Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-05 Thread Herbert Voss
Angus Leeming wrote: I forgot to say. When using XFig and exporting to a (.pstex_t, Angus, this maybe intersting for you. Herbert --

Re: Lyx template for a research paper

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
ample. Change the bibfile to your one. Herbert -- #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see

Re: hfill inside math mode

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote: I am looking for a command similar to \hfill to use inside math mode. In truth, I am wanting to have a single line with several equations equally separated. I have already had a look at Herbert's "Math mode", but no luck. ?? page 52,53,54,55,... or put it into a t

Re: changing the margin in text with \geometry

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
and \topmargin are totally different ist there a way to use \geoemtry- commands in the text and not only in the preamble? attached an example Herbert --

Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
your Preamble: %% Preempt the definition of \SetFigFont in the %% xfig-generated pstex_t files by setting it to "do nothing". \gdef\SetFigFont#1#2#3#4#5{} yes, this is all really user friendly ... ;-) Herbert --

Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
Herbert Voss wrote: Paul Smith wrote: I would like to be able to produce the graph of certain functions (say, f(x)=ln(x)) and manipulate it with xfig to get a vectorial picture to insert, afterwards, in a LyX document. I could use Maple to produce those graphs, but Maple pictures are bitmaps

Re: Vectorial pictures of graphs of functions

2004-11-03 Thread Herbert Voss
pictures. Any ideas? use PSTricks, it is much more better than all the other stuff, because you have _always_ the same fonts as in your document and everything is a vector graphic. For PDF-Output look at Herbert --

Re: change bib/ref name in report

2004-10-20 Thread Herbert Voss
de/bibtex/bibtex.phtml#bibname Herbert --

Re: longtables and rotating

2004-10-20 Thread Herbert Voss
.de/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hvfloat/ Herbert --

Re: Part* in TOC?

2004-10-19 Thread Herbert Voss
t; in the PDF document instead of "Part I: Something". then you do not use the default article class or you did some redefining of the part macro in your preamble. For the default article class you'll get Part I give a short example file, which shows the behaviour. Herbert -- http:

Re: Typing Classical Greek Text in LyX

2004-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss
vintage to Fedora Core 1. I have it run in my office and nearly everything is a bit or more out of date ... So I installed TeX-Live and deleted the old teTeX installtion. Herbert --

Re: Typing Classical Greek Text in LyX

2004-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss
Angus Leeming wrote: Herbert Voss wrote: Jon Riding wrote: I'm new to LyX and trying to discover whether LyX can handle an English document which includes words and phrases in Greek. attached an example for using some greek in an english text. Here, at least, the output continues in greek

Re: Changing text height and width?

2004-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss
.tex and in pramble.tex you can have a line like \PassOptionsToPackage{textwidth=7.5in}{geometry} or, when you do not have ny custom setting in Format->Document->border->custom then use \usepackage[textwidth=7.5in]{geometry} Herbert --

Re: Typing Classical Greek Text in LyX

2004-10-16 Thread Herbert Voss
Jon Riding wrote: I'm new to LyX and trying to discover whether LyX can handle an English document which includes words and phrases in Greek. attached an example for using some greek in an english text. Herbert --

Re: Maybe, it is a bug related with the spell-checker

2004-10-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote: Thanks, Herbert. There is a (probably) easier way of dealing with this bug: set (inside LyX) the language of the document, from which one copies, with the language of one's document; then, one can paste with a language compatible with one's document. the problem is, th

Re: Maybe, it is a bug related with the spell-checker

2004-10-15 Thread Herbert Voss
s when the user changes language of marked regions which includes spaces before and after. Herbert --

Re: Changing Font

2004-10-15 Thread Herbert Voss
ult font to garamont \renewcommand\rmfamily{...} You also have to load a math font which looks okay in combination with garamond. Herbert --

