Re: restarting MySQL on OS X

2002-05-21 Thread jake williamson 28
alex, chuck a copy of phpMyAdmin onto the machine. edit the phpMyAdmin configuration file to your username and password and load it up on the loopback address. you should find a button saying 'reload mysql' on the page. phpMyAdmin rules!!! cheers, jake on 21/5/02 1:43 pm, Alex Pilson at

Re: mysql/php on Win2000

2002-03-26 Thread jake williamson 28
i've got IIS (so i can do ASP), apache, php, mysql and darwin streaming server all running on a w2k box that i use for web dev. i've set the services to start manually and depending on what i'm doing for the day i'll start them up individually. all works, it's fast and rarely give me hassle -

Re: MySQL, MyODBC and MS Access

2002-03-22 Thread jake williamson 28
hello mark, been doing this quite a bit recently but i cheat a bit... 1st step is to export the table from access as a text file - delimited by comma's. if you load up phpMyAdmin (available at, create your database and then mimic the table set up

Re: OSX and Virtual Hosting set-up?

2002-03-19 Thread jake williamson 28
hello mike, i've got a similar set-up on my g4 - only i'm not quite at the hosting point yet. the way i think i would go about it is create a database per domain and use phpmyadmin (saves using the command line!) to grant 'user' permissions to each domain name. this 'user' would be able to do

copy osx db to win2k

2002-03-18 Thread jake williamson 28
hello! i've been developing a MySQL database in mac osX - i would like to transfer it to work onto a win2k box running apache and mysql. what files from X do i need to copy over? is this a fairly simple process or am i heading for a world of pain?! cheers, jake p.s. if this is possible, does

Re: mysql on redhat instalation problem

2002-02-27 Thread jake williamson 28
hello edna and brian, your life savers! thank you for getting back to me. i've done the chown and chmod which went well! then i typed: mysql_install_db this then said 'installing all prepared tables' and a message saying: /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete after that the default kind of

mysql on redhat instalation problem

2002-02-26 Thread jake williamson 28
hello! i'm rapidly loosing the hair i have left i've managed to get our old clockwork pc running redhat 7.1 and php4. apache is a rockin and now i've just installed the mysql RPM... this is where everything's come to a grinding halt... everything's gone in and mysql seems to be up and

exel to mysql

2001-07-04 Thread jake williamson 28
hello, does anyone know how/are there any help programs to convert a excel spreadsheet into a mysql database? i can get the spreadsheet into access - would it be a case of i can then export that to mysql?? any ideas oh guru's???!! cheers, jake 28 23a great queen street

Re: Couldn't select database

2001-06-26 Thread jake williamson 28
hey bob, thanks for getting back to me - here's the full set up i have a pc running windows98, apache, php and mysql. it sits on our ethernet network and i connect to it via my mac using the ip address i have set up in the network control panel on the pc. i use the mac for building and the

couldnt select database

2001-06-25 Thread jake williamson 28
hi, new to the list so here goes! i have mysql version 3.23.38 installed on a win98 pc running apache with php 4 installed. i am working through the book and so have created a database called 'test'. i have also put a server, user and password into the mysql database. i have connected to this