around beats with reasonable regularity and cannot be expect

RE: [IFWP] Internet stability - ICANN Creditability

1999-08-05 Thread Ronda Hauben
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Hello. >Jeff Mason wrote: > >> The comments made by Dr. Tooney concern me, he sounds a bit >> like a mafiosi >> less the dentures. It's critical that government refrain >> from threatening >> comments. > >The comments made by Dr. Twomey concern me as well, but in

Re: [IFWP] [Fwd: Generalisimo Sola (DNSO) rebuffed.. was: [ga] Santiago DNSO GA Chair]

1999-08-05 Thread Planet Communications Computing Facility
On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Brian C. Hollingsworth wrote: > Jeff and Everyone, > > Mr. Sola's demeanor and attitude has not gone unnoticed by many in the > EU and EC of late. Some private discussions that I have had have > expressed much dismay in his attitude and deliberance of dictating > "Edicts"

[IFWP] Re: Call for comments on DNSO Names Council amendments (Deadline: August 10)

1999-08-05 Thread Richard J. Sexton
At 05:45 PM 8/4/99 -0400, Andrew McLaughlin wrote: >Attachment Converted: C:\INCOMING\MAIL\DNS\winmail.dat *Sigh* This program posts news to thousands of machines throughout the entire civilized world. Your message will cost the net hundreds if not thousands of dollars to send everywhere. P

[IFWP] ICANN at large board elections and the IDNO

1999-08-05 Thread Joop Teernstra
>From:Ken Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: Re: [IFWP] European Commission to investigate NSI >i wonder how many people believe that your little pet ICIIU or IDNO with its >ALMOST 150 members WORLDWIDE speak for the internet users of the world > >ken stubbs Hello Ken, You credit us with

[IFWP] Re: Selecting the IETF candidates for ICANN PSO positions

1999-08-05 Thread Jeff Williams
Erik and all, I would propose the following for determination of candidates for the PSO council so as to properly comply with the precepts and requirements of the White Paper and the ICANN/NTIA MoU: 1.) Any and all whom are interested parties may openly announce their interest as a candid