Re: bibtex and lyx problems

2004-10-14 Thread Herbert Voss
the problem. Herbert --

Re: Looking for tex2lyx

2004-10-13 Thread Herbert Voss
yrinthic to me... so, I could wait one month for the stable 1.4 version.) if you want to play around with the cvs version, get it from It is daily updated. Herbert -- http://www.dant

Re: protected words

2004-10-13 Thread Herbert Voss
hyphenation{AAA-BBB} in the preamble. But then it breaks again, doesn't it? yes, it is the default Definition where LaTeX should hyphenate. Herbert -- http://w

Re: protected words

2004-10-13 Thread Herbert Voss
RENARD Francois 144138 wrote: Does somebody know how to protect words from being cut (for line break) ? For example, I don't want "AAA-BBB" to be cut, as LYX does : .AAA- BBB \mbox{AAA-BBB} better \mbox{AAA--BBB} nicer hyphen Herbert -- ftp

Re: how to use a new class

2004-10-12 Thread Herbert Voss
output there shoul be a line like +checking for document class seminar [seminar]... yes but for svmono. Herbert --

Re: Longtable and Captions

2004-10-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Herbert Voss wrote: this is possible but extremely tricks in LyX :-( See example sorry, sent the wrong one ... noe hopefully the right one :-) Herbert -- http

Re: Longtable and Captions

2004-10-12 Thread Herbert Voss
. When I define a float Environnement for tables and create inside it a longtable, the longtable will not be considered as a longtable. Is there in LyX any way to get a longtable with a caption ? this is possible but extremely tricks in LyX :-( See example Herbert -- http://PSTricks

Re: underlining

2004-10-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Uwe Stöhr wrote: Better you use the package "soul": add the line \usepackage{soul} to the preamble and then use the command \ul in ERT. with \let\underbar\ul in the pramble you can use the LyX way and get it in the soul one ... Herbert -- ftp://ft

Re: Microsoft Word to Lyx

2004-10-12 Thread Herbert Voss
Kelvin Ngo wrote: Hi there, Is it possible to conver documents from Microsoft Word to Lyx? use wvware (available at sourcefourge), it has wvCleanLatex and wvLatex commands. Then import this with tex2lyx Herbert --

Re: unary minus

2004-10-11 Thread Herbert Voss
e, though I was wondering whether someone figured this out for me already. this is the default behaviour ... If you want to change this to a text minus with the same behaviour ( but it looks ugly! ), write into preamble: \DeclareMathSymbol{-}{\mathbin}{operators}{"2D} Herbert -- ht

Re: inserting c/c++ program code into latex/lyx documents

2004-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss
document. i tried using the "insert code" option from within lyx but it does not format my code properly. any help is greatly appreciated, thanx a lot, parminder gupta but needs the ERT mode ... :-( Herbe

Re: Newbie Questions

2004-10-08 Thread Herbert Voss
better Herbert --

Re: Change equation, the fonts

2004-10-05 Thread Herbert Voss
Pep Roca wrote: Thanks a lot, Herbert. It works!!! For the future users, I explain (in my poor English) what I did: I a Linux Debian Sarge I do: 1) Download "sansmath.sty" from 2) As root, copy "sansmath.sty" to

Re: Change equation, the fonts

2004-10-04 Thread Herbert Voss
Pep Roca wrote: You need to get sansmath.sty from your local CTAN node and load it w/ the ERT ``\usepackage{sansmath}'' and then add commands like \mathversion{sans} and \mathversion{normal} where necessary in your document. write only \usepackage{sansmath} \sansmath into the preamb

Re: LyX Ellipsis

2004-10-03 Thread Herbert Voss
\renewcommand\ldots{\ldotsOld\unkern} Herbert --

Re: Change styles

2004-09-30 Thread Herbert Voss
. Herbert --

Re: Enumerate in columns

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
Paul Smith wrote: On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 19:17:14 +0200, Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: and attached s more or less LyX solution Thanks, Herbert. It was needed to replace your command \renewcommand\enumi{(\theenumi)} with \renewcommand{\theenumi}{(\alph{enumi})} \renewcommand{\labe

Re: Enumerate in columns

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
Herbert Voss wrote: the esiest way is to use ERT ... and attached s more or less LyX solution Herbert --

Re: Help with figure preview

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
se convert for eps images Herbert --

Re: Help with figure preview

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
rs what they are :) Also, I suspect that this -depth 8 means that jpeg pictures exported to latex will give really poor colors... when having jpeg pictures pdflatex or vlatex is the right way ... Herbert --

Re: Enumerate in columns

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
{enumerate} \usepackage{multicol} and in the text \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \item first one \item second one \item third one \item forth one \item fifth one \end{enumerate}% \vspace*{\fill} \end{multicols} Herbert -- ftp

Re: Help with figure preview

2004-09-28 Thread Herbert Voss
erter. And in first case for the preview and not the (pdf)latex output. Herbert --

Re: Help with figure preview

2004-09-27 Thread Herbert Voss
-- ImageMagick 6.0.7 ChangeLog 2004-09-13 Chris Madison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Some Postscript files were not translated properly when read. -- The program "epstopdf" works often much faster than "convert". huh? How should t

Re: Shouln't divide words

2004-09-24 Thread Herbert Voss
Lars Olesen wrote: I don't want it to automatically divide words when printing out. I'm using the book-template. Can I skip this part? in ERT \raggedright Herbert --

Re: German "Umlaute" ihn matrices

2004-09-23 Thread Herbert Voss
ic \[ f(\mathrm{\textit{"u}}) \] you can copy this code and paste it into LyX, mark it and hit ctrl-m Herbert --

Re: PDF export, fonts & printing

2004-09-21 Thread Herbert Voss
Herbert Voss wrote: > I would object to documents defining Font pslatex to be typeset with lmodern > automatically. see above, when a user wants times you can say take lm fonts. should be "cannot say" ... > However, I would like lmodern to appear in the drop down list and

Re: PDF export, fonts & printing

2004-09-21 Thread Herbert Voss
G. Milde schrieb: > On 20.09.04, Herbert Voss wrote: > >> G. Milde wrote: >> >>> On 17.09.04, Helge Hafting wrote: > > > >>>> ... would it be ok to simply replace pslatex with the better alternative, >>>> or would we get angry protests

Re: PDF export, fonts & printing

2004-09-20 Thread Herbert Voss
G. Milde wrote: On 17.09.04, Helge Hafting wrote: Herbert Voss wrote: ... pslatex is a bad choice, it is really out of date ... I know there is a better replacement, it isn't offered in the menu though. I wonder - would it be ok to simply replace pslatex with the better alternative, or wou

Re: separation of word issue

2004-09-17 Thread Herbert Voss
- and not with the \hyphenation macro. Herbert --

Re: separation of word issue

2004-09-17 Thread Herbert Voss
#x27;m getting Re-kombinationsstrategie Rekom-binationsstrategie ... Rekombinationsstra-tegie ... But I'm also getting Rekombinationss-trategie which is completely wrong. Rekombinations-strategie would be correct. this is a problem with ngerman, if you choose as language german instead o

Re: Changing appearance of TOC

2004-09-17 Thread Herbert Voss
aptions e.g.: \addto\captionsgerman{% \renewcommand{\figurename}% {your figure-refname}% } Herbert --

Re: Space between letters

2004-09-17 Thread Herbert Voss
Hannan Sadar wrote: I would like to know how could i increase the space between letters just in one word to emphasize it. have a look at package soul.sty. Maybe that it is part of your local TeX installtion, otherwise: Herbert

Re: PDF export, fonts & printing

2004-09-17 Thread Herbert Voss
pslatex. Or try out the other ones for different looks. pslatex is a bad choice, it is really out of date ... Herbert

Re: zed.sty

2004-09-16 Thread Herbert Voss
a directory, and the you should be able to open the LyX file and see the results. I've attached a LyX file which uses this to create a short schema. Note the \usepackage{zed-csp} in the preamble. you should write this short zed code in real LaTeX, save it to a file and then use the import facility of LyX. Herbert

Re: special for important notes or warnings

2004-09-16 Thread Herbert Voss
an example which uses the original icons from the TeXbook. The bomb icon works only with PostScript output or ps2pdf, if you nbeed pdf Herbert #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 221 \textclass scrartcl \begin_preamble \usepackage{pstricks} \usepacka

Re: Equation type change

2004-09-10 Thread Herbert Voss
ns from flalign to align. To equation is not possible, because flalign can have an ampersand for hirontal alignment, but equation not. by the way: you should always use amsmath! Herbert

Re: Bibtex-puzzle

2004-09-10 Thread Herbert Voss
ull path of the bibfile. Herbert

Re: multi-line table

2004-09-10 Thread Herbert Voss
Eric Delevaux wrote: Hello list Is there a way to obtain a multi line column in a table ? Ex : - ! ! cat a ! ! !---! ! Res ! cat b ! ! !---! ! ! cat c ! - package multirow, which is not supported by LyX -> ERT see example Herb

Re: How to print white letters in a black box?

2004-09-09 Thread Herbert Voss
the bottom of the box till the right margin of the page. see example, view it with ctrl-T (PostScript Herbert #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 221 \textclass article \begin_preamble \usepackage{pstricks} \newsavebox\cBox \def\writeBox#1{% \sbox\cBox

Re: and -> und in citations and references

2004-09-08 Thread Herbert Voss
ologie des Mondes ... in the References of a book (koma-script) -style I would like to replace in both cases `and' by `und'. when using ngerman as language and package babel you should get the and in the citation by default, when using dinat as bibstyle. Herbert

Re: Every second Page should be empty

2004-09-08 Thread Herbert Voss
}{% \oldbreak% \oldbreak% } without success. What's wrong? at least it should be \let\oldbreak=\pagebreak% \renewcommand{\pagebreak}{% \oldbreak% \null\oldbreak% } but how do you want to use the macro \pagebreak? Herbert

Re: Footnote in table or float

2004-09-07 Thread Herbert Voss
float is placed and may be on another page ... Herbert

Re: Restrict Table to the Pagewidth

2004-09-07 Thread Herbert Voss
Johann Haarhoff wrote: how can i automaticly limit a table to be max. as wide as the Page. If the content in the colums need's more space, it should be a "multi line" colum(s). I see Herbert says that this is not possible with the standard LyX tabular menu, but I have found a

Re: Restrict Table to the Pagewidth

2004-09-06 Thread Herbert Voss
Roland Schmitz wrote: how can i automaticly limit a table to be max. as wide as the Page. If the content in the colums need's more space, it should be a "multi line" colum(s). not possible with the LyX tabular menu. Use ERT Herbert

Re: Fontsize and savebox

2004-09-06 Thread Herbert Voss
etitle% } Now you can write in ERT {\bfseries\huge\saveTitle} Herbert

Re: Difference between "pdf" "dvipdfm" and "pdflatex" ?

2004-08-23 Thread Herbert Voss
r document ... Herbert

Re: overpic package and pdflatex problem

2004-08-21 Thread Herbert Voss
e the .pdf image size within the [TEX] command so as to trim it back to size? - should be no problem when you use epstopdf. But you can use the optional argument of \includegraphics[trim=llx lly urx ury]{filename} Herbert

Re: Difference between "pdf" "dvipdfm" and "pdflatex" ?

2004-08-21 Thread Herbert Voss
e are only a few packages, e.g. hyperref and pstricks.con, which are patched for use with VTeX. I have a link from VTeX to my TeX-Live installation. Herbert -- http://w

Re: Difference between "pdf" "dvipdfm" and "pdflatex" ?

2004-08-20 Thread Herbert Voss
art of all actual LaTeX-distributions (de-facto the standard).) a good alternative is VTeX/Linux, which is free and can handle _any_ graphics format and _any_ PostScript related code. Herbert

Re: lyx and gnuplot

2004-08-15 Thread Herbert Voss
plot "on the fly" whatever you want. Herbert

Re: Changing text height and width?

2004-08-15 Thread Herbert Voss
Uwe Stöhr wrote: e.g. insert to the preamble th line \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5in} never use this way of setting layout parameters. Do _everything_ with the geometry package or better via the LyX menues. Herbert

Re: List env with math error

2004-08-14 Thread Herbert Voss
item. Herbert

Re: Problem with figure spanning two columns

2004-08-11 Thread Herbert Voss
them... any ideas on how I can get rid of these extra lines? If I uncheck the span columns option, the spacing between the paragraphs is fine. The figure doesn't fit in one column width so I need to use the span columns option... you can try the option \raggedbottom in the preamble Herbert

Re: woe with indexing

2004-08-11 Thread Herbert Voss
ms. I corrected the exported tex file, because the error handling with the error boxes inside LyX is a mess. Give me your private email and I'll send you the tex file. Herbert

Re: nomencl.sty

2004-08-10 Thread Herbert Voss
Jan Smid wrote: Had that before, yesterday. But the ps preview under lyx works fine, so I really do not know what to do... have a look at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg18702.html Herbert

Re: using \figcaption as ERT

2004-08-10 Thread Herbert Voss
Angus Leeming wrote: Herbert Voss wrote: where ... delimits the contents of the ERT inset. This might look more work than your text, but does mean that you can use the full power of lyx to define 'short description' and 'long blabla' without needing to use any more ERT. uuh

Re: using \figcaption as ERT

2004-08-09 Thread Herbert Voss
x27;long blabla' without needing to use any more ERT. uuh, where is the "full power" when writing a _caption_ ;-) A full power way is when LyX supports the package nonfloat or capt-of, which is very easy to do ... Herbert

Re: using \figcaption as ERT

2004-08-09 Thread Herbert Voss
Jan Smid wrote: after Herbert gave me the hint using the nonfloat package (thanks again), I got another problem. I replaced the text describing the figures with [ERT] \begingroup\par singlespacing \figcaption [short description] {long blabla} \endgroup When I do a div preview (or postscript

Re: Splitting figures describing text

2004-08-06 Thread Herbert Voss
page. In this case insert the figure as usual (not as float), write the text and then use ERT (ctrl-l) to write the caption, if needed: \figcaption{ blah blah blah } in the pramble write \usepackage{nonfloat} Herbert

Re: \textregistred not properly displayed

2004-08-06 Thread Herbert Voss
) differences among the other choices, too. \textregistered is the more or less official _text_ character. \circledR can also be used in text and math mode and is a symbol from package amssymb. There is a tiny difference \scalebox{20}{\circledR\textregistered} Herbert

Re: \textregistred not properly displayed

2004-08-06 Thread Herbert Voss
keystrokes ... :-) Herbert

Re: Hello and 3 questions

2004-08-06 Thread Herbert Voss
the number with an 'A-'?) write into the preamble \renewcommand\appendix{\par \setcounter{chapter}{0}% \setcounter{section}{0}% [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]@chapter}% \gdef\thesection{\thechapter-\arabic{section}}% } Herbert

Re: \textregistred not properly displayed

2004-08-05 Thread Herbert Voss
with "text", it is a textsymbol. So don't use it in formulas (delete the surrounding $). (Btw. you don't need braces around commands.) the above works only in this way, with $$ and with {} Herbert

Re: \textregistred not properly displayed

2004-08-05 Thread Herbert Voss
fine. use \textsuperscript{\textregistered} markit with the cursor and then ctrl-l for ERT. Herbert

Re: citation numbering control

2004-07-27 Thread Herbert Voss
{enumiv}{5} \bibliographystyle{plain}% or any other style \bibliography{bibfile} % without extension .bib \egroup Herbert

Re: Print and Preview Problem Understood

2004-07-27 Thread Herbert Voss
be corrupted. Try it with the attached one. put it in the same place as the old one. If it doesn't work, then your map files are wrong. Herbert cmr7.pfb Description: Binary data

Re: suppressing hyphenation

2004-07-23 Thread Herbert Voss
Ansgar Hoffmann wrote: Is there a way to suppress hyphenation for specific words? choose a language where no hyphenation rules are installed or pu the word in a \mbox{ ...} Herbert

Re: tfm woes

2004-07-22 Thread Herbert Voss
/dvips/config/updmap in the part extra_modules extra_modules=" " and then run once this script Herbert

Re: tfm woes

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
dules extra_modules=" " and then run once this script Herbert

Re: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
n: it works even without it... the main difference is that the minipage is an environment and the parbox not. This has some conclusions, e.g. using of \verb Herbert

Re: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
Angus Leeming wrote: Hmmm. Your file doesn't compile, Herbert. Let's fix that first. I find that changing "\newenvironment{LyXitemize}{%", above to "\newenvironment{LyXitemize*}{%" makes latex happy. Is that what you mean? oh sorry, cut'n paste ... :-( S

Re: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
he behaviour of footnotes is different and the vertival space for the first line also. I agree, that you can do much more in the minipage... what? Herbert

Re: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
additional vertical space ... Herbert

Re: Tables - general question

2004-07-21 Thread Herbert Voss
paragraph like -\normalbaselineskip. It is set to 0, which is wrong as value and wrong in a way that my input isn't used. LyX 1.3.4 qt So there is a need for ERT ... very bad! See example, works only with the above layout. Herbert #LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx

Re: Dotless j and mathpazo

2004-07-20 Thread Herbert Voss
Milos Komarcevic wrote: How can one get the dotless j with mathpazo (or any PSNFSS) fonts in math mode? >$\jmath$ doesn't cut it because I need an upright bold version ignore my mail, didn't read "upright" ... Herbert

Re: Dotless j and mathpazo

2004-07-20 Thread Herbert Voss
Milos Komarcevic wrote: How can one get the dotless j with mathpazo (or any PSNFSS) fonts in math mode? $\imath\jmath$ mark with the cursor and then ctrl-m Herbert

Re: inserting an empty page

2004-07-19 Thread Herbert Voss
rt a protected space (ctrl-space) or in TeX \null and then again a newpage/clearpage Herbert

Re: lmodern, aka "lost in font land"

2004-07-19 Thread Herbert Voss
well installed. Herbert

Re: Double listing in ToC

2004-07-19 Thread Herbert Voss
t twice, if the doc class takes care of sending the references section to the toc. If you have an addcontents command in your premable, you may comment it and check the result. I suppose, that the button "bib to ToC" in the bibliograpy dialog is enabled and should be disabled here. Herbert

Re: fancyhdr

2004-07-18 Thread Herbert Voss
etter on (dark)grey background? \colorbox, described in every simple documentation ... Herbert

Re: bibliography order

2004-07-18 Thread Herbert Voss
the 'apalike' style. This style sorts the references in alphabetical order. Is there any command that i can include to prevent the sorting. read the documentation of apalike, which option do you have to use in the preamble \usepackage[...]{apalike} and then choose _no_ bibliography style. Herbert

Re: Referencing subfigure madness

2004-07-16 Thread Herbert Voss
for tables above ... God only knows why ... Herbert

Re: Referencing subfigure madness

2004-07-16 Thread Herbert Voss
led \subfloat[\label{cap:minimize E2}Minimization of $E_{2}$]{ \rule{15em}{10em} } \rule{3em}{0ex} \subfigure[\label{cap:minimize E3}Minimization of $E_{3}$]{ s.a. \rule{15em}{10em} } \stepcounter{figure} the rest just like the above, see attached file. Herbert demo0.

<    3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   >